Belgrade most successful EX-YU airport in 2011

During 2011, the airport also managed to report a strong profit, decrease its aircraft handling fees several times and begin a multi million Euro overhaul and expansion project at the very end of the year. Despite the success, several airlines cancelled services to the Serbian capital in 2011. They are: B&H Airlines (Sarajevo), Cimber Sterling (Copenhagen), ČSA Czech Airlines (Prague) and Aerosvit Airlines (Kiev). On the other hand, several carriers commenced operations to Belgrade Airport in 2011. They include Olympic Air (Athens), Croatia Airlines (Dubrovnik), Flydubai (Dubai) and Sky Work Airlines (Bern).
Below you can view Belgrade Airport’s five most successful years since opening its doors in 1962
Year | PAX |
1987 | 3.311.951 |
1988 | 3.277.537 |
2011 | 3.124.633 |
1979 | 2.839.995 |
1986 | 2.822.908 |
Congratulations to Belgrade Nikola Tesla!
ReplyDeleteWith current trends, in 2012 it will break the record so far and handle more than 3,5 million passengers.
Keep up the good work BEG.
great for Belgrade - nice to see progress.
ReplyDeleteStill, it's crazy to see such high oscilations between years and numbers.
Let's go back to 1979 - that's a great figure. Can't believe it took 7 yrs. to recover from the crisis and reach 2,8 mil in 1986. Then we have a huge jump to 3,3 and than by 1989 it looks like another drop down to 2,8 - judging from the fact 1989 didn't make it in top 5. Crazy !
In 1979 LDZA handled 1,917,000 mil and it didn't even manage to recover that by 1990. It took until 2007 when in handled somethng like 1,992,000 mil.
One wonders what to think of all this. Should we compliment LDZA for beating its all-time record some 4-5 yrs. before Belgrade (2007 vs. most likely 2012) or be depressed that it took 28 yrs. (as opposed to Belgrade that's probably going to do it in 25).
Hopefully that by 2020 we'll be talking about 5 to 7mil. pax for those 2 airports.
Does anyone have data on Ljubljana, Pristina or Split pax numbers? I'd like to know who's taking the bronze for 2011...
Ok - Zagreb just published its data now too...
ReplyDelete141.061 for December, which makes the total 2.319.098 pax for 2011.
12% growth - very nice, although I hoped for 2,4 mil. sometime in September/October...
Good results. However, cannot see the same growth rate in 2012. 16% in 2011 was achieved mainly due to Jat's lower fares all year round (not expected to drop further) and Wizzair's several new routes starting from S2011.
ReplyDeleteSo observing YoY, Wizzair's growth rates will continue to be significant in the first 3 months of 2012 and then remain fairly constant, while Jat will witness growth only if their S2012 plans for new routes work out (but for sure that will not be the same Y2011 growth rates).
Lufthansa's airlinies (25% of total BEG pax) might also help if they continue with this slow expansion in terms of frequencies.
Serbia's GDP per capita is expected to remain nearly stagnant, so this also won't drive pax growth.
So, 16% growth will not happen again in 2012.
1. Olympic Airways does not exist, it was closed down after MIG bought the airline. The official name is Olympic Air.
ReplyDelete2. If we remember what kind of comments we could see in late 2010 they were the same for 2011 as those for 2012.
With Serbia stabilizing the crisis (more or less) we will not see the GDP fall which means that more people could afford to travel in 2012 than 2011. This means that there will be more potential for passengers.
2012 will be another great year for Belgrade Airport with the expansion taking place and with Jat Airways finally putting its act together.
Of course we will have to wait and see what the airlines are preparing for us in their summer 2012 schedule.
All in all good results for Belgrade airport and good that they have reduced their taxes. They were too high as it is.
@ Petar: I agree with you on those huge oscillations. I think that air travel in Yu was really hit badly by the global oil crisis and I know JAT was really hit by the 1st gulf war then there were those various economic crisis in Yugoslavia which became worse in 1989 so I assume that’s the reason why that year is not in the top 5.
ReplyDeleteall in all, cabin occupancy in 2012 for all the airliners was around 67%, right? Im interested in those statistics about cabin loads very much. thanks
ReplyDeleteIt is still funny to read the numbers from Balkans, i work @ Amsterdam airport, 3.8/4.2 million a month (49,6 in 2011) is a normal number, but here they talk about 3 millioans in 12 months :']
ReplyDeleteYou're right FSXNOOB, let's laugh at the fact how poor these people are and how miserable their airport numbers are.
ReplyDeleteand tell me about numbers from EIN and RTM. dont forget that we live in poor countries and we do not laugh on comments like this one. we are proud to be from balkan. we are still humans like u r :) wish u more work at AMS. hope u will have enough money to spend for yourself only, because i know that u would never pay some drink to your fellows. ONLY FOR YOURSELF. good luck with numbers in 2012. greets from belgrade.
ReplyDeleteNothing to laugh about it. I'm born in Croatia thats why i follow this blog. I work for the Dutch Customs and we fly to many places to provide EU training, Zag in april.
ReplyDeleteBut the numbers are crazy and shows the huge difference, one month work here is a year work there. No hard feelings, i wish the balkans millions and the best 2, but the balkans mentality, lazyness and corruption will always pull everything down.
2011 was really impressive.
ReplyDeleteSomething Wizzair contributes
a lot.MD is right when he says
growth will continue till begin of April.
I would love to see Alitalia going daily to Rome and open Milan.
But current state of Serbian economy
is disastrous.Does there even exist a Serbian economy?
Maybe a new government will change something,
but if the current one gets reelected again then in the next four years everything stays as worse at it is.
any news on jat changing for new years? Milutin Mrkonjic said by new years a new Jat would begin forming but obviously he was pulling monkeys out of his butt
ReplyDelete@FSXNOOB well, it`s quite obvious that you are from these parts, Croatia that is. Normal guy from Holland would never write such a nonsense you have written. Comparing AMS and BEG and gloating how AMS has 10 times more passengers is simply idiotic. AMS is the second biggest transit hub in Europe, after FRA, connections all around world, don`t forget the world`s largest airline is stationed over there... Do i need to say any more... Really, get a life, accept that BEG is the fastest growing airport, regional leader and please, if you don`t have anything smart to say, don`t say it at all...
ReplyDeleteGreetings from BEG
Oh my god Supervisor dont write such a shit ,please !
ReplyDeleteThat guy Snoob said already that he nothing has against BEG, also that same applies to other EX Yu airports also !
That comes around when some assholes from Croatia always mock about Serbs and Serbia :
then the Serbs are extremely unfriendly against Croats ,even those who are good people and never intended to hurt Serbs.
When will Croats and Serbs behave like civilized people when talking
with each other ?
ReplyDeleteBesides numbers, there is nothing else to be proud of working at AMS. For me personally, it's one of the the least favorite airports I have been to. Terminals are so far away from each other and very poorly connected, long lines to check-in or transfer, stinky bathrooms, bad food and the worst customer service I have ever experienced at any airport. From the transfer desk agents to the customs, everyone looked very gloomy, unfriendly and at some point were even yelling at people. If that's what you come to the Balkans to train us for, no thank you. I think the whole NL would benefit more of some customer service training as it's obvious that you desperately some.
For al you 'serious people' dont cry, i was just talkin how funny the numbers can be, there was no hate or real comparing between the 2 :)
ReplyDeleteOffTopic to last Anonymous:
Only thing your right is the bad food :)
You want 49,4 million pax and everything 24/7 good and perfect, with no lines and stuff? Dream on. When your on the wrong day or time inside, every big airport sucks. When 2 flights next to each other get canceld, all the poeple go to the nearest transfer desk. Smart ones walk 200 meter futher and there is NO que, easy as that, but you have to be smart and not start crying about lines.
And i dont blame you if you think that the customs sucks 2, thats why the Scandinavian & Dutch are the highest rated in the taxation and Customs Union reviews and train and support other EU/NEU country's. Not everything is what it seems.
Good job Belgrade airport!
ReplyDeleteIt is true Serbia has no economy...but for a ruined country
3 million pax is a very good result!
I also do think we will not see increase this year ...but as long
Beg has more than 3 million per year we can be happy.
Hi Fsxnoob ,i like the way you react
ReplyDelete...calm and understanding.
Here on this blog you have to stay calm or have a thick skin.
I personally hate this mistrust between Serbs and Croats, it is so childish behavior.
To see adults behave in this way
makes me really sad.
Sommige jaren geleden was ik in Belgie voor werk,dus kan ik een beetje Nederlands,ik was ook soms in Amsterdam ,heel mooie plaats!
Hoe komt dat een Croat werkt in
Schiphol ? En gevalt u uw werk en leven in Nederland ?
U moet niet antwoorden, ik wens u maar all het beste !
By one of pilots in Doha, Qatar will start with line Zagreb - Doha on 9th May via Budapest. At the end of year ZAG line will be nonstop one.
ReplyDelete* de wereld is klein, en voor je het weet zit je in A'dam 32 jaar met alle plezier :)
ReplyDeletePurger do you really think that rumours between pilots is a reasonable source?
ReplyDeleteNothing gets Serbs' panties in a knot than just simply saying things the way they are.
ReplyDeleteBelgrade air traffic is almost up to Winnipeg, Canada, (middle of no-where), population 700K
I mean, congrats on growing. Belgrade is developing (very slowly), but 3 mil is nothing to write home about for a village airport most places, nevermind a "capital" city.
ReplyDeleteNo hate or anything. I am neither Serb or Croat. My point was only to say that bigger doesn't mean better. Also the Christmas bomber, who attempted to blow up the Delta airplane over Detroit few years ago, came through AMS. That tells a lot about "high" ratings of customs/controls at AMS.
@ Doot
ReplyDeleteThere is nothing wrong with constructive criticism but constantly ridiculing and degrading people's attempts to achieve something better and pull themselves out of misery and poverty that this region has been facing for quiet some time, is not helping. I agree we have lots of crap to clean, but please tell me what country doesn't? Instead of attacking and making fun of this news, we should be embracing it and hope for even more passengers to come through BEG and all Ex YU next year. 3 mil passengers might not be a lot, but 16% increase is significant. And if you already want to compare apples with oranges, you can tell what was the passenger percentage increase at Winnipeg?
The amount of aircraft movements from 1979 in DBV is unbeaten until and incl. 2010
ReplyDeleteDid not see the figures yet from 2011.
DBV pax figures:
Petar, you re right, the figures show a decrease in pax figures from 1988 to 1989, however with an increase again 1990. And the crisis after 1979 seems not to be an international one, rather domestic. As domestic figures went down in the following years, on the contrary international pax figures in DBV increased, except for one year in 1983. 1983 to 1984 there was a sharp increase of 25%.
But what makes me thoughtful is that 1979 we already had in BEG that much pax like in 2010. so its obvious how much went wrong in the region the past 3 decades.
There is so much distrust on this blog between Croats and Serbs. Why? Honestly said, for me the breakup of Yugoslavia was non-sense. Much more disadvantages than advantages. Yugoslavia was ahead of the Warsaw bloc, today even Bulgaria and Romania are ahead of most parts of the former Yugoslavia.
Slovenia is a good example. They declared them being so much differently, not belonging to the Balcans etc. an EU member since 2004 Shit they are. Politically a banana republic, since months no government. same corrupt dudes as in Sarajevo, Nis or Pristina. Doing nothing for the citizens and the country, just filling their own pockets. So what do I need an independent Slovenia for? In the worldwide economy the past 20 years, the complete opposite happend. Finding synergies, saving money thru mergers. And in Yugoslavia, you have now 6 countries, 6 military, 6 administrations, 6 football leagues and nothing else left than debts and mismanagement.
Basically what I wanna say, more or less are all very similar. The the last 30 years, so much time was lost with conflicts, separations, accusations etc. All non-sense and nedless. We rather would have joined forces and strived for further development of the entire region.
Than people would be less poor and we could have an airport in Belgrade in 2012 with over 20 mio passengers and not just same figure as 30 years ago.
I like people in Podgorica, as much as I do them in Prizren, Novi Sad, Karlovac or Koper.
Time really stood still...
"Purger do you really think that rumours between pilots is a reasonable source?"
ReplyDeletethis one is!
The numbers in Belgrade are impressive and there is more room for growth so I believe the numbers will continue to grow in 2012 up until they have proportionally the same amount of pax to population as Zagreb after it will still grow but at a smaller rate. Remember air travel is on the increase the world over so it will also be true for the former Yugo countries. Authorities in Zagreb should be asking themselves why they don't have 16% growth and what they could do to match or better this. This should have nothing to do with Cro v Serb but just simple healthy competition.
I have to disagree there. Yugoslavia was great as long as you were Serbian or maybe even Macedonian but for Croatia I believe is in a better place now because of independence. Do you honestly think for example that Croatia would have such a good freeway network now if it was still part of Yugo? I don't think so and also the fact that every village in Croatia got running tap water, telephone and paved roads within 3 years of independence something that Yugoslavia could not do in 45 years!
Unfortunately Yugoslavia’s fate was decided when Belgrade was made the capital. Like it or not it gave Serbia too much power which meant every other republic would always be and feel disadvantaged. I sometime wonder what Yugo would have been like if this error was not made and for example Sarajevo was the capital.
ReplyDeleterecent international polls taken conclude that over 40% of croatian youth prefer to live in yugoslavia. that is a fact. in addition, i must disagree with you when you say serbia had too much power. if i recall tito was a croat, and the president of yugoslavia for nearly its entire existence. so you cannot say making belgrade the capitol was a mistake since it was the most prosperous and largest city...those were the only reasons for making it so.
i would also like to point out, that the biggest problem that yugoslavia had was that it did not handle its money efficiently. every republic got an equal amount of money while the gdp output for each republic was different. serbia, croatia, and slovenia especially had above the average output. macedonia, montenegro, and bosnia were below average but all still got the same amount of capital. this was a problem for croats and slovenes, and teh argument was mostly the disagreement to transform a dying socialist economy into a capitalistic one. if yugoslavia had adopted a policy similar to germany, i believe we would still have that country. but because there were so many disagreements and no one could come to one, croatia and slovenia had nothing to lose declaring independence because the system would stay the same.
i would also like to mention that the eu is actually a larger version of yugoslavia, and 39 of the smartest people in the world had been wondering why every ex-yu country that wanted independence of such a system is going back into that system. something for all to think about.
i can see that you are a mild nationalist and everyone is entitled to their own opinion. but to state something so bold as serbs were responsible for the destruction of yugoslavia is incorrect and it shows how blinded you really are. i suggest you try to get unbiased facts and stop the serbs are bad bullshit. like i said, croatia is entering another yugoslavia in 2013 so a change of attitude may be wise on your part.
by the way, congratulations to belgrade on achieving a wonderful pax number. hopefully it only increases more from now on.
ReplyDeleteare there any plans for north american flights to resume? the aprons and parking space are supposed to be wider so larger aircraft can use this to attract long-haul operations?
I hope Serbia's economy improves. I'm studying international finances and from my research I must say that Serbia actually has a really positive outlook. It's producing one of the fastest rising GDPs in the world and it doesn't have much going for it now. Imagine what it would be like if they capitalize on their potential!
ReplyDeleteThe biggest problem is the negative image and few people in very rich countries have heard of Serbia. They need to attract big investments, much bigger than the ones they are attracting now. The FTA with Ex-USSR countries gives it a very big edge when it comes to European market. But don't give up hope...according to financial figures, it cannot get worse than if this is the worst, you should have hope. Samo Sloga Srbina Spasava!
ReplyDeleteAnonymous, thank you for saying what we all were probably thinking. There is absolutely no need for that kind of talk and nationalism here.
As for airport growths, the Balkans need to become more known and more competative if they want to increase their pax figures. Here is what I think the Big 3 should focus on:
Slovenia: it needs to focus on its business aspect. It has a little partof the Adriatic, not enough to attract anybody though (JAT already tried). They need to open Maribor ASAP and try to attract businessmen as much as possible.
Croatia: it is actually doing all it can rght now. It's tourist industry accounts for about half of the pax going through Croatia. But the biggest problem is that tourists don't return t Croatia. Most tourists visit Croatia once, see everything, and don't return. This is not a visible problem now as many are beginning to view Croatia as a tourist destination, but it will lose this in the future unless they do something to revamp the tourist industry. Recently Croatia has been trying to promote Zagreb as a regional hub...but with Belgrade too close, it is a waste of time and money...focus on the coast.
Serbia: Serbia is opening new airports which I personally don't see as good seeing how Nis can't attract any airlines, I don't understand how these new airports are going to. Belgrade is becoming more well-known in Asia and Africa which is visible by the huge amount of tourists it received. But Belgrade needs to focus on becoming the regional hub for long-haul flights and businessmen. Both of which it has barely focused on at all. People should also be reminded that there is much more to Serbia than Belgrade, Guca, and Exit...and like I said, focus on making the country a viable spot for businesses and then tourists...not the other way around.
ReplyDeleteI admire your composure towards primitive reactions.
Looking forward to your future contributions.
Mr. JU520
ReplyDelete"I like people in Podgorica, as much as I do them in Prizren, Novi Sad, Karlovac or Koper"
No one needs your liking and political views.
This is place to put opinions about aviation industry and get some information that we all would have some benefit of.
Try to find some other blog where you could cry for jugoslavija.
Isn't this blog name include Yugoslavia in it?
ReplyDeleteAren't guys on this blog compare results between airports in ex-yu region? You can't expect everyone to keep calm after all.
@Winnipeg guy...
ReplyDeletePoor you, I can imagine how hard is life there...I hope you'll feel better after comparing pax figures on both airports! Good luck
Help sick individual Doot!!!
ReplyDeleteEveryone who knows me knows that I am not nationalist (so please don’t call me one after this post). My driver is Serbian and he is very good man indeed. I don't care what nationality is someone but is he good man or not.
ReplyDeleteBut you have to know that it was hard to be Croat in Yugoslavia. We were even afraid to call ourselves Croats, and when someone asks you where you get from usually I said Zagreb. Just for singing 100 years old songs about ban Jelacic who was Croatian ruler 100 years before Yugoslavia we went to prison! And not just for that but for hundreds of songs. Croats could not have career in Army or Police (just very few of them did have it to show that there are some but it was very little number not more than 1% of officers). All commanders of Police in Croatia were Serbians and they did not have more than 10% of populations. I have to go to catholic education in church secretly that my father will not have problems. Etc, etc...
You have millions of examples but let us discuss just air traffic. Croatia opened very successful air company Pan Adria, but Jat and Yugoslavia did not allowed that and company had to be closed, not like Slovenian Adria for example. Jat even took planes from Pan Adria. Yugoslavia finance building most of airports but not Zagreb, and Zagreb was second the biggest airport. Just compare Belgrade and Zagreb airports in Yugoslavia and investment in them. Belgrade was one of most modern airport in Europe, Zagreb was one of worst. Jat lines were forced to go to Belgrade. And in same time it was so stupid than you had more flights from Split or Dubrovnik to Belgrade than to Zagreb. Why? Because flights just missed Zagreb connections and, how strange, have perfect connection throw Belgrade.
As results you have much higher BDP in Croatia today than in rest of exYugoslavia (exempt Slovenia), and living standard is definitely very big. Medium salary is 810 EUR netto, social rights are very high, investments in infrastructure are the highest in Europe. All of that we did not have in Yugoslavia. You don't have to do nothing else just compare Zagreb and Belgrade any you will see! I was in Belgrade just few months ago for first time after 1989 and I was totally disappointed. Belgrade looks like time stops in middle 80's. One of my colleagues from Belgrade told me «here in Hyatt it is different world and the rest of us outside fight for our live, that is different world outside». Belgrade traffic is disaster, roads are terrible, no signs on road, trams are older than me, taxies are even 25 years old Zastava 101, it is extremely dirty, shops are build without any logic even in roads, police is shame (uniforms, cars) especially in border (even letter from «Policija» signs on cars or building are missing, and that is not exemptions), post offices looks like you are in prison, you can not find even postcards in all Belgrade (not even in airport), even Bezanijska kosa as elite part of Belgrade is so dirty and poor (my friend have offices and flat there)... In front of Bezanijska kosa hospital is “mountain” of garbage including medicaments, syringe etc. The only good thing in Belgrade are prices because it is so cheap to eat, sleep in good hotel or party there.
I know that you will jump now and call me nationalist, stupid etc, but that is fact that everyone will tell you who is subjective (not from Belgrade). The same fact as Zagreb airport is provincial shit-house compare even to Tivat.
to anonymous@ January 11, 2012 3:56 AM,
ReplyDeleteAs far as your outlook on Croatia and LDZA is concerned, I disagree.
It is not true that tourists don't come back to Croatia, they do as was clearly seen in 2009 when most other mediterranean destinations saw decline in tourist arrivals and overnight stays by 10 % or more. Croatia saw a 2-3% decline. In 2011 only, the numbers increase from 7 to 8% - astronomic growth.
What most relevant public ambassadors (TV producers, celebrities) and tourists point out is the fact that Croatia is full of surprises in every aspect of one's stay.
Croatia hasn't even done much yet to fulfill even a little of the overall potential.
Besides Adriatic, Croatia has so much more - but it has Adriatic - something that failed to be politically and forcefully acquired by Serbia in 1991 - wrong choice of project - sorry. (the whole Orthodox thing with serbian minority was a shameful and manipulative scheme by Belgrade who used those people)
I'd like to remind you that LDZA is a capital of a country that has 10 mil. foreign tourists (11,2 million overall) with 58 mil foreign overnights (65 mil overall) which yields in a multiplication factor of 2.2 (10 divided by 4,5 which is the population of Croatia).
Belgrade would have to be a capital of a country that attracts 15 mil tourists in order to match this. Does it attract more than 0,8 mil of foreigners ? Maybe yes and they come from Slovenia, Croatia, BiH, Macedonia for a weekend.
With all due respect to Belgrade, it is a nice medium size Eastern european city with potential for business and city break tourism.
However, still it has lower number of tourists than Zagreb that is 30 to 40% smaller in size.
So your discouraging comment that positioning Zagreb as a regional hub is a waste of time doesn't hold much ground. It is an understandable comment coming from someone in Belgrade, Serbia who sees Zagreb as a rival.
Zagreb has great connections to its Adriatic coast and more and more people will want to see a capital of a country they're visiting. And mind you, they are getting crazy for Croatia lately.
Zagreb is a capital of a country that will enter the EU. To most far-away markets, Croatia still was a part of "a black hole" when not in EU.
Unfortunately, that's what most U.S. tourists or those from Asia see as opposed to Europeans that understand and "know" local European happenings better.
Just few days ago Croatia was voted as one of the top European destinations for US travellers (survey by tour operators and agencies from the US) for 2012 - something we had never achieved before.
This has a lot to do with the fact people realized this country is (or will be) part of Europe - an emergence out of the black hole.
We were literally not on a map before.
Serbia = sorry, but it has the image of an aggressive, politically imblalanced country that caused 4 conflicts in Balkans. The most recent crap with Kosovo doesn't help either.
I feel bad for that as I personally don't support the independence of Kosovo. But hey - you know what they say - universe functions funny.
things in life happen as a reaction to your action.
While it's challenging to fix one's image, reputation is even harder as it's a long term thing.
Not until recently people from around the world thought Yugoslavia was full of babushkas.
Sometime in the 80s, Yugoslavia finally started acquiring image of a safe and beautiful country.
Not long after that, we made top news with Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Kosovo, Serbia.
So, everyone in ex Yu is in a black hole still. Politically speaking.
Luckily Croatia has a chance of slowly pulling out.
Other countries may too, but have some work to do.
Purger - for once we agree :)
ReplyDeleteThank you for explaining the croatian perspective.
Serbia and Belgrade unfortunately have always had that attitude of "heads up their asses" in Equalizing Yugoslavian perspective with their perspective.
Unfortunately, that very same attitude and stubborness had yield in other republics dissatisfaction etc.
Yes, being Croatian was hard and yes we couldn't say anything - even if it was peaceful customary everyday stuff i.e. going to church or sing national anthem.
Mind you that almost every orthodox citizen in Croatia had some kind of political privilege ("spomenice") and had enjoyed a wide network of political support and social privilege.
In 1988/89 the "Yoghurt revolutions" were disgustingly forceful as they were attack on common decency and democracy. Political regime from Belgrade empowered this mob to run around Yugoslav republics and remind everyone that Serbs are opressed. Wtf ?
And you are surprised that Tudjman re-emerged in 1990 ?
We were even so democratic and still mild about it all - just wanted our freedom and soverignity.
But no - orthodox mob got mobilized once again in august 1990.
A clear perspective needs to be put in place.
For the starters, a certain nation needs to acknowledge its political responsibility as all the conflict stemmed from Belgrade's policy.
Unfortunately others were not flowers either. But what else were we to do ? Stand and become Srebrenica ?
So, yes I too will speak out.
This needs to get heard.
And Serbs should not wonder why Croatians still - even today hold grudge.
Be great and help us overcome it.
I don't understand why the administrator allows comments which are off-topic, and politically incorrect, coming from frustrated people?
ReplyDeleteGreetings from Belgrade!
there goes another one with head up his ...
ReplyDeletegreetings from Zagreb of beautiful Croata
Being Serbian in Yugoslavia was equally hard. You couldn’t celebrate any religious holiday (Christmas or Slavas) unlike in Croatia, you couldn’t talk about history, all crimes against Serbs during WW2 at the hand of the Croats and earlier were erased, at one point Serbs of mixed Russian-Serbian decent were killed, any uprising against the regime (student protests in the 60s) were quahed and sent to goli otok and son. So there were drawbacks in each republic not just Croatia. It is kind of funny that Croatia’s entire airport infrastructure was built during the 60s (obviously you got nothing and all your money was taken away), a huge part of the Croatian coast was developed then (only JAT invested millions in several hotels) and so on.
ReplyDeleteOMG people give it a rest. There are so many OTHER places you can discuss your political/historic/ethnic complexes.