Strike ends!

Jat Tehnika hanger on October 1, 2009
Jat Tehnika has ended its 3 day strike which grounded the entire fleet of Jat Airways and caused a lot of anger amongst passengers. The strike ended after the air technicians’ union representative said that the strike must end today otherwise Jat Tehnika will incur significant financial losses. The union of air mechanics also said that the government of Serbia has promised that part of the 110 million Dinars (or 1.1 million Euros) owed by Jat will be payed off by Monday, October 5. Jat Airways is estimated to have lost 1.5 million Euros during the 3 day strike and will sue Jat Tehnika for the financial losses the airline has suffered.

All of Jat Airways’ flights will resume today. Jat Tehnika was separated from Jat Airways in 2005 after technicians led a month long strike. Jat Tehnika is the only aircraft engineering company in Serbia. Jat Airways said it was a mistake to separate the two companies and will appeal to the government for the formation of a new technical division for Jat, much to the anger of Jat Tehnika which would loose its biggest customers which represnets 95% of its business.

Meanwhile, Jat Airways has launched a scathing attack against the low cost Wizz Air which offered ‘assistance’ to Jat Airways’ passengers over the last 3 days. Jat says that Wizz Air is in a run for cash and is not helping Jat’s passengers in any way since travelers would have to pay extra to fly Wizz Ar from airports outside of Serbia.

This is the fourth day in a row that a news item on this blog has been related to Jat, understandably because of the situation which has taken place in the past 72 hours. Tomorrow, visit the blog for Croatia Airlines’ 2009/10 timetable changes and modifications.


  1. Anonymous14:37

    Dole JAT i monopolizam!!!! Dole JAT klanovi!!! Nece oni potrajati, a onda cemo se mi smejati ahahahhaa :)))))))

  2. Anonymous17:25

    Naci cemo vec nacin da im potkresemo rapsadnuta krila...


  3. JATBEGMEL17:56

    све је "лепо" кад се прића "доле ЈАТ" итд., али шта ће да буде са оне вредне, поштене људи, односно на чланове посаде и пилоти ко ради са ЈАТом ако буде се сутра пропао фирма? они нису заслужили да буду на бироу незапослени и нису они криви што је ЈАТ у последње 20 година постала све горије и горије због лоших руковођење. Такође, ова држава не треба више незапослени људи, поготово када је у питању хиљадама радника! Мени је ова ситуација није смешно, него жалосно...

    The sad part is that if JAT were to collapse tomorrow, the most affected would be the families who would struggle to survive, considering it isnt easy coming to a new job here in Serbia, especially now with the economic crisis, and getting a job overseas isnt always an option. They always have to put up with bad management, angry customers who are annoyed with the fact their flight is late after their aircraft had to make an unscheduled maintenance check, old aircraft, not knowing if they will still be employed in the next several months, in the next keeping my fingers crossed for better days to come...

  4. Anonymous22:19

    JAT got pissed by Wizz? WTF? So do they expect Wizz to offer free charter flights flying out of Belgrade instnatly? Come on we know it's a disaster for JAT recently. But Wizz has no obligation to offer such disastrous relief service either lol

  5. Anonymous19:55

    What relief service? Relief service would be when they would fly from Belgrade or Nis to compensate the canceled flights, not from Budapest and Timisoara where passengers need visas. It was just a way Wizz Air promote its flights and to fill their empty seats to profit of the bad situation JAT was in.

  6. frequentflyer02:58

    Good on Wizz for having a positive marketing/media spin on this story. Sure they don´t fly into Serbia, but what has it done for all the people who would have heard about the crisis?? It keeps Wizz in people´s minds into the future when they possibly get the chance to fly into BEG.

    JAT´s trying to play double protectionism here and to distract attention from the main problem - itself. This saga highlights that the JAT Media Department should be sacked and closed down or immediately replaced.

  7. JATBEGMEL12:07

    @ frequentflyer

    many changes should be done to the airline. unfortunately, the airline is strapped to the government and the respective ministries who are supposed to look after the airline arent feeding it with capital. JAT has been left with a fleet of 15 aging aircraft and the only changes to the fleet is a livery change every few years, from Jugoslovenski Aerotransport to Yugoslav Airlines to Jat Airways livery 1 to the current Jat Airways livery.

    Wizz Air wouldnt do too well unless Batajnica Airbase is made into a civilian airport for low cost carriers. The fees at Surcin Airport are high. Maybe they could have a better chance at other Serbian airports such as Nis, Uzice or Pristina.


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