November numbers down at Adria, on the up at Croatia Airlines
Adria Airways has faced the full brunt of its network suspensions in November as the Slovenian carrier handled 60.300 passengers, down 9.5% compared to the same period last year. The average cabin load factor was also under par standing at 57.9%. The figures were to be expected since the number of flights operated by Adria in November decreased almost 8%. So far this year the carrier has handled approximately 1.098.538 passengers, which is just under last year’s result for the same period. Adria will have a tough ask to exceed last year’s annual result when it welcomed 1.170.235 passengers.Meanwhile, in November, Croatia Airlines carried 112.100 passengers, an increase of 6% compared to last year. From January until the end of November, the Croatian carrier welcomed 1.708.355 passengers. It is on course to surpass its 2008 end of year record when it saw 1.8 million passengers. This November, its cabin load factor stood at 67%.
As was previously reported, Jat carried 77.751 passengers in November, leading to a total of 1.141.476 passengers for the year. As a result, until the end of November, when passenger figures from all of the national carriers of the former Yugoslavia are combined, they carried a total of just over four million passengers.
Adria is eating loads of tax payers money giving back ... to them nothing! I can't believe that system still supported as it is.
ReplyDeleteThey reduced some (among the unprofitable) unprofitable routes. SO it's logically to excpect the load to go up (and not down) a little bit.
And 1. they are not using big aircrafts only (well -in fact- every aircraft is too big for them) 2. they don't loose many connecting pax with flights cuts (because e.g. n. of connecting pax via Lj, to Paris, from ex-Yu or viceversa was NEGLIGIBLE already before)-
ReplyDeleteif you cant correctly read the data, do not comment it.
LF went down becuase Adria operated routes with bigger planes (in statistics you can see higher ASK) - as one CRJ was leased to Cirrus, and another one was on scheduled maintenance and becuase of that A319,20 need to operate on some routes almost whole month.
Second, due to negative media, less tickets were sold than last year.
But overall Adria made 3M more income till Novemeber than last year and will end year with approx 11M loss.
Though fuel price went up from 2010 for more than 30%,
Fourth, almost all destination are available for 190€ (or even less), is not this good ?!?!
About connection to LGW and CDG, it is true but during winter that connections to Southeast Europe are not so popular, just few weeks in December/January.
But I hope they will return to them at least 3-4 times per week in summer timetable.
Almost all destinations available for 190 EUR. Well YM offers for 159 EUR, Lufthansa is around 150-180 EUR, Jat offers different discounts. So no real need for JP. Example: BEGLJUBEG/JP 166 EUR, BEGFCOTRSFCOBEG/AZ 140 EUR. Guess if I am sending my mother via FCO, since she is going to the coastal Slovenia.
ReplyDelete@ Sky
ReplyDelete50 million Euros thrown into Adria and now we're supposed to rejoice because they are offering us (some) flights for 190€ with a gazillion restrictions on it?! Oh the altruism!
And 'bad press' is to blame for laughable passenger numbers - that's your argument?
You know what, I am so fed up with anyone even slightly defending all the gov support for these bankrupt airlines, especially JP. If YOU are okay with financially supporting a defunct airline that really benefits 5 people than invest as a private investor - I, for one, do not want MY hard earned MONEY, to be used for that.
well our hard earned money if you so call it, would be used for something anyway xD
ReplyDeleteNLB or some other good project
maybe for renting a new building for a new governmet division
Well alitalia is really a good example, do you know maybe how much THEIR GOVERNMENT PAID them to be able to operate??
YM anothera good example, are they making a PROFIT with 159€ sale???
Yozu CAN NOT compare LH with JP LOL
they have longhaul traffic which really covers some loss making european flights, but I checked yesterday GRZ-FRA, they have a few cheap tickets which ents with 140€ but other economy are around 190€, so in the same range.
And if 26€ is worth 10 hours of more travelling, than =D I really cant say more...
it is really interesting 140€, I almost can not believe that as you will need to pay 4 airport taxes and fuel costsa and all this is covered in 140€ ? I bet airline get 5€ for all this LOL
What are restrictions on 190€ ?? pleas say them - compare them with Lufthansa's restrictions on the same price =D I would love to see where Adria is "worst"
"And 'bad press' is to blame for laughable passenger numbers - that's your argument?"
Well if EVERY media is saying for 2 months you wont fly afer September, yes this is a good argument.
As there was a big drop and on the other hand more codeshare tickets were bought so Adria was hit twice.
And btw it is not your hard earned money, it is governmet money, which you NEED to pay them, but you can do with YOUR money whatever YOU like.
And really, you can not expect changes over night!?!
CEO said Adria will be profitable in 2013, can you give him a bit of time.
Even whole 50m were not transfered to the airline while you all cry like a baby.
What about NLB eating money machine. How much money went there this year/ next year. For what ?!?!
So pleas 50M vv 500-1000M in two years, come on.
How much went to Mura over last decade and other companies, and nobody cried.
How you can compare Adria "thrown away" money with Alitalia?
ReplyDelete1. at the end ... Alitalia REALLY DID CONSIDERABLE CUT (!) OF THEIR WORKFORCE AND SALARIES (!) ... except the CEO :(,
(AND Alitalia longhoul IS NOT covering the price of local routes).
2. Alitalia HAS OFFERS -right now- you can book: Trieste - Roma- Beijing and back for 404 ue ALL INCLUDED or Trieste - Roma - Tokio and back for 474 eu, Trieste - Roma -Rio de Janeiro and back for 604 eu, Trieste -Roma - New york and back for 410 eu,
Milano - Madrid round trip is only 94 eu etc. Roma - Bruxelles 89 eu round trip !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Venice - Paris 104 eu etc.
3. Austrian Airlines has Milano - Vienna roundtrip for 82 eu, Milano - Stockolm (via Vienna! so more tax 4 legs) for 168 eu,
Milano - Moscow (vie Vienna for 258eu,
4. Swiss Air has Venezia - New York (via Zurich) for 433 eu Montreal for 440 eu, Copenhagen 160 eu etc
5. Money for Adria is only lost money. THEY DON'tHAVE A VISION. JUST TAKE AS MUCH MONEY AND AS LONG AS POSSIBLE. FOR SURE THAT WILL END ONCE: BUT WHOCARES THEY WILLBE RETIRED AT THAT TIME. DO you know what the money given was used (also) for? To pay credits for unpaid aircrafts, that Adria has not in the fleet anymore!!!
the fun thing on JP is that you always see which government is ruling the country.
ReplyDeleteAs soon there is Merry Christmas wishes on the website, you know it s mid right otherwise Christmas and even Santa Claus is non existent.
where OU website is much more sympathic...
Sorry za off, but it is breaking news:
ReplyDeleteEvo jucerasnjih razmisljanja Simunovica na RV:
- izmedju redaka se zakljucuje da cemo godinu zavrsiti u gubitku od 70 mil., ali prava brojka ce se znati u 3. mjesecu jer placanja za 2011. a koja dolaze pocetkom 2012. ovise o tecaju tako da ova cifra moze biti i znatno veca ali nikako 100 mil kako Sirac tvrdi. Mislim da je 70 mil. najoptimisticnija varijanta.
-smatra da je zima 2010. bila katastroficna, a da sad znatno bolje stojimo premda ce se morati poduzeti dosta stvari da bi firma mogla opstati i stabilno poslovati. Neke ideje su vec na stolu nove vlasti a sto ce od svega biti treba sacekati kraj sijecnja jer bi se on se nada nova garnitura trebala ocitovati. Na natjecaj za rekonstrukciju se javilo 10-ak stranih tvrtki a koja ce biti vidjet cemo uskoro. Nas krajnji rok za zavrsetak procesa oporavka i stabiliziranja je datum ulaska u EU.
-smatra da u regiji daleko najbolje stojimo pa cak i bolje od Austriana.
- tvrdi da cemo slijedecu godinu zavrsiti na 0 ili u plusu i da je to i prezentirano kroz petogodisnji plan. Ove godine smo kako i stoji u planu prepolovili gubitak jer je navodno u ovo vrijeme bio 159 mil. Rekao je da buduce minuse nitko nece pokriti i stoga je pozitva jedina opcija.
-avione nismo iznajmili jer nam se to nije isplatilo. Na pitanje zasto ih nismo iznajmili na 24 mj. a sezonu pokrili unajmljenim avionima odgovorio je da se to kad se stavi na papir ne isplati jer kad damo zrakoplov u najam onda najam pokriva samo troskove zrakoplova i posade a da to nije dovoljno jer on mora zaraditi i za ostale sektore u firmi
-on podrzava nabavku aviona i stoji da je to nuzno i da je odluka o nabavci ispravna premda je donesena 2008.
- smatra da je nuzno zamjeniti 320-ice radi optimiziranja flote i zato sto zimi donose znatno vece gubitke od 319-ica i da godisnji obracun pokazuje da su 319-ice isplativije. Ljeti su oni u pozitivi cesce nego 319-ice jer su u charteru a to je let koji je placen bez obzira na popunjenost a da ce 319-ice dati iste takve rezultate kad budu u isyoj mjeri angazirane u charteru. Osim toga smatra da je 100 seater idealan za nase operiranje
Ovo je jedna od stvari gdje su se Uprava i Analiza slozili!
- pitanje angaziranja cura preko agencije je po njegovom radi znacajnog smanjivanja troska i da ce to prezentirati na kraju godine i da bi bilo suludo da to radi, a da nema financijsku isplativost
-navodno smo sa Istanbulom rijesili problem i tu je kljucnu ulogu odigrala i Vlada jer su im po prvi put priprijetili protumjerama.
-krenut cemo sa Moskvom i tu nam Rusi nisu pravili nikakve probleme.
-navodno cemo dobijat u buducnosti PSO na regionalnom nivou iz EU fondova (Podgorica, Sarajevo, Pristina itd.)
- neke linije cemo ukinuti jer iz godine u godinu generiraju minuse. Nije htio precizirati koje jer jos nije odluceno pa ne zeli prejudicirati.
I bomba sa Nadzornog odbora
Pravi razlog danasnje sjednice NO je bilo prolongiranje nabavke Airbus flote sa 2013/14. na 2015/16.Od Simunovica je NO zatrazio pismeno ocitovanje (Gosp. Jusup) na sto je ovaj jako poludio.
Uzgled Simunovic je totalno poludio i sto se moja Analiza poslovanja CTN-a ucinila javnom i sto je podjeljena Nadzornom odboru. clanovi Nadzornog odbora su Analizu prihvatili izvanredno!!! Sto nikako nije pomoglo dusevnom stanju generalnog direktora...
ReplyDeleteHrvatski Sindikat Prometnih Pilota ce mi pruziti i fizicku zastitu! :-)))
To "Sky":
ReplyDeleteYou're a fool.
I work 175 hours a month. I earn 1.875€ before and 995€ after taxes (that includes night shifts). I pay 880€ of payroll taxes EVERY MONTH to the government. And contrary to your perception, that is not THEIR money, that is MY money deducted from my EARNED salary which I pay to the state so they can guarantee good basic services for me and my children, such as free education, a working judicial system, an efficient police force and other public services. I never did or ever will sign up for that hard earned money that the state collects via rip-off high tax rates to be thrown into ANY section of the economy, let alone Adria Airways.
There is much work, discipline and money needed in those areas where the state actually has a mandate for a job to do, e.g. our dysfunctional courts. The state has no place in aviation apart from that of providing some basic regulation. Airlines should be private. If you can find private investors to finance your debts then fine, otherwise you're dead and so be it.
My money for the police, education and even health care - yes. For Adria, NLB or any other (supposed to really be private) enterprise - absolutely NOT.
On a different note: happy holiday season everyone.
I guess Adria has a bad reputation and communication with its local market. This is something that is killing.
ReplyDeleteFirst guess when you mention Adria to a Slovenian guy is - expensive !
In such a case it is hard to operate positive!
Thanks for sharing Purger :)
ReplyDeleteIn that way, make a calculation how much taxes have Adria's employees paid to the government?
ReplyDeleteAnd as you said:
1. at the end ... Alitalia REALLY DID CONSIDERABLE CUT (!) OF THEIR WORKFORCE AND SALARIES (!) ... except the CEO :(,
well Adria started with restructuring plan in OCTOBER 2011
so can you wait for a year or so to comment ?!?
And as said, own stuff is always the worst, all from the other countries is better.
I really do not get it with this kind of thinking, where we all Slovenians will be employed??
Btw do you know how much money STA pays to easyJet per year (since London-LJU opening)?
Few million € for advertising, and than they stop flying after a year to CDG, now this is really a good airline and worth every cent of Slovenian money, is not it =D ??
And as you can read, Slovenian snow resorts already cry as Adria is not flying to London anymore, they said, their guests are not flying here with easy and other LCC but with 'national' airlines rater.
I like Adria. It has the best of ex-YU airlines service. Fingers corssed.