Swift Air to operate flights to Belgrade and Zagreb
Both the Serbian and Croatian civil aviation agencies have remained tight lipped about the service but the former has confirmed it is in the process of granting a license to Swift Air. Only a week ago it was said that Ryan International Airlines, which was supposed to operate services from Chicago and Toronto, would not be doing so and no hints were given that other airlines were interested. At the beginning of the year Zagreb Airport said it was on the verge of securing a major US carrier to operate flights to the Croatian capital but has been quiet ever since.
Air Plus will operate flights from June 17 to September 14. A total of 58 flights are expected to be operated to the two cities. Since designated airline operator, Swift Air, is based in Phoenix, flights are set to originate from the city and operate to Belgrade and Zagreb via Chicago. Flight information will soon be available on the right hand side in the new route launches section.
Actually there is far more information on here regarding the flights
Can anyone confirm (or deny) that this is the airline Peovic said he was speaking with to get to ZAG in 2011?
ReplyDeleteLet's see how this service pans out - especially the frequencies and whether they will be back in 2012. Using those figures provided, it is only 1-2 weekly return services...
Belgrade is one weekly (ORD departure on day 5, BEG departure on day 7) so I wonder why 58 flights. Flights will originate from Phoenix and will be operated via Chicago to Belgrade/Zagreb.
How do those prices compare with the major airlines?
ReplyDeleteI do not see a 767 on the Swift Air site: http://www.flyswiftair.com/fleet.aspx
ReplyDeletenever mind. I found it: N767MW
ReplyDeleteIt is almost 28 years old.
156 degree recline and 60" seat pitch for all customers:
The plane is almost 28 years old but barely used. I doubt they will offer 60" seat pitch for all pasengers. This configuration was in place when they operated for Dallas Mavericks but would be nice though :)
ReplyDelete@ Anonymous
ReplyDeleteIt was confirmed that claims against Swift regarding safety were fabrications of former disgruntled employee. Former employee ended loosing the license and FAA confirmed that allegations were fabricated.
I think you have wrong aircraft. The aircraft that is gonna be used is former Qantas aircraft. That is what Swift confirmed. It is one of the most maintained B767 there is. My friend who is technician confirmed that to me and said "aircraft is superb and has much lower number of cycles than aircrafts half its age". THere was 6 million dollars invested in the aircraft last year. So my sources are pretty positive about whole story.
As someone here mentioned Kompas will sell tickets on flights to Zagreb, in Komapas air ticket department they told me they don't have any information about this, and that they will not sell ticket on those flights.
ReplyDeleteNot a big deal really. Swift Air is in the same rank as Ryan, cheap and not good. I would still go through other airports with better carriers. But nonetheless go news for both airports.
ReplyDeleteMy friend said that an unknown major US carrier (American, Delta, US Airways, or Continental) was interested in starting New York and Chicago flights to Belgrade and Air Canada is about to negotiate for direct links to Belgrade. An unknown Brazilian carrier wants to start flights to Belgrade and one of the Chinese airlines is in the process of talking with Serbia for flights.
And Zagreb will hold off its terminal expansion and construction this year if it wants Korean Air and Swift Air to fly to ZAG.
US Flag Carriers, are not interested in Serbian or Croatian market. They do not want to build Hub in any of those countries and compete with their partners because number of pax traveling is too low to show feasibility of such investments. Yearly,combined Croatia and Serbia take less than 100,000 pax to North Amrica. Investments of hundreds of millions of dollars and competition of Lufthansa with its hubs and connections would be simple disaster. So I think you should get real with those statements. Now regarding Swift and Ryan, I agree they are cheap but not necceserely bad. And passengers traveling to Serbia and Croatia are definatly not high yield pax nor they want to pay for flag carrier service . So for Croatia and Serbia and pax that allways want to fly under 1000$ even when fuel is 4$ per gallon that is exactly what you need. Cheap and credible to puncture the market. So anonymous, you maybe have high standards but are you putting your money where your mouth is or you are just one of those that likes to bs on anything good and new that happens? Did you pay 1587$ for Lufthansa ticket from ORD-BEG or 1492$ for ORD-ZAG ticket? People get real. You should support this as this is most important thing that happened on Croatian and Serbian markets in long long time.
ReplyDelete@ dusan
ReplyDeleteZagreb airport is user of two biggest inetrantional companies that folow tag of every passanger which start to travel from Zagreb or which finish trip in Zagreb.
By those companies 250.000 passengers travel between Zagreb and USA. So, your information about 100.000 pax from ZAG and BEG is not correct.
nema nishta od toga nisu im dali dozvolu
ReplyDeleteWho,serbian CAA, CCAA or DOT?
ReplyDeletecivil aviation directorate of the republic of serbia
ReplyDeleteYou've got to be joking, taking this carrier seriously?? I mean if you compare this junk airline to the previous ryan, ryan seems like the real deal! Boeing 767-200er doesn't seem like a bad choice for the services. Although the interiors are a key factor along with the overall lack of online info and bookings. You really can't take them seriously. If I remember correctly some 3 years ago JAT had plans to aquire some 762ERs for their own US flights?
ReplyDeleteAll in all this is good for both airports if this happens. If successful then maybe some 'major' US or Ex Yu airline will be tempted to introduce direct flights on a regular basis, not withstanding that the competition, cost and thus challenge would be immense.
ReplyDeleteIn other Zagreb news, the tender to take over Zagreb airport is heating up with an American company (operators of GB Intl Houston) rumoured to be the favourite to win the concession.
Zagreb also saw an 11% increase in passenger numbers in March.
Good news, but to join in on the discussion there are things that should be mentioned.
ReplyDeleteI too have heard that the Serbian market is being eyed by American companies (and I have heard Delta is trying to shift its network from Budapest to Belgrade). This was a big motivator in the American CAA signing the agreement with Serbian CAA for flights between both countries. I am not sure about the rest, but I can say that there must have been some interest in order to get Brazil, India, China, Australia, Canada, and USA to sign agreements with Serbia relatively quickly and right after the first figures for 2011 were posted.
This should be taken as a sign that the Serbian market (as far as aviation goes) is becoming looked at increasingly. I would not be surprised to see flights to Canada, USA, and China within the next 2 years by a good carrier. And to "dusan", yes people from our region tend to buy cheaper tickets, but there comes a certain price for that, and I know at least as far as Serbs in USA/Canada are concerned, majority of them would not go by a carrier not well-known for safety concerns (and for very few entertainment).
Also, many here seem to forget that the Serbian market in general is emerging rapidly with figures predicted to rise above Bulgaria, Croatia, and Hungary in 20-25 years (FDI, NYTimes, Forbes, IMF). The EU has already acknowledged such a rapid increase not to mention it has decided to open regional offices and bases in Belgrade and has designated Belgrade's air traffic control tower to oversee operations of the entire region. These don't happen because of coincidence.
@ anonymous
ReplyDeleteWell you want enternteinment, you want well known carrier why dont you fly with emirates? I heard there is courtesy blowjob in first class, except price is kind of not near 1000$.
Both, Serbs and Croats are cheap and low yield pax. And that is my friend everythin airline cares about.
@ALL of you
common guys,
it is not fun that all of you are anonymous?
That is the way we should look at this. You are right. It is good that at least someone started to fly, now if there is pax willing to pay flag carriers will come in second. So support this, let's hope they do good, maybe after that there is a chance that better and bigger will come.
ReplyDelete"I too have heard that the Serbian market is being eyed by American companies (and I have heard Delta is trying to shift its network from Budapest to Belgrade).(...) but I can say that there must have been some interest in order to get Brazil, India, China, Australia, Canada, and USA to sign agreements with Serbia relatively quickly and right after the first figures for 2011 were posted."
If you believe in that than you have to find some professional help. Here people just start to make planes for expansion, connections, «Balkan hub» etc. just because of flight that never even start (Ryan International), and than again on some funny-flights... It was same with coming in a day line by Emirates... No, Delta will change flights from BUD to BEG? That is not joke that is for psychiatrics hospital.
@ Dusan and last Anonymous
ReplyDeleteGuys calm down. Why so much rage and negativity??? I don't think ex Yugoslavs are anything cheaper than Dutch or German. In fact, Ex Yugoslavs tend to be less complicated and demanding customers and are more generous and have better tipping habits than the majority of Europeans. Saying they are cheap just becasue they look for a bargain doesn't have any sense. The low-cost airlines originated in the well-developed Western countries such as UK, Ireland, Germany. Accoriding to your comments, their nationals must be the cheapest ones out there. Who doesn't like to save money when it's about flying today??? Those freaking airlines charge for anything you can imagine.
Regardless, I hope ex Yugoslavia gets back onto the right tracks and achieves once again the status of what it once used to be: accessible, progressive with high spirits and the most welcoming and hospitable people in Europe.
@ sam
ReplyDeleteI agree. It was just my reaction to wrong expectancy from us. Let it roll, let it happen, and then people will pay. When they pay than large airlines come. So lets help these guys and promote.
ReplyDeleteIf you believe I belong in a mental institution that's fine with me. However, I know people in very interesting places two of which happen to be in the airline industry and economics. Both say that Serbia is expected to boom economically and it is going to get a bigger market. It is projected that if Bosnians, Montenegrins, Macedonians, Bulgarians, and Romanians use BEG for intercontinental travel, it can compete with Budapest and Athens.
Also as I mentioned Europe has begun regionalization of its resources and Belgrade has been chosen to hub for all the Balkans including Greece (I am not sure if Hungary and Slovenia are included in this).
And I am sure there had to be some agenda to sign travel agreements with India, Australia, China, Brazil...etc.
Belgrade a hub for Greece?
ReplyDeleteGreece has 20 active international airports for ever one Serbia has. How can Belgrade be a hub for Greece when Athens holds 15 million passengers a year and has multiple inercontinental serices, what does Belgrade have? Zero long haul flights, yep zero. Oh wait one crappy charter group wants to fly a 767 on 50 or so flights a year. Good job. Come back when you have a damn airline willing to fly into Belgrade from a distance of 5,000km or more.
Why talk such nonsense? Why?
It's like saying Kiev will become a hub for ALL of Russia? I mean come on people.....
Oh yeh isn't Havana a hub for all of USA? Why not? Atleast they have long haul flights!
Belgrade a hub for Greece?
ReplyDeleteHahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!! The joke of the year!!!! Hahahahahaha...
I apsolutly agree with Air Koryo. Ryan International doesn't want to fly to BEG! Some noname company luckily come, but, shit, still no flights. How comes? BEG is such perfect destination and hub for even Greece.
This year no luck, but, yes next year Delta will fly to BEG! Instead of BUD. Which is just 4 times bigger than BEG, but just this year, next year BEG would have 3000% more pax and will be much bigger then BUD. And than pax from SOF, ATH, but also from IST, SVO, FRA, LHR, CDG... will fly via BEG to USA, Brasil, Australia, Vaniatu and Papua New Geinea... Hahahahahahahahahaha....
You can not be trouth...
ReplyDeleteI think it isn't that the ex-yu passengers are cheap. It is more that they are not buying one or two tickets when they fly. They are bringing the whole family (at least 4 tickets). If you even take into account a $100 savings per ticket that is $400 and that is not a small sum especially since many are still helping support their extended families in the ex-yu.
@ Last Anonymous
ReplyDeleteI agree with you and completely understand the situation. Flying to ex Yugoslavia is still at least 30% more expensive than to other parts of Europe. so it is normal that people are trying to find the best deal around even if it's $100 cheaper per ticket.
I never quite understood why some people just need to write hateful messages towards some other members of this group.
ReplyDeleteSeriously, yes we see a lot of nonsense on here, like the one regarding Greece. For me, it's as frustrating to read those hateful messages (as the ones at the end) as it is to read the dumb comments.
It's true, Delta will never leave Budapest for Belgrade, maybe for Bucharest but not for Belgrade.
With American Airlines launching Budapest they will be helped by Malév who will feed these flights.
As Tarom is a Sky Team members they can feed the passengers to Delta's flight in case they do switch to Bucharest.
Anyway, Delta has gone seasonal on their Budapest route so...
Let us also not forget that Delta is indeed a strange and courageous airline. They have flown to some rather odd destinations and at the same time they have managed to make some odd destinations even work, like Venice.
They might try Belgrade in case that the Serbian economy picks up, not this or in the next five years at least.
Venice is absolutly logical choice for Delta. Lot of Italians in USA, one of the biggest tourist destination in World, 3rd the biggest airport of Alitalia which is member of same alliance as Delta (Sky Team).
ReplyDeleteDosn't matter how many Italians there are in the US, Venice is still a low yielding market. One could say that Delta could have operated more flights to Rome and Milan and then feed the domestic market.
ReplyDeleteThe fact that Delta managed to make routes like Venice or even Amman work is because of the B767-300, that's all.
ReplyDeleteWhy would Romanians and Bulgarians want to use Belgrade as their connecting airport for long haul flights? Both airports are bigger in terms of passengers than Belgrade (or any airport in the former Yugoslavia), they have much better connections to the big hubs in Western Europe, which makes for a seamless travel experience.
Someone should really go and check the schedules of these two airports and then compare it to Belgrade and Zagreb.
Former Yugoslavs tend to have this habit of day dreaming, without putting any effort into making those dreams reality. Guys, both Bulgaria and Romania are in the EU already, where are the former Yugoslav republics... nowhere close. Think about that.
Oh, btw, has anyone of you actually been to Belgrade airport, past passport control? It certainly is not an airport where someone would want to spend more than... hm... 0 hours?
ReplyDeleteNothing to do, the duty free shop is far more expensive than any in the region, liquids over 1l bought in the duty free shop will be confiscated if you transfer somewhere in Europe (unlike Zagreb, which has managed to get their duty free shop bags certified in Europe)... and the airport itself... when do they plan to reconstruct the transit area... which has this 80's look... oh wait, it was built then, and never ever reconstructed...
If it wasn't for bosnian diaspora,Beg and Zag would be broke long time ago!!
ReplyDeleteAhahaha "Bosnian Diaspora"! Who are you kidding!!
ReplyDelete28 years old plane!! i wouldnt fly with that peice of junk over the atlantic for no money!!
ReplyDelete"Bosnian Diaspora"! oh my, it just gets worse and worse doesn't it.
ReplyDeleteListen. Belgrade serves for Belgrade and Serbia full stop.
ReplyDeleteThank you for that... people tend to forget about that.
Jat can not be considered as a serious airline for transfers without proper schedules to the region. Without double daily flights to Sarajevo and Skopje nothing can be achieved. Jat's most stupid mistake was to let Air B&H go...
Back to the topic.
ReplyDeleteLook at these damn interiors, oh my:
I mean come on guys, come on.
There is no way people will fly on an unmarked 767-200ER across the atlantic to Chicago with thoes interiors too!
Reminds me of many grouling long haul flights to and from Pyongyang to Sheremetyevo onboard the Il-62M!
well,you can laugh about it as much as you want,but the reality is,40% of passengers are from BiH..that's a fact..
ReplyDelete40% of pax in BEG is from BIH? This goes better and better!!!!
Wake up man! You are dreaming...
So let me make conclusion:
Whan Turkish take 100% of BH Airlines, and take all potential of market, BEG will lost some 30-40% of passangers?
ReplyDeleteI think what you mean is they won't "fly on an unmarked 767-200ER across the atlantic to Chicago with thoes interiors" TWICE.
Many people don't do their homework and expect everything to be nice and new. They will be disappointed and won't do it again.
As for Bosnian diaspora. I would say it is a safe estimate that (read this carefully before attacking) 40% of Bosnian diaspora traveling home actually fly into BEG or ZAG. For many it is geographically easier to do so. I would say that SPU gets quite a bit of BiH diaspora as well.
I'm not dreaming,man! actually,you can split those 30-40% with zag and beg..And turkish can't own 100% BHA,but that's different discussion..
ReplyDeleteWhy do you people think that you are so important?? Just take a look next time when you fly from AMS,FRA or MUC to ZAG and just take a good look at the passengers..I mean,it's Bosnia all over!!
Also I am in airport at least 2 times per week. And there you can find from time to time some BiH car or passenger, but it is not such a big number. Definitely less then 5%.
ReplyDeletesorry, first part was deleted:
ReplyDeleteI travel a lot from Zagreb. At least 2 times per month. And there are not even 10% of passengers from BiH.
This is no fun. They should change name of the blog to:
ReplyDeleteAnonymous pansies and Mr. Hater himself AirKoryo...
This use to be a good blog, it became such a bs.
No see Dusan, the only b.s here is rubbish airlines like what ever this crap charter mob is called, and idiots making statments like Belgrade will become a hub for Greece and that the entire Belgrade airport pax is comprised of 40% Bosnians.
ReplyDeleteThat there is the bs.
How is it possible for 40% of the entire 3million passengers a year be from Bosnia? Anually you are lucky to have 80,000 seats on Sarajevo-Belgrade services with double daily ATR-72 flights, so what that means that 1 Million or so people drive into Belgrade from Bosnia a year. One Million? So 1/3 of the entire population of a united Bosnian state go to Belgrade to catch a flight.
Ok. I see the logic!
Does this make sense, planned flight time is 11 hours to Belgrade, and back to Chicago - 10 hours....? i dont care, just -THESE FLIGHTS BETTER HAPPEN!!!
ReplyDeleteDear Dusan,get over it!
ReplyDeleteTo be honest,the whole Balkan sucks!!
last comment, you are so pathetic. its not even funny because it is too funny... :P get a freakin brain, have u EVER been to the balkans? i bet NOT , so go and see... if you did, then u saw some F***ED UP version of it you dont know about.. CHILLLL..... get a life, you do not know what is true.. balkans is beast, dont be jealous
ReplyDeleteFLying time is 10 hours to Belgrade from Chicago, and 11 hours from Belgrade to Chicago. All westbound flights are longer than eastbound. What is confusing you in that?
ReplyDelete@ EX-YU aviation news
I think it is time for anonymous posting gone.
@ AirKoryo
Aleks Nikolic, and you are resident of USA because of????
ReplyDelete@Aleks Nikolic USA
ReplyDeleteVery well said!
What does that even mean?
Dusan, if you knew anything about flying - flying eastbound is faster because of the jet stream, THAT doesent make sence. i love how people think they know everything. open a book and look up freakin something before you talk shit.
ReplyDeleteLast anonymous, my grandparents came here for money reasons, obviously it is easier to live economic wise in USA than in Serbia, BUT life in Serbia is more enjoyable. now what is ur point,,,? I go to Serbia as much as I can... :P chill you little attitude lol
Sorry. ^ what i meant was (for Dusan), it says on their flight times on ex-Yu aviation flights , if you did not READ what i said, it says on there to Belgrade it is 11 hours and to Chicago 10 hours.... and it should be longer on flight back.....
ReplyDeletebtw - there is going to be a stop somewhere for re-fueling right?
I leave in Balkan, and don't bulshit about it from USA.
ReplyDeleteSell everything there and come to paradise! Why you don't wont to do that? And why so many people move from Serbia to USA? Espetialy in those days.
YOU THINK I DONT WANT TO? me and my family try for that UVEK PROBAMO BRE! Tesko je kad tamo nemozes naci posao ... napravili smo kucu tamo, sad samo da nadjemo posao... i idemo naravno.. kad zavrsim ja srednju skolu, idem za Srbiju ... moram bre... nemogu vise ovamo u USA .. Serbia is paradise! I LOVE going back it is like HEAVEN! woman, food, friends, country, places... uh no where is better....
ReplyDeleteBy the way everyone, I am about to buy my tickets from Cleveland - Chicago - Beograd , it isent so cheap but... its worth it with only one stop. There was a child discount for my little brother, it costs from Chicago - BEG about $1,282 on average...
the people who are selling them told me to buy fast because they said the seats are being filled up. For me, Cleveland - Belgrade for my family of 4 would be about $5,922 ... not so bad ... per person,t hat is about $1,480 ... where Lufthansa on these days is about $1,600+ along with US Airways which we found cheapest.... :)) SRBIJA!!
And you are still in USA! Come on...
ReplyDeleteI love how people go somewhere on vacation and believe it to be paradise. Come on. Every place is great on vacation when you don't have to work and other people are doing the cooking and cleaning.
ReplyDeleteI am from the ex-yu and I live in the USA as well. I love going back for vacation and I always have a great time. However I am aware that is because it is summer and I am off of work and school. It may not be the case in Belgrade, but many towns double their population during the summer because of vacationing returnees.
Appreciate what you have because I guarantee that at least 75% of the people in Serbia (and most of the ex-yu) would gladly trade their "paradise" for your misery in the USA.
On a related note, this is why the most hardcore ex-yu nationalist are actually 3rd generation diaspora in Australia and the USA. They don't comprehend the true reality of the homeland.
As for the flights, I am glad we are finally getting direct flights from the USA and I hope it will soon be regular carriers on these routes. Only politics, greed, and corruption can stop that now.
I know, I have a house there - I do the cooking and cleaning well along with my family, and I have worked there last summer just for the summer. I know it is difficult there, I dont know if you actually read what I wrote, but affording life in USA is easier than living and working in Serbia. But, in Serbia - you can enjoy life more. that is a fact, i dont care who you ask. Everyone says it over there, and over here.
ReplyDelete"If we could work in USA, but live in Serbia". Now, things are turning up for Serbia - and hopefully soon enough it will be strongly becoming better economic wise. But people in Serbia are friendlier, closer, and it is nice living with your own people.(me being Serbian) and family. They know how to enjoy life, and not stress 24/7.
And of-course!! Lot of people are real happy after 20 years there are flights again between Serbia and USA
And that is why more and more Serbs try to leave in USA and Canada... Because of paradais...
ReplyDeleteHey listen here, every nation has it's good and bads, simple. Leave it at that. The U.S. personally to me is not the ideal place to live.
ReplyDeleteBut then again in reality where is the ideal place to live?
AirKoryo , 100% agreed ^ ^ ^
ReplyDeletethere is no place like that because no matter where people move and wherever they go, they will say another place is better... most people are always not satisfied...
now that is the same with me, USA has good economy and it is easy to find job, but life here.. honestly is much more boring and suckish compared to serbia...
serbia economy sucks, hard to find job and make decent pay, yet everyone has their friends and family helping and they enjoy life...
even in countries in world where they say everyone is happy, there are unhappy people. like Luxembourg, New Zealand, and other countries....
@Aleks Nikolic USA
ReplyDeleteThe U.S. Economy is actually not that good at all, they have a multi trillion dolar debt to nations like Russia and China.
New Zealand isn't that good of a nation to live in, up to 1.2 Million New Zealanders have migrated to Australia due to lack of work in N.Z.
It says here Aviation News in title I think?
ReplyDelete@ Aleks
Dude, lets go step by step.
ORD-BEG 22:42 - 15:42. That is 10 Hours ples time difference. BEG-ORD 14:30 - 18:24 that is almost 11 hours minus time difference. Now where did you see mistake there?
Now, i am thinking why are you guys flying to Chicago. 200$ per person is 800$. Why dont you drive 5 hours to ORD and save one ticket? I mean you are going to vacation anyway ?
I also tried to book, 1st July, it was maybe few seats left on this price. Also 17th JUNE is already sold out on cheapest fare.
That is very good man. Price of 1480$ for one stop CLE-BEG I think it is lower then most 2 stop connections.
And I hope these flights go full, because then Alliance Boys, will see interest and enter the market.
Man that could change a lot of things to better for Balkans. Jobs, taxes, business, cargo, that can be really good boost for small countries if bigger company see its chance and this is the best way to prove it.
AirKoryo ,
ReplyDeleteI live in the United States.... there is much more purchasing power than other countries, average US person makes about $45,000 a year where Serb makes $6,000 , and prices are about the same in both countries. However, a lot of our taxes go to government, but our country is "top notch" so they spend too much. That is why we have I believe about 10% deficit, drilling USA every year deeper and deeper into debt, we need change...
So , conclusion, the economy is better here - there is higher standard of living, more purchasing power, and less inflation.
It was on the right side of Ex-Yu aviation news for new flights , there was a mistake someone caught and I believe its fixed...
And we were thinking about it man, but i dont know how much it costs for parking all summer long... and I dont know, we think its easier flying wise from Cleveland, have my mom drop us off and pick us up.
Yes it would be, and since tickets are selling out fast this should be signal for other airlines that it is smart to go intercontinental flights to BGD.. we will see
Hey guys,
ReplyDeleteI have to ask a totally blonde question here, so the flights from Chicago to Belgrade are already on sale?
And from what I could understand the sales are going well for the first two flights?
Thanks y'all
On flyairplus' site it writes that soon they will offer flight from Belgrade to Phoenix in Arizona.
ReplyDeleteI guess that it's a smart thing to do since the plane would fly empty from Chicago to Phoenix.
Now the question is if the flight would go Belgrade-Chicago-Phoenix, does it mean that passengers would stay in ORD or would they need to disembark?
Yes, you can purchase tickets at travel agencies now, or wait till they start selling online.
ReplyDeleteAnd no the flights would not be empty from Phoenix - Chicago, if people from west went to Phoenix to get on airplane to go to Serbia with that stop in Chicago.
ReplyDeleteOk, so it's just like a technical stop for them in that case...
ReplyDeleteAnd did they give you more info on how full the planes are from Chicago to Belgrade?
Hmmm... is there any demand for Phoenix-Belgrade?
ReplyDelete2nd last anonymous..
ReplyDeleteno, but they did tell me seats are going real fast on all flights - and some are sold out already , including the July 1st one from Chicago - Beograd...
last anonymous..
yes, there is... many people would go from LA, San Diego, Phoenix, Vegas (Serbs mainly) and go from Phoenix to Serbia... demand might not be too high, but it is there.....
@ Aleks
ReplyDeleteMan you do not need to park for whole summer man. Rent a car. It will cost you around 90$ one way. You renta a car in cleveland, drive it to ORD, leave it. Go on your vacation, and few weeks before you return you reserve same thing for your return. Beauty man and you save bunch of money you can spend there. It shure beats separate tickets. And there is much less risk.
Your right bro... thanks for idea, ill talk about it with my family they are regular, stubborn Serb family haha.
ReplyDeleteIt would be nice to just pay for ticket Beograd - Chicago , I don't wanna waste about $1,000 for the summer for a 50 minute and back chicago flight...
Yeah but it's $90 to go and $90 to come back meaning a total of $180. If your flight is $200 then I do not see a point.
ReplyDeleteI hope that you will take some pics of the aircraft and the crew and so on :)
last anonymous,
ReplyDeleteyes - but 180 for my family together (1 car) ...
now if we flew, its about $225 on average .. thats for one member of my family , there 4 going this summer + cousins possibly + other person lol. that would come over $1,000 ... so it saves us around $800.... not bad money ey, i can spend to fuel Serb economy hahaah..:)
and ofcourse, i didnt buy the ticket yet, nothing is official but if i go with the charter - all i will do is video tape and take pics ... :)
Great news, we recieved update that SWIFT is thinking about posibility to add flights. The demand is very good and they are waiting for Belgrade and Zagreb support for NYC flights. If that happens, these guys took US market for Croatia and Serbia. That will for sure make big boys think.
ReplyDeleteWell let's not forget that they are already advertising the commencment of the Phoenix flights. I do not know that Swift is from there but it's still a nice addition.
ReplyDeleteIf only Jat was in Category 1 to help them with regional feed.
New York seems like a logical choice. However if the big boys are to react then I do not know who it would be. I doubt that Delta with their 763s could make it work, they are too big. The only logical option is United with their own 762s. Not to mention that these airlines can offer connections to a lot of places in North America.
I wonder how the loads are on the Chicago-Zagreb route. Anyone knows?
by the way someone said it will be a longer flight going west, that's because of extra weight, people taking shljivovits, kajmak and kobasica back to the USA with them.
ReplyDeleteyou guys are so negative.
Something is shady here. The American tour operator is AirPlus who uses Swiftair's service, who then rent their plane from Ryan International since the code on the ticket is RD. So many companies mixed up. Plus I heard that Airplus had to organize an event for the Chicago ethnic agencies since people are afraid of offering and selling this option. So the stories about sold out flights are not true. After all everyone still remembers the adventure called non-stop flights to Zagreb from 4-5 years ago promoted by Vega Travel that burned a lot of people. But, hey let's see what happens. :-)
ReplyDeletein total it seems that about 400 tickets have been sold ex ORD to both ZAG and BEG...so people, unfortunately, it seems that no flights this summer.
ReplyDeleteBusiness jet, private jet or, colloquially, bizjet is a term describing a jet aircraft, usually of smaller size, designed for transporting groups of up to 19 individuals. Business jets may be adapted for other roles, such as the evacuation of casualties or express parcel deliveries, and some are used by public bodies, government officials or the armed forces.
ReplyDeleteCharter Flights