Tuzla Airport in talks with second airline

Tuzla has entered talks with a second commercial carrier, whose arrival could ease the airport's dependence on Wizz Air. Tuzla Airport's Acting Director for Development and Marketing, Enver Juknaović, recently said, "Very soon a new carrier will begin operations [to Tuzla], despite Wizz Air continuing to expand its network. The idea of bringing another airline dates back from when an agreement was signed with Wizz Air instead of Ryanair. However, we have maintained contact with Ryanair and other carriers who were initially apprehensive of our statistics and analysis". Wizz Air is currently the only airline maintaining flights to Bosnia and Herzegovina's third largest city. Last week it announced a major expansion, with two new destinations to be added this year, and a further five in 2017. In addition, the airline will boost frequencies on several existing routes.

Tuzla Airport attempted to ease its reliance on Wizz Air, which handles all of its traffic, late last year. At the time, Montenegro Airlines, in cooperation with a local tour operator, launched services to Vienna, however, these flights were short-lived and cancelled several weeks later. Although Tuzla Airport's potential new customer is yet to be disclosed, Ryanair has been eyeing a possible entry into the Bosnian market for several years and has held talks with both Tuzla and Mostar airports in the past. Within the former Yugoslavia, Wizz Air and Ryanair operate side by side at Serbia's Niš Airport. Speaking in an interview in 2011, Mr Jukanović, who was then the General Manager of Tuzla Airport, said, "We have been in talks with Ryanair since 2006. We have to secure sufficient funds from the local government to subsidise the flights. After this is achieved, Ryanair will begin a six month marketing campaign and commence operations".

Tuzla Airport initially struggled to attract airlines and passengers when it opened its doors for commercial use in 1998. However, its fortunes turned in 2013 when Wizz Air launched its first service from Malmo. Flights quickly proved popular and the no frills airline expanded its network. It is currently the only commercial airline serving Bosnia and Herzegovina's second busiest airport on a year-long basis and has fuelled its spectacular passenger growth over the past two years. Tuzla Airport continued to see its passenger numbers grow with 173.845 travellers handled during the first seven months of the year, an increase of 33.6% compared to the same period in 2015.


  1. Anonymous08:51

    So Wizz Air might have actually announced all these new routes a preemptive measure against Ryanair? They have done it before.

    1. Anonymous09:42

      yep like in SKP

    2. Anonymous10:10

      That's their strategy. They say how they want competition and then open every new route possible the competition may launch.

  2. Anonymous08:59

    Looks to me like the other airline might be FR. If it can happen at Niš, why not in Tuzla.

  3. Anonymous10:09

    Smart move whoever it may be.

  4. Anonymous10:12

    If this happens they will need a new terminal (or expand the current one) straight away.

    1. Anonymous14:30

      They need to built a new one. They expect 500 000 passenger next year and the terminal is constructed for 70 000:/

  5. Anonymous10:20

    Would be better if Wizz took Tuzla snd Ryan Mostar.

  6. Anonymous10:34

    I don't see how this is possible unless it's a legacy carrier which I doubt. Tuzla Airport will go bankrupt.

    1. Anonymous11:52

      And the alternative of them being empty was the better solution?

  7. Anonymous10:49

    Tuzla-Barcelona? :D does wizz fly from Tuzla to Paris?

    1. Anonymous12:22

      Nope, Wizz does not fly Tuzla - Beauvais.

    2. Anonymous12:26

      This would be an very good idea. There are no flights between BiH and France

  8. Anonymous11:12

    What is there left to launch? Wizz Air has everything covered.

    1. Anonymous12:18

      They can always compete on the same route. One of them would give up sooner or later since I doubt the market is big enough to accomadate both.

  9. OT:
    ČSA ostaje i preko zime na liniji za Zagreb i to jos s airbus A319, ali s 3 rotacije tjedno.
    Dolazak u Zagreb ostaje u 23:15, ali polazak za Prag nece biti kao ljeti u 7:20, nego u 3:55 ujutro.

    1. Anonymous12:01

      I would believe you if those 2 things are not possible. A319 after atr42 which they barely filled in the summer, and takeoff at 4am, who would fly at that insane hour. They would have trouble filling atr42 at that ungodly hour, let alone A319

    2. http://avioradar.hr/index.php/hrvatska/262-csa-ostaje-letjeti-i-preko-zime-zagreb

      S atr42 let traje 1:35, dok s airbusem 1:15

    3. well, that's how it is so fair in CSA's online booking system. It is possible that they are counting on transfer pax...

      ATR75 - from what I know, CSA had no problems filling their planes this summer. It was rather OU that had problems...

      CSA's flight times are terrible, but on the other hand, if demand is there...well OU probably won't fly that route, so here's some space... also, there are not that many direct flight options out of ExYu to PRG, so perhaps they may count on the Slovens, people from BiH etc.

    4. Anonymous12:20

      It's good to hear but that same website published how CSA was suspending its ZAG flights.

    5. Anonymous13:10

      just found out this: CSA leti preko zime: PRG-ZAG-SKP-ZAG-PRG

      basically, OU is getting competition on SKP-ZAG, as you can book tickets for ZAG-SKP on OU.

      Well this is a candidate for tommorows topic:

      FIRST intra-ex-yu route operated by foreign airline! (or are they any others haha)

    6. Anonymous13:12

      on OK typo*

    7. Anonymous13:27

      OK vjerojatno neće imati pravo na prodaju karata na ZAG-SKP-ZAG

    8. Ali nije moguca kupnja karte Zagreb-Skopje sa CSA, barem ne takva s direktnom linijom, tako da nema opasnosti za OU.

    9. Anonymous13:40

      U can book tickets on CSA page already ... 470 HRK one way

    10. Purger14:27

      Zasto se ne bi mogla kupiti takva karta. Pa OK je Europski, dakle i Hrvatski prijevoznik.

    11. Vjerojatno ZLZ ne odobrava to, niti valjda Ceska ima sredene ugovore kojima bi mogla prodavati takve letove via Zagreb. Ne ide to tek tako, ti letovi via neki grad, zahtjevaju malo zescu proceduru.

    12. Anonymous15:11

      Dude, tickets are on sale, get over it. They even started promoting their direct flights between ZAG and SKP

    13. Sad mi daje da tako kupujem.
      Provtno kad sam gledao dalo mi je Zagreb-Prague i onda 17h presjedanja u Pragu i tek onda za Skopje.
      Sada daje direktno. Čak i nije skupo, 134€ povratno Zagreb-Skopje, ali je termin malo bez veze.

    14. Anonymous18:48

      Flights Skopje-Praha via ZAG 99 Euros round trip from 30th October until December 26th.

    15. Anonymous19:37

      I'm glad that ČSA stays in Zagreb, time for OU to reconsider other route, maybe Scandinavia, Stockholm for example.

    16. Anonymous02:03

      Procedura je mozda "malo kompliciranija" u Srbiji ili drugdje, ali u Europskoj uniji nije. Jednostavna je!

  10. Anonymous12:14

    Smart move not to depend on Wizz so much. That is always an issue with small regional airports. Nis was very smart to bring both Ryan and Wizz straight away. The situation is a bit more difficult with Tuzla with so many routes already served.

  11. Anonymous12:56

    Kako pisu Nemacke Novine LH i EY su se dogovorile da AB ACMI usluge za EW.
    Zbog tog Wetlease ugovora ce se flota AB smanjiti do 100 i nesto aviona .
    Toliko o tome kako ce Evropska komisija ili LH da bude protiv EY Alijanse.

    1. Purger14:42

      Ajde molim te Marko reci mi kakve veze ovaj PREDATORSKI potez Lufthanse ima sa LH stavom protiv EY Alijanse ili EU stavom? Ti stvarno misliš da ovime LH pomaže AB? Pomaže im taman toliko koliko su Danajci pomogli Trojancima sa Trajanskim konjem.

      Kao što sam napisao prije dva tjedna kada smo objavili ovu informaciju da LH uzima AB avione:

      1. Ovim potezom je Lufthansa jednim udarcem ubila dvije muha, dobila je jeftine avione sa ljudima u vlastitim potecijalnim bazama i maknula si je konkurenciju u tim istim bazama.

      2. Air Berlin će ovako preživjeti, ali će toliko osakatiti svoje linije, frekvencije i konekcije da će se svesti na minijaturnu i nebitnu kompanijicu. Kompanija će ostati na 1/3 flote, tj. 50-tak aviona. Ovakva osakačena neće pretpostavljati baš nikakvu opasnost za Lufthansu.

      3. Iako će ovako AB biti blizu nuli (naočigled to je pametan potez), zapravo će potpuno izgubiti svaku kompetitivnost i ubrzo će ponovo stvarati ogromne gubitke. Sa 50 aviona neće moći imati niti dvije baze, neće biti konkurentni ni u DUS i TXL, a kamoli u drugim bazama. Sa takvom flotom ne mogu konkurirati ni Lufthansi, ni easyJetu, ni Ryanairu... Potom će ih Eurowings/Lufthansa i do kraja dotuči jer će sa njihovim vlastitim avionima i dumpingom konkurirati u njihovim vlastitim bazama (ovo ne treba shvatiti doslovce).

      4. Ovime se na Air Berlinu ponavlja primjer Darwina i dokazuje kako Etihadov "recept" za revitalizaiciju kompanija ne pokazuje planirane rezultate. Kada Etihad ne može u prvotnom planu ekspanzije on ide u enormno rezanje kapaciteta, i kompaniju svodi na simboličnu kompaniju sa neznatnim feedingom Etihadovih linija. A za to, iskreno, ni Darwin, ni Air Berlin nisu trebali Etihad. To su mogli napraviti i sami.

      5. Ovo je dobro upozorenje i svima ostalima, a posebno Air Serbiji, tj. da Srbija vrlo oprezno dozvoli nastavak ekspanzije, ali i da ima otvorene četvore oči u budućoj suradnji!

    2. Milivoje Rodic15:58

      Ovdje se stalno zaboravlja da Etihad drzi 29.21% vlasnistvo Air Berlina. Ostatak cini 56.08% ljudi iz Njemacke, 12.02% Turske i ostatak austria, svajcarska..tako da je sigurno i u interesu Njemacke da AB ne propadne i da pocne da zaradjuje.

    3. Anonymous16:09

      Gospodine Alene ne znam gde ste opet procitali da ce to AB da pomogne ?
      1 . Za sad se radi o samo 40 Aviona i za sad se nece mesati u baze AB .
      2 . Kao prvo navode to kao odgovor LCC ma da se tu planira vise .
      3 . Ostace im 88 Aviona i ugovori sa LGW i Tui-om .
      4 . Slazem se da ASL treba da obrati paznju ali napisano za EY Alijansu posto mnogo ovde proizvode razne moguce proce .
      5 . I naravno da je to neka saradnja .

    4. Anonymous16:12

      Nesto slicno je najavljeno i u regionu, s tim da LH glumi JU, dok posrnuli AB glumi takodje posrnuli YM. Naravno i JU i YM su srazmerno manji od dva nemacka operatora.

  12. Anonymous15:20

    go tuzla! drive sarajevo and their horrible management, which has not attracted a single LCC, to the ground!

  13. Anonymous15:22

    Maybe they intend on advertizing flights to Tuzla as Sarajevo North.

  14. Anonymous17:42

    OT: Dane Kondić went to Tehran with Siniša Mali. Officially it is a visit between the two cities but obviously there are a lot more things going on.

    Hopefully this is a prelude to BEG - IKA flights!

    Best of luck!

    1. Anonymous22:28


    2. JATBEGMEL23:04

      I hope it is true, perhaps along side ease of visa ristrictions on both sides with the opening of the Iranian market.

      With rumours of another 2 A319's coming (1 next year, the other 2018) IKA would be good use for the ac. Word is that JAT had great loads to IKA when they flew there.

      Additional plus is that JU crew would not require a layover in Teheran.

    3. Anonymous23:04


    4. But what type of schedule would flights to Tehran have? It is too far to return within one wave, so it would have to have a schedule similar to AUH flights.

    5. Anonymous00:49

      To ce biti odlicno za ASL ja mislim da bi se trebalo 3-4 pw trebalo poceti sa letovima.

    6. Дечко Тзар00:51

      Људи су пре две-три године предлагали ту руту пре него што се подигну санкције али су одговори били да је то дестинација коју треба опслуживати преко Абу Дабија. Е да је некима сад ова памет у 2013...

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Anonymous17:48

    All ex yu airport expand their traffic except Slovenia. Slovenia is a black hole in European air traffic. MBX has a brand new airport but extremly unexperienced managment as airport and aa major of city. Also LJU will have in the future cinnections to FRA, MUC, VIE and ZRH.

  17. Anonymous02:35

    Do you think Easy Jet would go to TGD?


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