
  1. frequentflyer09:07

    Are we right to assume the OU flights are now cancelled as they aren't on the list of airlines into BEG as of 1 May (yet are still on the right panel of upcoming flights)?

    And why doesn't the AEA secretary-general should call a spade a spade: this is simply allowing the free market to operate and to remove barriers, not any govt policy to help the AEA during an economic crisis.

  2. Anonymous12:58

    Hello Mr Frequentflyer, the Croatia Airlines flight are cancelled to Belgrade, you can watch at on schedule. Croatia airlies starting new flights to Athens this year.

  3. mlad seljak00:19

    Any rumours of an airline from Belarus arriving at BEG?

    Is there any possibility to the intro of long haul to BEG? It doesnt have to be real long haul, jus something more than 3 hours away? Like EK?

  4. ^ There are already flights which are 3 hours longer from BEG.


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