Friday, December 25, 2015
• Air Serbia to New York from June 2016, November 09 *
• Ryanair confirms Macedonia plans, July 13
• Montenegro to open third international airport, May 29
• ECA to launch international flights, May 12
• Air Serbia to offer new on board long haul product, November 10
* Most read article of all time
• Air Serbia leases ATR72, May 08
• Wizz Air to launch Malmo - Niš flights, January 22
• Serbia and US sign air agreement, May 12
• UAE-owned SR Technics to open Belgrade base, March 02
• Pristina Airport eyes Wizz Air flights, January 05
• PM: Air Serbia to New York five times per week, 217 comments
• Air Serbia to New York from June 2016, 181 comments
• Turkey threatens to block Air Serbia charters, 164 comments
• Winter 2015/16 - Air Serbia, 161 comments
• US to undertake Serbia evaluation in September, 160 comments
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Your favourites in 2015 |
As we enter the final days of 2015, this is what you read, liked and discussed the most on EX-YU Aviation News throughout the year according to statistics accumulated over the year. 2015 marked the most successful year for EX-YU Aviation News since going online on June 1, 2008 with the number of unique visits increasing 79% this year compared to last, while the number of page views doubled to over two million. During 2015, the greatest share of visitors came from Serbia, followed by Slovenia, Croatia, the United States, Germany, the United Kingdom, Canada, Macedonia, Australia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. The number of visitors from all of the top ten countries grew in the double digits, with visitors from Croatia increasing the most.
Looking forward to another exciting year in EX-YU aviation in 2016!
• Air Serbia to New York from June 2016, November 09 *
• Ryanair confirms Macedonia plans, July 13
• Montenegro to open third international airport, May 29
• ECA to launch international flights, May 12
• Air Serbia to offer new on board long haul product, November 10
* Most read article of all time
• Air Serbia leases ATR72, May 08
• Wizz Air to launch Malmo - Niš flights, January 22
• Serbia and US sign air agreement, May 12
• UAE-owned SR Technics to open Belgrade base, March 02
• Pristina Airport eyes Wizz Air flights, January 05
• Air Serbia to New York from June 2016, 181 comments
• Turkey threatens to block Air Serbia charters, 164 comments
• Winter 2015/16 - Air Serbia, 161 comments
• US to undertake Serbia evaluation in September, 160 comments
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JAT DC-9 with children's entertainer Branko Miličević "Kockica", 1970 |
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Air Serbia |
Air Serbia introduced its current uniforms in October 2013. They were created by the Belgrade-based clothing company Nicola’s. The female cabin crew feature a navy blue blazer, skirt and white shirt accompanied by a red foulard for pursers and blue for the rest of the crew. The male uniform is made up of a three piece suit and a red/blue tie. The female uniform is topped off by a matching headpiece. Magazine “Marie France”named the uniform as one of the best in the skies in January 2015.
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Aegean Airlines |
Greek carrier Aegean Airlines unveiled its new uniforms this year. The airline enlisted London-based Greek fashion designer Sophia Kokosalaki to come up with new clothing for its cabin crew, pilots and ground handling staff. The uniforms maintain Aegean's blue, red and grey corporate colours. The attire is functional and elegant with a hint of Grecian classicism.
Velika je zelja za uvecanje avio saobracaja na jugoistoku Evrope u iducoj 2016 godini. Napori koje ulazu Zagreb, Dubrovnik, Pristina, Skoplje pa i Ljubljana su znacajni. Mogu biti primer za brze donosenja odluka prosirenja i razvoja svojih luka u Sarajevu, Banja Luci, Mostaru. Kao i Podgorici, (Tivat je poceo gradnju terminala/AC tornja.), Ohridu, Osjeku, Zadru... Sto se tice Srbije tu je program rasta infra structure teoretski ambiciozan. Pored veoma uspesne transformacije Er Srbije, kojoj kapa dol. Bez obzira sto ce me ''dezurni nagrditi'' zbog moje ocene. Medjutim Aerodrom Nikola Tesla, sa svim naporima koje ulaze za podizanje funkcionalnosti, a napredak je veliki ocigledno, dase lako videti. Ali je takodje primetljivo usporenostbdonosenja odluka i pocetka izvodjena objekata, infrastrukture... O razvoju Niskog aerodroma, Kralevacke Morave da ne spominjem. Prije neki dan sam prvi put isao na Niski aerodrome, prosao kroz salu prijema putnika. Bio sam sokiran utiskom. Kada uporedim novi terminal Morave i Niski terminal je oprostite, isto sto i uporediti veliku belu kocku secera sa buba svabom. Zaista je takva impresija. Vlada se trudi, ali ocigledno da nema ekspeditivne ljude na mestima gde se donose odluke, nadzor... Nova 2016 godina jeste pocetak Morave, preobrazaj Niskog i priprema za Ponikve... Nikola Tesla ce u iducoj godini se upoznati sa svojim novim vlasnikom. Srbijo, svet avijacije mnogo od tebe ocekuje. Mozes, ali podigni odgovornost ispred inertnosti... Srecn Slava Sveti Spiridon. Srecan i veseo Bozic svima koji proslavljaju danas. Rodney & Son✈ LYKV✈SYD✈
ReplyDelete"Srbijo, svet avijacije mnogo od tebe ocekuje".
DeleteVi gospodine stvarno niste sa ovog planeta? Koji svet avijacije? Pa zar vi stvarno mislite da smo mi svi zajedno na ovom prostorima kad nas sve zbroje ikome bitni? Zar stvarno mislite da se itko na nas i osvrče? Zar stvarno mislite da većina i pojma imam tko smo, što smo, što radimo i gdje smo uopće? Zabole svet avijacije za nas.
Malo realnosti pa neće biti niti ovoliko iritantne pompoznosti.
Piše se pompeznost.
DeleteCongrats to Ex-Yu! Wishing even better 2016.
ReplyDeleteBtw, great pic at headline :)
Most popular crews of the week is 2015 comment section in a nutshell ^^
ReplyDeleteBranko Kockica <3
ReplyDeleteAdmin, just one small typo:
ReplyDelete"• Air Serbia to New York from June 2015, November 09 *"
Should be June 2016 :)
Anyway, well done exyuaviation!
Thank you :) fixed