Belgrade Airport growth slows in August amid Wizz woes


Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport registered its busiest August on record, handling 933.327 travellers, representing an increase of just 0.3% on last year. The number of aircraft movements decreased 0.3%. The slower passenger growth rate is mainly the result of Wizz Air, the airport’s second-largest airline, which has cut operations due to problems affecting its Airbus neo fleet. The low cost airline removed 28.1% of its year-on-year capacity at Belgrade this August or 50.930 seats. During the January - August period, Belgrade Airport welcomed 5.564.369 travellers, representing an increase of 8.7% or an additional 445.120 passengers.

Belgrade's largest airlines by scheduled seat capacity, August 2024


  1. Vlad18:05

    Incredible that they grew at all with so much capacity removed and August LF being as high as it was last year. Obviously all the planes were packed.

  2. Anonymous18:36

    JU had bigger increase in August, which means that their share was certainly 55% if not higher

  3. BEG will have ~8.8M pax this year?

    1. Anonymous19:36

      10 mil next year.

    2. Anonymous19:37

      Teško, treba da zadnja četiri meseca podignu broj putnika za 450.000 u odnosu na prošlu godinu.

    3. Anonymous20:41

      Да али у септембру имамо две нове линије ка Кини (CZ и JU за CAN) и Визер је доста повећао капацитет као и у октобру. Мислим да раст може бити између 5% и 10% у та два месеца.

    4. Anonymous20:50

      Plus, napisao sam da mislim da će BEG imati 10m dogodine ne ove godine.

    5. Anonymous20:56

      @Anon 20:41 You and other people writing the same thing all the time in the comments are really starting to get annoying due to your incomprehensible logic.

      JU opening CAN will have such a small effect on pax numbers that its basically a statistical error, and yes, that doesnt change even if we count in CZ. 2 JU + 2 CZ, on lets be optimistic a max capacity of 270 people per plane, comes out to more or less around 5000 pax per month capacity. And thats before we take into account load factors which will surely not be over 75% in the first 2 months

      BEG, and its growth in passenger numbers, will at least until Q2 2025 live and die by the hands of Wizzair, and how much capacity it decides to dedicate back to BEG. Even Air Serbia increases from WS24/25 will contribute only to compensate the reduced pax numbers due to ASLs massive seasonality

    6. Anonymous21:01

      If posters annoy you then ignore their comments. We need to know how big the Wizz drop is in September and October since they boosted their network.

    7. @Anonymous20:56
      I believe you forgot to calculate both ways so it's 5000x2 plus connecting traffic that this lines would generate, so it's easily more than 10k. I agree that's not such a huge number, but 5k is exaggerated

    8. Anonymous23:25

      @20:56 Oh, thank you for opening our eyes. And thank you for letting us know about the CAN load factor in first few months, we were eager to know about it. And at last thank you again for unrevealing about first half of next year about BEG numbers. We were living in ignorance. Just you forgot to mention about your foreseeing method. Was it crystal ball, beans or plain delusional visions ?

    9. Anonymous04:14

      BEG sada ima 445k vise nego prosle godine. Ako do kraja godine budu imali samo 450k vise nego u 2023, to je 7.95+.45=8.4M u 2024.

      Po najavama Er Srbije od juce, rast iduce godine ce biti barem 20-30%, u najgorem slucaju 20%. Ako Wizz bude imao isto 20% rasta, 8.4+20%=preko 10M u 2025.

    10. Nemjee07:08

      И поред свих резања Београд није забележио пад броја путника, мислим да је то више него импресивно. То такође показује да услед умањене конкуренције, цене су скочиле а тржиште је било у могућности да то плати. То је јасан знак да је стандард већи него што је био раније. Додуше Ер Србија би могла мало да олади са ценама имајући у виду да вам за већину линија треба мало богатство да би летели са њима.
      Приметио сам да су недавно повећали најнижу тарифу на већини линија, она сада износи 8.000 РСД.

      Капацитет ће се кад тад прилагодити реалним потребама тржишта. Много је важније то што је потражња на нивоу јер би без тога могли да се сликамо.
      Сада чекамо China Southern да покрене летове како би TK, FZ и QR коначно добили конкурента ка Аустралији и Азији.

    11. Anonymous07:36

      Zasto AnaLiticar pise da je rast 0.1%?

    12. The 0.3% growth rate is based both on an actual comparison to last year and the official figure that was sent by VINCI in their traffic report.

    13. Anonymous14:23

      Anon 07:36, for the same reason he creates hundreds of negative comments about BEG and JU. Those are not comments from real passengers but his own under different names.

    14. Anonymous15:24

      Yes, you are right.

      Unfortunately that is exactly what he is doing, believing that people won't notice he is actually the author of these comments placed only to provoke new comments.

  4. Anonymous19:45

    What about Wizz in September? How many will they have with the increases?

    1. Despite the increases Wizz Air's capacity will still be down 10.5% year-on-year in September, considering they are not operating A321 aircraft. Belgrade Airport's overall scheduled capacity in September is currently up 4.5%.

    2. Nemjee06:53

      Funny how Wizz Air randomly sends A321s to BEG for a few days or a few weeks as part of regular aircraft rotation. About a week ago two friends of mine flew BEG-LCA on what I think was A321neo and it was packed to the last seat.
      With 38 A321neo still grounded I don't see them expanding any time soon which is a shame as demand from BEG will remain high.

      These days we have two European congresses in Belgrade: European congress for cosmetic dentistry and then it's the European congress for orthopedic surgery. These events bring many high yielding visitors to Belgrade so hopefully airlines reach, the way Lufthansa Group did.

    3. Nemjee06:54

      *react instead of reach

  5. Anonymous22:08

    It's not just Wizz slowdown that caused almost no BEG growth but also Air Serbia. They planned to have Marathon's Embraer fleet and at least third A330 flying all summer, so having any kind of growth at BEG is beyond expectations.

    Belgrade added 445k passengers this year vs Zagreb adding 395k. Can Belgrade keep this 50k advantage over the last four months of the year?

    1. Air Serbia's capacity growth has been constant at around 5% each month. In August it was 5.2%. In September it is up 5.6%.

    2. Anonymous22:35

      Can we please stop with these stupid comparisons all the time. What's the point?

    3. Anonymous22:54

      EX-YU, that's correct, Air Serbia has more capacity this year as we saw over the past months. My point is that capacity growth is below what it could have been with a fleet of 5-6 Embraers and at least one more A330.

    4. Anonymous22:57

      Anon 22:35 Comparative airport results have been reported here on a regular basis.

    5. Anonymous09:17

      result is bad. stop waching RTS news

    6. Nemjee09:20

      What result is bad? BEG? No, it's not. When your second busiest carrier cuts a third of its capacity and you still manage to report growth is a very good result. Many have predicted passenger decline for BEG after all the cuts were announced.

    7. Anonymous10:53

      True that but 28% decline in Wizz capacity at BEG is also telling. It's not random and it's not at all of their bases...

    8. Anonymous11:03

      Yes, they did not retreat in bases where they have competition from Ryanair. They decreased operations in Luxembourg (complete withdrawal), Bulgaria, Norway, Romania, Greece, Cyprus, Sweden, Lithuania, Iceland, Poland, the Netherlands, France, Germany, Latvia, Serbia, Macedonia, Slovenia, Montenegro and Malta,

    9. Anonymous12:54

      Wizz had to cut something so they had to choose where they have the least competition from others especially FR.

  6. Anonymous23:44

    They need more bathrooms and water fountains with the growth, especially in the summer season. it's very crowded

    1. Nemjee07:03

      They need more coffeeshops as well as bars once you pass security control. Having that one, relatively small, rakia bar is not enough. I'm flying today so I am curious to see how far construction came and what was done since August.
      I wish they were adding shops and bars as fast as they are increasing parking fees.

    2. Anonymous10:34

      I asked the Lady working at Monument sandwiches, she told me that they have no permission
      from Vinci to continue the work project at the airport. I think the same is with Ambar after the
      Passcontrol. What I heard all other bars that work are from Dufry.

  7. Anonymous23:55


    1. Anonymous10:17

      Did you hurt yourself?

  8. Anonymous09:12

    Hanging by a thread, but if you look at the table there was growth every month. I imagine September will be better.

    1. Anonymous10:26

      Certainly better.


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