Summer 2015
Montenegro Airlines

Montenegro Airlines' summer

The 2015 summer season is less than a month away and will come into effect on March 29 until October 24. According to its preliminary schedule, Montenegro Airlines will be boosting frequencies across its network and introducing new seasonal services. The boost comes as a result of an additional two aircraft in its fleet. Last year, a brand new Embraer E190LR jet entered service for the carrier in June. Meanwhile, a grounded Fokker will be put back into operation following an overhaul. This summer, Montenegro Airlines will put a greater emphasis on its network from Tivat, but will also increase charter operations to Germany. The airline will operate a total of sixty summer charters to the country, including Berlin, Hannover, Leipzig, Stuttgart and Nuremberg.

From Podgorica, the Montenegrin carrier will boosts its seasonal services to Copenhagen to three flights per week, while an additional weekly flight will be added to its Paris and Rome routes. As a result, Montenegro Airlines will operate daily flights to the French capital, which will be codeshared by Air France. Furthermore, a new seasonal service to Lyon will be introduced from April 11. On the other hand, the airline will, for a second consecutive year, reduce its operations between Podgorica and Moscow, and will now maintain three weekly flights. Despite an announcement made by the carrier’s CEO, Daliborka Pejović, in January, regarding plans to launch flights to Zagreb and feed Croatia Airlines’ network to western Europe, these have been put on hold as the airline negotiates a strategic partnership agreement with Etihad Airways.

Headlining its growth during the 2015 summer season is the addition of fifteen weekly flights between Tivat and Moscow. The airline will operate almost three flights per day between the two cities during the peak summer season. All flights will be run with an Embraer E190 jet. An additional service will be added on its seasonal London Gatwick route, while new summer services to St. Petersburg and Vienna will also be introduce on June 9. However, flights to Paris will run only once per week, down from three weekly services last summer.

Please note that the changes listed below are preliminary and based on current availability in the Global Distribution System (GDS). Furthermore, the table below displays the peak weekly frequency on each route during the course of the summer season. Increases in frequencies, particularly on flights from Tivat to Belgrade and Moscow do not come into effect until later on in the summer.

EX-YU Aviation News will be bringing you summer season changes for each national carrier in the former Yugoslavia over the course of the month. To review changes made by Air Serbia click here.

Departing Podgorica

DestinationFrequency S2014Frequency S2015ChangeNotes
Copenhagen13 2resumes MAY09
Dusseldorf22-resumes APR03
Lyon01 1starts APR11
Moscow43 1-
Paris67 1-
Rome34 1-

Departing Tivat

DestinationFrequency S2014Frequency S2015ChangeNotes
Paris31 2-
London Gatwick23 1resumes APR29
St. Petersburg02 2starts JUN09
Vienna01 1starts JUN09


  1. Anonymous09:05

    Nice work. Their network looks respectable.

  2. Based on both Montenegro Airlines' and Air Serbia's schedules, we may see up to 12 daily flights between Montenegro and Serbia during the summer.

  3. Two daily between Belgrade and Podgorica? Hmm..

    There are two possible explanations for this. Either they are faced with a (seasonal) fleet shortage or they are giving up on this market in order to concentrate on the summer charters out of Tivat.
    Either way this will be really bad for them as Air Serbia will have three daily flights where two of them will be operated by the A319. Though I am more than confident that the 13.50 departure will be upgauged to an A320.

    Air Serbia is also upping its presence in Tivat with the additional departure at 09.40 which will most likely become an instant success, primarily because it won't have any connecting passengers and it is perfectly timed for the local passengers.

    Finally, I am happy that they are giving up on their Zagreb aspirations. It would have proven to be a total disaster either way. OU-YM could never compete with BEG and JU in terms of frequencies and destinations.

    If the deal with Etihad falls through I just don't see how YM can survive for longer than two summer seasons. Any money they make during the busy summer months is either stolen or burned during the winter months.

  4. Anonymous09:15

    Do they have an extra plane to increase frequencies by 21 departures per week, or is it the case of under-utilisation during S14 ?

    1. Anonymous09:21

      Seems like they brought back a F100.

    2. Anonymous09:28

      it says in the article. An F100 plus Embraer through the entire summer.

    3. Anonymous10:47

      Thanks, I should read the whole article.

  5. Anonymous10:32

    Можда Монтенегро Аирлинес промијени своју одлуку па уврсти и аеродром Бања Лука на ову листу.
    За годину и по дана, директор аеродрома Бања Лука Јањић Мирослав је аеродрому успио набацити имиџ сеоске аутобуске станице.
    Поставио је преко 100 м дуг ланац дуж прилазног пута, а унаприједио је и пјешачку стазу преко острва које се налази у центру паркинга.
    Направио је и двије видне закрпе у главном холу смањивши ионако мален расположиви простор, тако да се немамо гдје окренути а камоли сјести кад додјемо на лет.
    Можемо се дакле надати да ће све то привући споменуту компанију. На крају крајева, уколико ова компанија не дође, доћи ће друге три из ЕУ, директор каже да преговара и са њима.

  6. Anonymous10:54

    Provided they have capacity, it may make sense to fly to some landlocked countries (Czech, Belarus). Also, Poland could be a good choice.


  7. Anonymous12:40

    They also seem to have dropped planned seasonal flights to Manchester.

  8. Anonymous13:18

    it will be very interesting to see their timetable next summer if Etihad takes over.

    1. Anonymous13:27

      If Etihad takes over next year there will be no YM, it will be merged with JU... it was even reported by news agencies from the information leaked to the press.

      You don't seriously believe that Etihad plans on keeping them alive?

    2. Anonymous18:36

      Random quotes:
      French concession and construction company Vinci has reaffirmed its interest to vie for a concession of Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport

      The concession company has also expressed interest in establishing a partnership with Airports of Montenegro, the state-owned company that runs the country’s two international airports - Podgorica and Tivat. However, the Montenegrin government has since ruled out a concession or privatisation of its airport operator. In case of a tie-up with Belgrade Airport, two major French companies would have control over the former Yugoslavia’s two busiest airports.

      The company’s subsidiary, Vinci Construction, has also been involved in the recent expansion of Abu Dhabi Airport’s terminal three.

      Feb 27: CEO of Montenegro Airlines, Daliborka Pejović, said her carrier and Etihad would sign a strategic partnership agreement in four months time

      (27 Feb + 4 months = June)

      Serbia’s Prime Minister has previously said that his government will decide on whether to give Belgrade Airport up for concession in June

      After reading this, it is clear that _____ (fill in the blank)

    3. Anonymous19:00

      Hahaha, seriously, Anonymous 6:36 PM? Wow, 2+4=6 (June) and Serbia's Prime Minister makes another false promise, but this time it's gotta be true, because, what a coincidence, he mentioned June!

    4. Anonymous23:35

      Formula could be Etihad+Vinci+Air Serbia+Montenegro Airlines = BEG, TIV, TGD airport concession + single Serbia/Montenegro airline

    5. Anonymous13:29

      Formula is changing again, from today's (8 March) news: "Vučić je izjavio da će u naredna dva meseca biti donesena odluka o načinu na koji će se ići u rekonstrukciju aerodroma "Nikola Tesla"" so the formula is now 3+2=5 (May)

    6. Anonymous08:19

      Formula je da narod Srbije izabere sebi vlast koja nije koruptivna a ima mozga. Do sad se nije desio takav slučaj, a teško i da hoće. Nameće se pitanje hoće li taj isti narod onda pristati da strana sila upravlja Srbijom ako hoće živjeti u uredjenoj državi. Ako ne žele živjeti u uredjenoj državi, onda je neminovna livada i žbun, ovca i koza.

  9. Anonymous13:22

    The market between Serbia and Montenegro is massive. Almost 1 million passengers handled between Air Serbia and Montenegro Airlines on these flights last year!

  10. Sorry for the OT but I thought this might be interesting: NIS CEO's interview, snippet about ASL:

    Половина дуга „Ер Србије” од 30 милиона евра већ је враћена, док би преостали износ требало да буде намирен до краја марта, објаснио је Кравченко.

    Упитан да ли је тачно да се од НИС-а тражи да „Ер Србији” продаје керозин испод цене, ослобођен акциза и пореза, Кравченко каже да ова заједничка компанија „Етихада” и Владе Србије има неке повластице код НИС-а, али као стратешки партнер владе.

    – Повластице су такве да НИС с „Ер Србијом” ради на комерцијалним основама. Дакле, нема губитака, објаснио је он и негирао да је ова авио-компанија ослобођена плаћања акциза и других давања.

  11. Almost 2 extra daily on TIV-DM! Seems counter intuitive considering the recession there, sanctions , fallen ruble etc. Was this market sooo undeserved last year? I hope they don't get killed there.

    1. Fares in July for Tivat-Moscow

      Siberia €266
      Montenegro Airlines €278
      Air Serbia €291
      Aeroflot €308

      Seems like S7 is the actual winner as they are the cheapest and they fly with their A321.
      I guess Montenegro is at a huge disadvantage due to the long sector operated by a small aircraft.

    2. Vaske17:08

      Yea but most people are not aviation enthusiasts and they don not look at which aircraft will fly but instead look at price. Also a lot of them are pre-booked with tours so it really depends on how the airline attracts( price wise offer) and presents themselves to tour companies.

    3. Of course but then you have the Russians who own property down in Montenegro and these are the ones every airline wants to attract. Not to mention the Russians who go to visit their friends down there and so on.
      I highly doubt most of them would want to fly on an small Embraer jet for three hours when Siberia or Aeroflot could take them more comfortably.Not to mention that YM is not even the cheapest out there.

      Of course, I am confident YM secured a great deal of tourists but I am sure they are not making crazy money off of them. Like I said, the E-190 is not a great aircraft on such long sectors, especially when it is going against the A320/321.

    4. Vaske17:40

      Obviously A320/321 is a more comfortable aircraft for that route but I was just arguing that as you said YM probably secured a lot of tour packaged people and that is the one and only reason why it added 17( +2 LED included) more flights. If they did not make a deal with tour companies then the management is digging the grave of the company especially since there are sanctions and low ruble in place.

    5. Oh no doubt about that. I was just saying that they might want to at least match S7 in terms of fares so as to attract as many O&D passengers as they can. These are the ones who travel several times per year on this route. A Russian holidaymaker might not return the next year.

      Then again, who knows... we are talking about YM here.

    6. Anonymous20:58

      You are boring.

  12. Anonymous16:24

    Celebration of Montenegrin St. Maarten for aviation fans, turn your volume up and enjoy the thunder! ...unless you are looking for peace and quiet at nearby Porto Montenegro luxury resort:

    1. Anonymous20:39

      Wow, man, thanks a lot!

    2. Anonymous21:53

      Anonymous March 7, 2015 at 08.39 PM

      You are boring.

  13. Anonymous16:29

    OT: Dubrovnik 2015 summer flight schedule

    1. Anonymous16:58

      Is it me or will Air Serbia fly much longer into DBV than it did last year?

  14. Anonymous18:17

    Admin, your data that MGX used to fly 5 times per week on the route TIV-DME during last summer is a nonsense. Please check and fix that.

    1. It did fly five times per week. Check for yourself:

    2. Anonymous18:31

      I saw at least 2-3 in the daily timetable, too.

    3. Anonymous19:29

      Admin, believe me you are wrong. MGX has flown from TIV to DME more than double daily during summer season for years, flights were YM610, YM612, YM614...If you don't trust me you'd better contact MGX directly.

    4. Anonymous19:46

      I also think there is a mistake since I remember looking at flightradar24 last year and I am 100 percent positive there were 2 daily flights from Tivat. No hate towards admin since he is doing outstanding job,but I think he should change it.

    5. Anonymous20:16

      By the way, nowadays there is huge decline in the demand for air traveling between Russia and Serbia, both Aeroflot and Air Serbia suffers, Air Serbia's load factor on the route is falling below 50%.

    6. Anonymous20:19

      that is actually true! Last summer flights for both ASL and Aeroflot were 90%+, now they are baddddd.

    7. Anonymous20:19

      The demand is there but Air Serbia is suffering big time because of uncompetitive pricing from Abu Dhabi. That is for the BEG-SVO segment, not for the connecting passengers.

      Aeroflot is doing more than fine on the route.

      Actually, the demand is the highest ever. Even Yamal operated charter flights between Moscow and Nis.

    8. Anonymous20:26

      Not true. Aeroflot's figures are also worse than last couple of years.

    9. Anonymous20:35

      Well, with the rouble having lost that much value you'd expect traveling has got more expensive for at least some categories of Russians.

    10. Anonymous07:47

      Ovo je samo jos jedan primer koliko ovde ljudi postavljaju netacne informacije i izmisljaju jer se pre dve nedelje javilo dosta njih sa 'najpouzdanijim inf' da su letovi ka moskvi puni 95%

  15. Anonymous22:27

    Dobar izbor destinacija samo da je vise letova za Veliku Britaniju i Skandinaviju.
    Samo mislim da je previse letova za BEG.

    1. Anonymous22:34

      А извини по чему је превише летова за Београд? Да ли си икада летео лети из Београда за Тиват? Током 4 месеца сваки лет је распродат а ти кажеш да је сувише летова.

      Дакле, да ли икада размислиш пре него што нешто напишеш?

    2. Anonymous23:03

      Ja nisam rekao da je lose popunjeno nego mi deluje da je 50 letova TIV-BEG mnogo.

    3. Anonymous23:07

      А шта мислиш, зашто постоји 50 летова? Зато што су празни авиони или зато што стварно има толико путника? ;)

    4. Anonymous23:29

      Its funny how INN-NS says that lines to Warsaw and TLV are doing great( which they are not) and then says that Tivat which is doing summer not doing great ( when in fact ASL and YM have outstanding loads)

    5. Anonymous23:38

      YM bolje da je imao 14 letova ali zato da leti za Skandinaviju posto ce se tesko izboriti sa ASL na toj ruti.

    6. Anonymous23:41

      Не знам ако си пратио али заправо број путника им се повећао на летовима ка Београду. Ер Србија треба да се избори са њима пошто имају мање путника, паримарно им је опао број путника зато што шаљу Б733.

    7. Anonymous23:51

      He's known around here as a little Fokker (F100, that is)

    8. Anonymous01:20

      ^ make that a fokker 70 :)

    9. Anonymous05:53

      When you pull facts out of your ass, expect some criticism.

  16. Anonymous23:14

    To AnonymousMarch 7, 2015 at 10:27 PM :

    Your estimation is completely wrong, in fact there is not enough capacity on the route Belgrade-Tivat during peak summer season and this is the reason of high prices. Frankly, Montenegro Airlines is to blame because 4 or 5 years ago they cut capacity to Belgrade switching attention to Russian market and introducing 3 to 4 daily flights to Moscow. Once they used to fly even 5 daily from Belgrade to Tivat. AirSERBIA has different strategy, they are most of all interested in attracting transfer passengers thus paying little attention to the interests of Serbian tourists, they simply intend to act more globally.

    1. Anonymous23:32

      1. Fares are high because they have established a duopoly.

      2. Air Serbia cares very much about its tourists, that's why they introduced Aviolet. They especially care about the Montenegro passengers hence why they added the 09.40 departure.

    2. Anonymous23:53

      To be honest with you, it would be much better if Air Serbia painted in the 'Air Serbia' livery those B733 and just added a small italic title "leisure" underneath during the summer season. Like this it is starting to look real hypocrite and unprofessional, like on one side they were spitting on those a/c while now they send them regularly to all the mainline destination with no prospect of that changing in the foreseeable future.


  17. Anonymous09:02

    Today,11MAR15, MGX a/c 4O-AOA operating for CTN ZAG-ZRH-ZAG(OU460/461)


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