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Zagreb Airport’s new terminal taking shape |
The construction of Zagreb Airport’s new passenger terminal has intensified with work currently taking place both landside and airside. Viadukt, the Croatian contractor in charge of carrying out the majority of the building work, says the project is on schedule and that all deadlines have been met. The construction of a wastewater and storm drainage system is currently underway, as well as the retention basin, which manages stormwater runoff to prevent flooding. In addition, separators and pump stations are also being built. During night time, work is being carried out near the runway to further regulate drainage flow. Furthermore, the construction of taxiways and aprons is in progress.
In front of the future terminal, the construction of an overpass, which will connect to the already completed roundabout and access roads leading to it, is taking place. Simultaneously, the surfacing of the future car park, which will be located in front of the terminal building, is in progress. The Croatian Ministry for Sea, Transport and Infrastructure estimates that by the end of the year the construction of the terminal’s steel structure and roof will be completed, while work on both landside and airside drainage and road network will continue. Zagreb Airport is expected to purchase all necessary equipment and begin with the facility’s testing phase towards the end of 2015. The terminal's opening is scheduled to take place in 2017.
Zagreb Airport’s new terminal will have the capacity to handle 5.5 million passengers per year, compared to the current 2.2 million, once the first phase of the project is completed. The airport will later be expanded in subsequent phases to reach an annual capacity of eight million passengers, though no firm timeframe has been set for future development. The project involves a total investment of 331 million euros, 243 million of which will be spent on the construction of the new terminal and 88 million for the maintenance of airport infrastructure over the entire period of the thirty-year concession, awarded to the French-led Zagreb Airport International Company (ZAIC).
Great work. My only objection is that they should not have cut down on the terminal size (jet bridges) and car park could have been underground. The rest looks great. Love the roof.
ReplyDeleteI agree on terminal p[proportions, should have been kept as originally intended,which were 155x175m, instead of current 140x130m, and gone full profile with fingers. Problem with the underground garage is underground waters. Whole area around there is a basically a large wetlands and in rainy season entire area is flooded, at least this was the case in 1800s and early to mid 1900s,
DeleteAt most they could have gone is 8m underground which they did, enough for a large automatic luggage sorting facility, facility will be able to handle 20 million pieces of luggage per year and should need arise it can be expanded a fair bit.
It'll be only such facility in entire region, even much larger airports don't have it yet, so it is great that Zagreb has it.
Also terminal will eventually be enlarged as passanger numbers grow, there are plans to expand it by 30m on each side and extend fingers to 720m, or adding additional 200m on each side.
Once fully upgraded Terminal will be able to handle around 12 million pax per year, 15 million max. These numbers are likely around 2050.
Congratulations. Terminal will look great :)
ReplyDeleteIs their some underground water issue at ZAG? Seems like they are doing a whole lot of work on drainage.
ReplyDeleteI think it has something to do with the underground facilities which needs to slowly be drained and 'trickled' into the storm water system.
DeleteVery common with new buildings everywhere now to prevent the storm water system being overwhelmed.
New terminal looking great, hope OU will perform much better next year!
ReplyDeleteWasn't the terminal supposed to open in 2016? Now its 2017.
ReplyDeleteThe terminal will be finished in 2016, open in 2017!
DeleteI novi Aerodrom u Berlinu je trebalo da bude otvoren 2012 a sada se mole da to bude 2017. Ne zahvalno je prognozirati otvaranje tako kompleksnih objekata.
ReplyDeleteSarajevo 80,143 passengers in May!
+ 12,1% compared with May 2014.
Sarajevo expects 800.000 passenegers in 2015.
DeleteFlyDubai 4 x to Sarajevo during the summer seasons:
ReplyDeleteBEG maj 2014/2015.
Putnika 383.773 - 406.121 +6%
Avio operacija 4.987 - 5.016 +1%
Roba 926.233 - 1.167.291 +26%
Posta 91.134 - 144.170 +58%
Sa obzirom na mali porast u broju operacija, ovo je fantastičan rezulatat. Bravo za BEG, jedva cekam da vidim rezultate za naredna tri meseca.
DeleteDa li ima neko rezultate za primorske aerodrome u Hrvatskoj. Siguran sam da beleze veliki rast.
Ove godine je realno ocekivati da ce rast biti 5, 6% Ocigledno se povecava LF a i LX, LF... sve cesce dolaze sa vecim "pticama".
Deleteat 6% Beograd won't even reach 5mil passengers in 2015. This is slower than expected. Delayed approval for America flights postponed planned local expansion and growth is slowing.
Delete@4:05 ocekivano od koga? Ko realan je mogao da posle tolikog rasta u proteklih par godina očekuje veći rast od 5, 6%?! Jel to malo pitam vas?
DeleteFirst off anon 4:36 that is good growth and I call 5-7% natural growth. At the same time it was expected to be around double that (10-14%) by many member on here as well as many members on aerodorm beograd skyscrapercity page. The funny thing about the last thing I mentioned is that 20 members predicted growth of 10-20%, and maybe like 3-4 people said 0-10%.
DeleteMislim da posle tolikog rasta poslednjih godina i istorijskog broja prošle godine je potpuno nerealno očekivati dvocifren broj rasta u ovoj godin i. Uz to treba uzeti u obzir da ASL dolazi u realne okvire i ne može da ima rast od 68% kao prošle godine.
Delete"ocekivano od koga? Ko realan je mogao da posle tolikog rasta u proteklih par godina očekuje veći rast od 5, 6%?! Jel to malo pitam vas?"
DeleteSve je relativno. Aerodrom Nis ce sa samo par letova imati veci rast od aerodroma Beograd.
Malo je kad se uporedi sa originalnim planovima. Dva aviona su bila očekivana krajem godine ili početkom ove, tek je jedan ATR stigao sredinom ove godine. Papiri za let preko bare su trebali da budu gotovi prošle godine, a letovi da krenu sredinom ove godine. Po tim očekivanjima aerodrom je mogao da ima između 10 i 20% rasta ove godine, ali nije do aerodroma, nije ni do Er Srbije.
I ovo potvrdjuje da sam nbio upravu .
DeleteSad se cekaju papiri od srpskog direktorata za ETOPS i onda mozemo da slavimo.
Who designed the new terminal?
ReplyDeletePoznati zagrebački arhitektonski duo Kincl-Neidhardt iz IGH.
DeletePopis svih autora:
Kincl, Branko, Autor
Neidhardt, Velimir, Autor
Radić, Jure, Autor
Ćurlin, Venko, Suradnik
Kralj, Zvonimir, Suradnik
Ljubić, Ivan, Suradnik
Opalić, Boško, Suradnik
Trkanjec, Luka, Suradnik
Kunst, Ana, Izrada vizualizacije
Lundström, Magnus, Izrada vizualizacije
Mujkanović, nijaz, Konzultant za konstrukciju
Špišić, Ivan, Konzultant za konstrukciju
Vlašić, Anđelko, Konzultant za konstrukciju
Kralj, Stjepan, Konzultant za promet
Bazjanac, Vladimir, Konzultant
Peović, Tonči, Konzultant
Roguljić, Slavko, Konzultant
Stojan, Ante, Konzultant
Bergam, Ognjen, Konzultant za energetiku
Drakulić, Miodrag, Konzultant za energetiku
Ravlić, Nenad, Konzultant za energetiku
you are welcome
DeleteBelgrade take note. While you are sleeping and doing nothing Skopje, Pristina, Skopje, Zagreb and Dubrovnik have all built new terminals!
ReplyDeleteDa BEG ne radi nista... rekonstruisan T2, prosirenje stajanke, prosirenje T2, novi gejtovi, novi aviomostovi su fatamorgana? Ulazk u top 100 evropskih aerodroma po broju prevezenih putnika takodje...
DeleteDo they need a new one? They are still the number one, and will be the number one in the future. But is is just normal. More people, bigger city and so on...
DeleteBEG lacks some facilities, such as rail connection to the city center, parking structure adjacent to the terminal and separation of inbound and outbound pax that has been extensively disussed. Intl arrivals are a mess, and a hotel would be nice.
DeleteBut is this enough to warrant a construction of a brand new terminal? Is JU going to drive growth so high that it will be necessary in 2-3 years? I would still say no.
ZAG, SKP, PRN, DBV - especially ZAG - have beautiful new terminals, but prior to that, they had completely inadequate buidlings and services. They didn't have a choice but to build a brand new terminal.
Novi terminal, hotel, zeleznica... sve je to planirano na BEG sa strateskim partnerom ili koncesionarom, videcemo uskoro.
DeletePametno rukovodstvo (koje mi nemamo) gleda unapred, projektuje u narednih 5-10 godina, ne spava na lovorikama - kada su vremena dobra tada se prave investicije, na vreme. Aerodrome treba da vode profesionalci, operater treba da nadje svoj interes a drzava Srbija svoj - za to treba vizija a ponasjvise DOBAR UGOVOR. Da li smo u stanju jedanput da napravimo dobar ugovor za nasu drzavu? Ja se nadam ali kao i obicino izgleda da se puno prica i spinuje i reklamira unapred ali malo sta se radi po pitanju pretvaranje LYBE u pravi regionalni HUB.
DeleteKao sto sam reko vise puta bice ova 2015 i 2016 jedne od najboljih za srpsko vazduhoplovstvo .
DeleteA i naravno da ce napraviti dobar ugovor.
"Da BEG ne radi nista... rekonstruisan T2, prosirenje stajanke, prosirenje T2, novi gejtovi, novi aviomostovi su fatamorgana? Ulazk u top 100 evropskih aerodroma po broju prevezenih putnika takodje..."
Deleterekonstruisan T2,...novi gejtovi... - sve građevinske radove na rekonstrukciji T2 uradio je prethodni menadžment, novi nije ništa rekonstruisao!
novi aviomostovi - aerodrom ima 16 mostova već decenijama. Stakleni umesto starih, ali isti broj kao kad je bilo samo 2 miliona putnika.
Ulazk u top 100 evropskih aerodroma - to je isključivo zasluga Er Srbije a ne aerodroma pošto aerodrom od prošlog leta nije NIŠTA uradio od građevinskih proširenja! Sramota!
Prvo kazete da BEG ne radi nista a kasnije to suzavate na poslednju godinu ;) Prosirena je platforma, a prvi put u istoriji aerodrom iz sopstvenih sredstava finansira prosirenje. Ali vas ni to verovatno nece zadovoljiti jer vas ni novi avio mostovi ni novi gejtovi be zadovoljavaju.
DeletePa nije prvi put u istoriji da aerodrom finansira prosirenje iz sopstvenih izvora.
DeleteSva renoviranja T2, gejtova A1-A5 i C1-C6, kao i sve ostalo renovirano na BEG je finansirano i tada (prethodnih godina) iz sopstvenih izvora. Da ne spominjemo sta je sve radio prethodni menadzment da privuce nove aviokompanije, a ovaj nije uradio nista po tom pitanju ili gotovo nista...
Verovatno je najbolja godina u istoriji aerodroma dosla sama od sebe ;)
DeleteAnon 1:25 PM:
So who is actually behind the French lead (ZAIC)? Is it Vinci? What other airports does this French lead company run?
ReplyDelete-- Charlie
Aéroports de Paris Management, 20.77%; Bouygues
DeleteBâtiment International, 20.77%; Marguerite Fund, 20.77%; IFC, 17.58%; TAV Airports, 15.0%;
and Viadukt, 5.11%
If you go to Vinci Airports you will find out.....
DeleteThanks for the detalied reply.
Delete-- Charlie
Zna li netko hoće li na novom terminalu C u Dubrovniku izazi biti označeni slovima C i D u kombinaciji s brojevima kao npr. u Beču, Pešti i ostalima... na ovoj fotki budućeg terminala u gornjem desnom kutu se vidi tabla na kojoj kao da je označen smjer za gates C i D...???
No idea, ask someone on Croatian aviation forum they might know it.
DeleteWhy so pissy?
I am very glad to see such a big progress, stunning project. Hope that some room is planned for spotters and other visitors (terrace, hill or whatever), it could be perfect for Rwy 23 landings and Rwy 05 take-offs. Greetings from Belgrade.
Delete+1, also from BEG.
DeleteNone, there'll be a restaurant and a food court on top floor overlooking entire platform with parked planes, you'll be able to seat and have nice meal whilst watching planes landing or taking off or docking at the terminal. floors 1 and 2 will be used for departure and arrivals check ins and so on.
DeleteAll the shops will be on ground and tip floor.
Are there any interior pics? The terminal really looks great, even at this stage!
DeleteTlocrt trećeg kata i galerije, uzdužni i poprečni presjek i sl se može vidjeti u novom listu građevinar
Thank you, Anonymous 5:47 PM!
DeleteSeaAir izbacije Beč iz ponude letova iz Osijeka te uvodi Stuttgart uz FRA, MUC. Povratne karte za tri destinacije 111 eura od 29.6.
I'm sorry for OT:
ReplyDeleteCan somebody tell my why are the six ATRs from ASL not flying all at the same time. There is allways one not flying.
Thanks in advance.
Best wishes from Basel BSL-MLH-EAP
OT: video at Air Serbia new menu event
There are really few charter from BEG nowadays. I know the season just started but last few years during this time there were like 6-7 charter flights. Today I believe there are two, tomorrow 1 and so on. I know it partially due to not issuing license to Corendon and Nesma but still.
ReplyDeleteBJV has only one flight no. scheduled for the entire summer. BJ and TU were supposed to start with NBE and MIR flights today, but they didn't. It' s worse than ever!
ReplyDeleteCan anyone tell me what the new apron which is across taxiway 'E' is going to be used for?
ReplyDeleteLooks like it will have a specific purpose. Could be military...