
  1. Anonymous09:09

    Does anyone know the numbers for Belgrade? They still didn't publish their January numbers, and we are almost at the end of February!

    However, congrats to FYROM! I still think it's sad that Jat and Montenegro Airlines have the same share of passengers in Skopje!

  2. Anonymous12:53

    Congrats to FYROM? There is no such country with that name. You must be a national of that country south of Macedonia or you are an anti macedonian. Could I ask that you either refer to Macedonia by it's rightful name or do not bother posting anything which is offensive to Macedonians.

  3. Doot13:21

    oh, buzz off.

    No one cares about your silly name thing here.

  4. heheheeh, go Anonymous! I know what it's like when your country has issues with its neighbours...

    ummm...congratulations to the Republic of Macedonia :)

  5. MACEDON14:28

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  6. Anonymous15:35

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  7. Aviation related comments only

    Spanair finally commence 3 flights/week from Barcelona to Belgrade, starting on 30.03.2010. :)
    JK 171
    BCN-BEG 11.30-14.05 day:2,4
    BCN-BEG 14.45-17.15 day:6
    JK 172
    BEG-BCN 14.40-17.15 day:2,4
    BEG-BCN 17.55-20.30 day:6

    Flights will be operated with A-320 a/c.

  9. Sorry, I made a mistake - JK flights to BEG will start on 15/04/2010!

  10. Anonymous07:19

    The countries name is INDEED officially Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, and people can call it FYROM as much as they want.

  11. ANONYMOUS13:23


    Tell us more about Aeromak, MAT, Air Macedonia, some other half baked scheme that will never get off the ground?

    Do you really believe everything you plagerise from the press in the region?

  12. Goshh...this photo of the airport in Skopje looks horrible. Have never been there, but the building seems to be in a very poor condition. I think Alexander the Great would be ashamed seeing his name used for this airport. Typical for the Balkans, bombastic names with no sense at all.

  13. Anonymous00:51

    The countries name is INDEED officially Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, and people can call it FYROM as much as they want.

    Really, is that so????

    The official name is not "FYROM".

    The official name under the UN is Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia not abbreviated like you suggest.

    This absurd abbreviated version is an Athens invented name for Macedonia. If you wish to refer to the country as such, stop your sarcasm and use the full name which is: Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia or stop your provocation as you only use this FYROM term to make a political statement in this aviation forum.

  14. Anonymous01:42

    the last post is absolutely correct. no political provocations here please.
    back to aviation!


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