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Korean Air returns to Zagreb and mulls year-long flights |
Korean Air will resume its seasonal summer charters between Seoul and Zagreb starting next month as Croatia and South Korea look to finalise a Bilateral Air Service Agreement which could lead to scheduled year-long flights between the two countries. Korean Air will resume services to the Croatian capital on May 9 with a total of fifteen flights planned until August 22. The majority of the services will operate on Fridays, leaving Seoul in the morning and arriving in Zagreb in the afternoon, before departing later that same day and arriving in the South Korean capital the following morning. The number of flights offered have been extended compared to last year, when a total of seven rotations were performed. A mix of Boeing 777 and 747 aircraft will operate the route.
Korean Air is said to be considering launching scheduled services to Zagreb after running charter flights between Seoul and the Croatian capital for several years. As a result, South Korea has initiated the signing of a Bilateral Air Service Agreement with Croatia. The Croatian government has approved the draft agreement, which is to be signed in the coming period. The Korea Office of Civil Aviation initiated the Service Agreement late last year in order to regulate frequencies, designated airlines of the two signing countries, origin and intermediate points, traffic rights, type of aircraft and tax issues. In a statement, the Croatian government said, “There are currently no scheduled flights between Croatia and Korea, nor is there an air traffic agreement in place. During a series of high-level bilateral meetings last year, the Korean side expressed further interest in straitening mutual cooperation in the field of air transport, immediately submitting a proposal and text of a Bilateral Air Service Agreement”. It adds, “By concluding this agreement, the primary assumption is that regular nonstop flights between our two countries will be established”.
The Croatian Minister for Tourism, Darko Lorencin, has said that his country wants to set up scheduled flights to South Korea. “We are seeking to establish regular flights to Korea to cater to a surging number of Korean tourists visiting Croatia”. He added, “Korea is the most important market for us in Asia”. Last year, more than 252.000 South Koreans visited Croatia, about five times more than in previous years, with Korean tourists ahead of visitors from China and Japan. Ho Il-Sang, a spokesman for Korea’s top travel agency, Hana Tour, says, “Croatia is emerging as one of the most promising travel destinations for South Koreans who visit Europe”.
Nice. A really good year for ZAG coming up.
ReplyDeleteIf OU had been invested in years ago (by government or other) they could have had a couple of a330's flying to these destinations with codeshare partners worldwide. Such lack of vision and ways waiting for other carriers to move in on emerging markets. HUGE potential such small minds in charge!
ReplyDeleteWell the lack of vision still continue with this Ceo.
DeleteProblem with Croatia Airlines is it run by a bunch of Amateurs and friends with the Croatian government. That's the only explanation that I can find for Mr.Kucko being Ceo of Croatia Airlines.
The airline by its self is a good one and they have and had good professionals working for them .Something you can't say about the Management
Lets stop blaming the CEO and look at who's the boss of the CEO. Work up the ladder and find out whose pulling the strings. Somone clearly has a personal agenda here and the CEO is just the puppet.
DeleteFor a puppet he earns alot don't you thing .
DeleteThat's true up the ladder is his friend who gave him the job in the first place
DeleteSo if the puppet earns a lot of money imagine how much his friend up the ladder takes home!!!!!!
DeleteRemember the person up the ladder was democraticly elected but the the Ceo not .So that's the difference one was voted by the majority of the people in Croatia and the Ceo well what can I say all the employee's of Croatia Airlines didn't want him at all .As he nearly got fired by the previous Management
DeleteSo ask yourself who did you vote for in the election then maybe share some of that blame.
DeleteAll i read is complaining on here about him. So few are asking who put him in that position of authority. When you find who did it, why dont you vote them out in the next election?!?
@AnonymousApril 10, 2015 at 11:20 AM
DeleteYeah lets blame Milanovic for the mess HDZ caused and nearly bankrupted Croatia,, lets blame Milanovic for all the ills of current economic crisis caused by the HDZ crocks and bunch of šatoraša who robbed Croatia and are robbing Croatia.
Situation with OU wasn't caused by present CEO , it was caused by corruption and nepotism that existed in Croatia for a long time. Everyone in Croatia seems to think they are entitled to something cause they fought in war (domovinskom ratu) and by that analogy only true HDZ fought for Croatian independence and in homeland war, therefore they're entitled to all the benefits and can rob Croatia blind.
Everyone else suppose to take it and never ask questions, this is what HDZ thinks and operates like, so when they fuck up the country, cause they can.
Well no, Croatia has moved from homeland war, we are now in the EU and are reforming the country for the better, pravna država works, some in HDZ/šatoraši need ro wake up to fact they won't be able to take a piss anymore.
If you have issues with OU's CEO contact
USKOK http://www.dorh.hr/Default.aspx?sec=18#
Well said.
DeleteRobbers, theives, crooks and all behind the veil of war.
Everyone needs to move on from that time. Its a new start people so in this context lets give OU a new start.
Thanks for your explanation.
DeleteSo in a few months time OU won't find a partner or a buyier .So let them go bankrupt.
Do you think I care there are other airlines with better prices flying to and from Croatia
@AnonymousApril 10, 2015 at 3:36 PM
DeleteTrolling again Inn-ns are we!
OU isn't facing bankruptcy, doesn't need a buyer, the state wants to find a buyer so the airline can be made in to a profitable sustainable business.
What OU needs is a good management and a development strategy, this can't happen with current management, reason for sale.
That is the main reason why NOBODY WANT TO PURCHASE Croatia Airlines due to the Ceo Kucko if anybody purchase Croatia Airlines his the first one to lose his job
DeleteSo, Anonymous 7:45 PM, you're in contact with all the airline carriers in the world so you know tha tnobody wants to buy OU? Haha, be patient, you might get surprised soon!
DeleteAnonymous at 7:18 PM
DeleteKad vredjam CTN potpisem se kad ga hvalim potpisem se .
Ja sam jos prosle godine rekao da ga nece niko uzeti i stojim iza toga.
Ajde se potpisite .
Flydubai od zimskog reda letenja pojačava liniju za Zagreb uvodeći četvrti let tjedno svake subote tako da će letjeti danima 2,4,6,7.
ReplyDeleteQatar Airways od 7.mjeseca uvodi svakodnevni direktni let iz Dohe za Zagreb u odnosu na sadašnjih 5 letova tjedno.
AirBerlin od 5.5.2015. uvodi liniju Dusseldorf - Beograd
Pozdrav iz Hrvatske!
Ovde je već argumentovano demantovano da se u skoroj budućnosti uvodi linija kompanije Air Berlin na ruti Dusseldorf-Beograd. Samo je bilo ideja od kojih se odustalo za sada.
Delete4 x a320neo high season scheduled flying, low season charter services or wet leases.
ReplyDelete4 x Q400s maintstay of intra cro flights + low season euro schedules.
2 x a330 high season medium/long haul schedules and some euro flying, low season charters, adhoc charters, wet leases outside of peak season.
Employ an experienced and specialised department within OU to source low season charters and flying for aircraft underutilised.
Work hard with the Cro government, tourist board to offer low season discounts, incentives, lower cost base to OU to operate. Low season charter flights to promote croatia as a year round destination.
ITS NOT THAT HARD OU and those powers at be!!!!!!
Is it really that difficult to start a scheduled flight to ZAG for Korean AIrlines?
ReplyDeleteIs it really the burocracy so time consuming?
I can't get it,
because II can easily see this route going well .. nearly all year round ...
Intergovernmental agreements normally take ages to complete, 1 year is bare minimum, normally takes 2-3 years. Look at how long it is taking Serbia to agree on US flights they're still at it.
DeleteSo yes, it takes ages, the fact the Koreans only initiated these idea according to this blog, you can rest assured there won't be any scheduled flights before 2017, at the earliest we can expect Korean Air launching year round service to Zagreb probably via Prague in 2017, this year 300 000 South Korean visitors are expected in Croatia, half of whom plan to visit Zagreb, last year Zagreb had 85 000 Korean visitors, nearly 9% of total number which stood at 972 000.
Things take time sometimes.
Ne brinite se vi za Srbiju .
For a country that basically has no jobs, no real major industry, a population of hard working people who are desperate for work, the government has a lot to answer for when it comes to tourism and the aviation industry. If the politicians made it an easy, seamless, effective, proactive policy in its aviation industry then Croatia really would be open for business!
ReplyDeleteIt is 12 flights to Zagreb and 13 back. One flight is ferry. So it is not true that it is just 10 flights.
ReplyDeleteGreat year ahead of Zagreb! hope this route will become all year round!
ReplyDeleteHow could KE establish schedule services? No Sky Team hub and yield is too low. Does Darko Lorencin also approached to the Japanese to sign Bilateral Air Service Agreement. Tokyo thought it was a bad joke.
ReplyDeleteWhy don't you ask the Japanese? Or the Koreans?
DeleteKorean Air obviously feel that they wont need to worry about connecting passengers but are looking at serving the demand for direct flights. There are many wealthy Koreans so they could probably have little problem getting a decent amount of both business and first class passengers too.
DeleteJust because OU is a star member does not mean they can not code share with a none star member and if I remember correctly OU did say they are ready to cooperate with any airline from the far east with flights to Croatia.
Skroz ne logican potez HR strane dovodjenjem KE umesto da dovedu OZ pa da i CTN ima nesto od toga a ovako se vide kako oni razmisljaju .
ReplyDeleteOva Gospoda sto napominje da CTN treba da naruci 330 je sad mnogoo kasno.
Hajde molim te samo mi odgovori na jedno pitanje:
DeleteHR ima oko 250.000 americkih/kanadskih turista godisnje, SRB desetinu od toga; HR i SRB imaju otprilike jednak broj ljudi u dijaspori u severnoj Americi, cak je HR u blagoj prednosti; drzavljanima SRB bar jos 10-tak godina ostaju vize za SAD/Kanadu, drzavljanima HR ne trebaju vize za Kanadu, a u Kongresu je u proceduri zakon za ukidaanje viza za SAD; SRB, bolje receno ASL ima nesto vise linija za potencijalni "feed", ali HR, odnosno CTN takodje nije bas bez ijedne linije koja bi mogla puniti "veliki" avion u ZAG, sa tendencijom otvaranja novih "istocnih" linija vec od kraja ove godine, sa zavrsetkom ogranicenja zbog restrukturiranja; HR kao clanica EU ima sporazum o otvorenom nebu sa SAD, SRB ga jos nema; geografski, HR/ZAG je blize sev.Americi nego SRB/BEG, itd.itd.itd. E sada, ako sve ovo uzmemo u obzir samo me zanima koja je tvoja logika da SRB/ASL momentalno treba da pocne sa letovima sa A330 za sev.Ameriku, a da je za HR/CTN za to kasno? Pogotovo ako uzmemo u obzir vrlo verovatnu privatizaciju CTN krajem ove/pocetkom sledece godine, novi menedzment i sirenje. Hajde lepo te molim normalan argumentovan odgovor na ove moje teze. Hvala!
@AnonymousApril 10, 2015 at 5:41 PM
DeleteDon't feed the troll !!!
On če te optužiti da si Hrvatski nacionalist (znam da si iz Srbije) i da mrziš ASL i sve Srpsko.
1 Primljeno je 15 Pilota za A320.
Delete2 Za A330 ide 19 cap i 8 fo ;).
@5.41 kako detetu mozes da postavljas ta pitanja? Osim ako sam nisi dete?
Deletejesam, u dusi sam dete, ponosan sam na to i mnogo mi je drago zbog toga, ali kad me vec prozivas sto postavljam pitanja, evo imam jedno i za tebe: a kako ti mozes da budes siguran da je on dete, a ne neko ko ovde radi "po zadatku" i predstavlja se kao dete?
DeleteNe treba mnogo mudrosti pa to zaključiti po tome kako i na koji način píše..
Delete@11.53 Hehe.. pa ko bi angažovao dete po zadatku da piše koještarije i pritom da to radi kao u svoju korist ;)
DeleteMolim vas recite mi za koga ja to radim .
Delete1 Bice primljeno je 15 Pilota za A320.
2 Za A330 ide 19 cap i 8 fo 2-1 ce da lete ;).
ReplyDeleteExYU, I may have missed it. Have you posted an article on Wizzair's IPO in February. I thought it was a major story given Wizzair's presence in exYU and aggressive expansion plans with 57 Airbus order (doubling the fleet). IPO marks the entry into the big league.
Not sure about others, but this certainly beats the nth story on Nort America flights from Serbia.
Yes, it was published in the Global Aviation section.
DeleteInterSky pocinje sa letovima za ACH-PUY FDH-ZAD
ReplyDeleteSvaka cast :)