Zagreb Airport sees record April


Zagreb Airport handled 240.168 passengers in April, representing an increase of 18.7% compared to the same month last year. The number of aircraft movements stood at 3.296, up 0.4%. Since the start of the year, Croatia's busiest airport welcomed 756.168 travellers through its doors, an improvement of 6.3%. Zagreb Airport anticipates handling over three million passengers this year.

MonthPAXChange (%)
JAN168.788 7.4
FEB154.679 1.0
MAR192.533 3.3
APR240.168 18.7


  1. Anonymous10:02

    Great result!

    Cant wait next month and arrival of EK, numbers will explode!

    1. Anonymous15:55

      Was expecting 225 000, the increase of 20-25k at most. 38k increase is a pleasant surprise. And season is only about to start.

      Almost all major carriers are sending larger planes to Zagreb as of late, increased interest for Zagreb or just coincidence, time will tell. I wonder if May will be double digit growth too?

      In 2016 in May Zagreb Airport handled 247k, wonder if Airport can hit 280k this year in May alone.

      My original projections based on available seats and an average load factor for 2017 was 3.07 to 3.15 million pax, lets see how wrong I was if numbers go above 3.2 million pax

    2. Anonymous17:28

      And it gets even better since the number of flights compared to April 2016 remained the same!

    3. Anonymous17:47

      @AnonymousMay 8, 2017 at 5:28 PM

      Yes, reason why I predicted only load factor increase and not substantial growth, I used East brake to factor in my growth projections, which was firmly set around 220-227 000, and I rounded it up at 225 000.

      Also for entire 2017 I project only 21000 landings or increase of 600 additional flight operations, and my projections indicate between 3.01 and 3.15 million pax for 2017 based on this modest increase in landings.

      It is simple mathematics. 21000 x 72 pax = 3.02 million, this is based on modest growth and only slight (average of 4, based on previous 4 years) increase in load factor.

      But I also added equation if number of operations increase by 5% on 2016, or 21400 landings and slight increase in projected load factor of 74 per landing, due to the fact the Emirates will increase load factor numbers. You add these and you end up with 3 172 000.

      If we use 75 pax per flight most likely the case now, 21400x75 = 1 605 000 x 2 = 3.210 000.

      The arrival of Emirates, Canadians doubling number of rotations, and Korean Air increasing number of rotations too, should increase load factor significantly.

      An average of 75 pax per flight is now quite likely, and with modest growth in number of landings by 5% (most likely to be around 8%) you come to the conclusions I've came to.

      So revised numbers for 2017 are between 3.15 and 3.3 million.

      Projections for 2018 are even more optimistic. @ 3.55 to 3.75 million.

      5.0 million pax in 2020 now seems quite feasible. Originally I projected I think 4.4 million.

    4. Anonymous17:52

      Yeah, agree with Anon 5:47, ZAG also had fewer flights in first 3 months, almost 400 less flights!

  2. Anonymous10:02

    ZAG slayed!!

  3. Alen Šćuric Purger10:03

    A nove linije još nisu ni krenule.

    U svibnju (5. mjesec) kreću
    - sezonske linije Croatie, ranije nego prošle godine

    - Monarch sa 5 linija (u travnju su imali samo 2 leta)

    - povećanje kapaciteta sa CRJ na nekim linijama

    - dodatne frekvencije na postojećim linijama (ČSA, LOT, Iberia)
    - Korean povećao broj rotacija

    U 6. mjesecu
    - 4 nove linije
    - Emirates
    - povećanje Air Transat 100%
    - Norwegian za Stockholm

    + sve to vrijeme niz kompanija je povećao avione na daleko veće od prošle godine, dobar dio leti i sa A321

    Stoga će zagrebačke brojke i dalje biti visoke ovo ljeto.

    1. Anonymous10:53

      Znaci, koncesionar odlicno radi! Kad se samo sjetim pljuvacine!

    2. Anonymous11:10

      Koji si ti licemjer Purgeru!! Puna ti usta Zagreba sa +19%, a za Split i Dubrovnik i njihove puno veće postotke šutiš i ništa ne komentiraš

    3. Anonymous11:18

      Sta si se ti propea na zadnje noge?
      Koja je tema clanka?

    4. Anonymous12:42

      Kakve veze ima komentira li Purger Dubrovnik ili Split?

    5. Anonymous16:30

      AnonymousMay 8, 2017 at 11:10 AM imaš piće, ove ispod zanemari, njima je on veći od njih samih.

    6. Alen Šćuric Purger00:39

      Ajme majko. Ja sam napisao posebne članke o Splitu i Dubrovniku i nahvalio njihovu ekspanziju. Članak je imao 25 kartica teksta.

      No, ovdje raspravljamo o Zagrebu, zar ne? Pobogu!

      Pljuvačina za Zagreb se odnosila na način dobivanja koncesije. Kao i u slučaju Dubrovnika i Splita, pročitajte moj članak o novom terminalu i biti će vam bitno više jasno, kakav je moj stav i na temelju čega se temelji.

  4. Anonymous10:20

    Best run airport in ex-yu. They have a strategy and it will definitely bear fruits :)

    1. Anonymous10:37

      why is it best run in ex-yu?

    2. Anonymous10:48

      Because it has "toilet disabled" :))

    3. Anonymous11:04

      Not any more ;)

    4. Anonymous11:17

      Well thank god they put other criteria on how to run an airport before that sign (which is easier to correct than other fundamental stuff)

  5. Anonymous10:36

    Bravo Hrvatska!

    1. Anonymous11:00

      I like you man

    2. Anonymous11:05

      Ali zamisli ti misije...Cilj mu je uvijek isti, svaki dan kad se probudi, pogleda vijest i onda ako se radi o Hrvatskoj, pise svoj lijepi komentar. Zanimljiva licnost.

    3. Anonymous11:17


  6. Anonymous10:58

    Amazing ZAG. Can't wait to see EKs big bird in a few weeks. Europes best airport keeps delivering and getting better. Looking forward to the next surprises.
    Bravo Hrvatska +2

    1. Anonymous11:00

      Europe's best airport?

    2. Anonymous11:06

      Ma pusti, od uzbudenja je fulao, sve ok. :)

  7. Anonymous11:07

    EK sa 777-300 na 777-300ER

    1. Anonymous11:09

      That's a downgrade in first class capacity. Plane has 10 seats less overall.

    2. Anonymous11:22

      That's not downgrade, this is expected move bcs EK will not operate with 777-300 soon... all aircrafts will be sold and it will be only 773ER in fleet. Every 777 europe route is 773ER, like BUD.

    3. Anonymous11:24

      Sorry I didn't mean a downgrade in a negative sense. Should have used a better word - reduction in capacity in first class.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Anonymous12:07

      It's only 4 seats less in FC, the capacity in YC is the same.
      This is much better aircraft for passengers, as it offers private suits in FC, instead of Skycruiser seats. The inflight entertainment is much better, as well as availability of wifi, which isn't available on the aircrafts that they had originally planned on sending. Definitely better onboard product.

    6. Anonymous12:41

      Bravo, ZAG, I will be using Emirates on my flight to Auckland, New Zealand in mid June. Can't wait!

  8. Anonymous11:17

    OT Seems like many people are interested in the number of large narrow-bodies (321, 32B, 73J) flying to Ex-yu airports. Here are figures for Belgrade airport in April :

    KK 321 - 4
    SU 321 - 1
    AZ 321 - 1
    TK 32B - 3
    321 - 6
    73J - 10
    LX 321 - 20
    32B - 1
    LH 321 - 2
    IZ 753 - 2

    1. Anonymous11:26

      NO, we are not interested in BEG numbers on ZAG topic. Based on what comment on today's topic did you conclude that?
      What BEG airport has to do with ZAG airport?

    2. Anonymous11:38

      Agree. Who cares about BEG numbers on this occasion.
      Congratulations ZAG. Great article in this months EK inflight magazine celebrating the launch of their new flights to ZAG and nicely captures the essence of this fabulous city and beautiful country

    3. Anonymous12:17

      Page 73...

    4. Anonymous17:41

      Ovih dana ljudi su često sa oduševljenjem javljali o sletanju 321-inica u Zagrebu, a danas to pominje i gos'n Purger, tako da...

    5. Anonymous18:10

      A ti se javljas jer? Pa nitko nije pravio usporedbe.

    6. Anonymous18:18

      I think some Croats on here need to be more tolerant and open-minded.

      Greetings from TGD

    7. Anonymous22:59

      I think some Serbians and Montenegrin should be also tolerant and open minded. However, what I think and the reality aren't relevant.

      Also the news is about Zagreb numbers. So chill.

  9. FB friend traveling to Zagreb with his family just posted that they were unable to continue from Doha because of the flight being overbooked. Not bad when you have 2 flights a day and in May.

    1. Anonymous23:01

      B787 soon coming from Doha it seems. Emirates will only cover part of the demand, Qatar as well, by 2020, they'll serve Zagreb with B787s at least once a day.

      A321 just won't do it anymore.

  10. Anonymous11:45

    Dalebu....niti me aerodromi privlace niti gajim previse emocija prema prijevoznicima.
    Radim da bi zivio, ne obratno. Dakle, vise mi je vrijednije moje vrijme nego novac.
    Onaj prijeviznik koji ponudi najbolju cijenu uz najmanji total travel time ce me imati kao putnika.
    Nije mi problem olatito i 200 € eura vise za kartu ako cu na destinaciju stici sat vremena prije.

    1. Anonymous12:09

      samo ti

    2. I što je pjesnik htio reći?

  11. Anonymous15:35

    Jadni Beograd ima povecanje 11%, a mocni Zagreb 6%. Bravo Zagreb.

    1. Anonymous17:27

      Grad dvostruko veći od Zagreba u državi s jednim i pol aerodromom? Na to misliš? Pa to je izvrsno, čestitke na 11%!

    2. Anonymous17:51

      Give BEG a break, they had 20% growths since 2010. It's not a,big deal when it happens here.

    3. Anonymous18:41

      Znaci 11 posto na 5 miliona je troduplo veci rast nego 6 posto na 3 meleona. Slabo stojis sa brojevima.

    4. Anonymous19:56

      Anon 6:41, na koji post odgovaraš? Nitko nije rekao da je 11 posto BEG manje od 6 posto ZAG.

    5. Anonymous20:45

      Dobro znas da je povecanje vece za 50% od razlike u velicini gradova.

    6. Jadna ti provokacija. A i ti.

  12. Anonymous22:28

    Mali OT:
    Znali netko kad krene druga faza izgradnje Zračne luke Zagreb tako da može primiti 5 milijuna putnika, hoće li se i broj aviomostova povećati?

    1. Anonymous22:41

      Ne. Broj mostova će se povećati kada ZAG dosegne 5 milijuna putnika godišnje

    2. Anonymous23:18

      Yes there are several phases of expansion, as soon as Airport hits 5.0 million phase 2a and 2b will be initiated, adding two extra bridges on the left hand side of the terminal, however this will only be first phase, the next phase is 2c and 2d phase which will add additional 6 passenger boarding bridges, 2 on the left hand side and 4 on the right hand side for total of 16 air bridges and 8 million pax capacity. This is when the terminal hits 7.0 million pax. When terminal hits 8 million pax. the final phase of expansion which will add additional 8 passenger boarding bridges and main terminal building will also expand by around 25000sqm, for total area of 130 000sqm.

      Eventually terminal will extend 770m from one end to another and main terminal building is expected to increase in size to around 200x125m, Total gross area will be around 130 000sqm. This will happen when terminal hits 10 million pax. However this stage wasn't planned in detail cause it wasn't expected the airport to hit 10 million pax before 2030.

      In fact it was not expected this number to be hit before 2040. We'll see how things develop over next few years, but if projections are right, airport will hit 10 million pax by 2030.

      The designed capacity of fully expanded terminal is around 12-15 million. Once the lease expires in 2043, government of the day will need to quickly plan a 2nd terminal, and 2nd runway on land currently occupied by the air force base. Air force base is likely to move and several villages, Bapce, Selnica, Crnkovec, Petina and Scitarjevo (some 2000 residents) will be demolished and emptied, for future airport expansion and 3rd runway for air force exclusive use.

      Plan for air force use only 3rd 2.5km runway north-east of village Kobilic needs to be approved, likely to be financed by NATO and Croatian budget, includes relocating entire air force base and its personnel. However these are long term plans, after 2030.

    3. Anonymous06:53

      Image -

      What terminal should look like after phase 2C only !!!!

      2d adds additional 2 bridges to the left hand side to the east, phase 2e and 2f are yet to be designed, but both phases will add additional 4 air bridges, with phase 2f main terminal building will also expand to 230x125m from present 125x 152m (however actual terminal footprint is 200x125m, for total area of 130 000sqm. Designed Capacity will increase to 12 million, actual maximum capacity of 15-17 million.

  13. I had predicted 235,000 and I was being optimistic! Awesome result!! With this being only the beginning for this year...


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