Belgrade Airport maintains passenger growth


Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport registered its busiest September on record, handling 859.815 travellers, representing an increase of 3.2% on last year. The number of aircraft movements improved 1.2%. The slower passenger growth rate is mainly the result of Wizz Air, the airport’s second-largest airline, which has cut operations due to problems affecting its Airbus neo fleet. Wizz removed 10.5% of its year-on-year capacity this September, or 18.450 seats. During the first three quarters of the year, Belgrade Airport welcomed 6.425.639 travellers, representing an increase of 8% or an additional 473.884 passengers.

Belgrade's largest airlines by scheduled seat capacity, September 2024


  1. Anonymous18:01

    Nouvelair skoro kao Air Montenegro.

    1. Anonymous18:59

      4O is dropping fast, they can't compete with JU

  2. Anonymous18:24

    If 8% growth rate is maintained during Oct-Dec period, BEG is on track for 8,58 million passenger record in 2024.

    Belgrade airport added 26 thousand more passengers than the second busiest exyu airport in the first 9 months of this year.

  3. Anonymous18:54

    Is it me or is growth slowing overall? With -20% Wizz we had 0% growth more or less. Now with 10% we have 3%. Can someone please explain this to me?

    1. Anonymous08:49

      Wizz did a good job for themselves cutting the frequencies that weren't that full so the pax number is +/- the same with better LF?

    2. Nemjee08:59

      I don't think they cut frequencies on routes that had a poorer performance. For example they decimated BEG-LCA and then were forced to add flights once again. Their rotation on Mondays is operated by a LCA based plane which they also added a flight on, I think, Fridays. In September and October they further boosted LCA by adding a second daily departure on Sundays. Now they have 6 weekly flights.
      I think they rather cut overall hoping for the best.

  4. Anonymous18:55

    Admin do you know LH numbers for last September?

  5. Anonymous19:49

    A lost year for Belgrade airport..

    1. Anonymous19:58

      Some people really need help.

    2. Anonymous20:26

      I love this guy.

    3. Anonymous08:51

      Not lost just because of new long haul flights, but beside that - yeah, not the year to remember...

  6. Anonymous20:05

    I really hope BEG threatens W6 to get its act together and to focus more on the market

    1. Anonymous20:25

      How could they possibly do that?

    2. Anonymous20:52

      By threatening to make a deal with FR or giving discounts to easyJet.

    3. Anonymous01:02

      Or better rising passenger taxes, until growth is back

  7. Anonymous21:33

    BEG: 859.815
    SKG: 774.971
    SOF: 733 700

    Is it me or is Sofia losing the battle with BEG and SKG?

    1. Anonymous23:13

      Sofia has much lower seasonality since Bulgaria gets lots of ski tourists and it has more LCCs with cheap year round flights for p2p pax.

  8. Anonymous21:53

    Proud to be one of them!

  9. Anonymous23:11

    The pax number growth is pretty weak given that the economy is doing so well. I guess Wizz air issues are partially to blame, but imho BEG needs to attract more LCCs such as Ryanair to really get pax numbers where they need to be for a city of its size and significance.

    1. Anonymous23:44

      imho BEG needs to attract more LCCs such as Ryanair

      Your opinion is not humble, as you have been bullying everyone every other day repeating same thing expecting different outcomes. What do they say is definition of doing the same thing expecting different outcomes?

    2. Anonymous01:13

      Anon 23:24 so disrespectful, shame on you!

    3. Anonymous01:24

      Unlike BEG, ZAG doesn't have Wizz and it's engine-related trouble, they have Ryan. Yet Belgrade added more passengers than ZAG so far in 2024. Just another reminder Belgrade doesn't need Ryan to grow more.

    4. Anonymous09:56

      Zagreb is doin

    5. Anonymous09:56

      Zagreb is doing excellent.

  10. Anonymous08:38

    Don't forget that Menzies fired 50 employees in the pax department thinking there are too much of us in total. Don't forget that.

    1. Anonymous10:16

      What are we doing with that memory?


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