President pledges Air Serbia Tokyo route launch “within six months”

Serbia’s President, Aleksandar Vučić, has said the country’s national carrier will begin flights between Belgrade and Tokyo Narita Airport within the next six months as one of three new routes of strategic importance set to launch in the coming period. The comments were made during the Serbia - Japan Business Forum, attended by over 100 Japanese companies in Belgrade. The Japanese business delegation arrived on a nonstop Air Serbia chartered flight from Tokyo earlier this week. Speaking at the conference, Mr Vućić said, “I have discussed this matter with [Minister for Finance] Siniša Mali. There are three new routes we will need to launch in the next six months. One of those three direct routes is Tokyo”.

The President added, “According to the business plan, it is the least popular route among Air Serbia’s management, but we will be of help in order for them to change their opinion on this because, business-wise, they have done a good job, and they have certain reservations but connecting us with Japan is of outmost importance for our country. We will give our all for this route to commence in the next six months. If Japanese airport authorities can be of help with some small incentives, we would be very grateful”.

Air Serbia previously announced that after completing its expansion in China, set to conclude with the launch of its new Shanghai service on January 11, 2025, the airline will shift its focus to North America for its third destination on the continent. The carrier has also said it would consider flights to Tokyo and Seoul in the future, though it emphasised that further expansion into the Far East remains a part of its long-term strategy. On the other hand, President Vučić has hinted at potential new Air Serbia routes on several occasions, though only some of these have materialised so far.

Air Serbia yesterday operated a charter flight to Tokyo, returning the Japanese business delegation to their home country. This flight marked the inaugural service of the airline's latest Airbus A330-200, registered YU-ARD. The aircraft, delivered two weeks ago, was initially set to enter service last weekend. Following a small delay, it has now completed its first flight for Air Serbia, successfully operating the journey to the Japanese capital.


  1. Anonymous09:02

    Idemo dalje...

    1. Anonymous09:02

      Like we did after he said the same for CAI?

    2. And Baku...

    3. Anonymous10:37

      He also announced Delhi last year

    4. Anonymous10:56

      Next year Shanghai. Miami and Tokyo. Those rouutes like Cai, Baku, Delhi or Soeul are comming in future, but not next year..

    5. Anonymous11:31

      Evo i odgovor Purgeru sta ce da rade 4 A330. A to on se mnogo brinuo.

    6. Anonymous13:18

      Don’t take into account self proclaimed “analitičar”, he is far from reality or aviation business.

    7. Anonymous14:02

      Serbian gouvermant owns JU and they should have sime influence in the routes, especially strategic ones Great job again as they continue to make this airline successful and better .

  2. Anonymous09:02

    What are the other 2 strategic routes? Im curious.! Go JU!!

    1. Anonymous09:04

      One is Miami for sure

    2. Anonymous09:09

      I think it must be Baku,Cairo or Seoul, these cities/countries has been mentioned in media about wantingnto increase the trade/investments for the country

    3. Anonymous11:18

      Shanghai, already scheduled, Miami and Tokyo

  3. Anonymous09:04

    It will be launched just like Cairo and Baku were promised to be launched this winter

    1. Anonymous09:05

      Seems that in every country he visits he promises them a direct route by JU.

    2. Anonymous11:45

      CAI (4 pw) along with MRS, CGN, FLR, TLV and PVG were part of the routes loaded in the preliminary schedules starting from April 2025. PVG ended up with a January 2025 launch. Lets wait and see what they announce for the summer 2025 schedules, the frequency increases look quite impressive for now.

    3. Anonymous12:56

      @Anonymous 11:45
      Has there ever been a single decision made by JU that you did not find impressive?

    4. Anonymous14:06

      He never said CAI is strategic route, however he did say that JU should bring flight back and they would work on it . I am confident flight is coming back but due to situation in the region they are not pushing it as demand is soft and they do not need to waste money.

  4. Anonymous09:04

    Any info on when the Cairo route that he announced 3 months ago is starting?
    Her said it would be within 2 months?
    Do we have an update on why it is delayed?

    "President: Air Serbia to restore Cairo service"

    1. Anonymous09:08

      Not sure maybe JU doesnt want to loose money, hes admiting it ablut tokyo but well se if JU will listen, the other strategic route must be baku, cairo, and tokyo? Maybe seoul.. i guess they want to increase trade and these countries have been mentioned in the past as countries where they want to increase trade.

      My guess is baku, cairo, seoul must be 2 of those

    2. Anonymous09:11

      CAI is a massive market, how can they lose money? Think of all the connecting flights JU could sell.

    3. Anonymous09:18

      Yeah i agree out of these routes mentioned i belive CAI is a no brainer but probably has with aircrafts to do, the lack of it as to say

    4. Anonymous09:37

      With the E-jets JU is getting CAI could easily be launched. Or with the A320s now that the summer charter flying is over.

    5. Anonymous11:54

      CAI was quite a long rotation for JU's midnight wave missing quite a few routes due to the departure and arrival time. Small delays made a not so ideal situation worse. Loads to CAI were decent and I don't believe profitability was an issue, more of a scheduling issue. With additional frequencies launched this year and those planned for next summer this should ease the problem for connecting pax to a few routes (CDG and FRA for example) as well as aircraft scheduling.

  5. Anonymous09:09

    He said publicly: If Japanese airport authorities can be of help with some small incentives, we would be very grateful”.
    That isn't something the president of a country should say, sounds like begging coming from him.
    JU management should be the ones asking for discounts from NRT.

    1. Anonymous09:40


    2. Anonymous09:58

      Completly disagree.

      I expect the president to so just that.
      To help and work on ways to make it easier.
      Full support for these flight to begin.

    3. Anonymous10:06

      Begging for airport subsidies is truly novel for a country's leader...

    4. Welcome to the Balkans.

    5. Anonymous11:49

      I think it's very presidential of him - and i really dissaprove of him.
      Public pressure is good, and this one helps pretty much everyone

    6. Anonymous12:25

      This is what happen when you have an aviation geek as President

    7. Anonymous13:02

      I'm sure the Japanese were very impressed when they saw the head of state of a country with his hand extended towards NRT management asking for some subsidies...

    8. Anonymous14:17

      Yes, Japanese head of state - Emperor Naruhito - never bothers with such stuff.

  6. Anonymous09:09

    If he wants them to launch these flights why doesn't the state also provide them with funds to buy new aircraft?

    1. Anonymous09:13

      They do.

    2. Anonymous09:39

      No, they do not.

    3. Anonymous09:47


  7. Anonymous09:13

    I would love to if the route would be launched so soon, I just hope it is viable as NRT is one of the most expensive airports to operate into.

    Good luck Air Serbia!

    1. Anonymous11:30

      It is expensive for everyone.

  8. Anonymous09:20

    Priprema za dolazak Toyote i fabriku automobila u Srbiju.

    1. Anonymous11:21

      Toyota je vec kupila plac u Indjiji pored Toyo fabrike. Samo da kazem...

    2. Anonymous13:37

      Samo hvala na informaciji.

    3. Anonymous14:11

      Excellent, love Toyota and great quality.

  9. Does anyone have some pax numbers between BEG and NRT?

    Political routes brought PanAm into bankruptcy. It has to be careful with such decisions.

    1. Anonymous09:39

      I'm sure the president is aware of these considerations before he made the announcement!

    2. Anonymous09:52

      Everything in Serbia is “political”. Everything needs to be politicised so that the inert average Joe can blame his lack of drive and achievement on someone/something. Never satisfied, always complaining.

    3. Anonymous11:22

      Look, polithical or not, Air Serbia had higher profit last year than all other airlines in former YU alltogether

    4. Anonymous12:23

      They wont fly half empty planes I am sure of that

    5. Anonymous12:33

      I think that if JU puts itself as a reliable carrier which can compete against other european carriers, they wont have problem in launching such long-haul routes, because then they will have transfer pax from more parts of Europe not just the Balkans.

    6. Anonymous13:33

      But anon 12:23 they already fly half empty planes to Chicago with this as everybody says in this blog , big serbian diadpora ! You think they can do better in Tokyo ??

    7. Anonymous13:33


    8. Anonymous13:38

      You have their load factor, revenue, profit on Chicago route to make such a statement? I didn't think so.

  10. Anonymous09:25

    They have neither the planes nor the crew for this gamble. Expo plane arrived with couple of months delay and the fourth is yet to be delayed and with ARB and especially C desperately needed refurbish. Let alone slots, approval, time to promote the route, feeding network etc. With two new China routes started/about to start with unknown outcome and TSN, ORD struggling, lounching Tokyo in 6 month could be suicidal to JU's long haul ambitions.

    1. Anonymous09:50

      It does seem that every A330 and Embraer jet JU is getting is delayed.

    2. Anonymous09:56

      How can TSN fail when JU is the only European airline flying to it?

    3. Anonymous09:58

      Because he talks nonsense. He has no insight into how much money each route makes, but he already knows what is failing and what not.

    4. Anonymous10:01

      Thankfully Anon 09:58 has insight into how much money each route makes, he already knows what is succeeding and what not!

    5. Anonymous10:02

      JU is the only World airline flying to KVO. How can they fail.

      I didn't say they fail in TSN but struggling. Same as in ORD. Na mišiće ih održavaju.

    6. Anonymous10:07

      Again you know everything. They should appoint you as CEO. Marek said in an interview that if any long haul route was not profitable he would have no issue discontinuing it. In that same interview he highlighted that TSN was doing very well for them. But you know better

    7. Anonymous10:08


    8. Anonymous10:09

      ^it is typical in the Balkans to know everything and be an expert at everything.

    9. Anonymous11:30

      Well, to be honest, TSN is struggling. Actually, the JU is benchmarking all of their long haul routes to JFK which is super profitable nowadays so every new long haul looks like struggle.
      TSN was great idea that came really "out of the box" and it works just fine. Not great, just fine

    10. Anonymous12:23

      Don’t be stupid. If you increase frequencies, route would become non profitable in some parts of the year. So frequencies are rising in summer timetables only. For now

  11. Anonymous09:48

    Vučić in his reciprocal to Eswatini: AirSerbia must launch strategic Mbabane route

    1. Anonymous09:50

      😂 so true.

    2. Anonymous09:55

      Johannesburg easily covers Swaziland, so such comments are pure sugarcoated punches about things other than aviation.

    3. Anonymous09:58

      @09:55 so if he visits South Africa he will announced JU flights to JNB?

    4. Anonymous10:09

      You seem to miss the point, but anyway. Im talking about probabilities and not underhanded sweeps at government.

    5. I would love to see YU flying to Joberg, or Cape Town, but can they make money on that route, that is the question? Tokyo could work well only if lot lot lot of work and marketing is done upfront the flight inauguration

  12. Anonymous09:53

    Well-well.....Olympic airways 30 years ago......and it didn't go good.

    1. Anonymous09:57

      Aviation was a very different ballgame 30 years ago.

    2. Anonymous09:57

      Only issue for you is, JU is profitable.

    3. Anonymous10:00

      Olympic was a state run dinosaur that existed purely to hire political appointees.
      Just like Malev, Balkan, CSA, Alitalia, Air India etc. Privatizing it was the best thing Greeks did for their aviation sector.

  13. Miroslav NY10:10

    Within six months is "wishful thinking" but sometime late 2025 is a possibility. Having said that, Marek did say that Air Serbia would eventually like to have eight A330s. And that will take time because 2025 will see either Miami or Toronto. Possible both

    1. Anonymous10:38


      It's sad some people here sound like hypnotized by President's b/s. We can do everything in 6 months and all the long haul routes are profitable and JU has/can aquire planes and crew for new destinations in no time. Otherwise, Wamos is just one phone call away.

  14. Anonymous11:25

    He said Tokio to impress the audience but he really meant Toronto.

    1. Anonymous13:30

      maybe he said Tuzla? Or Torino?

    2. Anonymous13:45

      I'm sure it was Tulsa.

    3. Anonymous14:03

      100% Toronto. Miami and Toronto go togerher. Like PB&J.

  15. Anonymous11:46

    I'm actually really liking this Expo livery. Might have been nicer if the tail followed the fuselage design but overall it looks colorful and is really eye catching.

  16. Anonymous11:48

    "According to the business plan, it is the least popular route among Air Serbia’s management, but we will be of help in order for them to change their opinion"

    This sounds like JU will get some free money for them to start it xD


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