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Flydubai to introduce fifth destination in EX-YU |
Flydubai plans to launch flights from its hub in the United Arab Emirates to Podgorica from July 1, according to the "Pobjeda" daily. The service will run twice per week. High-level talks between the airline's management, Podgorica Airport and the Montenegrin government took place in December last year, after which local hoteliers were informed of the new service. Last week, the Montenegrin Ministry for Sustainable Development and Tourism said it was finalising talks with the carrier. Flydubai's CEO, Ghaith Al Ghaith, recently confirmed that the airline will expand its operations in Eastern Europe this year, adding, "We have a lot of opportunities in Europe. There is demand from Eastern Europe for holidays in Dubai". The service to Podgorica will become Flydubai's fifth destination in the former Yugoslavia following Belgrade, Skopje, Zagreb and Sarajevo.
The hybrid airline will add frequencies to the region this summer. It will operate daily flights to Sarajevo and will increase services to Belgrade to four per week. Furthermore, it will maintain three weekly flights to Zagreb and two weekly to Skopje. From May 2016, Flydubai will start taking deliveries of eleven Boeing 737-800 aircraft, which will be followed by the first five of its new 737 MAX 8 jets. Flydubai’s Senior Commercial Vice President, Jeyhun Efendi, previously told EX-YU Aviation News that the former Yugoslav market forms an essential part of the airline’s strategy. “Even before the airline launched in 2009, we aimed to do things differently. As the only direct link to Dubai from destinations such as Zagreb and Sarajevo, we remain focused on our strategy of offering something different to our passengers and opening up previously underserved markets”.
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Flydubai cabin |
Montenegro abolished visa requirements for United Arab Emirates nationals two years ago. Following the opening of the Montenegrin embassy in Abu Dhabi in 2014, the government has focused on strengthening bilateral relations between the two nations, most notably in the transport and tourism sectors. During a visit to Dubai by a high-ranking Montenegrin delegation in November last year, emphasis was put on the introduction of nonstop flights between the two countries. Etihad Airways recently forged a commercial cooperation agreement with Montenegro Airlines, which could lead to a potential equity investment on behalf of the Emirati carrier or its affiliated partners. There are currently no flights between Montenegro and the Middle East. The majority of passengers heading to the region are handled by Turkish Airlines and Air Serbia via their respective hubs. This summer, Turkish Airlines will operate double daily flights to the Montenegrin capital, up from ten weekly last year, while Air Serbia will run 21 weekly services to Podgorica and thirty weekly to Tivat.
Nice addition for TGD. Should be a good year for them with Easy Jet also starting up London and Manchester.
ReplyDeleteLet's hope that all of these new flights finally put an end to the black hole called Montenegro Airlines.
DeleteThey are starting TGD conservatively with 2x per week which I think is good. Probably best would be if they could tie up Skopje and Podgorica but Flydubai flies only direct.
Deleteoh i like that idea TGD-SKP-DXB but as you said...
DeleteOne question. How does FZ deal with crew duty times? I'm not talking about Podgorica but for example cities like Bratislava. Wouldn't their flying time be eceeded on the return. Just curious, not sure how it works. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteI'm still baffled that they haven't considered Dubrovnik or Split. ut good for Podgorica :)
ReplyDelete(podaci za 2015)
Turista: 1.077.778
- od toga inozemni: 859.140
- noćenja turista: 1.804.290
Najbrojnije nacije među turistima po dolascima:
1. Korea 90.787
2. Njemačka 63.779
3. SAD 53.457
4. Italija 47.588
5. Španjolska 33.441
6. Austrija 32.375
7. Velika Britanija 32.244
8. Kina 29.944
9. Bugarska 28.853
10. Japan 28.123
* interesantno je da među prvih 10 nacija nema ni jedne ex.YU nacije, ali zato su čak 4 izvan Europe
Ukupno smještajnih objekata: 190
- ukupno postelja: 14.063
Hotela: 52
- postelje u hotelima: 7.666
- hotela sa 5***** i 4****: 20
Hosteli: 36
- postelje u hostelima: 2.114
Ostali smještaj (apartmani, sobe, pansioni, planinarski domovi...): 102
- postelje u ostalim smještajima: 4.283
Broj mjesta za kampiranje: 99
Sve ovo se i te kako odražava na zračni promet, poglavito što je 6 od 10 nacija koje su najzastupljenije u Zagrebu predaleko da dolaze alternativnim prijevoznim sredstvima i moraju koristiti avione.
t is so strange that by so many tourists from Korea and USA (on top of that number one should put business passengers, politicians like NATO, UN, Croatian Embassy, tourist from Croatia to USA, Diaspora...) there is no regular route.
DeleteAlso there should be at least summer charter route to China and Japan.
No 3 puta manija Ljubljana imala je 1.2 mio nocenja i cca 700.000 turista...
DeleteI? Bravo Ljubljana
DeleteKakve veze ima veličina grada sa brojem turista. Pa Dubrovnik je skoro 7 puta manji od Ljubljane, a ima daleko više turista. I Zagreb je bitno manji od Beograda, pa ima bitno više turista. Radi se o turističkom proizvodu, a u tom kontekstu su i ZAG i LJU u istoj jakosnoj skupini sukladno broju stanovnika.
DeleteU Beogradu 2015:
Delete782.635 turista
od čega 646.778 stranaca
1. Turska 53.194
2. Hrvatska 39.672
3. Slovenija 36.701
4. Njemačka 36.106
5. BiH 33.825
6. Bugarska
7. Grčka
8. Crna Gora
9. Italija
10. Rusija
Dakle, manje turista, no i struktura turista je bitno drugačija, jer je većina turista iz exYU.
2014 beograd je imao 785.000 turista, podaci za 2015-u jos nisu objavljeni ali je rast do novembra bio nekih 12% tako da bi u 2015-oj ukupno trebalo da bude oko 900.000 turista. Dakle Zagreb je prosle godine imao nekih 22% vise turista od Beograda.
DeleteMe mozes uspredivati Dubrovnik sa Ljubljanom. Dubrovnik je dio svijetske bastine kao npr. Postojnska jama koju posjeti skoro miljun ljudi godisnje ili mozda Venecija. Lj, Zg, Bg dio su gradskog turizma (City break).
Deleteanon 10:35 AM 782.635 je podatak za 2014 godinu. Do Novembra 2015 je rast bio preko 10% a podaci za celu godinu jos nisu objavljeni.
Deletepardon, -18% manje turista u 2015 (bgd vs zg)
DeletePodaci su za 2015. sa sajta Turističke organizacije Beograda
Delete"Prema poslednjim podacima Gradskog zavoda za informatiku i statistiku, ukupno 782.635 gostiju je boravilo u Beogradu u 2015. godini, od čega 646.778 stranih turista, što je povećanje od 9% ukupnog broja gostiju i 10% inostranih turista na godišnjem nivou.
Ukupan broj ostvarenih noćenja u srpskoj prestonici je 1.661.045, a broj noćenja koji su strani gosti u Beogradu ostvarili u prethodnoj godini je 1.282.110 što je za 13% više nego u 2014.
Najbrojniji gosti u Beogradu u prošloj godini bili su iz Turske (53.194 / porast od 46%), Hrvatske (39.672), Slovenije (36.701),. Nemačke (36.106) i BiH (33.825). Po brojnosti slede gosti iz Bugarske, Grčke, Crne Gore, Italije i Rusije."
Dakle, podaci su tačni.
pa upravo to i govorim. Veličina tu nije presudna. Citybreak je stvar ponude, turističkog proizvoda, a ne veličine grada.
DeleteGraz je malo manji od Ljubljane pa ima više turista.
Ja i dalje ne shvatam poentu celog ovog Purgerovog komentara.
Deletene samo ti
DeletePoanta mog komentara je da Zagreb raste turistički vrlo brzo i to najviše sa avio-gostima, što će se reflektirati na buduće linije i frekvencije. Iz posta se da zaključiti:
Delete1. Da je Koreanova linija stvarno potrebna (90.000 turista)
2. Da bi linija prema SAD-u imala potencijala (dijaspora, business, političari, NATO, hrvatski turisti u SAD i 54.000 turista iz SAD u Zagrebu). Turisti iz SAD-a su imali ogromna rast u prošloj godini.
3. Da je broj kineskih i japanskih turista dovoljan da se pokrenu charter linije prema tim tržištima što bi dovelo još više turista.
4. Da su zagrebački turisti prvenstvno avio-gosti što otvara potrebu za još više linija posebno prema UK, Koreji, SAD-u, Španjolskoj i Njemačkoj.
Iskreno sam mislio da ovo ne treba objašnjavat.
ASL ove godine prevezla 2.550.000 putnika , uvodi JFK,HAM,KPB,LED i OHD mozda i jos jednu Destinaciju .Imace jedini A330.
DeleteEvod okaza koliko znaci Aerodromu BEG.
ASL napreduje zahvaljujući dumpingu i finansiranju države koja želi od BEG da napravi hub i to finansira. ZAG nema tako što pa je relevantan podatak priliv turista i drugi slični podaci koji utiču na vazdušni saobračaj. I zato je ovaj podatak relevantan za vazduhoplovstvo regije.
DeleteNaravno i sa toliko stranih turista vidi se da Hrvati slabo sedaju u avion.
Delete"ASL napreduje zahvaljujući dumpingu"
DeleteKoji crni damping imaš li ti internet da vidiš kolike su cene! Pokušavam da nađem neki Happy Friday dil za biz klasu JFK-BEG-JFK ma nema šanse, cene su u istoj klasi kao OS ili LH! Nema ni D od dampinga!
DeletePre nego sto si objavio podatke mogao si malo i da ih analiziras.
Ako su vecina turisa avio gosti kako onda mozes da objasnis da imas prema tvojim podacima 1.077.778 gostiju posto ako su dosli avionom onda bi trebalo da budu i inbound i outbound sto mu dodje 2.155.556 od ukupnog broja 2.587.798? Da ne pominjemo da je po zvanicnoj statistici ukupan aviosaobracaj izmedju samih gradova u hrvatskoj oko 400.000 putnika a oni uglavnom putuju izmedju zagreba i ostalih gradova u hrvatskoj ali ajde da uzmemo da je 300.000 iz zagreba sto mu oni takodje dodju kao inbound i outbound sto mu dodje 600.000. tako da ako bi svi bili tu onda bi trebalo zagreb da ima preko 2.700.000 jos odavno.
Takodje nisi objavio da je ukupan broj nocenja stranih turista 1.428.571 sto dolazimo do zakljucka da ti amerikanci kinezi i koreanci spavaju prosecno oko 1,66 nocenja u zagrebu. Ko bije toliki put da bi spavao 1,66 nocenja na destinaciji. Oni su ocigledno tu u sklopu neke ture po hrvatskoj ili evropi pa ni ne slecu na zagreb.
Takodje nisi analizirao mesecna nocenja turista. Ako pogledas po mesecima:
Jan - 55.883
Feb - 53.642
Mar - 77.122
Apr - 102.632
Maj - 146.664
Jun - 158.874
Jul - 175.382
Avg - 199.504
Sep - 171.733
Okt - 128.434
Nov - 79.312
Dec - 79.389
Mozes da primetis da su leti maltene turisti 4 puta brojniji nego zimi Avg/Jan = 3,57 sto dovodi opet do zakljucka ekstremne sezonalnosti dolazaka tih turista i njihovo vezivanje za split i dubrovnik pa mozda oni slecu i na te aerodrome.
Iz tvog posto moglo se svasta zakljuciti ali iz ovog mog se moze sakljuciti da ti turisti nisu prevashodno dosli u zagreb, da su vezali svoje putovanje za ostale destinacije, da postoji traznja samo u junu julu avgustu i septembru, pa se kompanijami nista osim chartera i ne isplati sto i sada rade ili da ti turisti slecu negde drugde kao sto je venecija bec budimpesta a u zagreb dodju fakultativno bas kao sto bugari i hrvati dolaze u beograd.
S postovanjem
Many of these tourists come with Air Serbia via BEG.
DeleteDa, večina turista koji dođu u Zagreb su na nekim kružnim turama (Zagreb+Dalmacija, Zagreb+Slovenija, Zagreb+Budimpešta, čak i u kombinaciji sa Parizom, Londonom, što je dobar dio individualaca posebno Koreanaca).
DeleteI da, naravno, neki od njih dolaze na druge destinacije avionom, pa dolaze autobusom ili rent'a'carom u Zagreb. Nisam ni tvrdio drugačije.
Dobar dio turista dolazi busevima, vlakom, vlastitim autima (posebno oni iz Njemačke, Austrije, Italije, Bugarske, ali i oni koji ne spadaju u top 10 a to su BiH, Slovenci, Srbi, Mađari, Crnogorci, Česi, Švicarci, Poljaci...). Dakle, tu ste napravili pogrešku: ja nisam rekao da SVI ti turisti dolaze avionom, već da je dobar dio tih putnika prisiljen doći avionom (preko ZAG ili preko drugih destinacija).
No, najveći broj ih slijeće u Zagreb. Od kompanija sa kojima dolaze ovi najbrojniji:
1. Korea 90.787 - Korean, Qatar, Turkish, Lufthansa
2. Njemačka 63.779 - Lufthansa, Croatia, Germanwings
3. SAD 53.457 - British, KLM, LOT, Lufthansa, Air France, ČSA
4. Italija 47.588 - Croatia
5. Španjolska 33.441 - Iberia, Croatia, Air Nostrum, Air Europa
6. Austrija 32.375
7. Velika Britanija 32.244 - British, Croatia
8. Kina 29.944 - Qatar, Turkish, Lufthansa
9. Bugarska 28.853
10. Japan 28.123 - Qatar, Turkish, Lufthansa
Najbolji primjer onog što govorim je španjolski turisti koji su danas 5. po brojnosti a do nedavno nisu bili niti u top 10, a zaslužna za to su sezonske linije za Barcelonu (Croatia), Madrid (Iberia), Valenciju (Air Nostrum), Zaragoza (Air Europa).
Primjerice za turiste iz SAD-a čovijek koji samnom ide u teretanu vlasnik je kompanije koja ima 20-tak autobusa i koji kupe američke turiste u Zagrebu (u manjem broju slučajeva i nekim drugim aerodromima) i voze ih okolo na kružne ture.
Anon 2:16 +1000
DeleteHow have Air Serbia's loads to Zagreb been as of lately?
DeleteOpet sopstvena prica o Dumpingu iz sopstvene kuhinje nije lepo biti ljubomoran na neciji uspeh .
DeleteKrenucemo ovog puta od pozati.
Zagreb je imao prosle godine 2.587.798. Posto je 99% putnika i INBOUD i OUTBOUND znaci da je razlicitih osoba bilo u stvari duplo manje jer slozice te se kad putnik kupi povratnu kartu on se broji 2 puta na aerodromu. To nas ostavlja na oko 1.293.899 razlicitih putnika godisnje.
Ako oduzmemo one koji su leteli na domacim linijama a uglavnom su leteli od zagreba ka ostalim destinacijama u hrvatskoj a bilo ih je prema mom secanju a ne mogu da nadjem tacno oko 400.000 ali da oduzmemo neke i kazemo da je to 350.000 iz zagreba ostaje nam 943.899. Tu nisam ni racunao one koji presedaju iz skoplja sarajeva pristine a ima ih puno i barem 100.000 treba oduzeti...
A da ne pricamo ono kolika je cathcment area Zagreba te koliko njih dolazi u zagreb odatle da putuje iz Slovenije Madjarske a u ostalom koliko i Zagrebcana priusti sebi da ode negde avionom recite mi vi jer ako su vecina poseta turista avionom onda putnici kojima je zagreb polazna tacka nema ni 300.000 ili koliko kazite mi vi?
Prema Vasoj racunici da bi vecina turista dolazilo avionom u zagreb onda se brojevi ne slazu jer ispada da niko drugi iz zagreba ni ne putuje...
A u ostalom aviokompanije to zanju i imaju mnogo bolje podatke od mene i Vas i s nekim ozbiljnim razlogom ne pokrecu te famozne jako siplative linije...
S postovanjem
Anonymous 3:58 PM, pod pretpostavkom da govorimo o isplativosti, recite mi kako mislite da će se isplatiti linija BEG-JFK? Mislite da su Amerikanci nesposobni vidjeti veliki potencijal koji ima BEG i pokrenuti linije iz Amerike za Srbiju uzimajući u obzir da takva linija na Ex-Yu području trenutno ne postoji?
DeleteWhile Purger is great when it comes to aviation insights and rumours, I dont get why you have to start a topic about number of nights recorded in Zagreb by tourists. I get that its kind of related to aviation, but still... plus I am sure he knew that this will start a comparison between who is better since he posted things like this 100s of times. This was totally unnecessary!
DeleteGreat news for Podgorica
ReplyDeleteHa, zaista uvode S. Peterburg :-) Odličan potez Er Srbije http://www.aviatica.rs/air-serbia-ce-leteti-direktno-sankt-peterburga/
ReplyDeleteDa zaista...letece tri puta nedeljno,a kapacitet je oslobodjen redukovanjem linije za Varsavu na 4 leta nedeljno.
DeleteMislim da je Varsava jedina redukovana linija ovog leta...jel imamo letnji red letenja Er Srbije na ovom sajtu?
Ne jos. Admin je juce rekao da ce objaviti do 27. marta. Verovatno ceka da se objave sve nove linije.
DeleteU teoriji i nije redukovan (u odnosu na prošlu godinu) jer imaju sada kodšer sa LOTom.
As I said before, opening of New York will be the inflection point for the growth of Air Serbia. In 2014 JU had many new destinations, then last year no new destinations but this year so far explosive growth with St Petersburg, Ohrid, Hamburg ang Kiev following JFK. Congratulations to Air Serbia on new destinations, great move!
DeleteBice zanimljivo ko ce izaci kao pobenik na liniji za LED .
to nije uopšte u pitanju. to će svakako da bude ASL i CTN tu nema što da traži.
DeleteDobar potez Air Serbije. Udarac prije nego se OU stabilizuje na toj liniji.
Mene brine to sto je ruta sezonska. Smatram da LED treba (mora) biti year-round.
DeleteSo they went for the day frequencies after all. This is a very prudent move, thinking Kiev will be 6x weekly. I expect the frequencies to go up, but it depends a lot of the conditions on the Russian market and the weak rouble.
DeleteI think LED is a route with great potential. LED is not ver well connected with western europe (they do have Rossiya, but majority of their routes are to the CIS coubtries and ex USSR). Most of the LED passengers, IMHO, bound for WE, go through Moscow. Having in mind that JU will have good P2P demand, plus the chance for transfer pax, this should be a profitable route.
DeleteBlagi boze.
DeleteWho says LED route is seasonal ? It is scheduled till the end of October, and afterwards - let's see.
DeleteThis is my view on winter schedule: Kiev will be 4 p/w and LED 3 p/w, while Warsaw will be disconnected. It was actually supposed to be cut this winter, but due to Lot pulling out from BEG for few months plans changed. When Lot left did JU numbers on WAW route improve?
DeleteOU can say good-bye to Saint Petersburg. Too little, too late.
DeleteWhy do you say that ? OU and JU are selling 2 completely different networks and products
DeleteADMIN, any reason why you haven't covered this announcement in your new route launches or newsflash ?
DeleteIt is too big news to be just in newsflash. That is the story which we will enjoy reading tomorrow! :)
DeleteI don't get it ... why is this "too big news" ? Airlines launch new routes every day of the week.
Delete+1 anon 7:29. There would be a article every single day about Croatia then since coast airports get new routes so often.
DeleteMiddle East carriers are really fighting for ex-Yu market. Qatar, Fly Dubai, Etihad, Air Arabia. Quite amazing.
ReplyDeleteThey are fighting for every market in Europe, not just ex-Yu.
DeleteTrue but it's been interesting. 5 years ago there were no flights from Gulf to ex-Yu. Now we have 2 of the middle east big three plus 2 hybrid/lowcost airlines from that region.
DeleteStill not suprising fact. Because gulf carriers expanded everywhere in last 5-10 years. ex-Yu is nothing special in that story... more important changes happend in big hubs like LHR, FRA, CDG...
Delete5 years ago Jat was flying to DXB and TLV in the ME.
DeleteJat also had throughout the 2000's BEY, DAM, KWI.
I think that five years ago, both DXB and TLV were operated via LCA. It was a golden period for us as we had almost daily flights!
DeleteWhat was so 'golden' about that massive loss making period ?
DeleteHmm overall, nothing much. However, the golden period was referring to JU's presence in Cyprus back then. It was a time when the airline had up to six weekly flights where we actually had normal departure/arrival times (LCA-BEG in combination with DXB).
DeleteSince JU got butchered in LCA by Wizz Air, the latter roughly doubled their fares. JU's seasonal flight is competitive price-wise but the downside is the horrid schedule.
I think you misunderstood my initial comment and you jumped to conclusions.
DeleteTLV was always direct however a couple of times per week.
DXB was via BEY until the war in 2006, during the war via LCA, however for winter 2006/2007 via BEY, then via LCA, via KWI, then DXB switched to AUH for 1 season before going back to DXB via LCA and finally ending for the winter 2011 timetable.
BEY was direct as with DAM, and before they cancelled the flights routed it BEG-BEY-DAM-BEG before cancelling both completely.
LCA other than being a stop over to DXB also had direct flights. If I remember right, the flight number was JU88/89 that was flying via LCA to DXB. via BEY is was JU52/53 and JU54/55.
the old times with the B733 and the old service :) Jat served hot meals on this sectors and Lav was the brand of beer on board. I have a photo on my flickr page. I remember that Jat used to have a small paper on the trays for the ME catering with the 'egg' JAT logo stating that all meals onboard were halal.
"TLV was always direct however a couple of times per week."
Deletenot true, actually it was mostly via Larnaca.
Funny how no one has picked up on Nemjee's earlier comment about how Wizz butchered JU in LCA through extreme price dumping, with the intent of seeing them off teh route and once they withdrew, Wizz doubled their prices. Yet, in the same thread, someone accused JU of price dumping and makes no mention of Wizz's actions ....
Deleteahhh yes, my bad. thanks for the reminder. found that Jat in summer 2012 increased BEG-LCA-TLV from 2 to 3 per week.
DeleteActually, from what I remember once the war in Lebanon began all flights to DXB were moved to LCA, same goes for AUH.
Flight numbers to DXB were 088/089, to TLV 070/071, AUH 094/095 and LCA direct was 068/069. :)
Those night flights to DXB via LCA which I think used to depart at 21.25 were great as we used to get a hot meal and the service was rather decent. Then sometime in 2012 they realized that they could save money on meals so on the BEG-LCA sector they would give a sandwich and then once they would take off from LCA a hot meal would be served to the DXB-bound passengers. At one point they even used to give pillows and blankets. I think it was at the same time when those chocolate dipped plums were served.
Anon 10.28
As I already explained once before, the reason why W6 was successful was not just because of the price but because of the schedule. Had they introduced a one weekly departure at either 07.45 or at 17.10 then they would have made Wizz Air's life hell. Prior to W6 introducing LCA, JU used to charge €370 for a return flight, up from €240 (Jat). So obviously when Wizz Air entered the market with a departure time at 17.30 and with fares as low as €18 one way, Air Serbia had no chance at surviving. Especially since it took them several months to reduce their fares! So in a way it wasn't all about dumping and mind you, you can still fly to LCA for €120 which is not bad given that it's a 02.20 flight.
Sorry for the OT...
ReplyDeleteWhats with Express Airways AOC? I have heard they are having a lot of problems with it??
It's been temporarily suspended until they get an aircraft
DeleteSo basically no big deal? So they will get it back in April, when their B737-300 comes to MBX from ATH, where it is being under maitinance?
DeleteYep, that's the plan
DeleteZnaci ceka se raspad Montenegro A.
ReplyDeleteOn right side it said that Jet will terminate JFK, but JU open the route??? WTF? If it was not good for much bigger company (JET) with huge Indianan diaspora in USA, how can it work for ASL?
ReplyDeleteBecause India has 20x the capacity compared to Serbia when it comes to US flights.
DeleteYou can't compare the two:
Delete1. the flight from India to the US is incomparably longer thus more expensive to operate.
2. Indian carriers have to compete with the Persian Gulf trio plus Turkish Airlines.
3. There is also a chance that Etihad would rather have Jet feed their own north American flights rather than to operate their own.
4. They have to compete with Air India which doesn't care how much money it burns. They are there to carry ethnic passengers.
Jet Airways is closing JFK and all Nort American operations exept Toronto because they signed code-share with KLM,and they switched their European hub from BRU to AMS.
DeleteUS companies have incredibly higher costs than Air Serbia.
DeleteIndian ones don't though.
DeleteIndian aviation is a mess. AI is using brand new aircraft for spare parts and cant make amazing aircraft like the B777 profitable for their operations. They even grounded new B787 for parts! If I remember correctly, the largest international carrier in India is EK. Airport security is a joke. They make pax put luggage tags on all carry on bags which is stamped, however it is not uncommon to see workers with 'extended' security passes which of course is a laminated paper! Soo much wasted potential in Indian aviation. If you look at the most ideal routes from Europe to Australia for example almost all flights go over either Delhi or Mumbai.
American airlines are out of Eastern Europe simply because they can't compete with SU, PS or JU in terms of costs and with TK to a lesser extent. They were gone from BUD once MA went bust and they couldn't get the feed. Then you have the likes of AF, OS and LH which serve with one-stop a number of destinations both in the Americas and E. Eastern Europe that US carriers simply couldn't compete with other than with a codeshare.
DeleteI agree with you about the chaos in Indian aviation. Mind you, in many airports you need to buy an entrance ticket to the terminal from the 'security' to be allowed in with those who accompany you.
Well, I think Air India is a mess but I wouldn't put IndiGo, SpiceJet or Vistara in the same category. The issue with India are the taxes that are imposed by the government on top of an inefficient civil aviation authority.
DeleteThe only airport in India I've been to was DEL and the security there was pretty tight.
This discussion is about flydubai flights to podgorica,however this discussion and ANY OTHER turns out about air serbia,how is this possible?! Why this obsession with this airline?!
ReplyDeleteTwo things - first, vast majority of visitors of this blog is from Serbia, and JU is the only Serbian airline. Secondly, there's a lot of new developments going on now.
DeleteLet me also add that a lot of this is also fueled by a lot of negativity, to put it that way, about Air Serbia, that no other airline faces on this blog.
Finally, it seems that there are couple of inside sources from JU active here, which makes it interesting to discuss some developments that are not necessarily made public yet, while that is not the case with, say, FZ.
Maybe because i am new here i don't understand some things.I love civil aviation but not so much so i insult someone i don't know.Thank you for these details.
DeleteOT: First group of 200 Iranian tourists arrived in Belgrade today, on a direct flight from Teheran.
ReplyDeleteThis is a huge market to tap into. Well done to all involved.
Great news, who flew them in? I assume it was on an A321.
DeleteAlso, is there a bilateral in place between the two countries?
They flew on Qeshm Air and the aircraft in question was an A300-600. One of the most beautiful and comfortable aircraft ever manufactured!
DeleteFrom what I know there is no ASA (though this might change soon) but charter traffic is more lax and is usually not as restricted.
If Mihailovic does not, Iran could push for a signing since Mahan and/or Iran air are most likely pursuing the ME3 business model, so they'll need as much of those as possible.
DeleteI absolutely agree with you but the issue here is that both parliaments need to ratify it before it comes into force. Now, of course we can speed up the process here in Serbia but it wouldn't be as easy to do it in Iran... especially if none of the Iranian carriers are interested in launching scheduled flights.
DeleteОТ I just received an e-mail from JU's GSA in Cyprus and they are advertising fares as low as €520 for flights to JFK during the low season. They are €789 during the high season.
ReplyDeleteThose are some affordable fares and I am sure they will attract quite a few customers.
Anyone knows which destinations JU A332 will serve if not flying to JFK?
ReplyDeleteflyDubai flight FZ981 crashed yesterday (18-March-2016) after the second landing attempt at Rostov-on-Don airport :(
ReplyDeleteThoughts and prayers with the loved ones of victims.
ReplyDeleteKad vec pominjete turiste u Bg i Zg zanimljivo je da Beograd ima više noćenja a manje turista što govori da je Zg usputna destinacija a Bg krajna.