More competition starting this spring?
The Open Skies Agreement (ECAA) gives free access to carriers to freely open new destinations and services without needing to go through the usual bureaucracy associated with gaining a license. The ECAA has been signed by 36 and the agreement could bring Serbian citizens cheaper ticket prices and a greater choice of air carriers and would bring more work for those employed in the aviation industry, the Serbian Civil Aviation Directorate hsaid after the Serbian Infrastructure Minister, Milutin Mrkonjić, stated that the implementation of the Open Skies Agreement could begin in Serbia as of spring this year. Mrkonjić said that "since September the agreement has been in parliamentary procedure”, meaning that the agreement is wating for the parliament to vote on it. "All the documentation is prepared at the Serbian Civil Aviation Directorate, so I am expecting that everything will be ready within a month and a half", he said.In response to the question of when a larger number of airlines offering cheap tickets, so called "low cost" airlines, would be able to come to Serbia, Mrkonjić said that Serbia is open to them on condition that they cooperate with the national carrier Jat Airways. The low cost “Nikki” from Austria is hoping it will begin flights from Vienna to Belgrade once the agreement is passed by the Serbian parliament. Currently an agreement between Serbia and Austria only allows 2 carriers to operate scheduled flights. These rights are being used by Jat and Austrian Airlines.
Meanwhile the Serbian government announced that Jat’s management will be changed. They will be replaced by professionals that have worked in Jat for many years and know the company well. Mrkonjić said he is certain Jat will become a strong and competitive airline.
Pošto je zbog nepovoljnih ponuđenih uslova napustio "Emirate", "Jat ervejz" je napravio nove poslovne ugovore sa kompanijama "Etihad" i "Singapur erlajnz".
Novi plan putovanja sa "Etihadom" počeo je već ovog ponedeljka, a sa "Singapur erlajnzom" očekuje se narednih dana, kaže direktorka "Jata" za Australiju i Novi Zeland Mirela Burda.
Već neko vreme, putnici iz Australije i Novog Zelanda su, umesto preko Dubaija kao nekoliko ranijih godina, usmeravani na velike evropske gradove gde ih je "Jat" preuzimao.
- Cena takvih aranžmana postala je nekonkurentna i putnici su razumljivo počeli da nas izbegavaju - objašnjava gospođa Burda. - Novim ugovorima možemo da ponudimo bolje uslove. Imajući u vidu krizu koja vlada na svetskom tržištu, "Jat" je svoju ponudu prilagodio u tom smislu i našao partnere koji mogu da ponude bolju uslugu za niže cene karata.
U vezi s tim, ona kaže da je Istanbul zajednička destinacija za obe kompanije.
- Ako se putuje "Singapur erlajnzom", leti se Sidnej-Singapur-Istanbul-Beograd. Ali, osim Istanbula, moguće je birati Atinu ili Cirih. Takođe, postoji mogućnost da se u tim gradovima putovanje po želji prekine na nekoliko dana i zatim bez dopunske naplate nastavi dalje - kaže gospođa Burda.
Sa "Etihadom" se iz Sidneja do Beograda ide preko Abu Dabija i Istanbula.
- Usluga u njihovim avionima je odlična, a cenimo i da je aerodrom u Abu Dabiju operativniji i jednostavniji za snalaženje. Ono što je u svemu najbitnije jeste da su cene pristupačne i konkurentne - veli direktorka "Jat ervejza" u Sidneju.