Priština Airport terminal

The Albanian low cost airline Belle Air, the only at the moment with flights from Priština to Tirana and vice versa has started applying the decision reached by the minister of Transport and Telecommunication, Fatmir Limaj and the Kosovo Civil Aviation Authority to remove taxes of 20.53 Euros on all flights within a 200 kilometre distance from Priština International Airport. The managing director of the airport, Agron Mustafa said that this is the first financial benefit for all passengers within the region. “Apart from the tax removal we have also created a simulative program for companies that operate flights to Priština Airport from airports that are up to 200 kilometres from the city. The program foresees measures of financial benefit in order to ensure the further drop in the ticket prices for these flights. With this latest action by the Kosovar authorities, conditions are created to drop the ticket prices down to approx 30 Euros (one way)” Mustafa said.
The deduction of the ticket price from the ticket value was also confirmed by Belle Air. “Starting from February 3, we have received official notification from Priština International Airport. Belle Air has taken immediate measures to reflect the tax deduction from the actual ticket price. We hope and believe that the Albanian government will take equal measures so that the price of the tickets from Priština to Tirana comes down to an affordable level”. According to him, two types of taxes have to be removed by the Albanian government: the 10 Euro tax for border-crossing which became applicable from January this year and the airport tax amounting to 14.5 Euros. Currently a one way ticket to Pruština from the Albanian capital costs approximately 42 Euros.
The only city operated from Priština that is 200 kilometres (or less) in distance is Tirana. The distance between these two cities is 185km.
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