Submitted by Gojko Mavrinac
My short story from flight(s) to New York City in June 2017. Itinerary was Zagreb - Frankfurt - Düsseldorf - Newark. Yeah, correct, two transfers in Europe even though it was not necessary and I could have booked a flight with one stop, for example Zagreb - Frankfurt - Newark. With one stop I’ll probably have around 2 or 3 or more hours to wait in Frankfurt. I booked this option with two stops and instead 3 or 4 hours waiting in Frankfurt, I flew one more flight - Frankfurt to Dusseldorf and then from Dusseldorf to New York City.
My short story from flight(s) to New York City in June 2017. Itinerary was Zagreb - Frankfurt - Düsseldorf - Newark. Yeah, correct, two transfers in Europe even though it was not necessary and I could have booked a flight with one stop, for example Zagreb - Frankfurt - Newark. With one stop I’ll probably have around 2 or 3 or more hours to wait in Frankfurt. I booked this option with two stops and instead 3 or 4 hours waiting in Frankfurt, I flew one more flight - Frankfurt to Dusseldorf and then from Dusseldorf to New York City.
Why? Well, the ticket with two stops in Europe was cheaper, I originally booked that ticket on Lufthansa web and I paid a return ticket just 400 euros. With one stop in Frankfurt it would cost me 100 euros more. I was flexible with time of arriving in NYC so I choose that cheaper option. Return flight was with one stop: Toronto - Munich - Zagreb.
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Zagreb Airport |
Departure time from Zagreb was at 06:45 in the morning. We were late, so our flight departed at 7 o’clock. Landing in Frankfurt with A319 and taxi to the gate. We got a parking position which wasn’t an airbridge, so we took the bus which transferred us to the terminal building. My flight from Frankfurt to Dusseldorf was scheduled at 9 o’clock, but I came to the terminal building at 08:40 so I had just 20 minutes for transfer to the domestic flight in Germany. Croatia is not a member of Schengen so I needed to go through passport control. I skipped the long row and I did passport control. The Lufthansa assistant also told me that they were going to rebook me on the next first flight from Frankfurt to New York, because they were not sure if I would be on time for my flight to Dusseldorf, which means I would miss my flight from Dusseldorf to Newark. However, I decided to try to get those flights. I was running like a maniac around the terminal in Frankfurt, with carry on, bagpack, in my shorts….and I came to the gate just 2 minutes before scheduled departure! Also, they changed the gate of the Frankfurt – Dusseldorf flight several times – first from 21 to 26, than 36, horrible…
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Legroom |
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View of the alps between Zagreb and Frankfurt |
A320 departed from the parking position as soon I was on my seat. That was probably the shortest flight in an A320, about 30 minutes. Also, they didn’t serve anything on this short flight, just business class got something. At least I had a good sandwich and coffee on my flight from Zagreb to Frankfurt that morning.
I arrived in Dusseldorf on time. I had an hour before boarding started for my long haul flight to the United States. A330 was already parked at the gate. D-AIKG came that morning to Dusseldorf from New York City. I’ve flew with Lufthansa to the United States before, so I already knew how the experience would be. The service was quite good, we got a snack shortly after departure, after that they served lunch (of course “chicken or pasta?!”) and shortly before arrival they served warm snack (something similar to pizza…). I took 3 or 4 beers and then I slept for 4 hours. The flight was full, load factor was high and I’m 1.90m tall so I couldn’t find some good position for sleeping. A year earlier I flew with the A340-600 from JFK to Munich and that flight was much more comfy (also, it wasn’t full like this one..) so I had two seats for myself, and that wasn’t the case on this flight.
One bad thing – TV screens weren't working in our seats so the Capitan apologised to everyone shortly after departure from Dusseldorf.
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A330 “Ludwigsburg” after arriving at Newark |
All of my flights to the US were with Lufthansa and I think I’ll use them again in the future too. For some other destinations (Asia, Africa…) I’ll definitely use companies like Emirates, Turkish and Qatar.
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Nice report. Must admit I would be annoyed that IFE wasn't working from Dusseldorf to Newark. It must have felt like a very long flight.
ReplyDeleteHi, no IFE, just curent position on the map :)
DeleteLosa usluga putuje samo zbog cene sa njima.
ReplyDeleteУслуга није лоша, просечна је. На дуголинијском саобраћају је ок. Примера ради за разлику од Бритиш Ерјевза Луфтханса и даље служи други оброк.
DeleteЈедино што ми смета код ЛХ је то што има мало простора за ноге, свега 31'.
I think LH generally offers an average product but they have a very good reputation for some reason.
ReplyDeleteI have flown with LH over 15 times and I believe only once was the flight delayed for more than 1 hour.
DeleteInteresting routing you took there :) nice tr
ReplyDeleteYeah. It was really nice! :)
DeleteA avionima se uvijek pije vino a ne pivo.
ReplyDeletePeople can drink whatever they want.
DeleteNo, it’s tomato juice :D
DeleteHAHAHHAHAHAH truuuue especially with some pepper sprlinkled on top :D
O ukusima se ne raspravlja :)
DeleteVino i nista osim vina.
DeleteStvarno ne znam zasto u avionima imaju ista osim vina.
Ne treba to.
Samo voze beskoristan teret.
Sto ce im toliko vode ili onih nezdravih cola i ostalih gaziranih pica????
Ajd, juice je OK s votkom.
@anon 10:13 AM
ReplyDeleteXD (y)
cek malo. da si propustio taj za Duseldorf, oni bi te stavili na NYC....dakle, mogao si proci jeftinije a ipak koristiti skuplju rutu?
ReplyDeleteTako je, bukirali bi mi JFK ili EWR direkt iz Frankfurta. Bilo je mjesta na oba leta tog jutra. Rekoh im da cu probat stici na let za DUS a ako ne ide javim se na info. Na kraju je bilo gusto ali sam stigao :)
Deletei ja bi tako odabrao....draze mi je gledat s visine nego camiti na aerodromu.
DeletePa naravno, to smo mi aviogeekovi :)