Incident at Belgrade Airport

Air bridge collapses at Nikola Tesla Airport
At 08.00 on Saturday morning an air bridge at Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport’s terminal 2 collapsed, injuring one employee. Before the collapse, the air bridge was out of function and was being repaired, the "Blic" daily reports. “Early in the morning supervisors uncovered that the air bridge was not functioning properly and a repairman was called. While he was repairing, the air bridge collapsed”, Katarina Bjelanović, the airport’s spokeswomen said. The repairman has suffered injuries to the head, chest and legs, however, he is not in a life threatening condition. No flights were affected by the incident. The Spanish manufacturer of the air bridges has been informed about the incident as well as the Serbian Civil Aviation Agency.

Meanwhile, Belgrade Airport recorded a 12.8% passenger increase in March when compared to the same month last year. The airport handled 188.826 passengers. In the first 3 months of 2011, 530.371 passengers have used the airport.


  1. Anonymous09:12

    Yes this is a very nice copy paste from Blic's article, however do we know which gate collapsed?

  2. Dreamliner10:28

    If they tape it, they will become like Indians, they work like that. The director of the airport should be responsible for that, i bet u they were preparing airplane for disembark , just imaging were people on the airbridge.

  3. Dreamliner11:02

    I can't understand this:

    Before the collapse, the air bridge was out of function and was being repaired, the "Blic" daily reports. “Early in the morning supervisors uncovered that the air bridge was not functioning properly and a repairman was called.

    So what the fuck they were doing on air bridge which was out of order, to make sure that it is !!!!! So if the bridge been repaired it means was in working condition.
    So silly ....

  4. Anonymous12:35

    Judging upon this picture and based on yesterday's and today's gate schedule @BEG the gate in question is highly probably C6.

  5. Anonymous14:43

    According to my sources airport have problems not only with bridges but also with baggage conveyers. Reason is typical for "Balkan managers", lack of maintenance parts. It is much better to always spend money to new equipment.

  6. Few days ago I read here about BEG which is becoming HUB for the entire Southeastern Europe, including Greece. I also read about DL and AA which are just about to re-route their BUD flights to BEG.

    Maybie it's time to wake up. This article today, as well as the last comment show how capable BEG, despite of its size, is for that.

    And please don't think I write this because I hate BEG. On the contrary, I remember BEG with no empty position on apron, with JU DC-10's, Air China B-767's, Qantas B-747's, Kuwait Airways and Zambia Airways B-707's, on scheduled flights.

    And I'm simply sad that BEG (as well as ZAG, and entire ex-Yu aviation) are so low today.

  7. sorry for the offtopic (but the SKP article is closed for comments)

    i just found this:

    XL Airways is flying from Friedrichshafen(GER) to PRN and SKP , from July on, once weekly

  8. Anonymous15:36

    @ Pozdrav iz Rijeke,

    the jetway was being repaired...? which means it was out of service, something was wrong with it. there are tecnical problems all the time at lot of airport. the other day my friend was at chicago and cleveland airport and told me at chicago, they said their luggage carousal broke and on his way back, at cleveland something was broken with power....

    13% increase for April for Beograd, not bad. actually really good, and its funny how even though the charter airline started selling tickets in april, where lot of diaspora has already booked tickets, few days after selling - flights are sold out to BGD (once weekly). Serbia was put on hold during NATO bombing and fall of Yugo. They could not advance, well now they are ready for big comeback.

  9. Anonymous15:45

    I have to ask this question. Does anyone actually use BEG for travel? I mean, like in past passport control, and entering a plane?

    The state of the airport past passport control is just appalling. It's stuck in the '80s, and nothing has been done to refurbish that area (apart from the baggage area, and the duty free area). The only thing that was changed were the air bridges on the C appron, and we see how it ended up.

    When will this (most important) area of the airport get an overhaul? When will BEG get a descent lounge? It currently has nothing that a 'hub' and transit point should have.

    I don't even want to comment on Zagreb airport which is an even great dump.

  10. Anonymous18:33

    Od misa pravite slona.
    Ovo vec postaje interesantno, do te mere da bi trebalo da udje u obavezan segment emisije na RTS1 "No comment".

    Beograd je jedini koji ima probleme, a da se pritom isti ili slicni nikada, nigde u svetu nisu desili. Stvarno, Boze sacuvaj. Pitam se, kako celne ljude sa BEGa nije sramota da dozvole uopste bilo kome da sleti na aerodrom sa problemima tih razmera i da vide toliku "sramotu". Jaoj, nikada vise necu koristiti BEG. Bojim se da mi prilikom sledece posete toj ustanovi neka ptica ne izvrsi nuzdu na glavu.

    Pitam se, mozete li biti jadniji!?
    Bilo bi previse nisko od mene da se spustam na vas nivo i da pocnem da vas pljujem i blatim kao sto neki to redovno i intenzivno rade.

    Ako administrator smatra da ovaj komentar treba da se obrise, slobodno, neka to ucini. Samo, bojim se da, kako vreme prolazi, ovde ostaje sve manje i manje pravih zaljubljenika u avijaciju, a nadolazi sve vise i vise ogorcenih, isfrustriranih i zavidnih "pametnica" puni mrznje kojima je znanje dato na rodjenju, boga ti, pa su se nasli pozvani da to isto znanje podele sa nama, u naravno, najgorem mogucem svetlu. Jer zaboga, oni sve uvek najbolje znaju.

    Odrastite. I, ako je ikako moguce, izdnignite se iznad svega ostalog.
    Poslednjih par dana komentari su sve samo nisu avijacija. Na nivou, podrazumeva se. ;)

    Prijatan vam bio dan, macici moji.
    Puno pozdrava iz razlupanog i nesposobnog Beograda.

  11. Anonymous18:39

    p.s. Ako je ikako moguce, ostavite malo makedonce na miru. Drago mi je sto je Niki uveo letove iz Beca, drago mi je i za XL Airways i za sve ostale aviokompanije. Nema potrebe da Skopje/Ohrid budu vecito poslednja rupa na svirali.
    Kome se to ne svidja, apsolutno nema potrebe to da podeli sa nama ovde.

    I dokle vise ZAG/BEG rasprave!? Svaki od tih aerodroma je svakako strateski i ekonomski vazan na svoj nacin!
    Volim(o) avione. To je dovoljno da se na rasprave stavi tacka.
    Bas me briga da citam komentare koliko Masa i Mosa imaju krusaka.
    Ovo nije forum niti vas iko pita za misljenje. Ne pita ni mene, naravno. Blog je obavestajnog karaktera. Neke informacije sam saznao upravo ovde, a ne negde drugde. I zahvalan sam administratoru na tome.

    A sada, budite lepi, nemojte se bacati i nastavite da uzivate u avijaciji.
    Hvala ;)

  12. Anonymous03:15

    Am I the only one real excited for Chicago - Beograd flights starting again after 20 years?

    And what happened to Chicago - Zagreb, I do not see it on the right hand sign of the Ex-Yu aviation page for flights starting....... admin, do you know ..?

  13. Aleks, naravno da nisi jedini :)
    Samo, bojim se da pozitivnim komentarom ne pokrenemo ponovnu bujicu "lepih" reci :))))

    BTW-If you find out anything new, let us know ;)
    there is an info that theyll start online selling after May the 1st. What will be the used iata/icao code for those flights? Q7/SWQ? And what about flight number? SWQ001/002 :)))

  14. Anonymous04:35

    pa... svi cutu brate... ovo je veliki stvar :) hehe...

    I will ofcourse... I will call this one travel agency tomorrow, and if they don't have crazy cheaper price than charter - im buying charter tickets with my family, maybe within a couple weeks...

    I dont know if I said already , but from Cleveland -Chicago - Belgrade this is what the agent told me here in Cleveland:
    For the child $1375 is the current price
    For the adult $1514 is the current price

    She told me this Friday, and I should be getting more information from her this week.
    Now Cleveland - Chicago is about $250, so for children discount ORD - BEG maybe $1,050 and adults $1,275... (rough estimate) .. not too bad..

    She still needs to tell me what airline flied CLE - ORD... but i LOVE how Chicago - Beograd will be full of Serbian people , making us all feel more safe over seas :)

    They still dont have anything on flight numbers, who knows when they will be available... just thank god there are finally flights after 20 years USA - Beograd :)))) opppppa...!!

    According to the agent, some flights are already sold out and the selling is doing VERY well , which is surprising for only a week I believe of ticket selling, and lot of diaspora here already purchased tickets with Lufthansa, Delta, etc...... nice :)

  15. Anonymous11:58

    Can you tell me was incident of Air France some year ago conected to air bridges in BEG? Any conections with this incident? Maybe those air bridges does not function well.

    In any case that is not good for BEG. To many incedents in short period of time.

  16. Anonymous15:36

    Problem nisu avio-mostovi, nego nestrucno rukovanje i odrzavanje istih... Ljudi tj. osoblje je do te mere nestrucno i ne savesno da nemam reci, a najveci problem je to -da nezele da nauce i usavrse se....

  17. Anonymous09:12

    Проблем је у самом руководству аеродрома! Генерални директор је особа која нема појма о ваздухопловству већ када мора да држи говор лупа више него очигледне чињенице.

    Нервира ме то што се хвали како су они права фирма и како они праве профит и шта год када су они једини аеродром на подручију Србије кој има нормални ваздушни саобраћај! Али човек је члан Г17 и преко одређених министара је дошао на ту позицију, не заслугом. Мада, која Српска фирма данас има шефа кој је дошао на то место заслугом?


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