Air Serbia recorded a net profit of 3.9 million euros in its second full year of operations, an increase of 44% on last year, and cemented its position as the most profitable carrier in the former Yugoslavia. Yesterday, the airline posted total revenues of 305 million euros for 2015, representing an increase of 16% over 2014, a result that was driven by significant growth in passenger numbers. These results were achieved on the back of growth in the airline’s key operating metrics, including its network capacity, which expanded 6% to 3.65 billion Available Seat Kilometres (ASK) in 2015, and the number of operated flights, which increased by 8% to 32.384 services by the end of last year. This was accompanied by an 11% year-on-year rise in passenger numbers, which grew to 2.55 million in 2015, and an increase in the average cabin load factor, which rose to 71% in 2015 from 67% the year before.
Air Serbia’s annual financial statements were independently audited by KPMG in accordance with International Auditing Standards, the carrier says. The airline's CEO, Dane Kondić, noted, “Our increased revenues and profit are a great achievement and a direct result of our unwavering focus on lowering costs, raising productivity and building on our product and service offering. There has also been a continued focus on improving sales and commercial performance as well as attention on revenue management". He added, "Last year, we consolidated and built depth into our European network and are now in a position to expand it regionally and across the Atlantic. Our strategy in 2016 is to strengthen the network further by taking advantage of Belgrade’s position as the gateway to the Balkans and capturing regional traffic flows to the United States”.
Air Serbia plans to capture regional traffic flows to the United States
During 2015, Air Serbia employed an additional 400 staff members, growing the combined workforce of the Air Serbia Group, including its subsidiaries, Air Serbia Catering and Air Serbia Ground Services, to 2.450 people. The carrier's President of the Supervisory Board, Siniša Mali, said, “With the support of its shareholders, Air Serbia will this summer expand its network to five new markets, including New York, opening the doors for more growth, increasing Serbia’s brand visibility and laying the groundwork for the airline to make an even bigger contribution to the national economy in 2016”. Apart from the arrival of its first wide-body aircraft and the launch of its first transatlantic service, Air Serbia will introduce flights to Kiev, Hamburg, St. Petersburg and Ohrid this summer season, and wet-lease a Bombardier CRJ900 aircraft from Adria Airways for its regional operations.
The Vice Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Air Serbia and the President and CEO of the carrier's part-owner Etihad Airways, James Hogan, noted, “We are pleased by Air Serbia’s continued success in restructuring and strengthening its commercial operations. This success is evidence of the equity partnership strategy in action. Air Serbia has made tremendous strides on its journey to sustainable profitability. Europe is a very competitive market, and the airline’s ongoing investment in products and services has created a compelling offering for European consumers”.
ReplyDeleteCongrats...for what ?
DeleteAko ti nije jasno zbog čega, ponovo pročitaj tekst.
DeletePa on ga je procitao i shvatio je o cemu je rec! A ti nisi.
"U saopštenju se ne navode podaci o troškovima kompanije. Pozitivan rezultat je ostvaren i zahvaljujući knjigovodstvenom otpisu od preko 15 miliona evra duga (1,864 milijarde dinara) beogradskom aerodromu “Nikola Tesla” i to samo na ime zaduženja za 2015 (prema podacima iz finansijskog izveštaja beogradskog aerodroma, koji je objavljen na Beogradskoj berzi)."
Kratko i jasno. Kao što postoji prihodna tako postoji i rashodna strana. Našem premijeru Vučiću su puna usta rashodne strane za budžet ali to izgleda ne važi za Er Srbiju. Izgleda da su jedina kompanija koja nema rashode
Pa kako sad 15 Mil spalo je sa 22 Mil i ako je bilo vise letova nema sta .
DeleteNe znam sto se i dalje reklamira taj sajt ovde.
Ne znam ni ja, tom sajtu vise niko ne veruje
DeleteBravo Aviatica, biser za biserom, kako bi se drugacije culo za vas. Kada vi budete radili reviziju i bavili se knjigovodstvom mozda jednog dana i ASL bude u minusu.
DeleteEr Srbijini botovi lepo pišu. ALi videćemo kad se završi ova godina kakvi će biti rezultati. Naravno da se ostvaruje plus kad se sve otpisuje i kad radnici sede jedni drugima preko glave
DeleteNaravno da cemo videti, ali vas tada nigde nece biti. placaju nikom nista,aerodrom NT ni dinara ne prima za troskove,robovlasnicki odnos prema staffu regrutovanim iz provincije sa oskudnim ili nikakvim poznavanjem avijacije,strahovlada (kao i u etihadu)..i bez blama pricaju o uspesima kompanije,,a tek kada krene JFK..joooj
ReplyDeleteZapravo sada placaju za sve usluge na aerodromu.
DeleteLet's see end of the year. If they really pay everything to airport now, they would be financed otherwise by state or will have huge problems.
DeleteThis model can not survive without huge state help, especially after introducing long-haul.
Ovi "super" rezultati su od prošle godine kada su dobivali puste pare. Ove godine neće da budu rezultati ni izblizu toliki ako će da plačaju sve i još će da imaju troškove novih linija, ponajviše New Yorka.
DeleteNaravno da je stvar sa "ne plaćanjem" objašnjena mnogo puta ali ni neće biti teško da im još jednom pojasnim.. AirSerbia i ANT su u većinskom državnom vlasništvu Država je prve dve godine poslovanja ASL kompenzovala svoj osnivački ulog sa Etihadom preko usluga na Aerodromu, jasnije?
DeleteKako se vi ljudi primate na zvanicne izjave ove drzave..Etihad pravi loss od 100 mil godisnje i naravno se to setuje kao i ovde.Gorivo im je dz..zaposleni nemaju nikakvih prava,profesionalno usavrsavanje vrlo diskutabilno,o mendadzmentu da i ne govorimo itd..kvalitet nakaradan (ni u tri zivota ne moze da se poredi sa LH,KL itd)..posade pod presijom rade itd.. Airline business nikako ne moze da bude zdrava biljka u ovom delu Evrope pogotovu..zna se zasto je i napravljena Air Serbia i koliko ce trajati. Pozdrav iz LHR
DeleteOooo, eto nama i PR-a LH, do duse ne zvanicnog ;)
DeleteGrusse von LH ! Genau
DeleteIt's good to see that the load factor improved. But I assume it will fall drastically once they introduce the A330 to the fleet. Or am I wrong?
ReplyDeleteGo on their website and check out the booking yourself
DeleteI was talking about the fact that when you add considerable capacity, your LF falls. Same thing happened when they added 10 Airbuses to the fleet.
DeleteNot if your additional capacity is also filled at 70% LF or more. Transatlantic routes tend to have high LF and Air Serbia can use low intro prices to get there.
DeleteOk, thanks :)
DeleteYou r right 100 % ! brgds LHR
ReplyDeleteAir France-KLM je iznenadio analitičare ogromnim profitom u prvom kvartalu ove godine. Profit je 266 milijuna EUR, a što je još fascinantnije u kontekstu gubitka od 26 milijuna u istom razdoblju lani. Prihodi su porasli za 0,4% na 5,6 milijardi EUR. A sve se ovo desilo uz negativne reflekcije pariskog terorističkog napada koji je ozbiljno utjecao na broj putnika u 1. kvartalu.
Obzirom na komentare od prije neki dan gospodine Kučko, što mislite koliko su oni motora, profitabilnih vlastitih poduzeća i aviona morali prodati da budu ovako mnogo profitabilni?
Ali je LH u minusu u prvom kvartalu.
DeleteLH ima problem i sa katastrofalnim startom Eurowings longhaul operacija. Avion sa 300 putnika je par dana prizemljen u Tajlandu.
DeleteLufthansa je imala zanemariv gubitak od 8 milijuna EUR u prvom kvartalu, što se na njihovom enormnom prometu smatra "nulom". Konačno svi ostali pokazatelji govore da im je poslovanje u tom kvartalu više nego dobro, a minus je rezultat investicije u Eurowings i bio je planiran.
DeleteIstovremeno British je iskazao profit od enomrnih 155 milijuna EUR.
Hehehe... ne tako davno, si rekao, kako minus moze biti pozitivna stvar?
DeleteI to je točno, nije isto minus Air Serbije ili OU prema Lufthansi ili Air France-KLM-u ;)
DeleteNaravno da ne može!
DeleteSamo minus od 10 milijuna Croatije u usporedbi da 8 milijuna Luthanse je neusporediv. Croatiji je to ekzistencijalno, Lufthansi nebitno, kikiriki.
Isto tako nije isto jel ti minus nastao zbog neprofitabilnih operacija ili zbog investicija koje će donijeti novac. Ja bih jako rado da je Croatia i 50 milijuna u minusu da su tim novcem otvorili nove linije, nabavili avione, opremu, što će za godinu-dvije donositi novac. Ali nije Croatia ždere novac na temeljno poslovanje, operativne gubitke, previše zaposlenih, preskupe nabavke...
A kada je minus minus Purgeru?
DeletePa minus je uvijek minus, naravno da nije dobro kad je netko negativan. Nikakav minus ne može postati plus. No, isto tako jasno je da je Croatiji ili Air Serbiji minus od 8 milijuna EUR ogroman ko kuća, dok je Lufthansi to nula, potpuno neznatan sitniš koji ni ne primječuje.
DeleteAnother set of bull-shit accounts!
ReplyDeleteCreative accounting. KPMG is also under investigation. If people don't believe what I just said just read the news in regards to KPMG
DeleteDoes anyone have results of the rest of the Etihad group? I know Air Belin and Alitalia posted a loss and Etihad posted a profit. What about Air Seychelles, Virgin and Etihad Regional?
ReplyDeleteOh and I forgot Jet Airways
DeleteJet Airways 315M USD loss
DeleteAir Seychelles 3M USD profit
Darwin is as good as dead
And Q1 is summer season in Seychelles, so it is top season.
DeleteAir Serbia is getting a new "friend" and Ex Yu Aviation a new visitor:
Any updates on Air Serbia A330 status in Abu Dhabi? Is it still expected to arrive in Belgrade on 11 May?
ReplyDeleteIn a year of (1) record low oil prices, (2) continued subsidies and (3) no significant network expansion, Air Serbia records paltry 1.3% net profit margin. You can try to put positive spin, but this is hardly a success in my opinion.
ReplyDeletebtw, I'm from Serbia and I'm not a disgruntled former JAT employee.
How can company with just 2,5 million passengers and 20 planes have 2.450 employees?
ReplyDeletePassengers per one employee:
1.040 Air Serbia (2,5 million passengers, 23 planes)
1.804 Austrian (10,8 million, 77 planes)
2.030 Croatia (1,9 million, 13 planes)
2.972 Adria (1,1 million, 12 planes)
3,278 Turkish (61,2 million, 299 planes)
4.948 Aegean (11,6 million, 58 planes)
Also one have to mention that:
1.250 number of Jat employees
600 was plan that Air Serbia will have
850 after Etihad shrinking the number of employee (6,5 million EUR paid by R.Serbia)
2.450 two and half years later?!?!?!?!?
So why more than 400 people was let to go? For cutting cost, as we can see, were not.
Po starom obicaju izvrces brojke. Sabrao si zaposlene tri firme: AirSerbije, AIR SERBIA CATERING i Air SERBIA GROUND SERVICES.
DeleteTakodje bi trebalo da znas da su plate zaposlenih u ASL visestruko manje od kompanija u Evropi.
That's what I noticed too, as the most important part of whole article. We all knew that under normal circumstances (state contribution) the company would be losing money, but I've no idea about the inefficiency. Almost half the ratio compared to Croatia Airlines and 1/3 compared to Adria.
DeleteI bet Etihad already started to look for its options.
Nisam ja ništa zbrojio, brojke je objavio ExYu.
DeleteNo, i druge kompanije osim letačkog i administrativnog osoblja imaju i zaposlenike sestrinskih kompanija ili neletačkih sektora. Dakle ako i druge kompanije objavljuju ukupan broj zaposlenih što je tu problem?
Primjerice Croatia ima maintenance koji Air Serbia nema (zanemarimo tih par mehaničara, maintenance za Air Serbiu radi Jat tehnika i Etihad).
Vrlo je indikativno da je Air Serbia otpustila "višak" radnika kako bi kompaniji omogučila isplativije poslovanje, a onda je u samo dvije i pol godine povečala broj zaposlenih za duplo.
But wait a sec.. Does Air Serbia provide its own handling and catering? In this case it won't be a fair comparison, these services are outsourced in most of the airlines.
DeleteYes it does. It says clearly in the article Air Serbia Group, including its subsidiaries, Air Serbia Catering and Air Serbia Ground Services
DeleteNot true. For example catering company LSG Sky Chefs is owned by Lufthansa.
DeleteBut even if we remove those workforce form Air Serbia other staff it is huge number especially as Air Serbia does not have maintenance which most of companies have in their workforce.
To su tri pravna subjekta tri razlicite firme, tri razlicita finansijska izvestaja. Preduzecima AIR SERBIA CATERING D.O.O. i Air SERBIA GROUND SERVICES BEOGRAD, vazdusni saobracaj nije osnovna delatnost i ASL im nije jedini klijent.
DeletePurger, you are talking through your backside. Air Serbia DOES have it's own light and line maintenance division. What it doesn't have, is heavy maintenanc ie. MRO.
DeleteIt also has a catering company (approx 250 employees) and a ground handling company (approx 800 employees) - which is something that very few airlines actually still have.
Air Serbia is nowadays a broader group. consisting of separate companies, all of which have their own employees and own Boards.
Based on this, you can do the maths yourself (which hopefully, should be too difficult for you) and you can then see how it benchmarks against other carriers.
That said, if you really want to see how it compares against the airlines you have noted, then don't do a primary school analysis by looking at employees / aircraft, look at the big boys metrics of RASK and CASK and you will see how they really measure up.
And I bet both the catering and the handling company are way overstuffed and highly inefficient.
DeleteYou seem to know everything.
DeleteYou really want to tall me that out of 2450 employees
Delete- 800 is ground handling company (what for?!?!?!?!?!)
- 250 is catering company (again what for?!?!?!?!?!)
- and "just" 1.400 is Air Serbia (administration, crew and light maintenance)
Even if so, it is much more than Jat has, and much more than other companies have on number of planes.
And still there is question why, on earth, they fired several hundreds employees to take much more of those in few months?
Excuse was that it is necessary because of profitability, that Jat has too much employees. So, why they did non insist on 600 employees like they planed, but instead have 1450.
Air Serbia Catering 120 employees
DeleteAir Serbia Ground Service 416 employees
So Air Serbia (operations, administrations and light maintenance) should be 1.914
I cautioned about this months ago: as arrival of A330 and launch of New York flight nears, comments attacking Air Serbia will increase. Haters used to talk about lost baggage and flight delays two years ago, but now hate is all over the place, from Air Berlin problems to number of JU employees and so on. Yep, that BEG-JFK route is a huge pain point for haters!
DeleteДечко Тзар
DeleteIt's ok, at the end of the day, Air Serbia will end up in the same place as Air Berlin or Alitalia. Enjoyt it while it lasts. Ryanair is here. Things are about to get so much more interesting. If JU wants to survive, they need to get rid of Dane and bring in someone who will not make working for JU an Auschwitz-like experience.
People are blind, they will cheer and be happy yet at the same time ignore the 15 million write off they got from BEG. In other words, JU's loss is 12 million.
DeleteFirst Anon after Дечко Тзар,
DeleteYou are free to fly no other airline than Ryanair for the rest of your life. Enjoy every second of it. Others may fly what they enjoy and it is called freedom of choice - something you lowcost police officers seem to be constantly failing to grasp.
I want to be free to chose who I fly with which is why all airlines in Serbia need a fair and equal treatment. Let's see how JU performs this year when they have to start paing their bills at BEG. ;)
DeleteIf the airline was so profitable and if these results were not rigged then it could have used its profit to get at least another A319 and not to scavenge a CRJ from JP.
We seem to forget that Jat had over 1.200 employess with 7 ac.
Delete- Airport operations are much larger now (ASGS, Air Serbia Premium Lounge, Catering..)
- Call Centre is not just for JU but other airlines as well (a reason why JU is looking for people who speak a variety of foreign languages ie Japanese, German, Spanish etc)
- the A330 will require just over double the crew than required on the A319.
Would be good to see a break down of employees.
As for the CRJ, JU currently doesnt need more A319's. The regional fleet (ATR) is a big unresolved problem. JP has a debt to JU and I think the CRJ is a way for JU to trial a regional jet before make a choice. Having it on a variety of routes (HAM, SOF, KBP) will be a good indicator see where is works and where not. For SOF, they will see how different the economics is between the ATR7 and the CRJ9. JU never replaced the DC9 and I believe this is a mistake they need to fix, especially in the next couple of years the A319 fleet will slowly be replaced by the A320neo with a too great of a jump in capacity between the 2.
To the comment about the work environment being Auschwitz like .... when i recently visited their HQ, i didn't see anyone chained to their desk. Also, when i left their building, i saw so many people people outside the building smoking wearing Air Serbia ID's - again, far from what you say.
DeleteMy guess it is anything than what you say it is.
In the end, if people don't like where they work, they are free to leave and work elsewhere. That's what unhappy people do.
They are there to work for their company - the company doesn't exist to provide people with somewhere to spend their days and to draw an income for doing nothing.
This is 2016 and the new reality of delivering and being accountable. The ways of old JAT are long gone ....
Deleteso true. Much more planes and passengers they have today. And of course you and me know it was not just 7 planes in Jat time. But, that is why Etihad insist to shrink number to just 600. That is why Republic of Serbia spent 6,5 million EUR to pay those who were asked to leave. And than more planes and passengers but number rise to 2450. 4 times more than planed number. And number of planes and passengers is not even double. Conclusion????
And Jat had catering and handling company in number of employees.
^ Actually it did not. Jat Catering, Jat Handling (then known as SU-PORT) and Jat Tehnika were separated from Jat Airways in 2004 and were never included in any official stats. The Serbian government asked Etihad to take over Jat Catering and SU-PORT as well when they took over Jat Airways.
DeleteOK, can not say you are lying or not, because we can not check this today. But even with that it is 3 times more with less then double of number of passengers and planes. So, why than they fired so many people???
DeleteHere hopefully you beleive this:
Delete"Pod firmom "transformacije", "korenitih promena" i "smanjenja broja zaposlenih" vršena je dekompozicija (pojednostavljeno rečeno – čerupanje) nekada ogromnog sistema, izdvojeni su Jat ketering, Jat tehnika, Suport, Jat (danas SMATSA) pilotska akademija, aerodromi u Podgorici i Tivtu, hiljade kvadrata poslovnog prostora"
This was done so the number of employees would be smaller than it actually was.
OK, now let's concentrate on this:
Delete1.250 number of employees in Jat in time of selling to Etihad
850 number of employees when they fired people to make Air Serbia profitable
600 was planed number of employees necessary to make Air Serbia work normally and profitable
1.950 number of employees after 2,5 half years without Su-port and ALS catering.
????? 3 times more!!!
Why then Republic of Serbia spent 6,5 million EUR for fired employees?
Why they fired them anyhow?
ReplyDeleteAir Berlin je u prošloj godini iskazao rekordan gubitak od 446,6 milijuna USD, uz pad broja putnika. Zadnji profit kompanija je iskazala prije skoro 10 godina (2007. i to 21 milijun EUR), zanemarimo li minijaturnu dobit 2012. (6 milijuna EUR) koja je rezultirana investicijama Etihada koji je kupio dionice kompanije krajem 12. mjeseca 2011, dočim se investicija vjerovatno realizirala početkom 2012. a u 2012. Etihad je za 184 milijuna EUR kupio i Air Berlinov ff program. Od 2008. do danas kompanija je akumulirala 1,75 milijardi EUR gubitka. Prihodi padaju već tri godine uzastopce i prihodi 2015. su na razini 2010. Broj putnika pada već 4 godine i na razini su 2008. godine. Broj aviona je na razini 2009. godine.
Air Berlin ima duplo manji udio putnika u Njemačkoj (26%) od Lufthanse (51%), a rapidno ga stiže Eurowings (20%). Ukupno je Air Berlin smanjio broj linija prošle godine za čak 10, a kapacitete za 1,4%. Nekada najvažnije Air Berlinovo tržište Španjolska doživjelo je ogromno smanjenje kapaciteta od čak 10%, a treći najveća Air Berlinov hub Palma de Mallorca uz 8% smanjenja kapaciteta prestala je biti hub, obzirom da je Air Berlin ukinuo sve linije prema Španjolskoj i Portugalu. U najbolje vrijeme Air Berlin je imao 14 linija sa 25 dnevnih polazaka prema Španjolskoj i Portugalu iz Palme, prošle godine tek 8, a ove godine niti jednu.
No još više zabrinjava činjenica da je u prvih 4 mjeseca ove godine broj putnika i dalje nastavio padati i pao za još 7,1%.
Vidim da si danas posebno aktivan sa ovim OT postovima. Samo, ocekivao sam da ces napisati kako ce problemi u AirBerlinu imati ne sagledive posledice po ASL kao i onomad kada si to pisao kad je Etihad usao u Alitaliju.
DeleteGreat info Purger, AB seems to be getting worse and worse every year.
Deleteps:ignore the idiotic trolls.
DeleteAir Berlin good as dead
Darwin good as dead
Alitalia in deep problems
Jet huge minus
Bravo Purger, good material as always.
DeleteWe all know answer.
2450 employees for only a 20 aircraft fleet it seems rather excessive to me.
ReplyDelete2.450 radnika ima Air Serbia Group, znaci to su tri razlicita pravna subjeta, Air Serbia, AIR SERBIA CATERING D.O.O. i Air SERBIA GROUND SERVICES BEOGRAD, jasnije?
DeleteAir Serbia Group (2450) - Air Serbia Catering staff (250) - Air Serbia Ground Services (800) = 1200 (Air Serbia).
Delete1200 airline staff for a 21 aircraft fleet (incl A330), betters many of what Purger has outlined above.
2.55M pax / 1200 staff = 2125
So, Air Serbia has 2450 employees? Too much!
DeleteQuick Wikipedia search:
DeleteAegean airlines + Olympic Air have 2.400 total employees.
With those employees they have 3 bases during winter (ATH, SKG, LCA) and 5 more during Summer. They also fly to 110 international destinations which means that they have offices and staff in dozens of countries around Europe and the Middle East.
They also have 61 aircraft and served close to 12 million pax.
JU only flies from BEG and to a far smaller network.
I think the main difference is that A3+OA is now 100% private while JU is still state owned and is being run accordingly.
Also they also have two maintenance hangars in ATH and do line maintenance with their own staff.
Delete2450 - 800 - 250 is not 1.200, but 1.400!
DeleteThank you last Anon!
Deleteit is crystal clear that JU is operating like a typical Balkan state owned company that exists to provide good paying jobs to party friends.
It is unbelievable that Aegean with the same number of employees servers 12 million passengers.
You people are forgetting that Air Serbia today does a lot of things for the entire Etihad Group (because of cheap labour). Just for example, Air Serbia's call centre is huge (in terms of staff numbers). Reason? It is an integrated call centre serving Air Serbia, Etihad Regional and Alitalia. And this is just one example.
DeleteLast Anon,
DeleteYou try facts and arguments with people whose hearts and brains evaporated in hate long ago. I respect your approach but I am afraid it is in vain - these armies of hate always know every little secret behind the objects of their hate, regardless of the fact they actually know nothing about them.
And if it is not haters, then it is EXPERTS who prove their expertise by mixing apples, pears and oranges, dividing them with grapes, and then comparing them with melons.
And all of this because Serbia dared to somehow keep its airline alive.
Does this number include the JU staff temporarily transfered to EY and being payed by EY? There is quite a number of JU staff in EY.
DeleteI have heard that more cabin crew will be hired as more aircraft is being planned to enter the fleet. There is talk about a second A330 coming from 9W by the end of the year.
Not true. Most of services that Etihad has is in India, as they are much cheaper than Serbian staff.
DeleteEtihad hardly use Serbian staff.
Belgrade airport in April
ReplyDeleteAvio-operacije 4.724 - 4.980 +5%
Broj putnika (pax) 381.401 - 365.335 -4%
Roba (cargo) 897.289 - 1.472.906 +64%
So more flights (+5%) but less passengers (-4%). That means that load factor was much worse.
DeleteDoes anyone know how JU performed in April? Who underperformed? It couldn't be LH as they seemed to be flying their A321s.
DeleteNije dobro.
DeleteU posljednjih 9 mjeseci, BEG bio negativan 7 mjeseci, a u 2. mjesecu je bio pozitivan samo zahvaljujući jednom danu prometa više (ove godine 2. mjesec je imao 29 dana).
Od 8. mjeseca 2015. ZL Beograd je izgubila 97.676 putnika.
U 4. mjesecu je izgubljeno čak 16.069 putnika iako:
- je pravoslavni uskrs bio 1.5, dakle povečan je broj putnika krajem 4. mjeseca
- povečao se broj frekvencija na linijama Air Serbije uvođenjem ljetnog reda letenja
- povečan je broj letova za 256, no svejedno je smanjen broj putnika
Does the number of aircraft operations include cargo aircraft? BEG does see quite a number of cargo aircraft come theough.
DeleteDane Kondic in an interview a couple of months back claimed that the CLF has risen for JU over the winter season when talking of the reduced winter schedule.
all planes, including general aviation, taxis, private jets, cargo and planes that came to Tehnika for maintenance
DeleteWould be nice if ASL would pay back some of these profits to the government for writing off JAT s debts.
ReplyDeleteBtw, back in Dec IATA forecasted global airline profitability in 2015 at 4.6% net profit margin.
ReplyDeleteOT: PRN April 2016 pax figures are out.
ReplyDelete2016: 143,367 (up >14.5%)
2015: 125,062
OT: Sarajevo airport in April 2016
DeletePax: 68,085 (up 8%)
Odlicne vesti za Srbiju i ASL sto jedino oni zajedno sa 9W, HM i EY imaju profit u Alijansi .
ReplyDeleteLjudi prigovarju za broj Zaposlenih a ne znaju da ima nekolicina zaposlenih u Call Centru koji radi za Alijansu .
A ovo je odlican pocetak za ASL sa 1 A332 a usko ce ih biti vise sto je odlicno za Kompaniju da moze da zaposli opet noce ljude.
Nije istina, Etihadov call centar je u Indiji. To je well known fact.
DeleteWhile we are on the subject of Air Serbia... Burek for breakfast :)
Nice! Much more than on most legacy carriers. On which route was that? Is ti business class or economy? I never get not even near to this.
DeleteIt is Air Serbia business clads :)
DeleteBurek in business class? Is this a joke? No wonder if they are posting profits then.
DeleteFor business class I am not impressed at all. A contrair
DeleteFor the less than one hour flight it's more than enough.
DeleteLook if they served caviar the hater brigade wouldn't be impressed so don't worry about it. They prefer the 3 cheese olives they get in a packet.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteAnd who is serving 3 olives in business class? I don't know any company to do so in business class.
DeleteCondor: with 6,7 million pax and 48 aircraft: 3000 employees.
ReplyDeleteAustrian: with 10,8 million pax and 81 aircraft: 6000 employees.
Tarom: with 2,1 million pax and 23 aircraft: 2000 employees.
Aer Lingus: more then 10 million pax and 46 aircraft: 3700 employees.
Burek in C class, but in Y JU catering is worse than last year. E.g. no more coffee on BNX flights and no more bags with water on WAW flights. Rock'n'roll!
ReplyDeletePrime service? History!
DeleteBut, it is even better not to serve that disgusting sandwich they served in economy.