Zagreb Airport handles three-millionth passenger


Zagreb Airport welcomed its three-millionth passenger of the year on Thursday September 12. The milestone was achieved 34 days ahead of 2023. Zagreb Airport is on course to welcome a record of over four million travellers this year. Based on the existing number of flights, Zagreb Airport is set to see a 9.7% increase in scheduled seat capacity during the last quarter of the year and a 6.5% increase in flights.


  1. Anonymous14:11

    Congratulations! 🍾

  2. Супер вести да расте број путника. за 4 до 5 година да стигну до 6 милиона путника.

  3. Anonymous18:15

    Bravo Hrvatska!!

  4. Anonymous19:22

    We don't need mass passengers like some other airports. We need high income tourists from us and asia to spend here money. More is not always better!
    You will see that high class tourists are far better tha low budget travelers that come and spe d 100 to 300Eur

    1. Anonymous19:24

      Croatia's busiest airline is Ryanair with average 50 euro fares. Out of top 5 airlines in Croatia, 3 are LCCs.

    2. Anonymous19:25

      Znači Rayanair dovozi takve putnike?

    3. Anonymous20:45

      Every tourist ends up spending a fortune as Croatia is so expensive, doesn't matter how they arrived. If OU was a strong airline FR would not be so successful.

    4. Anonymous22:27

      2045,strong airline, LMAO! The fact is, LCCs get it all at a third of the price! Sure, Croatia is not a cheap destination anymore, but it certainly isn't expensive, given what it has to offer.

  5. Anonymous09:27



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