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Aviogenex’s last aircraft on sale next week |
The auction of Aviogenex’s sole aircraft, a Boeing 737-200 jet, has been scheduled for next week following a judgment by Belgrade’s Basic Court made last summer. Aviogenex was found liable for outstanding debt owed towards Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport amounting to 200.000 euros. Since the payment has not been made, the bailiff has scheduled the aircraft’s sale, through a silent auction, for May 5, which would effectively bring about the end of what was once the former Yugoslavia’s busiest charter airline. Serbian media have stayed silent on the topic, with Aviogenex employees claiming the move is aimed at destroying the company, which was sent into liquidation by the government earlier this year despite interest from foreign investors.
Aviogenex’s 28 year-old Boeing 737-200, registered YU-ANP, is one of the last aircraft of its type produced by the US manufacturer and is younger than all four of Air Serbia’s Boeing 737-300 jets. The plane has been valued at 203.600 euros. The starting price for the May 5 auction will amount to 60% of the aircraft’s estimated value. If the auction is unsuccessful, a second round of bidding will take place, with the starting price to be set at no less than 30% of the estimated value of the aircraft. Aviogenex last operated flights during the 2013/14 winter season on behalf of Westair Benin to which it leased its aircraft, pilots, crew and maintenance staff. The jet returned to Belgrade in early 2014 and has been grounded ever since. In previous years, the airline operated on behalf of Jat Airways during the peak summer months, as the Serbian national carrier faced a chronic fleet shortage. Ironically, millions were invested in the aircraft’s overhaul just several years ago.
Prior to the break-up of Yugoslavia, Aviogenex was the busiest charter airline in the country, handling over half a million passengers per year in the late 1980s. However, the carrier has fallen on hard times. It counts 39 employees, which includes pilots, cabin crew, ground engineers and flight dispatchers, which have not been paid in over a year. Despite an attempt to privatise the airline, the Serbian government announced earlier this year that Aviogenex will be liquidated since no interest was shown. However, JetVision Balkan from Serbia, GLT Overseas (Middle East) from the United Arab Emirates, Euroswiss Investment Holding from Switzerland and Arctica Airlines from Russia all submitted letters of intent for the purchase of Aviogenex in August 2014. The company says its privatisation process has been mishandled by the government so as to protect the interests of the Etihad-backed Air Serbia. Its employees claim that the state does not want to create additional competition for its national airline. Aviogenex was set up in 1968. In 1990, its busiest year, it handled 633.932 passengers with a fleet of ten aircraft.
This Is very sad news. I sure the state could do more for AGX same way they did for Jat, unfortunately they decide to protect Air Serbia.. RIP AGX
ReplyDeleteAir Serbia should take it, should complement nicely the reincarnation of the archaic B737.
ReplyDeletejoš jedan dokaz da smo okruženi idiotima. umesto da ga pripoje Er Srbiji oni ga gase. idioti
DeleteКолико је Јат дуговао АНТ-у, па и Ер Сербија сада и ником ништа. Штета, велика штета, ако не и срамота!
Све најбоље!
A šta je bilo za priključiti? Valjda se pita nešto i onaj koji kupuje.
DeleteKonačno,ovo se moralo dogoditi. I Er Serbia če morati iči u propast.
DeleteYou wish...
DeleteHahah Vidis da je hrvat cim ne razlikuje ć i č.. tako da se uzbudjujem. To su samo komsijski (susjedski) vlazni snovi :-)
DeleteAuctioning a plane on one week notice is literally the worst way to sell an aircraft.
ReplyDeleteSpending a million dollars to completely overhaul a plane, and then selling it for less than 20% of that sum (after less than 800 flight hours) because one government controlled company owes another government controlled company money.
And of course, because of this, 40 people will lose their jobs.
What should have happened is that the money Aviogenex owed to BEG should have been converted to equity (ownership) in Aviogenex. Then, Aviogenex would no longer be grounded and they would be allowed to fly once more. When they fly, they earn money.
DeleteIf they didn't want to do that, at least allow the Air Force to buy the plane for €200.000. It's a shame that our Air Force has to charter Russian IL-62s and Egyptian 737s to move our troops around.
You have to understand that it's just not a question of taking on an airplane, by that you take on the cost of just having it. You take on the responsibility of another 39 people......the Serbian Air Force doesn't have 200' eur....the country has NO money for this type (and other) stupidity.
Delete"The country has NO money for this type"
DeleteYet they had more than a million euros to refurbish this plane. So they did 85% of the investment, and they now have nothing to show for it. They may as well give the 200.000 euros to BEG and gift the plane to the Air Force, and for the next decade we can have our politicians and soldiers flown around in our own planes instead of chartering Russian IL-62s.
I reckon JU will buy the aircraft and convert it into a freighter.
DeleteFreighter for what? To where? JU does not need a freighter
DeleteMaybe cargo to/from INN?. But thinking it twice, in that case it shouldn't be B732F, but at least A330F :)
Delete"JU does not need a freighter" - Why not?
Deleterefer to my next question - where to? for what purpose? its not like JU is not coping with cargo demand and needs to have a seperate ac for cargo. Rising cargo figures in BEG is possitive, however JU can still transport more cargo with the capacity/ac it already has. Why do you think/suggest otherwise?
DeleteWaiting for someone to write how this is ok and normal because in Canada they also protect their own airline. Somehow I doubt they do this in Canada.
ReplyDeleteAir Serbia is afraid of Aviogenex. Pussies.
You clearly have no idea about it, eh?
DeleteAir Canada's vitality is fundamental to Canadian economy and it has received favourable treatment (as in UAE row) or perhaps tacit in some cases, to operate as such. What you fail to recognize is a long list of mostly charter airlines that have gone under in previous years and decades without significant government intervention to protect them. Canada is a good example how national airline (while no longer directly government owned) is supported while many smaller, non-critical airlines are left to market forces.
If you apply this approach to Serbia, Air Serbia would warrant government support while Aviogenex, if it can't operate profitably on its own, should face closure
This is a government strategy. Destroy EVERYTHING left by selling it and offering money to the foreign 'investor'. Just look what they did last week. They sold the biggest film studios and production company in ex-Yu for peanuts to a phantom company owned by a taxi driver.
ReplyDeletetuga, zalost i beda.. i ogromna steta. i glupost nacije, tj. nesposobnost. zao mi je sto zivim u drustvu bez ideje gde su vrednosti prostakluk i nevaspitanje..
ReplyDeleteMožda grešim, ali ako je avion nedavno remontovan, što ga ne pripojiti da bude naš Air Force One:) može Vlada da ga koristi, vojska za potrebe. Može da služi za humanitarne svrhe, sta god je bolje nego ga dati za cenu jednog jačeg Bavarca na četiri točka! :)
ReplyDeleteKad samo već kod Kanada, oni koriste svoj A310 u multi-svrhe, pa što ne bi I mi? Osim ako država nema kintu za jedan novi Global Express ili Gulfstream???...to sam I mislio.
I have a hard time understanding all the comments that is dying to protect an unsustainable business. If the business would have been viable it would work. Just read the text, no salaries has been paid for a year.....privatize an "airline" with ONE aircraft.....please. Why do you want to keep something that is dead, alive at any cost?! Close it down, send the people home, they will have to find a future for themselves....why prolong the pain by throwing good money into a black hole?
ReplyDeleteHajde da čujemo još malo razloga za život sjajne kompanije, bez dugova sa jednim novim avionom sa velikim potencijalom da bude konkurent najvećim svetskim kompanijama ;) Jel danas u Palmotićevoj slovodan vikend?
ReplyDeleteHow many B737 - 200 and for wich airline? thirty tree employee to 120 seat. That is tree employee per seat. That how advancing Serbian business, economy, productivity... "'Solidarity'' on tax payers shoulders?. No, naturally, no... Once have to bi earning money to live. Not solidarity, but productivity and PROFIT. Bivsi zaposljeni ce me anatemisati... Ja sam radio u kapitalizmu 42 godine. Bez socializma, sazaljenja... Pa iskreno, million puta da se rodim, napustio bih vas nacin poslovanja, placanja, odnosa, ''samoupravljanja'', svega u cemu ste ziveli. Sada se ispostavljahu racuni. Ne ideolozima, velikim politickim Boss - ovima, vec uglavnom onima koji neposredno rade. Zlo radjenje gotovo sudjenje. Zbog toga bankrotiraju i kompanije I pojedinci. Pored svog galamatijasa u zivotu ljudi, u Srbiji je velika retkost da neko polazi od sebe. Uvek je neko drugi kriv, I nisani se na drugog prstom... Odgovornost, iskrenost? Hoceli skoro dobiti mesto pod nebom Srbije. Srecane muzejske dane carter co. Avio genex - u. Ostalim bez posla uhlebljenje. Ja sam hleb nasao u svetu, a vama zelim u Otadzbini. Ostalo je vas izbor...
ReplyDeleteS'postovanjem Rodney Son & Co. HOME of QANTASVILLE I. Sydney, AUST.
Hi Radovan, this might be of interest for you, but QF finally closed their cargo office in FRA. Alex Carrigan and Lisa both left QF on APR30. Not sure if u hve known them
DeletePostovani prijatelju. Nista novo. Zatvaranjem Cargo office, u Frankfurtu, jeste samo potvrda, da nema dovoljno biznisa u prvcu Australije i v.v. Gubljenje profita unistava kompaniju. Zato se ide na druga trzista. Trazi alternative. Hitno, u hodu. Za razliku od kompanija koje void drzava, I to jos pod monopolom. Srbija je bankrotirala zato sto nije likvidirala 1000... drzavnih monopolskih kompanija. i sada ''veselje''. Sada je ''igranka bez prestanka''. Koje kriv a ko ''prav''. A svi su brock pocket, praznih, potpuno praznih dzepova. Vazno je se ''solidarisati''. Da toga nebi bilo privatnici vode biznis ekonomski. Samo cisti racuni mogu pomagati nemocne. Da li je Srbija na tom putu? Verujem da se uputila tom putu. Ostalo je demagogija, koja je devastirala drzavu Srbiju kao strasni rat. Potvrdite na ne''shvatam situaciju, istoriju...'' Ako profita nema uzalud je otvarati posao. Prosto, jednostavno Qantas je postupio kako je neophodno. Ekonomski. Ideologija? Pa toje Severna Koreja... Svako dobro. Radovan, SYDNEY.
Delete+1, let me get this straight....the 39 employees has not been paid for more then a YEAR?! And they still go to work everyday....to do what?!
ReplyDeleteWaiting for privatization,as state promise
DeleteThankyou Anon. 4:48 PM. Looking forward to end of ''samo-upravljanje'', and ''burazerska trange/frange'' economy go to hell. Serbia to neo have consequence from ''genius political, ideological masters''... Responsibility of people in government and mas privatization vill be with rull of low wil do resurrection to future Serbia. Let to be it. Rodney & Son. Coogee, Sydney. AUST.
DeleteVery sad news, the industry (not just aviation) is systematically being destroyed by idiots.
ReplyDeleteI love when people talk about "capitalism" and "logic of the market", and when state decides to "privatize" and "liquidate" unsuccessful companies - on one side you have state which highly limits what a "state" company can do, pumps money out, decides that the debt is a horrible thing and should be payed; while on the other side you have "progressive" capitalistic companies, fully private or partially owned by state companies that have high outstanding debts, which government either doesn't care about or dismisses them, you have high arbitrary subventions, bailing outs etc. (btw it is not just in Serbia, of course, motto of the modern capitalism is "dept is public, profit is private").
But anyways, back to the Aviogenex, so sad. Brand-wise, they had a phenomenal name and logo, which is still modern and nice, and much better than AirSerbia's.
Što bi moja baba rekla "Avion koji ne leti i ne zarađuje i nije avion već samo obična hrpa metala", tako da s tim u vezi jako mi je žao što Aviogenex-ovom prasencetu nije data prilika da dostojanstveno dočeka penziju već će na žalost izgleda završiti u limenkama. Zbogom YU-ANP, uvek ću pamtiti jedno prohladno jesenje jutro kada sam jurcao k`o lud na Niški aerodrom samo da bih uživao u startovanju i grmljavini tvojih motora u poletanju ka Jastrebcu i desnom zaokretu na 1200 fita ka RAVAK pointu :-* ;-(
ReplyDeleteIt was recently announced that the government of Serbia paid more than 20 million of € of outstanding JAT debts to Aerodrom Beograd. This in addition to the millions of ongoing open and hidden subsidies to Air Serbia by AB and NIS. In the grand sum, I am sure that the new "successful" Air Serbia costs the tax pay more then the old JAT p.a. Not to mention the promises, that the old fleet will be replaced and similar blabla.....and 4 super-vintage B737 still flying around. But the same government was not willing to find 200000 (!) Euros to help Aviogenex to find a new strategy. Protectionism at it's best. Now also blocking a flock of foreign charter airlines flying to Belgrade which will cost the airport an estoimated 50000 passengers, because Aviolet is not able to take over the business.....Plus creating a megalomanic "Aerodromi Srbije" double structure with a lot of well paid jobs for SNS fellows!
ReplyDeleteAir Serbia can not cost more than Jat Airways. Fact is more than 800 people otherwise unemployed now have a job, pay taxes in Serbia and contribute to the Serbian economy by spending their salaries in Serbia. Jat Airways lost 73 million euros in its last year, half the fleet was grounded, Jat Ketering brang the minimum for Jat flights due to issues with paying for catering. Salaries were not always payed on time or in full in Jat, not the case in Air Serbia. Yes, Air Serbia currently is not profitable, but fact is there is a huge difference, ac utilisation has more than doubled, pax has more than doubled, more people are visiting Serbia and spending their foreign currency in Serbia, which is good for out otherwise shit economy to say at best.
Deletebtw, last but not least, Air Serbia in no way can be compared to Jat Airways, ASL is a much larger company to what Jat Airways ever was lets not forget. More ac is flying, more workers employed, more destinations are flown, more catering is being delivered, more is offered for pax,
DeleteDo you actually work for JU?
DeleteNo. Does it matter? Does it change anything? Information is there, its up to you to read it and interprate it to your understanding. Look at facts, this blog is great for the fact that a healthy conversation can take place....well, until INN-SNS intervenes.
DeletePisite slobodno i lose stvari o ASL necu intervenisati , ja samo intervenisem kod Anonymous-a koji pisu gluposti.
A ne znam sto dodajete SNS palite ljude .
Ignore INN-(S)NS
DeleteMozete jois malo da me ignorisete zato sto cete i onako ucutati kad dodje A330 za nekoliko meseci.
Deleteits not about writing good or bad, its about facts. this forum is for discussion, not to create stories. and please, serbia is not north korea, i am older than you, i do not require your permission as to what i write on this blog! You dont know basic manners and etiquet yet come here to troll on every discussion about your (lack) of knowledge in aviation and daily comments about A330's coming to JU. Next year is 2016 but hey, nobody posts that everyday saying how smart they are!
ignore INN-SNS
Mene ste napali kako ja branim ljudima da pisu sta hoce.
Delete1 15-16 pilota ide na obuku ETOPS ;)
A dobro ih reklamirate.
JU already have ETOPS flights.
DeleteINN-SNS fail
+1 INN-SNS fail (as usual)
DeleteDa idu za A330 ETOPS .
DeleteINN-SNS fail. Stvarno nemas pojma o cemu pricas.
DeleteIgnore INN-SNS
Haha! Please show that the transaction of 20 mer to the airport has taken place!!! However, I do agree with you that the creation of Aerodromi Srbije is a disaster to BEG and only has one purpose. By the way, has anybody seen the financial results for BEG 2014?
ReplyDeletea state agency has paid a total sum of more than 20 milion euros for outstanding debts.
Don't forget above is for OLD debts, now for ASL the airport grants up to 75% discount and NIS 50% discount. Since AB is state owned and NIS partly state owned...who's money is it? And who has profited? At the end tax payers are paying and other airlines who are more and more fleeing BEG airport. I personally believe that ASL will cost us "kao Svetog Petra kajgana"....
Lets return to facts. While Jat Airways was unable to get its fleet flying, other airlines filled the gap, Wizz Air set its base in BEG waiting for Jat to go into bankrupcy. Belgrade is not London, and Serbia is a low yielding market. Airlines are leaving because they are competing with a stronger Serbian carrier which has a lower cost base.
DeleteAlso TK was forced to reduce its frequencies after a dispute which occured when TK threw JU out of IST, not because of competition to JU. I dont recall JU forcing any company to exit the BEG market.
DeleteAdria withdrew from Belgrade as a result of JU launching LJU flights.
Deletehehehe and that took like 1 week if i remember, maybe 2 max?
Hahah yeah, it was a swift victory. Actually, once JU entered the market with a much more economical aircraft, Adria's loads became catastrophic, it also didn't help that they used a gas guzzling CRJ-200. Their fares melted from €190 to just €91. Quite a drop.
DeleteActually, it was the idea of JU's head of international affairs and alliances who proposed to them to suspend BEG and to sign a code-share agreement. It's good that they accepted it because they are making much more money now, well, at least on the LJU-BEG segment.
Yes, and all ASL super-old B733 constantly in the air ( and it's just beginning of May) I ask how and when they will fly during peak season? So we have 2 very big managament lies:
ReplyDelete1. ) The fleet will be completely exchanged
2.) Aviolet will fly at convenient timings ( already last summer, lots of night and late flights)
Those B733 are not super old. Those ac still have many hours in them. Remember that the ac didnt fly much during the sanctions, plus Jat had a horrible ac utilisation. It was only last year than DL retired its DC9's which were 40 years +. Also ASL dont control charter timinggs, this is agreed with the travel agent who is chartering the aircraft. Many prefer the night flights as it allows to maximise the stay at the destination.
Delete1. ) The fleet will be completely exchanged
DeleteNot only that but 2 B733 are joining the fleet so you can enjoy the nostalgia a bit longer xoxo
Lets wait and see IF they will finance for an extra 2 B733's to be airworthy.
DeleteThe only thing I will agree on is that the A319's took too long to enter the fleet for what they are. Wifi should of been then installed, not now at the beginning of the summer season! YU-APJ is just about done if not ready, YU-API has started to get it fitted. 8 more to go
How did they start working on YU-API when it is currently being prepared to fly as JU 344 to Stuttgart?
DeleteYU-APE is also out of service, B733s have become pillars for ASL business model.
DeleteLemme do the math... 8 A319 - 2 in service = 6. 2 A320, both in service. 5 ATR - 1 in service = 4.
DeleteTotal: 12 out 15 in service. How are 4 (four) 733s then "pillars" and not 12 other planes?!? You need to go back to grade 1.
Deletei must of misheard the registration. Thanks for the correction. Could of been it was just brought to the hangar for something quick. But a second ac is coming/came for wifi. Will get it clarified again. YU-APJ is definately in for wifi.
DeleteNo problem. Well, like I posted on here a few days ago, people from the technical department at JU told me that they are experiencing quite a few problems with API and APJ. That's why I am surprised that APJ is the first one to get wifi, if the rumours are really true.
I remember when APJ went for a C check people were more than confident that it will come back with a small bump in the rear section of its fuselage. I hope that at least this time around rumours become reality.
Sorry, I just can't see that anybody has paid in 20 meur in cash to the airport. By the way, if BEG is not collecting the fes from AS, it's illegal. They have to collect it, pay it as a dividend to the owners, whom then can redistribute it to AS. BEG is a company on the stock exchange both in Belgrade and in London.....it doesn't look that neither the management of BEG nor the responsible Minister understands this.....If BEG is writing off debt for AS on behalf on an owner this is illegal and not in accordance with a number of laws both in Serbia and the UK. The profit or loss is to be share equally with all the shareholders.....
ReplyDeleteSerbian government fulfilled its promises and paid in JAT's outstanding debt to Belgrade Airport, 33 million euros in total. One half of the sum had been paid at the end of 2014, while the rest recently. All shareholders will be satisfied because of getting huge dividends. First half of the sum is included in airport's profit of the last year.
DeleteWill not miss them. In the 80's they always reminded me of the backward part of Yugoslavia, flying with TU134s, something unaceptable if you wanted to be perceived as an airline with some kind of reputation.
ReplyDelete1989 JP already flew with brandnew V2500 powered A320s, JU had an MD11 order and was flying as a Europe launch customer with Boeing 737-300s. That how I wanted Yugoslavia to be perceived: modern, open, developed.... and not with old russian TU134 crashbirds....... but whatever, after all it came even worse....
They had to operate them. It was a political decision.
DeleteYou are one of my favorite posters here JU520BEGLAX, with your balanced attitudes and professional comments, but I must correct you on this: What you are reffering for AGX is not 80's but back in 60's and 70's, when TU3 was operating for AGX. In 80's, especially the second half, AGX operated mixed fleet of B737-200 and B727-200. Not sure, but think that maximum number of planes in fleet was 10. And did you know that in the same time when JU ordered MD-11, AGX was seriously considering aquisition of B767, and commencing charters to North America? But soon after, certain person concluded that "Yugoslavia must remain socialistic" and that confederalization and democratisation are out of question. The results of such conclusion, including civil aviation, we all live today.
Delete"old russian TU134 crashbirds......." Are you stupid or what, what is wrong with the TU-134?
Delete"The model has seen long-term service with some 42 countries, with some European airlines having scheduled as many as 12 daily takeoffs and landings per plane".
I don't know many Western aircraft capable of doing that at that time. Please browse through incidents history and let us know how many crashes actually resulted from poor design and mechanical failure in its 40 years of operation with nearly 900 airframes built, such as...fuselage cracks or batteries catching fire? Let's not even talk of pitot-freazing induced aerodynamic stall killing hundreds, not solved to date, so you might think twice before boarding an Airbus in tropical areas and convergence zones.
This must be the most ignorant comment i've seen here in a long time.
Hi Anonymous 03may 1515. Indeed I forgot about their B727, which I liked, especially the version with the red belly. Didn t know that they were about to order 767s. The 134s I sometimes saw in ZRH but u re right this was more in the st half of the 80s.
DeleteThe Boeing 727 was a great aircraft which I liked a lot at that time. Last time I flew it was in the late 90s with AA from DCA to MIA when we headed for an AA internal Soccer tournament
I think by 1990 Aviogenex had 5 732 and 5 727
Com'on @Aerologic, "browse incident history" for TU3, don't be redicolous, we all know that incidents in former Soviet Union were covered-up and that official number of (international) incidents that could be browsed is considerably smaller than real number, because (domestic) incidents were not published at all
DeleteAerologic: NATO called it crusty, crashbird is the wrong word, eventhough it crashed enough, even twice with Aviogenex.
DeleteCrusty is for me the right word and in my eyes it is one of the ugliest planes ever built.
The countries u mention are those who had to buy in Europe or those somewhere in the 3rd world who cld not afford buying western built aircraft. And yep Russian technology was ok until maybe end 60s, early 70s. But than they lost more and more the gap to the West. Succeeding models could not match anymore with those of the West. 1988 MALEV purchased a 737, in 89 LOT B767 and Interflug the A310.
TU134 were not to found in the US, Canada, Lufthansa, Swissair, Qantas or Singapore Airlines. But Aeroflot operates today A321, Boeing 737-800s, Boeing 777-300ERs. Russian Aviation is capable but last 40 years of their civil aviation history can be put aside and recycled. The new Suchoi Superjet is a promising relaunch, but yet has to proove if It will be a real success
You are talking crap Malev TU134 was better than theirs B737. Much nicer for travelers.
DeleteMaybe nicer but not more economical. U hve to ask SQ LH SK JL or AA why they decided to buy DC10s, 747s and not IL62 or IL96s....
DeleteThere is some basic facts and we just cant ignore them
i had once the "pleasure" to fly a Russian aircraft and that was in 1989 ZRH-PRG-ZRH with OK. The cabin inside was what I expected. Positive was the window on the toilet. But I was also no fan of the BAC 1-11 or Fokkers. My favourites were the 707, 727s, DC10s, B747 or nowadays the Boeing 777-300ER. Different people, different preferences :-)
Well, they sure did operate TU134s in 1982:
FYI the TU-154 for instance had a lower incident rate than the B737 classics and you can't call it a "cover up" cause that aircraft was really great. They're known to be much more resistant and operating in extreme conditions that their Western counterparts cannot. Economical? Who cared about that at that time, same for the stupid 'noise' sh*t that today makes look planes like hairdryers.
DeleteAs for "SQ LH SK JL or AA" they didn't buy them for the same reason LO, MA, SU and other were being Tupolevs - politics and supporting your domestic production. Even if the Russians made an aircraft that was superior in every possible way no Western countries would have bought them anyway, proof of what is the freighter program. They just use them when they have no other choice cause they've got nothing to match the AN-124 and AN-225.
I read that IL-96 econimcs are about 11% worse than the 772, which isn't that bad but obviously if you're running a business you want only the best, even if it is only 1%, so stop talking crap copied from some tabloid-level anti-Russian propaganda, i expected more from you really but i am getting used at your anti-russian and anti-serbian sentiment.
+ 10 Aэrologic
Aerologic please emigrate to russia immediatelly. Also you would be more consistent if instead of your (excellent) english you started using russian. Easy being a pan slavic internet warrior with your side kick inn -sns from the comfort of the democratic and capitalist west....
DeleteНет проблем, сэр,Я не эмигрировать.
DeleteSto vi odma vredjate cim neko nema misljene kao vi.Niko nece napraviti na svetu bolje Kargo Avione.
Dear Anonymous, i am from Ukraine and that's where i'm mostly living. I'm in Egypt right now but that's none of your business so i don't really get it where from do you want me to emigrate from, Serbia? With pleasure.
DeleteINN-NS is a clever young man, a little bit over-enthusiastic at times but i'm sure that with the right dose of experience and maturity he'll reach the perfect balance.
Not sure if i can say the same thing for you - disgruntled bitter Anonymous of an age when it becomes too difficult to change things in life and look at your mistakes.
Aerologic what are you on about, youre drunk on some cheap vodka? Just go to russia maybe on a tu-134 and stay there :)
DeleteSta ste napali coveka samo zato sto ima drugacije misljenje bas se vidi ko kakvo ima razmisljanje dali demokratsko ili komunisticko kad ne dozvoljavate da se izjasni.
In serbia we didnt have the wonderful communist system you lucky guys had in ukraine and russia. Hence we couldnt enjoy all the benefits of the wonderful technology you guys benefited from there..and learn such great english like you did in ukraine ;)
DeleteЈој иди више научи правопис дечко, бламираш се.
DeleteКао долазиш на Балкан једном месечно. Да је то истина већ би научио да пишеш.
To dokazuje da ste psihicki ne stabilni kad vam i to smeta , a mozda svesno to radim.A ja dolazim .
Јесте, како да не, све се плашим да све то свесно радиш него немаш појма.
DeleteКако да не. Сваке недеље долећеш из Беча Ер Србијом.
Ja ne znam pravopis vi ne znate IATA i ICAO kodove sta je potrebnije na ovom sajtu ?
DeleteNe ja dolecem sa tyrolean jet service.
Dečko još nije leteo avionom. Čeka da Air Serbia krene za INN.
Deletee sada si razocarao definitivno... ne letis svojom omiljenom kompanijom...bitan ti je dzet, a ne kompanija...ne plasis se valjda letenja atrom?
DeleteNe nikad u zivotu ahahhahahhahhhhahaahahahahhahahaahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhaahhahahaahhah.
DeleteA onda cu svaki vikend da letim.
@ 10:27 PM da letim VIE-BEG sa ASL pa da ispadne da dzabe letim ne. A tyrolean jet service ima samo CJ avione.
DeleteSto da se boji mATR kad ga odlicno odrzavaju.
Austrianom letis? Hahahah
DeleteNe nego tyrolean jet service a to se vidite da ne znate vise Aviokompanija nego sto imate prstiju na rukama.
Kaže da leti sa privatnim avionima... Možda misli na FSX .
DeleteJa sam clan partije necu obicnim ahhaha .
DeleteEto znate i google da koristite.
Цицко па где приватним преко странке? Шта каже твој друг Алек? Како то да не штедиш по директиви странке?
DeleteJa sam clan 2 partije pa moze ahahahahh nista pozdravlja vas sve .
Ајде сунце иди лалај, ипак је касно. Лако ноћ. :*
DeleteLaka noc i vama ali imaj jos posla za partije ahha .
INN-NS why do you chose Austrian/Tylorean over ASL? I do not get your logic. On here you are the ASL warrior, yet in the real world you do not support you favorite company.
DeleteTylorean ne postoji vise letim sa tyrolean jet service tmozete videti na linku zato sto ste normalno pitali http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tyrolean_Jet_Services
DeleteLetim i sa ASL naravno samo je malo nezgodno iz INN.
A pre nekoliko nedelja si rekao da ces leteti sa JU prvi put. Opet si uhvacen kako lazes.
DeleteBack in 1983, I was visiting relatives in the Zagreb region. While in Europe, I took a side trip to West Germany, to visit a cousin. I had booked a JAT flight. To my surprise., they were utilizing a Tupolev 134,from Aviogenex. Must say the aircraft was clean inside. Both leges Zag-Muc and back were performed on the Tupolev. Great experience to have flown in a Soviet built aircraft.
Good old JAT never scheduled AGX TU-3's for international flights to the West. They were scheduled, during peak-seasons, to destinations such Leningrad,Warsaw, or Budapest, or on domestic low-frequency services, as for example Zagreb-Titograd and Titograd-Skopje. I'm not saying that your flight didn't happen, but it was probably just one-time change, due to maintenance, or delay, or some other irregularity. 99,9% of the flights ZAG-MUC-ZAG in 1980's were operated by JAT's DC-9.
DeleteNiko AGX nije kriv ni OS ni JU niti bilo ko drugi kriv je ne sposoban management koji nije nista uspeo da popravi stanje da uzmu 737 ILI 738 ali ne njima je vlada kriva sto nisu uspeli nista novo. Njih niko nece ni da uzme na Wet-Lease kad i Africke Aviokompanije imaju bolje avione.
ReplyDeleteTako da im niko nije kriv.
Ne lupaj kada nisi u toku i kada ne znas kako su ih sukcesivne Vlade unistavale ukljucujuci i pokusaj uprave da iznajmi nove letelice.
DeleteEto uvek je neko drugi kriv ne oni sami . Ajde vi sad sto pametujete da im je vlada uzela novi 738 kako bi mogli da se izbore na charter trzistu sa jednim avionom i nikakvom vizijom.
Vazno je zato da ti sve znas, balavac od 17 godina. Prestani vise da se blamiras.
DeleteI balavcu, plan je bio da se iznajmi jedan B734 jos pre 7-8 godina kao i da se uvede nova livreja. To je sve trebalo da bude odradjeno dosta pre deregulacije domaceg trzista.
DeleteRaspitaj se malo pre nego sto postujes.
Ma da krivi su Milutinović,Tadic i Nikolic za sve su krivi a oni nisu mogli nista vezane im ruke u zadnje vreme ni normalan plan destinacija u za chartere nisu imali . A to sto vama smeta nisam ja kriv niko ih nece da uzme na Wet-Lease zato sto po Africi imaju bolje avione, jedino da Avion ASL uzme za Kargo ako moze.
+1 for INN-NS.
Deleteshould/could/would have, but....
Mali, kao sto sam vec napisao, idi se malo obrazuj pa mozda naucis zasto JU nije uspeo tolike godine da iznajmi jedan nov avion. Ista prica i sa Aviogenexom. Procitaj pismo koje je izvrsni napisao pre neko vreme.
DeleteLako je lupetati i pametovati. Dodji malo na Balkan pa glumi ovde filozofa mesto sto nam solis pamet iz Austrije.
Check out FR24.
DeleteMoze direktor da napise sta god hoce bitno da je uvek neko drugi kriv kao i uvek a samo nista nisu uspeli ni kod Milosevica. A ja sam barem 1 mesecno na balkanu tako da znam sta se radi.
Da li si svestan da oni nisu kontrolisali sopstevene finansije vec ministarstvo privrede? Ista prica kao i sa Jatom.
Deletedakle ako ne kontrolisu pare kako su mogli da nabave nove avione? Jel shvatas koliko lupas?
Imas 17 godina.utoliko je jos cudnije tvoje svakodnevno bitisanje na ovom blogu.
DeleteMa da od pocetka AGX drugi im komanduju , nista nije rukovodstvo krivo.
Очито да ниси упућен у то како ствари функционишу у Србији.
DeleteZnam bolje nego vi uvek je neko drugi kriv.
Да, да уверили смо се толико пута како боље знаш од свих нас.
DeleteJa sam rekao nego vi Gospodine .
Тако је, извини молим те. У праву си. Сада када си ме исправио можда је право време и да кренем да пишем као ти.
DeleteAko ovi (ne)zaposleni znaju svoj posao, za njih nema zime. Da li je Aviogenex brand na prodaju ?
ReplyDeleteBio je,ali drzava je sve kupce rasterala,zbog Etihada
DeleteA kupaca u redu bilo ;)
DeleteThere were two interested parties, one from UAE and the other from Switzerland.
DeleteI meant only the brand/trademark 'Aviogenex' ?
DeleteKupci koje je interesovao samo AOC
ReplyDeleteRight now in the air..
ReplyDeleteANJ to FCO
ANK to AMS (ouch)
DeleteGood Lord.
any new pics of ANJ after the surgery?
DeleteWhen the ASL concept and re-branding was announced, the only thing that Kondic talked about was how they will retire the Boing 737 with the arrival of A320 family. They treated those planes as trash even though they were still reliable and had limited flight time during sanctions and even when the sanctions ended. I really do not get the ASL concept anymore when it comes to B737. Do they want to keep them now or what? Dont tell me that crap about using them as back up. I believe yesterday 3 of the 4 Aviolet planes were utilized on regular routes and today all 4.
DeleteI love the B737 and personally I would love to see them fly for at least another 2 years to charter destinations as well as regional destinations, but ASL has to make their opinion when it comes to those aircraft.
Also it is unacceptable to send A319 to Sofia or Bucharest and send the B737 to Amsterdam.
Do you know that after Etihad's investment in Alitalia, new plan for Alitalia predicts they will operate at a loss in 2015, 2016 and possibly even 2017? It's a completely NORMAL for a turnaround to take years, before airlines starts to operate with a profit. For some reason, Air Serbia was under a lot of pressure to have profit even in the first full year (2014) with planned subventions, so one of the easiest ways was to use paid off 737 instead of leasing additional Airbus planes. I think that third A320 lease was cancelled because of that. They have to use 737 not because they planned to do so, but because of pressures to be profitable from the get go.
DeleteWell it is quite normal that all 733s are in use as two Airbuses are in hangar and one plane regularly flies to Abu Dhabi and Muscat on behalf of Eithad Airways every day. Would you expect something different ?
DeleteWe will see how the summer season plays out when it comes to B737, so yea maybe it is too early to say. Anyhow, what is not normal to me is that they are sending B737 to TLV, as well as key destinations such as Frankfurt and Amsterdam. Whats the point of using A319 for short hops to Bucharest, Sofia or Sarajevo?
DeleteSome might say this is in order to attract transit pax, but if I was a transit pax I would not mind travelling with B737 or the ATR from Bucharest to Belgrade. On the other hand, I would not feel comfortable travelling with the B737 to London or Amsterdam. Do not forget that there is like 144 seats in the B737 compared to 128 seats in the A319.
"I would not feel comfortable travelling with the B737 to London or Amsterdam"
DeleteYou should immediately warn Lufthansa passengers, they are still operating 737 almost as old as Aviolet planes. There are a lot of world class airlines around the world operating planes older than Aviolet 737.
"Do not forget that there is like 144 seats in the B737 compared to 128 seats in the A319. "
Do not forget that some fine airlines have more than 144 seats in A319! For example Air Berlin, this config has 150 seats in A319:
Stop trolling, you don't have enough knowledge.
First off, Lufthansa will be retiring both the B737-300 and 500 this year. Second, I am not comparing other airlines and I am well aware that low cost or semi low cost companies such AB,U2 and so on have high density configurations.
DeleteYou really do not see what I was trying to prove. I clearly said in my first comment that I love the Boing 737 and would love for ASL to keep them for at least another 2 years. The point I was making is that it does not make sense to send A319 to OTP or SOF and send the B737 to LHR or TLV. Why send the older and more cramped plane to a 3 hour destination WITHOUT BIZ class? Answer that and please do not compare ASL to other companies. Just focus on the company itself.
and also when I said comfortable I meant not safety wise, but instead comfort wise!
Delete"Stop trolling, you don't have enough knowledge."
Explain to me how are my comments "trolling".
Relax, he is the troll.
DeleteVaske ASL also transports cargo. Cargo can decide if they need to send A319 or 737 to a destination.
DeleteLufthansa's sectors on the B737 are considerably shorter than JU's BEG-AMS/TLV/FRA.
DeleteLufthansa dispatches them onto domestic routes plus places like Zurich, Vienna, Brussels, Copenhagen... flights that are not longer than 90 minutes.
Also, it's illogical to wonder why JU sends its Airbuses to Sofia and Bucharest but not to Frankfurt or Tel Aviv when these are in different waves of departures. It's obvious that JU needs more aircraft if they want to have such an ambitious schedule.
By the way, JU's B733 no longer have that many cycles left.
A Turcima i Egipcanima ne daju cartere. Bice vruce ljeto Dani Kondicu!
ReplyDeleteNe lazi, lete i jedni i drugi chartere za Beograd!
DeleteHehe.. koliko tebi nije dobro.
DeleteMeni je super, jer vidim da će neki operateri iz Turske i Egipta i dalje leteti čartere ovog leta.
DeleteOT: Today BA had an inaugural flight from LHR to SPU with A319 - 2012 Gold Livery.
ReplyDeleteJel ima neko sliku
DeleteHvala unapred =D
Charter season begins tonight at BEG with Mistral Air's B733 to Catania.
ReplyDeleteThanks, I didn't know Mistral got the charter approval for summer charters from Catania.
DeleteArrived to Beg as 7M 2977.
As of AGX, I am kinda said to see them go tho they were brought to bankruptcy long time ago.
Let's keep the memory in the future of everything AGX used to represent in Serbian and ex-yu aviation history. All the best to their employees.
Peanut gallery was unusually vocal today. It may be painful for some, but it's better to end Avigenex agony and move on. I don't feel sorry for those still "employed", they should have seen writing on the wall months and years ago. If there is a need for another airline, it is better to start one from the scratch than to try to turn Aviogenex employees and that EU-banned plane into a profitable company. Put old pictures, plane models and memorabilia in the museum, shut down the company and move on!
ReplyDeleteI would like to share this special picture with you, YU-ANP in 1997.
Zapravo neka nostalgija i tuga kada vidim da jedan legendarni avion i još legendarnija kompanija na našim bivšim prostorima umire.A moglo je bolje - dodati Aviogenexu i ostale ex. JAT-ove B-737-300 i zadržati tako čistu čarter kompaniju.Nikada neče zaboraviti ponedeljke i utorke kada je u Ljubljanu sletjelo i do 8 njihovih B-737-200,B-727-200 i Tu134A......
ReplyDeletehvala Bogu da se neko setio da obrise tu smesnu aviogenex kompaniju..pa pa dovidjenja i ne vratili se nikada !
ReplyDeleteTa avio kompanija se ionako raspadala i kada je bila u najboljim godinama..ne mogu da podnesem ove DS botove koji pisu gluposti a kada se samo setim koliko smo svi na zurkama i generalno svi mladi,koliko smo se sprdali sa starim JATom i Avio Genexom..ma daj,i neka su ih ugasili,imamo sad nasu kompaniju i treba u nju ulagati i neka nam je ona dobro,a ovi sto zale avio genex neka idu pa neka se voze nekim nisko budzetnim kompanijama iz afrike..baj baj aviogenex mozete samo da nas mrzite,zivela Air Serbia !!!
ReplyDeleteAviogenex je bila domača kompanija kao i JAT a ova nova Air Serbia nema ničeg.Prodali ste se i sada vam "arapi" vode i poslove i kasiraju novce.Tako to treba nama nesposobnim balkancima - i aerodrom Ljubljana mi smo prodali švabima pa sada zna se gdje če završiti profiti a država bez svog glavnog aerodroma je kilava......