Air Serbia hiring crew

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Air Serbia will be hiring new cabin crew members next month in Belgrade. The Serbian carrier will hold an Open Day to meet potential applicants in person at the Crowne Plaza Hotel (Vladimira Popovića 10) on Saturday, February 21, between 08.00 and 18.00. Before the Open Day, those interested must submit their CVs online by February 20. Applicants must be Serbian citizens and have a valid Serbian passport, a minimum high school diploma and must be fluent in written and spoken English. According to the airline, “The most important thing during the Open Day is to smile”. A full list of requirements and the application form can be found here.


  1. Anonymous12:10

    znaci stizu avioncici!!

    1. Anonymous13:12

      ...or many people just quit.

    2. Anonymous16:20

      Pa ne znam baš da li je tako... Raspisali su konkurs za pilote i za kabinsko osoblje u kratkom vremenskom periodu. Neka ekspanzija je ipak u pitanju.

  2. Anonymous13:50

    a kadeti piloti?

  3. Anonymous16:08

    Od ovih mladjih aviotetki samo krajnju desnu.

  4. Anonymous21:18

    Nema sanse da je otpustanje,u septembru 2014. je bio konkurs za 50 pilota po tome moze se videti koliko ce trebati cabin crew .Ako neko zna da li su primljeni novi piloti?

    1. Anonymous23:45

      Na 50 mesta su primili 12 ljudi koji opet imaju problem za line training.

      Dosta ljudi je dalo otkaz i preslo u druge firme zbog cudi koja je ostala prisutna i ako se dlaka promenila.


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