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Belgrade Airport sees strong passenger and cargo growth |
Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport has recorded strong passenger growth during the second last month of the year, as it begins to increasingly focus on cargo traffic as a source of additional revenue. During November, the busiest airport in the former Yugoslavia welcomed 314.696 passengers, an increase of 25.4% compared to the same month last year. The number of flight operations also grew, from 3.629 last year to 4.325 this November, up 19.2%. However, it was cargo traffic that saw the biggest growth, with the airport handling 1.018.429 kilograms of goods, an increase of 37.7% and its best monthly result for the year.
Over the past eleven months, Nikola Tesla Airport has welcomed 4.311.684 passengers, improving its numbers by 31.6%. The airport is now on course to handle its planned 4.6 million travellers by the end of the year. The number of flight operations, which have so far this year totalled 54.111, have increased 25.1%, while the amount of handled cargo grew by 26%. Dejan Popović, head of the airport’s trade union, says Belgrade expects to profit from Croatia’s entry into the European Union. “With Croatia’s entry to the European Union, a considerable amount of cargo has been redirected towards Serbia and is producing significant revenue for the airport this year. Cargo growth is expected to double next year”.
Six airlines currently maintain scheduled cargo flights to Belgrade. They include, among others, ČSA Czech Airlines, which operates from Prague to the Serbian capital and continues onwards to Sofia, as well as Turkish Airlines which maintains flights from Madrid and continues onwards to Istanbul. As 2014 comes to a close, the acting CEO of Belgrade Airport, Saša Vlaisavljević, says 2015 will see substantial investments in infrastructure. During next year, the airport will finalise the replacement of all of its airbridges and expand and revamp its facilities. The investment will be worth twenty million euros. A privatisation advisor will be selected for the airport in 2015, while revenue is expected to increase by a third. During the first half of the year, the airport registered revenue of 30.4 million euros, while profits amounted to a record 10.7 million euros.
Month | PAX | Change (%) |
JAN | 270.784 | ▲ 28.9 |
FEB | 232.061 | ▲ 33.8 |
MAR | 282.447 | ▲ 28.2 |
APR | 368.171 | ▲ 46.2 |
MAY | 383.773 | ▲ 27.5 |
JUN | 451.324 | ▲ 28.8 |
JUL | 539.823 | ▲ 24.7 |
AUG | 576.461 | ▲ 30.7 |
SEP | 485.383 | ▲ 38.8 |
OCT | 406.757 | ▲ 38.2 |
NOV | 314.696 | ▲ 25.4 |
Hello. Actually, the Turkish Airlines Cargo arrives from Madrid and continues onward to Istanbul. :)
ReplyDeleteHello, so what?! It lands in Belgrade. You mean for no reason and non of importance?
DeleteYou are pathetic. It was a correction as in the text above it writes that it continues from Belgrade to Madrid when it's clearly the other way around. Chill out.
DeleteI always found it interesting how October was one of the stronger months but then I remembered that it's probably because of all the Serbs who are heading back home after spending their holidays in Serbia.
ReplyDeleteI am really curious to see December numbers since both Ljubljana and Zagreb got double daily flights!
Cant be. Most people travel from abroad in December for Christmas and New Year holidays. October is wayyy to early.
DeleteDiaspora generally has jobs and no one is going to let you take couple of moths off just to visit your homeland.
Its something else.
Sorry, I meant September, not October.
DeleteFor Zagreb it is easy. Two daily flights round trip, carrying a full load of 66 passengers, and operating for 31 days in December is 8184 passengers.
DeleteSo July and August will have more than 600.000 passengers next year. Nice.
ReplyDeleteGreat results and excellent news about cargo
ReplyDeleteCongratulations to BEG, really impressive results for 2014!
ReplyDeleteThese days A319 is very often goes to SOF.
ReplyDeleteRast broja putnika pet 5 miliona i rast kargo tereta na vise od hiljadu tona, povecava ocekivanja javnosti, smanjuje komfor putnika i posetioca terminal. Ocigledno da vlasnik aerodroma, drzava u svojim mogucnostima ulaze po proceni. To nije sporno. Medjutim sporost donosenja odluka i stvarnog pocetka ukljucenja partnera u razvoj aerodroma za mogucnost saobracaja do 15 miliona putnika i hiljade tona kargo tereta. Svaka sporost u razvoju Beogradske vazdusne luke odrazice se na privlacenje novih operatera putnickog i kargo saobracaja za tranzit putnika i tranzit lokalnog kargo tereta... Mnogo puta vidjeno da u Srbiji se ocajno sporo sprovode projekti. Do sada ljudi nemaju odgovornost za efikasnost. Za promasene investicije ljudi ne samo da nisu odgovarali, nego su postali pocasni gradjani. Sahranjeni su u leji, pardon aleji(?) "velikana". Od odgovornosti, efikasnosti i predanosti zavisice kada ce mo videti gradnju Treceg Terminala, Druge piste, Kargo Centra, prilaznih puteva terminalima, hotela...
ReplyDeleteRodney & Son. Kraljevo /// Sydney.
+1 as always Rođo!
DeleteU sledecoj godini tender za privatizacionog savetnika, partner ne pre 2016.
DeleteЧему журба? Само опуштено, тендер за саветника померити за 2016, па отказати због неправилности и поновити у 2017, па извештај приватизационог саветника до краја 2018, па први тендер за приватизацију 2019, поништити па следећи тендер 2020. Онда полако да се ухода приватизациони партнер до 2021, па онда нова студија "Мастер План 2040" до краја 2022, па онда тендер за извођача радова до 2023, па онда улазак у ЕУ и поништавање тендера, нови тендер до 2024 и почетак радова на новом терминалу 2025. Нови терминал најзад пуштен у промет 1 априла 2031. Живи били па видели!
DeleteU svakom slucaju jedino je sigurno da ce Ex Yu Aviation blog biti tamo 2031 i prikazati ekskluzivni izvestaj sa otvaranja!
DeleteTek sto ce sledeca sezona biti dobra zbog novih linija ASL.
Ne verujem dok ne vidim. Za sada se ništa ne pominje..
DeletePominje se nego se drzi u tajnosti :P
...drzi se u tajnosti od tebe! Loose lips sink ships. Schäm Dich, Schwätzer!
DeleteJa znam sta ce se desiti nego necu sa nekima ovde da vodim raspravu do jutra .
Novih linija sigurno nema dok se ne nabave novi avioni. Cela flota ( 8 A319, 2 A320, 4 ATR i 2 B733) je 100% angazovana tokom S15. Ostala 2 B733 su za charter. Ali ko zna...
DeletePa docice oko 3-4 aviona pa ce biti i novih linija u 2015.
ASL sigurno ne namerava da iznajmi dodatne avione ove godine.
DeleteAko misliš da si zabavan sa tom 'ja znam ali neću da vam kažem' predstavom, moram da te razočaram... Moj savet ti je da probaš da naučiš nešto od ljudi koji pišu korisne stvari na ovom blogu. Tvoji vlažni snovi o novim busevima, širokotrupcima i dreamlinerima koji će leteti na sve strane sveta samo će izbaksuzirati ASL kojoj navodno želiš dobro i uvek si spreman da je braniš.
DeleteDoce 4 A319 2 ce ostati u EY livery ;)
"Pominje se nego se drzi u tajnosti" :) ... jel ti jasno sta si napisao?
DeleteCekjte, cekajte, evo kokice se zavrsavaju, pivo sipano... aj nastavite, valjam se od smeha... klinjo udri sa proricanjem ASL sudbine...
DeleteSalu na stranu, 2 aviona ce doci ali ne ti sto pricas... a pogotovo ne A332... AT75 je na redu i to je to.
Znaci neki iz uprave su ludi. Doce 4 319.
DeleteA ASL ce imati codeshare sa CA .
To je sto sam saznao ja negledam u kuglu ko vi kao sto ste rekli da Dane ne ide za ZAG ;) Ja nigde nisam gore napisao za 332.
Cekaj, a nece Air Serbia u aprilu da leti sa a330 za Kinu? Kako sad to? Ma nije moguce da si nesto krivo reko?
DeleteLetece CA sa A330 najverovatnije jos se pregovara.Ja ovde pisem samo sta cujem od njih.
Hmmm, bas si nas razocarao :( znaci nista od sirokotrupca za tri meseca.
DeleteMomak jos ne razlikuje kad mu podmecu lazne informacije a kad ne :D
DeleteKažeš imaće codeshare sa CA. Dobro, ali odakle? Recimo da li iz Atine ili Rima ili nešto treće? Čisto da vidim jel lupaš ili ne?
DeleteGuys, there is EK 747F coming tomorrow!
Delete747 F? Effing amazing!
DeleteKako kazu imace direktni letovi CA za LYBE pa ce na njima imati ASL codeshare .
DeleteJa njima jos verujem da ce 330 doci u Martu - Aprilu zato sto su ozbiljni a stvari semenjaju. Ja sam vama preneo opet kazem sta sam cuo od njih.
Air China je izricito rekla da nisu zainteresovani da lete za Beograd vec samo da imaju code-share sa JU. Naravno, rekli su da nisu nezainteresovani da lete za BEG vec samo ne jos.
DeletePlans to replace old airbridges and renovate remaining A gates were planned as Phase 3 of airport revamp for years, so this announcement from the management is old news.
ReplyDeleteEven worse, original plans included Phase 4 with additional arrival level that management is no longer talking about. And to make it even worse, both Phase 3 and Phase 4 should have been already completed according to the original plan. Those plans were announced years before Air Serbia deal, and as Air Serbia now enabled growth of well over a million additional passengers at the airport, it was expected growth would further accelerate completion of Phases 3 and 4 yet no work has even started by the end of 2014 and airport upgrades and renovation have slowed down, not accelerated.
Further expansion plans about new terminal, cargo center, hotel and second runway are now completely gone. This is not great news for the airport but complete opposite!
You are absolutely right. They very very late with the improvement plan.
DeleteBut the additional floor was to separate incoming and outgoing passangers. Maybe, just maybe, because they know airport will be "soon" taken over and maybe a brand new terminal will be built, having that additional floor over existing building could be waste of investment money.
If someone build nice new purpose built terminal with future in mind, T1 and 2 should stay as they are and be used for other things, like low cost airlines and posibly for non AirSERBIA use.
I know the contract says that Serbia needs to dedicate a whole terminal just for ASL, but I think that is stupid. By all means, build another, better functioning terminal, but only for ASL??
Better use the money to improve other things on the airport and try to attract more cargo, more maintenence customers than build a second runway for example.
Unless the existing one is in horrible state and they genuienly need a new one anyway.
Belgrade Airport Expansion Fail
DeleteYou can only wish
DeleteWould be nice if they would break down transfer pax compared to pax who start and finish their journey in Beg. If I was flying from Athens and transferring to Amsterdam I am counted as 2 pax using Beg and 2 pax using ASL (Meanwhile I am the same PAX)..Many airports and airlines are guilty of this.
ReplyDeleteСвака част на запажању!
DeleteСве најбоље!
Ti si jedan putnik jedino ako nisi napustio avion. Vrlo jasno.
DeleteA ako leštiš RT od Zagreba do Splita ti se računaš 4 puta odnosno kao 4 putnika (2 puta u Zagrebu i dva puta u Splitu)
DeleteNe razumem ti računicu, ZAG-SPU je jedan let, i SPU-ZAG je drugi let. Gde su tu četiri leta?
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletePrica se da ce ADR leteti iz BTS za MUC :)
Ne prica se nego se zna.
DeleteWas it hard to include a table with cargo data? I was surprised to see the passenger figures at the end of the article.