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Niš Airport to expand and modernise its facilities |
Niš Constantine the Great Airport plans to expand its facilities following the resumption of commercial flights last month after almost two years. The airport has been allocated 665.000 euros from the city budget this year, part of which will be used to expand the cargo handling area, as well as for improvements inside the terminal. The departure gate has already been expanded, with a duty free shop to open soon, and there are plans to improve access roads leading to the airport. Wizz Air currently operates five weekly flights to Niš, with three services from Malmo and two from Basel. Flights were introduced a month ago with solid loads reported so far. Local authorities have said that the low cost carrier is considering opening a base in the city in the coming year.
The Serbia and Montenegro Air Traffic Services Agency (SMATSA), which manages the airspace of both countries, has announced it will install equipment for measuring the runway visual range (RVR) at Niš Airport, which aids the pilot during limited visibility. The installation of the new equipment is set to begin soon and will be ready for use by the start of the 2015/16 winter season in late October. Furthermore, SMATSA will invest a million euros in an instrument landing system (ILS), which provides guidance to aircraft approaching and landing on a runway during low ceilings or reduced visibility due to fog, rain or snow. Long-term plans include the construction of a control tower and the lengthening of the runway. “Once all of this equipment is in place, Niš Airport will improve its status and become more competitive in the region”, the city’s Mayor, Zoran Perišić, noted.
Niš Airport was opened for commercial traffic in the late 1980s and served by JAT Yugoslav Airlines. It was hit on several occasions and damaged during the 1999 NATO bombing campaign of Yugoslavia. In 2003 it was reopened following extensive reconstruction and development. The Niš region has a catchment area of over one million people with a sizable number of locals originating from the area now living abroad. Until Wizz Air's arrival, the airport struggled to attract customers. It is now in talks with several airlines, including Wizz Air, Air Serbia and Pegasus Airlines, over the introduction of new services.
Is the airport really that in need of improvements? It's got 5 flights a week - they're probably better off putting that money into subsidizing costs to attract airlines.
ReplyDeleteI'm pretty sure all of these improvements were requested by Wizz Air. Same thing happened with Tuzla.
DeleteCene aerodromskih usluga: Landing - 0,75 EUR/ po putniku
DeleteHandling - 1,25 EUR/ po putniku
Passenger Servis - 1eur/ po putniku
Lighting - 1eur/t po danu
Parking - 1,5eur/t po danu
Dakle, cene usluga su simbolicne.. taman posla da kompanije jos subvencionisu. Miloni su dati iz budzeta grada proteklih godina za subvencije avio kompanijama i od toga nije bilo nista.
NATO didn't have bombing campaign, it was pure aggression on FRY!
ReplyDeletePosle bombardovanja Vlada Norveske je ulozila desetak milona eura u obnovu aerodroma al ajd da ne idemo u OT pls... bombardovanje, agresija.. ne bitno za ovu raspravu..
DeleteDa - tako je. Aerodromska poletno sleda staza prevashodno je bula uništena. Naime, u tom periodu norveška vlada je uložila novac u obavljanje nekih aerodroma u evropi, pa je tako i niski aktiviran 2003/2004, nakon čega su usledili letovi Jata, Montenegra i kratkotrajni letovi drugih avio kompanija.
DeleteDa li neko ima svezije podatke o LF?
ReplyDelete80% apparently.. source: flyfromnis.blogspot.com
DeleteSto je solidno.. Da li se povecao LF i za letove iz INI?
DeleteNa svim letovima nema ispod 150 putnika generalno. Tako sam ja cuo na tv
DeleteI'm happy for Nis and that entire region. They have beeb hit hardest by the transition and deserve some good news and something to work out.
ReplyDeleteA part from all of this instruments Nis needs improvement of the terminal building which literally makes you feel you landed back in 80s. Some make up of existing facilities could be solution until they don't get new terminal in coming years
ReplyDeleteHas anyone ever seen CIA, Roma Ciampino? A tin can, literally. And yet, it serves millions. Beautiful, presentable? Certainly not. Does it get the job done and caters for LCCs? Sure it does.
Delete+1 Completely agree
Deletethe same situation with Milan Bergamo, one of the worst airports I have been to, but hey, as you said serves millions too and perfect for LCC. Also, has anyone departed with FR or Wizzair from BUD recently, if they call that a gate then I am a princess of Wales!
Milan and Rome have strong O&D pax numbers, you can't put in Niš same sentence.
DeleteAnonymousJuly 24, 2015 at 10:54 PM
ReplyDeletesorry for OT
does anyone know the passenger figures (total and O&D) for the following destinations to/from BEG:
Thanks in advance!
According to BEG statistics for 2014 W6 recorded 33627 PAX on FMM route and 32668 PAX on MLH route, 111 flights to both airports. In 2015 154 PAX per flight to both destinations. INF PAX are included in total numbers.
DeleteExpand? New terminal? What are you and they all talking about. Just because of Wizz? Wizz is an "airline" that can simply pull, out tomorrow if they wish! The only smart thing to do is to make everything clean, functioning and presentable and expansion and new stuff can wait until the airport develops more.
ReplyDeleteDon't get me wrong, I'm REALLY glad Nis airport is active again but it's ONE airline, sorry "airline". Give it time!
Potpuno se slazem.Treba ugraditi jos ILS. Da bi INI bio profitabilan, sa ovim cenama usluga, treba jos linija, jos jedna ili dve avio kompanije makar u sezonskom charteru.. do tada ne treba razbacivati novac.
DeleteCene aerodromskih usluga: Landing - 0,75 EUR/ po putniku
DeleteHandling - 1,25 EUR/ po putniku
Passenger Servis - 1eur/ po putniku
Lighting - 1eur/t po danu
Parking - 1,5eur/t po danu
To be profitable with such a pricelist ? You must be kidding.
@5:26 Cenovnik sam ja napisao, tako da sam svesan situacije, jako dobro.. Sa dve linije, profita naravno ne moze da bude ali ako Wizz uvede jos koju liniju, eventualno dodje ASL, proradi letnji charter, zasto da ne?
DeleteHello Anonymous July 25, 2015 at 5:26 PM,
Deleteproblem is that a vast majority of these guys never think about building and maintenance. They usually think the salaries are the only cost.
I think Niš is mostly collecting pax from its region. Not many people from Novi Sad or Belgrade use those flights. If people from these cities become more aware that you can actually fly from Niš, flights would be almost equally in winter as they are in the summer.
ReplyDeleteAlso, launching destinations that you can't fly from Belgrade (such as Charleroi or Malta) would bring even more pax from whole Serbia..
Only crazy people from Novi Sad would go to Nis airport.
DeleteI'd rather travel to Budapest and get proper deal rather than endure on trip to Niš from Novi Sad mate!
DeleteEvo dokaza koliko se naporno radi u srbiji na poboljsanju Aerodroma.
ReplyDeleteJedva cekam da dodju nove Aviokompanije sa kojima se pregovara u INI.
Do you get paid for your comments?
DeleteMakar da dobija, bilo bi mi lakse..
DeleteJa čak počinjem vjerovati da on ima neke koristi od pisanja ovih budalaština i opsjednutosti nacionalizmom. Ovo nitko normalan ne može raditi dobrovoljno.
DeleteKakav nacionalizam to je istina sta sam napisao a to sto ste vi ljubomorni ja vam nemogu pomoci .
Hehe, da li si svestan, da kad bi tvoj post neko procitao u Srbiji, pao bi na ledja od smeha ;)
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
Delete@6:55 jel mozes to da napises na srpskom?
DeleteKazem da ja nemam nikakve vajde to sto pisem ovde.
Ovo sada nije tvoj orginalni post, moderator ga je preradio.. Da te spasi blama..
DeleteNe znam zbog cega se osvrcete na komentare deteta od 17 godina. Sta on zna sta su aerodromi, kapital i aviokompanije.
Delete@ anonymous 2:44 +100
ReplyDeleteGreat to see the effort to change the status quo. I wish I could see the same for LYKV.
ReplyDeleteRealna su ocekivanja za buduci vazdusni centar Istocne i juzne Srbijd u Nisu. Investicije su neminovne. Niko razuman nece voziti pi improvizovanim putevima, niti letetenjem sa neopremljenih, kratkih pista, opremom iz sedamdesetih godina u malom terminalu... Sto se Kraljevacke Morave tice, ona od septembra treba poceti sa produzenjem poslova u Terminalu. Prosirenju, produzenju piste, gradnji Kargo Terminala, opremanju... Centralna i jugozapodna Srbija ce definitivno dobiti prvi pravi civilni aerodrom u istoriji!. To su javno izgovorili Aleksandar Vuci sada u julu u Vrnjackoj Banji, kao i Zorana Mihajilovic, marta meseca u novom aerodrommskom terminalu ✈MORAVE✈, kao i po drugi put medijima ponovila u Skupstini Srbije, u maju mesecu. To je dovoljno. Meni sutra ostaje da proslavljajuci ulazak u sedamdesetu godinu, dodjem do zatvorene kapije sa zardjalim lancom okacim buket cveca. Ocekujuci da ce cvece oboriti kapiju vise od tri godine staru. Rec Gospodina Vucica i Gospodje Mihajilovic, oborice ne samo kapiju, vec dovrsiti davno zapoceti projekat. Da, sutra je 28 jul! Kroz zicanu zaklopljenu kapiju, sa zakinim buketom cveca na njoj, proslavicu moj roddjendan. Gledajuci kroz zicu u novi terminal, ATC i pistu. U nadi kao i do sada u Pretsednika Vlade i Kraljevacku ✈MORAVU✈ , od tek sletelog u Otadzbinu, ✈Rodney Marinkovic✈😊☀❇. Kraljevo✈ Sydney✈.
ReplyDeletePostovani gospodine Marinkovicu, zelim vam srecan 70-i rodjendan, najvise zdravlja kao i da vam se ostvari otvaranje Morave. Nadam se da ce te me jos dugo, dugo pratiti vasim specificnim nacinom pisanja i optimizmom. Svako dobro, srdacan pozdrav
DeletePredrag BG-NL
Blagodaran za Vas reply, Gospodine Predraze, u nadi bezgranicnoj za razvoj putnicke avijacije Srbije u buducim vremenima po medjunarodnom standardu. Bez improvizacije sa ''operativnom'' politikom inkopententnih ''bruh'' politicara... Zaista, zaista ova drzava svesno je obavezna podizati zdrave aerodrome, avijaciju. Bez otkrivanja tople vode, short cut... Ima ovde briljantnih pojedinaca, ali sam system nije na nivou potrebnom da bi se mogli opustiti. Pojedini segmenti su dobri. Drugi delovi Sistema se razvijaju prema zahtevnom nivou. Medju tim, mnogo je ''starih kadrovika'' koji i dalje mere ''dulumima, jutrima, okama''... Naravno, figurativno govoreci. Smena generacij ce taj uslovno, problem resiti... Sa verom u VASKRSLOG, Ljude, Air Serbia, Aerodrome Srbije, ljude, sisteme koji se polako menjaju, velika je moja nada i ljubav istinita za putnicku aviaciju, Aerodrome Srbije i Ljude njene koji radom odrzivi profit stvaraju, od poreza ne zive, a pojedinacno odgovaraju. Ne samo formalno i moralno vec i materjalno. To je osnov svakog zdravog delovanja sa promisljanjem, istinitim primenjivanjem. Mnogima se ovo nece dopasti. Nagrdice me. Sta da se radi? Taff luck! Svedocim iskustvo zemalja i ljudi gde blizu pola veka zivim. Ali razapet izmedju moje Otadzbine rodjenja i moje naturalizovane Domovine, na cijem sam avionu prvi put u zivotu leteo. Prije vec cetrdeset sest leta. Prijatno leto, mir i dobri ljudi vam na pomoci bili✈😊🌏☀. Rodney & Son. ✈Kraljevo✈Sydney✈.
DeleteVratiti letove za CG...PG ili TIV,svejedno...bar u sezoni...