
  1. Anonymous11:12

    What about BEG-Airport figures? Does anyone know what is going on there?

  2. frequentflyer11:16

    Woohoo for OSI!! Top of the list again... until you realise how paltry the numbers they're working off actually are.

    In all seriousness, are these numbers justified *alone* without looking at aircraft movements (and their subsequent and/or matching stats) and cargo numbers, which would naturally be lower during economic crisis?

  3. JU520 BEGLAX12:23

    Osijek soon will see its figures boosting with the arrival of Ryanair :-)

  4. Anonymous13:50

    Samo 26 putnika za Rijeku? To je vjerojatno bila posada sa nekog cargo aviona :)

  5. Anonymous15:46

    WOW this is just bad!! I would have assumed that by ow they would have recorded an increase!
    I am sure that Belgrade is posotive this month! But lets wait and see

  6. Anonymous17:12

    Who flew from/to Osijek in february when there is no "officially" any flights form there during winter?!

  7. As anonymous said before, probably some random passengers from cargo airplanes :)

  8. Anonymous08:39

    I think so, and I keep repeting that Osijek could do with all year around flights, Croatia Airlines or Ryanair or Germanwings could definitely do that!


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