Air Serbia to terminate Istanbul flights

Air Serbia will discontinue flights between Belgrade and Istanbul next month, which are to be replaced by AtlasGlobal (formerly known as AtlasJet). The Serbian airline's final service to Ataturk Airport is scheduled for March 14 after which ticket sales have been suspended. The carrier has been struggling on the route, faced with strong competition and falling demand for travel to Turkey. "The decision was made as a result of declining point-to-point passenger traffic and yield on the route, which has underperformed company expectations, and follows in the footsteps of other airlines that have withdrawn from the Turkish market", Air Serbia said in a statement. It added, "The Airbus A319 aircraft currently serving Istanbul will be redeployed on other, more profitable routes to ensure the airline’s capacity is best-utilised to meet air travel demand on its network".

This winter Air Serbia is maintaining daily flights to Istanbul. The airline has often downgraded its equipment on the route to the 66-seat ATR72 turboprop. Air Serbia is the last national carrier from the former Yugoslavia to terminate services to Istanbul, with Croatia Airlines discontinuing flights from Zagreb in 2013 and Adria Airways from Ljubljana in 2016. "Air Serbia will continue to serve the Turkish market with seasonal flights through its charter brand, Aviolet, and is exploring additional options to provide air connections to Turkey through other partners", the company said. Turkish Airlines and low cost carrier Pegasus will continue to maintain services from Istanbul to Belgrade. Turkish operates double daily flights from Ataturk Airport, while Pegasus runs four weekly services from Sabiha Gokcen.

In partnership with Air Serbia, AtlasGlobal plans to commence daily flights between Istanbul and Belgrade using its 200-seat Airbus A321-200 aircraft, which features eight seats in business and the remaining 192 in economy class. The service will begin on March 15, with a split morning and afternoon schedule. AtlasGlobal boasts a fleet of 23 aircraft and maintains operations throughout Turkey, northern Cyprus, the Middle East, Europe and Asia. The airline recently signed a codeshare agreement with Air France marking its first such deal with a major European airline. Further flight details for the new Istanbul - Belgrade service operated by AtlasGlobal can be found here.


  1. Anonymous09:03

    So with Atlas global capacity on this route will actually increase. Shame about Air Serbia droping the route though.

    1. Anonymous09:06

      Which shows that there is a market, JU didn't know how to get it for itself.
      If their statement was true, TK would fly three times per week with the A319

    2. Anonymous09:08

      TK's main customers on this route are transfers. Pegasus takes the P2P.

    3. Anonymous09:14

      Pegasus carries A LOT of transfer passengers, they are always the cheapest to the Middle East. Also, even if Pegasus carries locals, their times are not that different from JU's, so why did Air Serbia fail?
      I think it's time we got answers to these questions. Why is the airline leaving markets without fighting for them?

    4. Anon 9:14 is correct. All the people I know that travel to Middle East from BEG always take the Peagasus flight as it is consistently cheaper. For example, I know some people in Qatar who have never used QR direct route to BEG as it is much more expansive compared to Pegasus.

  2. Anonymous09:04

    Warning signs were there when the started sending the ATR.

  3. Anonymous09:05

    I guess now we know how they are going to launch Tehran. They will have the equipment

  4. Anonymous09:06

    BUD, WAW, VAR, IST.. any guesses what's coming next?

    1. Sledece je gasenje Er Srbije, na opste odusevljenje vas hejtera.
      Istanbul su pre JU obustavili OS,JP,OU,LH(iz Minhena)...
      Ne vidim nijedan razlog zasto bi aviokompanija na silu odrzavala liniju koja joj lose ide.

    2. Anonymous09:14

      And launched Prague, Abu Dhabi, Banja Luka, Ohrid, St Petersburg, Zagreb, Sofia, Bucharest, New York, Brussels (which was suspended by Jat during 2012/13 winter)...
      It's normal to cut underperforming routes. Otherwise you would complain how Serbian tax payer money is being wasted.

    3. Anonymous09:15

      LX se vraca u martu dok LO i RO nikada nisu ni obustavljali letove. Kako oni opstaju a JU ne moze? Da te podsetim da TK salje A330 u OTP ali eto cuda... Tarom i dalje leti za IST.

    4. Anonymous09:16

      Even with all those launched and suspended flights JU is still getting money from the national budget. Your argument makes no sense.

    5. Anonymous09:16

      Poredis zemlje i trzista koja se ne mogu porediti za Srbijom.

    6. Anonymous09:22

      Pa i bolje da ne poredimo JU i RO u IST-u jer je situacija za RO neuporedivo losija.
      TK ima 21 let nedeljno, Pegaz 5 a Tarom 14!

      Dakle, kako jedan Tarom koji je pritom manji od JU, opstaje sa 14 letove u Turskoj a JU, regionalni lider, to ne moze? Uz sve to RO nema profit kao sto to ima JU.

      Cak i LO ima 10 letova nedeljno a trziste izmedju Varsave i Istanbula nije vece nego sto je sa Beogradom.

      Po toj logici JFK je bio apsolutni promasaj posto te letove nema ni BUD ni OTP

    7. Anonymous09:24

      Ponovo ti kazem. Poredis trziste koje se ne moze porediti. Kada to kazem ne govorim o velicini TAROMA i njihovom profitu.

    8. Anonymous09:25

      Upravo zato Srbija i ne bi trebala forsirati kompaniju koja nije na njenom nivou. Taj isti RO koji leti za IST ni ne pokušava letjeti za JFK iako sve ovo vrijeme ima širokotrupace u floti (letjeli su za CDG).

    9. Anonymous09:27

      Ali ti ne shvatas da trziste Rumunije i trziste Bukuresta su dve jako razlicite stvari. Niko ko zivi u Jasiju, Targu Muresu, Temisvaru... nece leteti iz OTP-a.

      OTP-s catchment area nije toliko veca of BEG-a tako da je poredjenje i te kako na mestu. Uz sve to, JU ima hub na BEG-u i samim tim je u prednosti.
      Da je trziste malo ili da se smanjuje, onda bi i TK i Pegaz smanjili letove a KK ne bi uvodio svoje sa A321.

    10. Anonymous09:33

      Guys, no point in arguing. They left these markets and there is nothing we can do about it until something big changes in JU like it did in EY.

      Until then let's just hope passenger numbers at BEG keep on climbing. :)

    11. Anonymous09:50

      +1 last anon

      It's not so bad, at least we got a new airline in Belgrade. One that can make this route work! It's a win-win.

    12. Anonymous10:58

      Of course it's a win-win. It's just the hater brigade who desperately need to turn everything into a lose-lose so that they can have a happy day.

    13. Anonymous12:19

      Every failure is somehow a win-win for the cheering squad.

    14. Anonymous12:22

      It's a win that there will be even more capacity to Istanbul. Out of interest do you consider Croatia Airlines, Adria Aireays, Austrian ending Istanbul also a failure?

    15. Anonymous12:25

      Yes, any suspension is a failure. I never stated otherwise. Unlike some people did.

    16. Anonymous14:34

      It is only win-win for the Turks who will now have 100% of the market.

    17. Alen Šćuric Purger00:50

      I did remember who I said it is total failure when Croatia ends IST. It has code-share with TK, but for sure it was total failure. And start of end for OU.

    18. Alen Šćuric Purger00:51

      I remember that I said it was total failure*

  5. Anonymous09:18

    BAW, KLM, DLH i AFR za IST najcesce salju A320 i B737. Uz THY kakav je danas jako je tesko povuci putnike iz IST.

  6. Anonymous09:22

    They did the right thing. There is absolutely no reason of losing money nowadays.

    1. Anonymous09:35

      Agree with you afterall I think Turkey is going to be in troubles for a long time. Personaly I still love my life,if you know what I mean.

    2. Anonymous09:36

      They are suspending Istanbul, not Mogadishu, if you know what I mean.

  7. Anonymous09:46

    How is Turkish performing on this route?

    1. Anonymous09:49

      Good, their average LF is around 84% while Pegasus carries on average 156 passengers per flight. If there wasn't for the bilateral they would have increased BEG to at least 5 weekly.

    2. Anonymous09:49

      They use 737-800 with 165 pax, but so many times even A321 with 188 seats. They can use small A319, so that shows route is very good.

  8. Anonymous09:47

    Turkiš leti sa 738 dva puta dnevno
    *leteli su i 3 puta, ali ih je srpska vlast u tome sprečila i naterala da smanje na 2 zbog JU
    ** upravo zato Turkish leti često i sa A321, a znali su da dolete i sa širkotrupcem

    Pegasus sa 738 leti 4 puta sedmično

    sada će AtlasGlobal da leti sa A321 svakodnevno.

    Znači putnika ima za 4 leta dnevno.
    Ove kompanije imaju 1.276 sedišta dnevno (u obe strane), tj. 465.740 sedišta godišnje. A Air Serbija nije uspela da napuni 25.500 putnika koji bi bili break even na AT7, što je tek malo više od 5% sedišta na ovoj ruti.

    1. Anonymous10:27

      Da ali isto tako 80% svih tih putnika su Turci i ljudi koji dolaze iz Turske. Nije problem u ASL, problem je taj sto prosto ljudi iz Srbije uglavnom biraju da ne lete u Tursku ili dalje preko Turske. Ovaj potez nije iznenadjujuc i smanjuje in troskove, ASL ce imati transferne putnike AtlasGlobala, TK i Pegasus ce i dalje imati svoje putnike i ovde svi pobedjuju...

      Ne zaboravite samo da taj isti TK je tokom zime prizemljio skoro 60 aviona (skoro 20% sopstvene flote), neke letove iz i za BEG su susprendovali zbog lose popunjenosti a i ova brojka od 84% LF nije istinita. Pogotovo sad preko zime gde u dosta slucajeva su slali B738 sa prosekom od 70 PAX, tako da hejteri i svi vi aviostrucnjaci sagledajte malo siru sliku.

      Hvala, prijatno.

    2. Anonymous10:35

      84% je prosek za celu godinu, dakle ukljucuje i letnje mesece kada je popunjenost preko 95%. Ne zaboravi da je TK obavljao 17 nedeljnih letove pre nego sto su bili primorani da smanje letove jer je JU tako trazila. Sada bi bilo fer da im se dozvoli da ponovo uspostave te letove.

      Tvoj argument o prodaji nema mnogo smisla. Po toj logici Er Srbija iskljucivo prodaje mesta putnicima iz Srbije. Kako JU napuni avion iz BEY-a gde situacija nije nista bolja nego u IST-u? Cak je i gora jer je trziste neuporedivo manje.

      Ako pogledamo i SAW i IST, aerodromi su imali sasvim solidnu performansu prosle godine. Cak se broj transfernih putnika na TK-u povecao.

      Zasto JU nije pregovarao sa turistickim agencijama da prevozi turiste do Beograda? Zasto isto to nisu uspeli u Izraelu vec turisti dolecu sa Israir-om i Arkijom? Meni se vise cini da JU ima problem sa prodajom.

    3. Anonymous10:37

      Dodao bih, da je tvoj argument o 70 putnika po letu istinit, onda bi TK smanjio BEG kao sto je to uradio sa SJJ i ZAG. Toliko o tome.

    4. Anonymous10:49

      Sama cinjenica da ste racunali broj ljudi na atr avionu dovodi do zakljucka da je racunica neozbiljna u najmanju ruku.
      Radim na cek in salterima i TK cesto radim, jutarnji let je dobar, uglavnom su to transferni putnici, od nedavno ima i po neka grupa ovdasnjih agenxija, mada to ranije nije bio slucaj pretpostavljam da je u pitanju bila cena.
      Jako mali broj putnika ne leti dalje od IST.
      Vecernji let je bas cesto katastrofalno popunjen, ne znam zasto, ali cesto imaju po 50 putnika. Ukoliko bi se vratili godinu dana unazad, oba leta su bila vrlo cesto u minusu sa mestima.
      Cinjenica je da najveci broj putnika jesu Turci, ali isto tako ima dosta nasih koji putuju dalje.
      Nekoliko puta sam radio PGS oni zimi bolje i da ne lete. Sto se tice JU tu bas nemam neku realnu sliku, al verujem da su bili dosta gori zbog vremena koje su imali.U svakom slucaju ovaj dil moze biti mnogo bolju za JU nego njihov let za IST.
      Setite se kada se KLM i AFR povukose sa BEG-a a imali su dosta dobro popunjene avione. Njima dobar dil sa JU znaci vise nego da oni lete za BEG

    5. Anonymous18:44

      Evo da odgovorim anonimusu koji je pisao komentare u 10:35 & 10:37 :

      - Prvo i osnovno, ti ne mozes da poredis TK sa ASL. Ne mozes takodje da poredis i Srbiju i Tursku.
      - Da, TK je imao 17 letova nedeljno ali DCV Srbije pametno ne da da se TK vrati na to stanje jer onda bi moglo da ugrozi poslovanje ASL (primer Alitalia koja je suspendovala letove ka IST a TK puni 5 letova dnevno na tim rutama) jer TK ima i 322 putnicka aviona i 12 Cargo, lete na 275 destinacija pa samim tim mogu i sa cenama da budu i pristupacniji i ekonomicniji i sve sto ASL ne moze i zbog EY da uradi i zbog svoje poslovne politike!

      - Trece, 80% putnika na relaciji BEG - Istanbul su Turci koji lete uglavnom IST/SAW - BEG - IST/SAW i samim tim biraju i svoju kompaniju, sa svojom posadom, sa svojim predstavnikom na BEG i na kraju krajeva to je za njih stvar patriotizma jer cak od 2003. godine kada je TK napravio osnovu za masovnu ekspanziju moto cele kampanje bio je da svaki Turcin leti barem jednom. Na kraju krajeva, ja da letim BEG - IST - BEG naravno da bih izabrao ASL.

      - Podaci koje si naveo su okvirni, naravno da leti imas jak LF kada znaju da posalju A319 ali realno gledajuci jak im je LF i mnogo je jaci nego sto je ASL na toj liniji (opet, veliki razlog je ekonomski patriotizam i broj pax kojima je celo putovanje IST - BEG - IST)

      - Dalje, primer koji si naveo sa BEY je glup jer nijedna kompanija iz Libana ne leti za BEG, ASL tu nema apsolutno direktnu konkurenciju i naravno da baziraju celu politiku na transfernim paxima sto nikako ne moze biti slucaj sa IST, jer je i jaca konkurencija, mnogo vise sedista, nisu ista trzista i sve je suprotno tako da ti je poredjenje sa letovima za BEY pogresno.

      - Sto se tice chartera iz Izraela, opet mnostvo lokalnih turistickih agencija pravi ponudu sa domacom kompanijom, prave ponudu stanovnistvu koji taj iznos novca je nebitan za sve sto dobijaju i naravno da ce da izaberu svoju kompaniju i naravno da se ne zaboravi u njihovom slucaju sto imaju i svoj security team i aviona i gejta i check in-a...

      - ASL je dozivela poraz jer nije mogla da puni A319 na ruti ka IST i to stoji i to nema ko da porice jer cim ka IST salju ATR72 to nikako ne moze dobar znak da bude
      - Jako bitan podatak je da ASL odbija da primi putnike na let koji nemaju potpunu dokumentaciju/povratne karte/novac za putovanje dok TK te putnike prima pa ih nasa policija vraca nazad za IST/SAW)

      I onda kad sam sve ovako argumentovano naveo ostaje pitanje sta ASL da radi?
      Oni su u ovoj situaciji uradili ubedljivo najbolji potez za njih, skratili su troskove na toj ruti, transferne putnike kroz codeshare-ove su dobili, chartere ka Turskoj su dobili za Aviolet, oslobodili su avion koji mogu na druge rute da iskoriste i to je to...

      Naravno da ima gubitaka u smislu broja putnika na godisnjem nivou, negativna reputacija ali kao sto je vecina nas nasla onaj citat koji ide otprilike da izmedju bankrota i profita razliku pravi >5% LF, verujem da je ovo ocajnicki odlican potez ASL.


    6. Anonymous18:47

      I jos jedna stvar, TK zna da SJJ i ZAG nisu isto kao BEG, SJJ slabo trziste a za ZAG Turcima trebaju vize sto za BEG nije isti slucaj i BEG je i veci aerodrom a i vece trziste.

      "Toliko o tome."


    7. Anonymous19:48

      Slobodan A319 bi mogao da se uposli za Kiev,znam da su tokom leta bili puni avioni a letovi su relativno kratko bili najavljeni, tik pred sezonu.

    8. Anonymous22:26

      ili za Teheran, ili i jedno i drugo 3x & 4x weekly.

    9. Aэrologic22:47

      @AnonymousFebruary 11, 2017 at 6:44 PM

      I would just add that in the case with TK it is not that much about patriotism as about the fact that most of Turks don't speak a foreign language, making them more at ease with their own companies. Most are fed-up of TK and its exorbitant fares/rip-off policies and the only reason they fly them is that besides them they don't know who else flies anywhere. That is why i was telling already a year ago that the key to the Istanbul market was to employ flight crews that speak the local language and the word would have spread-out really fast.

    10. Anonymous22:51

      Nije glupo poredjenje sa Bejrutom. Ako u Bejrutu prevoze iskljucivo transferne putnike onda su isto to mogli da urade i u Istanbulu. MEA nije uopste naivan igrac a i njeno trziste je znatno manje.

      Er Srbija je omanula na turskom trzistu iz istih razloga zasto se povukla iz BUD, WAW i KBP a to je zbog loseg reda letenja i zbog nedostatka marketinga. U Beogradu vidimo vise reklama za TK i SU nego sto je to slucaj sa JU.

      Kada Er Srbija shvati vrednost marketinga onda mozda nece otkazivati 40% letova u februaru.

    11. Anonymous23:04

      KBP je bio zbog manjka aviona, za divno cudo let je bio dobro popunjen.

    12. Anonymous23:06

      Nije cudno, JU i SU su leteli za KBP joz u vreme komunizma. Potraznja je uvek postojala.

  9. Anonymous10:10

    Shame. Although Atlas global is a good airline so it's good there will be a replacement straight away.

  10. Anonymous10:46

    I find this funny. JU wanted slots in IST that would fit into its waves. First they were told there are no slots in IST. Then, they got awkward times.
    Now, a Turkish company, AtlasGlobal gets the wanted slots without any trouble.

    What JU should do now is to kick TK completely from Serbian market, following the bilateral agreement. Atlas Global, which is code-sharing with JU should get all the slots instead.
    At the end of the day, TK's goal is to destroy all legacies between Turkey and Germany. JU, OU, LO, RO, all should be resist in a way Turks understand.

    1. Anonymous11:02

      These 'awkward' slots you are talking about are the ones JU asked for.

    2. Anonymous11:11

      Not true. You are pressing with half-truths. They had to choose between "available" slots. They chose the least worse one.
      Now, see, see, a Turkish company gets the slots that fit perfectly into JU waves without any trouble.
      TK should be kicked out of Serbian market altogether. I guarantee you, once that happens, all the slots possible in IST would magically be available for JU again.

    3. Anonymous12:02

      You do realize that JU's slots at IST are almost identical to the slots the airline got in ATH? Does that mean the Greeks screwed them over as well?

    4. Petar14:37

      ATH is not slot constrained. JU can choose to fly whatever time it wants to.

    5. Anonymous14:57

      ATH and IST are two completely different markets. The passengers from ATH mostly go further to Europe, while a lot of passengers from IST went to regional market.
      It is up to JU, not to me or you to plan what is best for them.
      You are desperate to find excuses for IST.
      BEG should treat TK and Pegasus the same way IST treated JU. JU learned an important lesson there.

    6. Anonymous16:43

      Well, they don't need to chase away TK (and shouldn't). But they can enforce the bilateral which states the maximum size of the plane on the routes. And it's not A321 or B738.

    7. Anonymous16:45

      However, do have in mind that great number of Turkish tourists come to Belgrade on these flights. Turkish visitors are among the top foreign tourists in Belgrade. Any flight suspension would have a big impact on the number of visitors to Belgrade.

    8. Anonymous17:24

      The visitors should chose Atlas, where ASL has a cut, and everything should be fine. If they are not coming from Turkey, but flying over IST, then better to chose one of ME3 for the visit to Belgrade.

    9. Anonymous19:05

      tnx for the info. wow, around 75% thats really great for this period of year.

  11. Kada saobraca dnevno iz Beograda za Istanbul dva A322, po jedan A321 i B378, Turske kompanije ocigledno privlace dovoljan broj putnika. Dali nude bolju uslugu, fleksibilnost... Nisam siguran. Do sada sa njihovim prevoznicima, za razliku od Er Srbije, nisam leteo. Sto se Srpskog avio prevoznika tice, nebih ga menjao. Bar sto se tice servisa, kabinskog osoblja i odnosa na salterima.Ocigledno je da se pojedinacne grupe ljudi, kako iz Srbije tako i iz tranzita, opredeljuju za Turske prevoznike.
    Jer kada nemoze Er Srbija da puni svoj A319, bar 80% putnika, onda opredeljenost putnika je na Turskoj strani. Zbog frekfrencije letova, cene karata, kulturoloskih i slicnih razloga.
    Sada uskoro pocinje letnji red letenja. Nece biti problema za povecanje destinacija i dnevne frekfrencije. Iduce godine pocinje da pristize nova flota. Nova strategija, destinacije, i razvoj su verujem u toku.
    Kraljevo + Sydney

  12. Anonymous12:01

    They will soon terminate everything and close. It looked like a nice story in the beginning but turned out to be just another political propaganda project.

  13. What exactly does this new partnership between ASL and Atlas consist of?

  14. Anonymous12:17

    That is a major failure by Air Serbia.

  15. Anonymous12:24

    With at 17.30 arrival from IST it won't offer connections to: CDG, ARN, SVO, CPH, DUS, FCO... shame.

  16. Anonymous12:54

    I did a short evaluation of this route and these are the connections:

    Great: ZRH, VIE, TXL, STR, ZAG, LJU.
    So-so: DUS, MXP, FCO, PRG, SVO, SJJ, SPU.
    Impossible: AMS, CDG, BRU, FRA, CPH, ARN, LED, MLA, DBV, TIA

    1. Anonymous13:58

      Do you mean the existing connections or the new connections (with Atlas flights)?

    2. Anonymous21:24

      With Atlas.

  17. TK je u velikim problemima pa svakako spuštaju cene a tako i ostali turski prevoznici. Naravno da sve ostale strane kompanije imaju probleme da pune svoje avione u tim uslovima. Uz to je TK svakako zaštićen od vlade u Turskoj, naravno i od aerodroma IST!
    Mislim da je ovo za JU najbolje rešenje pošto očigledno slaba zarada od IST ali uz saradnji sa AtlasGlobal ostaje na tržištu i možda dobije još više putnika za konektovane letove nego sad!

  18. Anonymous14:02

    OT: hi guys. can somebody tell me about the ASLs LF to JFK today? tnx

    1. Anonymous14:50

      LF the day before yesterday when they circled around JFK for 2 hours was only about 25% (someone reported Iviatica I think that there were 60 pax. onboard). JFK should be suspended or code shared, this 25% LF is terrible!

    2. Anonymous14:53

      The issue is that that LF is wrong. There were 138 passangers on board. Also you don't know the lf on the return flight or the lf overall but you choose to judge a route by a single untrue figure in February the slowest month of the year. According to Aviatica in its report in 2016 Air Serbia will not get a license to fly to New York and won't get an aircraft.

    3. Anonymous14:54

      It wasn't launched to be profitable or to serve some unserved need for direct BEG-JFK flights by tens of thousands of passengers a year.
      It is just a prestige route for politicians.
      Hopefully they will continue covering the loses and JU will not suffer from them.

    4. Ni jedna brojka koju su vam servirati ovde nije tačna. Na letu koji je bio preusmeren u Filadelfiju imali smo 192 +4 u biznisu. Današnji let nisam pogledao ali pre dva dana brojno stanje je bilo oko 187 +6

    5. Anonymous16:26

      Ma jok, bre bilo 8 ljudi i posada. Bolesno koliko su ljudi pakosni ili sta vec... A o aviatica sajtu necu da trosim reci...

    6. Anonymous21:24

      Hot Lane,

      Ne lazi vec pogledaj u sistem gde pise da je na tom preusmerenom letu bilo 64 putnika. ;)

    7. Anonymous01:04

      Hot Line tebi verujem ko i Aviatici. A baš ste isti.

      U sistemu piše 64 putnika i to je samo dokaz koliko si fanatičan navijač, te kako i ostali podaci koje kažeš nisu tačni. Ne može da ti se veruje. Jednostavno lažeš da bi stvari izgledale bolje nego što jesu.

    8. Anonymous02:17

      Lane, jel'su lepi sendvici bili danas?

    9. Anonymous18:17

      Sendvici nisu ni blizu besplatnih letova koje QR LO OS i drugi poklanjaju da bi se pisalo pozitivno o njima a sve najgore o JU. To je pravi sendvicar.

  19. Anonymous15:00

    &AnonymousFebruary 11, 2017 at 2:53 PM
    The issue is that that LF is wrong. There were 138 passangers on board.

    According to AirSerbiaGroundService form there were 62 passengers boarded on JU500 on last Thursday. On returning JU501 flight there were around 130 passengers.

    1. Anonymous15:32

      So between the two flights the avg load factor is 37.99 per cent.

    2. Anonymous15:43

      who consumed local products & meals and contributed to the economy!

    3. Anonymous16:14

      And also great sleep for the passengers , they can spread everywhere they like in the plane , it happened to me too I had four seats on my own and it was awsome best sleep on a plane ever!!

    4. Anonymous16:22

      see, it improves the customer satisfaction w/ AS :)

    5. Anonymous19:16

      Don't forget cargo on JU flights between Belgrade and New York. They making money on cargo.

    6. Anonymous20:49

      Pukli 100%! skoro mogu da pozovu Vucica i Malog da stave katanac na svoju avanturu u avio saobracaju. Steta jedino sto se nece nikada saznati koliko je Srbija profitirala od tog projekta.

  20. Anonymous15:12

    Wow, I remember when in summer there were twice as more people going to JFK than coming from there, now it's opposite. I also remember when like 90% of TGD passengers did connection to JFK! In new codeshares, does MA codeshares JFK route, and is it the only codeshare on it (besides Etihad maybe)?

  21. Nothing strange, nothing to worry about. This is a logical step by Air Serbia and not a surprising one either.
    Does anyone have any news, rumors, insider info about who might win the concession for BEG? Have not been following developments around that for a while now. Thanks in advance.

    1. Anonymous17:14

      Here you go:

  22. In my opinion, I prefere the flexibility shown here and AirSerbias terminating troubling routes than rigid approach they could have taken. Turkey is a difficult market at the moment and it is better to put Istanbul plane to a route where it would bring better yields. It is not like they are the first to do so. So many services to Istanbul have already be terminated. I am actually positively surprised that JU is acting proactively in this matter.

  23. Anonymous01:14

    Odlična alternativa za IKA je AMM - nije tako veliko tržište, ali je definitivno underserved. Pogledajte samo cene iz/za AMM iz bilo kog evropskog grada, to su neverovatne cifre. Svi koji su momentalno tamo sigurno imaju sjajan profit... Pritom je oko 2 sata bliže Beogradu od Teherana. Nadam se da razmišljaju i o tome.


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