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Air Transat heading to Zagreb from June 14 |
Canadian leisure airline Air Transat will launch one weekly seasonal flights between Toronto and Zagreb next summer season, commencing on June 14, 2016. The news comes just several days after SkyGreece Airlines suspended the same route following financial problems. The Canadian airline will operate flights to the Croatian capital with a 345-seat Airbus A330-200 aircraft. Debbie Cabana, Air Transat's Marketing Director, told EX-YU Aviation News that the airline will officially announce its new service to Zagreb in the coming days when it will put tickets on sale through its website. However, tickets can already be purchased through other booking engines. Air Transat's Toronto - Zagreb service will have a similar schedule to that of SkyGreece and will operate on the same days, departing Canada's largest city each Tuesday and performing its return service on Wednesday.
Air Transat is Canada’s leading leisure airline. It carries some three million passengers annually to nearly sixty destinations in thirty countries aboard its fleet of Boeing narrow-body and Airbus wide-body jets. The company employs some 2.000 people. Air Transat is a business unit of Transat A.T., an integrated international tour operator with more than sixty destinations in over fifty countries. Air Transat was named the Best North American Leisure Airline at the annual Skytrax World Airline Awards, held in June 2015, for a fourth year in a row. A holiday travel specialist, Transat operates mainly in Canada and Europe, as well as in the Caribbean, Mexico and the Mediterranean Basin.
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Economy class cabin on Air Transat's A330-200 |
Air Transat's A330-200 jet, which will be used on services to Zagreb, features a two cabin layout, with twelve seats in business class (Club Class) and a further 333 in economy. The airline rolled out a new interior in 2012, offering a 2-2-2 layout in Club Class and 3-3-3 seating in economy. Furthermore, all seats feature personal entertainment systems with a selection of movies, TV programs and music, as well as in-built USB ports for recharging tablets, cell phones and other devices and additional ports in Club Class for recharging laptops. In January, Zagreb Airport said it was in discussion with two airlines to launch flights from Toronto. In 2014 some 80.000 Canadians holidayed in Croatia, an increase of 19% compared to the year before. It is expected Air Transat's new service will be used by both holidaymakers and those visiting family and friends in Croatia and vice versa. Further flight details can be found here.
Congrats, Zagreb!
ReplyDeletewow nice cabin and good to see a serious airline operating this route.
ReplyDeleteReally great news, cause Air Transat is outstanding and reliable airline. This route will last.
DeleteOne of my favorite Mayday episodes...
lol jealous much
DeleteGreat news, good luck, Zagreb!
DeleteThe days nears where one of the US Carriers will open seasonal flts to a ex YU dest
ReplyDeleteDubrovnik, I suppose?
DeleteUnited to Zagreb seasonal is quite likely in 2017.
DeleteKakav mrtvi Zagreb!! Pa lijepo je napisao dobro upuceni @10:15 , o Dubrovniku je rijec.
DeletePotvrda ce ubrzo stici.
Dubrovnik was mostly port of call for cruise ships, but if more cruise lines start using Dubrovnik as a port of departure like Thompson did, there will be a big demand for direct flights from USA to DBV.
ReplyDeleteAir Serbia je ponudila izvrstan proizvod, doslovce sam oduševljen. Prije leta jedne moje mažoretkinje na letu Athens - Beograd - Zagreb, ponudili su mi e-mailom (jer ja sam joj kupio kartu pošto je letjela za tim), da za leg ATH-BEG na kojem imaju business klasu (A319) upgrade-am ekonomsku klasu u business. Priča je vrlo jednostavna. Vi sami ponudite koliko želite za to platiti (raspon je bio od 80 do 200 EUR za jedan leg) i oni vas obavijeste 24 sata prije jeste li upgrade ili ne. Naravno, ako oni prodaju business klasu za veće pare ili više ljudi ponudi veću lovu od vas samih nećete upasti i ostajete u ekonomskoj klasi. No, ako ima mjesta što ih to košta? Za 80 EUR su ipak uspjeli nekoga uvaliti u business klasu i osloboditi si mjesto u ekonomskoj, te nisu morali davati gratis ekonomsku klasu da povečaju LF. A usluga u business klasi ne košta 80 EUR, tj. kompanija ne potroši niti izblizu toliko za sve što daju, dočim će nešto i zaraditi, o zadovoljstvu putnika da ne govorimo.
I sad, 200 EUR ne bih dao za business, ali 80 za tu istinski pravu business klasu svakako bih (za razliku od Croatie gdje je razlika gotovo nikakva i ne bih dao ni 10 EUR za business klasu). Svaka čast, ODUŠEVLJEN SAM, ogromne čestitke. Prvom prilikom ću to svakako iskoristiti!!!!
Ne mogu da se setim ali sam siguran da sam ovaj sistem vec negde video/cuo.
DeleteIma ga već više od godinu dana Adria, ali i još neke kompanije. No, ovo je svakako još jedna od prednosti spram Croatie, Montenegra, ali i Wizza i nekih drugih kompanija koja potencijalnog putnika "dovlači" u Air Serbiu umjesto u konkurenciju.
DeleteImaju li takvu lutriju na Air Transatu?
DeleteSlao sam pre tri-četiri nedelje link za taj Fly Business, dakle proradilo je. Isti sistem ima, naravno, Etihad.
DeleteAli zanimljivo je da počnemo skupljati info o tome koliko se na konkretnoj ruti naplaćuje upgrade. Purger, da li se ova ponuda odnosila na ATH-BEG-ZAG, ili samo jedan od ta dva segmenta? Verujem da je to bilo samo za ATH-BEG, jer na AT7 za ZAG i nema business klase.
Gledajući broj potrebnih frequent flyer milja, ATH je tu negde u rangu sa MXP, WAV, OTP, FCO, uz regionalne aerodrome. Baš me zanima koliko se traži za neke malo dalje destinacije, poput Nemačke ili Francuske.
Koliko ja znam Air Transat nudi upgrate na samom gateu gdje je moguće za oko 200 USD (ovo je vjerovatno više za duže letove) preći u business klasu, naravno ako tamo ima mjesta.
DeleteDa za BEG-ZAG nije nudio tu uslugu jer ni nema business klase (zato sam i napisao da se nudi samo u Airbusevima gdje te klase ima).
DeleteZa one koji znaju da čitaju lepo piše ATH-BEG, sorry :)
DeleteUzgred kada već pominjem FF milje, pre nekoliko dana je povećan broj milja potreban za award letove na JU across the board za oko 20%. To nije zavredelo vest ni na JU stranici, ni na njihovim nalozima na društvenim mrežama, a i ovde je prošlo neprimećeno.
DeleteJU je i dalje ima fenomenalne redemption rates, posebno u kombinaciji sa Etihadovim dugolinijskim letovima. Ako se malo biraju datumi i booking klase, za let do JI Azije u ekonomskoj klasi od 500 evra se može zaraditi dovoljno milja za kartu u business klasi do ATH - to je sjajno.
Purgeru, pa daj licitiraj za tu mazoretkinju. Ako cura dobije business, nitko sretniji od nje, a i ti ces ispast frajercina.
DeleteSta su mazoretkinje?
DeleteAustrian had a same "lottery" available
DeleteINN-NS, Google je tvoj prijatelj.
DeleteProšlo već. Na kraju nije ni letjela na tom letu (još uvijek čekamo povrat novaca za aerodromske takse od Air Serbie), nego je cijela prića prebačena iz Grčke na Španjolsku pa smo joj platili let Barcelona-Toulouse sa Vuelingom.
DeleteNazalost plasim se da cete se nacekati jer ti refunds kod JU traju kao gladna godina... :( Mnogi su se zalili ali kompanija jos nije nasla adekvatan kadar koji bi se time bavio.
DeleteNe razumijem. Pa zadržavaju lavovski dio novaca, što nije sporno, a trebaju vratiti tek neki maleni dio (mislim da 30-tak EUR). Koji je to problem? Unaprijed smo ih obavijestili da nećemo ostvariti let, napravili smo sve što su tražili da vrate novac, zna se iznos, oni to nisu platili ni BEG ni ATH, dakle to nije njihov novac, što se sada ima čekati. Kratak administrativni postupak koji traje 5 minuta. U drugim kompanijama to se ostvari za 2-3 dana.
DeleteJoš jednom naglašavam da to nije njihov novac nego se samo preko njih plača aerodromima (nekad ste to plačali na check-inu). Bojim se da se ovdje ne radi o kadru (to je ipak preglup izgovor) nego da kompanija želi zadržati novac koji nije njihov u nadi da će bar neki postotak ljudi izgubiti živce i reći fuck tih par desetaka EUR nek si ih ostave.
Da, da... sve mi je jasno ali je problem u organizaciji jer nemaju ljude koji se time bave nego odredjeni ljudi to usput rade. Zato traje toliko dugo.
DeleteDrugarica je vazduhoplovni advokat u francuskoj i rekla mi je da je narod tako poceo da tuzi JU samo zato sto se neprofesionalno ponasaju. Sada je novi trend da uopste ne idu na sud nego odmah se dogovore oko sume.
Živa istina. Meni drugar iz UAE potvrdio da je Etihad već doneo odluku o izlasku iz ASL, čeka se samo pogodan trenutak za objavu. Odmah nakon toga kompanija će u Srbiji biti likvidirana jer se protiv njih trenutno vodi oko pola miliona tužbi za ukupan iznos od 35 milijardi dolara što će sve platiti poreski obveznici najsiromašnije zemlje u istoriji svemira. Do kraja ovog meseca stiže definitivna potvrda.
DeleteNe lupetaj, problem sa refundacijama je realan kao i za tuzbe.
DeleteI heard from some people that they were paying 400-600$ for their Club Class. Published price is roughly double the economy from what I know. I mentioned yesterday that I got it once for $200 by asking for it at the airport, I'm not sure that this is a norm (I might've lucked out that time).
AnonymousSeptember 4, 2015 at 1:47 PM
DeleteIzvini na cemu si ti? U tvojoj prici nema apsolutno nista logicno, zasto bi neko izlazio iz firme u Evropi koja mu ne donosi troskove? Kojih pola miliona tuzbi? Decko dal si relaan i sa ovim miliardama?
Njegovi drugari po umobolnicama.
DeleteI was expecting Air Serbia to increase redemption rates after the massive Etihad hike two months ago. Certainly not good news, but as a previous poster said, JU still has some of the best award redemption rates in Europe.
Delete@1:47 gledaj, kad praviš vest patku, ona makar mora malo da liči na istinu.
DeleteI had a ride on Air Transat in 2006. YYZ-LHR
ReplyDeleteOverall not a bad ride.
Very good news for Zagreb.
they had different seats in 2006. family member flew couple of weeks ago from Europe and it was unpleasant.
DeleteThis must be the consolation prize for the Skygreece demise.
ReplyDeleteConsolation ???? Transat is a serious airline, SkyGreece was never a serious outfit, everyone here knew they'd go broke inside 6 months, just like other 1 plane outfits that have no clue what they're doing.
DeleteI just did a quick search online for some dates next summer and it comes out to $1157 CAD ($1205 on their site) which I think is a very reasonable price especially if you consider that this is a non-stop (One stops with KLM via AMS was around $1200, LH via FRA/MUC $1300 etc.) And their baggage is the same as everywhere (1 bag, 23kg free). The only issue I have with these flights are the days in the week. I personally prefer to fly out on Friday and come back on Sunday. That way I use couple of extra weekend days. I’m sure that there is a portion of people that feel the same way and would pay a little more and forgo nonstop for two extra days (vacation days in Canada are hard to come by). But for majority, if the price is good (and it seems it is)
ReplyDeleteMost airlines have seat sales here in Jan/Feb through “our” travel agents and most people buy their tickets early. In recent past this was around $1200 (so roughly the same for a one stop). I think that this fact played the role in their early announcement. It’s also a good hint to ASL what they need to do if they are planning NA flights (maybe that’s why some were talking about Sep 17 as a decision day).
A zašto kada ja gledam bookinge kompanije za koju radim vidim da se USA/Canada prema EU, a pogotovo East Europe (dakle emigracija) mahom bookira 6 i više mjeseci ranije? To što se ponekad ulovi niža cijena mjesec dana pred polazak je ako je forecastirani load factor neplanirano nizak - to je iznimka, ne pravilo. Ili su svi koji lete iz USA/Canade u ove krajeve mahom debili? A cijene to što su niže iz EU za USA/Canadu i obratno ima najviše veze sa sezonalnostima origin tržišta (dakle europsko ljeto je low season genralno za North America, ali high iz North America), kao i valutnim kretanjima kao i stanjem konkurencije. Tako da usporedbe cijena u tom smislu su potpuno bezveze i veze nemaju sa smislom revenue managementa i pricinga. Što ti misliš, da kompanije generalno više zarađuju na ranom ili kasnom bookingu? Reći ću ti ja, na kasnom.
DeleteProvjeri i sa bookingom iz Australije, apsolutno, ali apsolutno ista stvar. Isto kao i to što su cijene iz Australije više nego za Australiju. Ili su i tamo debili a ti jedini pametan.I nauči se pristojno razgovarati sa kulturnim ljudima kao što je SM.
DeleteHvala adminu na čišćenju, radujem se konstruktivnim komentarima i viđenjima na temu.
DeleteAccording to Air Transat web site, RT ticket price starts from 915 US. http://www.airtransat.ca/en/Home.aspx
ReplyDeleteto je to otprilike, kanadski dolar je otisao dole u zadnje vrijeme dobrano. Vidim da je prvi let 28og juna i povratak za 7 dana jeftiniji, nesto oko 100 kanadskih
DeletePardon 1000
DeleteGreat news for Zagreb !
ReplyDeleteI think there is room for twice weekly as inplied capacity translates into 5% of 80,000 tourists from Canada. Direct flights will surely increase the 80k number.
Airtransat na mytripu za turu za recimo 18 jun 31 avgust kako trazi SM samo 623 Jura. Pozurite.
DeleteOT: Air Serbia applied for Air Berlin codeshare a month ago. Only one document appeared in a docket since, support letter from Chicago Dept of Aviation.
ReplyDeleteWow 345 seats on an A330-200!!! Thats a squeeze, especially on a 8+ hr flight. Ticket prices better be dirt cheap. I cant believe airlines are allowed to add an extra seat to make it 9 across. Same thing sadly happened to the new 787. Where will it end?
ReplyDeleteJust to ask you a question : Do you think it's better that an airline has more seats onboard its planes, and makes profit, or pretends to be some extra-giga-mega-comfy -classy company with fewer seats, and losing money, which is later to be paid by tax-payers of the country the airline in question comes from?
DeleteAnswer his question before asking yours. Question was: where will it end? That means why not 10 across in a 787? Why not 27 in legroom on a 10 hour longhaul? Where will it end?
DeleteFirst, you have no right to tell me what should I ask and whose questions should answer, unless it's about you and your post, as on this blog there are no attorneys who represent others. Secondly, it will end precisely there where is it possible to end physically - with 9 abreast on 330/Dreamliner adn similar size/width planes. And finally, for huge majority of general public/passengers, it's much much much better to have direct, non stop and cheap airlink with one seat abreast more, than to pretend to be crowned royalties, as those fly either private jets, or in the first class. Cheers!
DeleteIt is part of Boeing's specification. 296 passengers is the limit on a 787 in a high density economy only setup.
DeleteThat's exit door limit. Some jurisdictions like UK have legal minimum legroom requirements.
Deleteanon @8:03 & 6:48
DeleteSince when is asking for an 18 inch seat being pretentious??? Or extra-giga-mega comfy??? Are you serious? How about some basic laws about human comfort?? Hell we have endless regulation about what you need to provide to an animal to make it comfortable but nothing about humans, just leave it to the companies huh? The "market" will take care of itself i guess?
For 40 years the A330 and its predecessor the A300 which had the same cabin width were used as 8 abreast in economy, it wasnt and still isnt anything mega giga tera comfy or snobby, thats just nonsense. Sadly some companies choose to abuse the absence of regulation and offer worse and worse products all under premise of cheaper tickets.
Just wait until someone puts 10 accross on the a330/787 or 11 on the 777, its bound to happen, after all noone would have believed you a 16.5 inch seat would be acceptable for long-haul back in the 70's. Cattle class indeed!
ReplyDeleteEY i ASL sponzorisu Konjicki klub Zobnatica .
JU does not offer any sponsorships so unless you have a valid source stop trolling.
DeleteIt is true. They issued a press release but it is hardly important news.
DeleteYet still no source.
DeletePa jeste to je je najveca ergela u Srbiji ako se nevaram trke su u pitanju.
hahahahahhahahha yeah, ok.
DeleteOT: Super video from BEG:
ReplyDeleteAre the baggage drop-off people at SPU employees of the airline or the airport?
AT is the worse service ever. They have no legroom whatsoever. Their agents are service air ground crew and they are Soo rude and useless if you have any issues. Entertainment system works in 75% of seats and food is extremely poor. I flew AT few times as there was no other options but trying to avoid their services. They Re under transport Canada radar as they use to put wrong parts in the aircraft and that was the reason why they almost crashed in Azors .
ReplyDeleteBravo, Zagreb!!!