2009/10 winter season timetable
Adria Airways

Adria Airways will launch its 2009/10 winter schedule tomorrow with 12 aircraft – 1 Bombardier CRJ100, 6 Bombardier CRJ200s, 4 Bombardier CRJ900s and 2 Airbus A320. One of Adria's A320s will be used for charter flights only, while the airline will receive 2 Airbus A319s during the winter season, in April, which are yet to be added to their schedule. Adria’s Boeing B737-500 will be returned to Ukraine International Airlines within a week. The schedule below is subject to change. Any changes will be brought to your attention by visiting the blog.

Frequency changes

Adria will be reducing many of its frequencies particularly to cities within the Balkans. Adria will reduce services to Tirana by 5 weekly flights brining the total to one daily flight between Ljubljana and Albania’s capital. Flights to Priština will be reduced by 3 weekly services and to Skopje by 2. Sarajevo will see the greatest reduction of flights, from 13 to 7 per week. A total of 4 extra flights will be added on the Ljubljana to Copenhagen service and there will be 2 extra flights to Istanbul when compared to the summer season. The airline’s most frequent service (to Frankfurt) will continue to served 31 times per week.

New and suspended routes

Adria Airways will terminate its seasonal services to Manchester, Dublin and Ohrid, as expected. Unexpectedly, the airline will terminate flights to Madrid and Athens. Currently, there are no announcements regarding the launch of any new routes during the 2009/10 winter season.

The The following displays all of the modifications taking place in the Adria Airways 2009/10 winter schedule from Ljubljana

DestinationFrequency Summer 09

Frequency Winter 09/10

Aircraft Summer 09

Aircraft Winter 09/10


All frequencies are on a weekly basis


  1. I don't recall JP having 2 daily flights (ex. one day) to SJJ, maybe only peak months July/August..

    They had 13 flights in Summer 2008, so maybe no reduction at all...


  2. Is there possibilityl for launching flights between Ljubljana and Belgrade?

  3. Anonymous13:33

    Just a few comments:
    1. Bo is right: according to Amadeus LJU-SJJ during summer season 7 flights a week - additional 6 just between Jul 1 and Aug 31.
    2. There are no flights LJU-FRA via VIE: those two flights are totally different flights with different flight numbers and even different aircraft. One Adria CRJ-200 is placed to FRA on Monday and it returns back to LJU on Friday. It operates only on FRA-VIE-FRA route.
    3. Usually operating types of aircraft are not so fixed. Adria is very flexible concerning aircraft type on its routes and aircraft type can change if there is lower or higher demand, e.g. on my last 6 flights LJU-BRU-LJU in last 3 months operating aircraft was always CRJ-900. Information about B373-500 serving only LJU-MAN route 2 times a week of course cannot be right.

  4. Anonymous13:37

    There is JAT serving LJU-BEG route with ATR-72. Not at all popular destination and airline serving it from LJU.

  5. Yes, the aircraft types are very flexible but these are the aircraft which are known to be operating on those flights while other aircraft can vary. As for Sarajevo there were the additional 6 flights and that why they can be found in the table above as operating 13 flights.

  6. Anonymous15:26

    Hi, during winter both A320 will be serving with Adria, one will be backup and for charters.
    Btw flights to ATHs ends in two weeks too! this was the biggest surprise.

  7. Thanks for the tip. It has been corrected in the table.

  8. Anonymous17:48

    Anybody knows what happened with Bucharest?Will JP continue flying there?

  9. Anonymous18:23

    Too bad Adria is suspending these destinations. I hope they will start serving them again in the summer season (specially ATH and MAD). They probably will start flying to BCN in the summer season, as they have for the past few years. It will be great to see new A 319 in Adria's colours!i hope they will start also new routes when they get them.

  10. Anonymous21:27

    Otopeni flts ended in mid August

  11. Anonymous21:30


    I cant fins a week with more than 3 flts per week to CPH, which week you looked at?

  12. JATBEGMEL21:52

    @ krste

    i dont think that JP can serve BEG due to their flights to PRN.

    Da ali je i Malev dobio dozvou da leti za Beograd iako leti i za Pristinu. Mislim da moraju da im dozvole ako se drze Sporazuma o otvorenom nebu.

  14. Anonymous20:41

    Here are all freq u need:

    Arapi povezuju dijasporu i Srbiju

    veličina teksta:+-
    Sporazum sa Ujedinjenim Arapskim Emiratima omogućiće bolju avio-vezu sa Australijom, a u perspektivi i sa Amerikom i Kanadom, najavljuje Starčević

    Potpisivanje Sporazuma o otvorenom nebu, najavljena vizna liberalizacija i dolazak takozvanih lou kost kompanija u Srbiju značajno pojačavaju konkurenciju u aviosaobraćaju.
    Direktor Direktorata za civilno vazduhoplovstvo (DCV) Srbije Nebojša Starčević kaže za "Vesti" da će prava tržišna utakmica tek uslediti, što putnicima u načelu donosi više letova, po manjoj ceni, a državi daleko veće prihode. On najavljuje još veće interesovanje aviokompanija nakon vizne liberalizacije za građane Srbije koja se očekuje od januara iduće godine.
    Lou kost i nacionalne aviokompanije utrkuju se da zauzmu deo novog tržišta u Srbiji, ko je dobio dozvolu?
    - Mi nikoga ko je aplicirao nismo odbili i od iduće godine u Beograd će sletati mađarski "Malev", austrijski "Niki", slovenački "Adrija ervejz". Kako je "Jat" odustao od linije Niš-Cirih, mi smo dozvolu za letove dali "Montenegro erlajnzu" jer ne želimo da putnicima koji žele da putuju tu mogućnost uskratimo zato što "Jat" ne želi da održi liniju.
    Ima li još zainteresovanih?
    - Ima i čim budu zatražili dozvolićemo im uspostavljanje linije. Interesovala se mađarska lou kost kompanija "Vizer" koja čak namerava da u Beogradu trajno postavi jedan avion. Druge aviokompanije koje se pominju u medijima, poput španskog "Vjulinga", irskog "Rajanera" ili britanskog "Izidžeta" nisu tražili dozvole, ali će se konkurencija drastično pojačati sa očekivanom viznom liberalizacijom za građane Srbije od januara iduće godine.
    Šta podrazumeva nedavno parafiran ugovor o vazdušnom saobraćaju između Ujedinjenih Arapskih Emirata i Srbije?
    - Podrazumeva slobodan aviosaobraćaj između dve zemlje, a iz UAE su delegirali čak pet kompanija koje bi mogle da lete za Beograd. Reč je o "Emirejtsu", "Etihadu", "Flaj Dubaiju", "Rak ervejzu" i "Er Arabiji". "Emirejts" je zatražio i dobio dozvolu za dnevni let prema Beogradu. To je posebno važno zbog naše dijaspore u Australiji jer je reč o najfrekventnijoj vezi prema australijskom kontinentu. Dakle, "Emirejts" će svakoga dana sletati u Beograd, a odatle verovatno nastavljati i prema drugim destinacijama.
    Da li je to zapravo let prema Njujorku ili Torontu?
    - O tome će odlučiti "Emirejts", ali je svakako to opcija.
    S Rusima u Toronto?
    Da li će Beograd uskoro imati direktnu vezu sa Čikagom, Njujorkom ili Torontom?
    - Ruska kompanija "Moskovija" je najavila da će aplicirati za uvođenje redovnog saobraćaja iz Moskve prema Beogradu, a čelnici te kompanije su upitali i da li bismo imali nešto protiv da iz Beograda lete za Njujork. Rekli smo im da su dobrodošli i sad samo čekamo da podnesu zvaničan zahtev za otvaranje tih linija.

    Moramo imati četiri aerodroma
    Poslednjih godina često se govori o prenameni vojnih u civilne aerodrome. Koliko je to skup i da li je izgledan posao?
    - Prenamena košta između pet i osam miliona evra. U Batajnici se već gradi veliki kontrolni toranj za civilno-vojne svrhe, napravljen je plan i za prenamenu vojnog aerodroma "Ponikve" kod Užica za civilne letove. Ako Hrvatska može da ima 14 međunarodnih aerodroma, nema logike da mi ostanemo na Beogradu i Nišu. Procenjeno je da nam je potrebno da za narednih deset godina imamo četiri međunarodna aerodroma.

  16. For more details on Adria Airways like Information, history, baggage details, check in, destinations, fleets, images and more visit "Altiusdirectory.com". This URL may be useful.


  17. Anonymous16:05

    Just saw on wikipedia, Adria will start flying from Ljubljana to Belgrade in march!What a great news!


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