Flight delays and cancelations at Croatia Airlines

The unions note that Croatia Airlines will be operating 80% of its scheduled services. Today, the airline has cancelled its flights to Frankfurt, Amsterdam, Brussels, Zurich, Dubrovnik, Split, Rome, Priština, Vienna, Munich, Pula, Zadar, Sarajevo and Skopje. As a result, return flights from Pula, Zadar, Sarajevo and Skopje, which are scheduled to operate on March 9 have also been cancelled. It should be noted that on some of these destinations, Croatia Airlines operates more than one daily flight and in most cases only one of the daily flights has been cancelled.
Croatia Airlines’ management is fuming over the planned walk out by staff saying that the industrial action is unnecessary. It has been further angered after employees said that they wouldn't strike with the airline unable to resume normal operations today. The carrier claims that the terms set out by the unions go against the airline’s cost cutting measure while seven of the eleven conditions set out by the unions go against Croatia’s state laws. Furthermore, the management says the strike will cost the airline 200.000 euros. Croatia Airlines is offering passengers the opportunity to be either rebooked on other flights or compensated to the full amount of their ticket price. Latest strike details can be found on the carrier’s website here. Those interested in viewing the collective agreement from 2011 that unions want to be changed can view it here (PDF document - in Croatian).
very simple. fire the worst out of the bunch and show others what fate will follow. quickly change ZOR (zakon o radu) and start outsourcing personnel from an agency. what these people think ? everyone else is in problems, airlines are going bust and these guys want to have their rights increased and have us taxpayers finance that ?
ReplyDeleteOn other note, I know for a fact how stuff gets stolen from the planes. One flight attendant girl accumulated a whole collection of wines in her cellar - stolen wine that is expensive. Not to mention other stuff.
While all this happens, I would change the management too and put someone else in charge.
Adria is flying those routes for OU today:
OU8001 LJU ZAG 06:15 06:45 0 0 0 0 0 0
OU470 ZAG CDG 07:30 09:35 135 0 135 0 0 0
OU471 CDG ZAG 10:35 12:30 135 0 135 0 0 0
OU662 ZAG DBV 13:35 14:30 135 0 135 0 0 0
OU665 DBV ZAG 15:10 16:05 135 0 135 0 0 0
OU8000 ZAG LJU 16:55 17:30 0 0 0 0 0 0
OU8005 LJU ZAG 06:00 06:30 0 0 0 0 0 0
OU480 ZAG CPH 07:15 09:25 180 0 180 0 0 0
OU481 CPH AMS 09:45 11:10 180 0 180 0 0 0
OU481 AMS ZAG 12:00 13:50 180 0 180 0 0 0
OU8006 ZAG LJU 14:35 15:10 0 0 0 0 0 0
AAS = A320
AAP = A319
Turkish Airlines Plans 737-900ER Service to Athens / Beirut / Tel Aviv / Zagreb in S12
ReplyDeleteAs per 08MAR12 GDS timetable and inventory display, Turkish Airlines plans to introduce Boeing 737-900ER aircraft on service to Athens, Beirut, Tel Aviv and Zagreb.
Planned operational routes, effective dates and flights as follows. Note additional changes remain possible:
Istanbul – Zagreb
25MAR12 – 16JUL12 Day x247
17JUL12 – 18SEP12 Daily
21SEP12 – 23OCT12 Day x34
They don't ask for money or privileges!!!!!!, but they ask Government to change management which made 1 billion kunas debts and minimum security level of flying that was changed by company management.
ReplyDeleteKažete, radnici štrajkuju, a ne traže ni novac ni privilegije, već traže promenu menadžmenta???
DeleteOprosti, ali kao jedan od direktno involviranih učesnika dva JAT-ova štrajka tvrdim da je to glupavo.
Moje iskustvo govori da su štrajkovi, tj. nezadovoljstvo koje rezultira štrajkom gotovo uvek ciljano izazvani, radi ostvarivanja ciljeva jedne grupe ljudi koji ili upravljaju kompanijom, ili nameravaju da upravljaju kompanijom.
Radnici naravno pravedno štrajkuju jer su im ti manipulatori smanjili plate i ukinuli odredjene privilegije(koje su imali, ili imaju drugi u regionu). U svakom štrajku je insistiranje na smeni direktora ili menadžmenta apsolutna glupost (jer na kraju dodju još gori), već uvek treba insistirati na minimumimu zahteva koji moraju ući u kolektivne ugovore strukovnih sindikata.
Takodje uvek treba što više razvući vreme pretnje (štrajk upozorenja i sl.),jer se u emotivno napetoj atmosferi u štrajk lako sklizne i udje, a onda se iz njega vrlo teško izlazi, jer ni jedna strana ne sme da sebi dozvoli kapitulaciju ( a pojednačne tvrdoglavosti, sujete i antagonizmi rapidno rastu).
I tu onda obe strane mnogo gube, a ako se status kvo oduži, na mesec i duže, može se dogoditi da kompanija nestane u stečaju.
Izvinjavam se što ne pišem na engleskom, ali nemam dovoljno znanja i živaca da se izrazim na pravi način. Hvala.
Wow....Look at the solidarity of Adria staff! Mices! It seems like JP lost their compass...
ReplyDeletePoštujem mišljenje kolege iz JAT-a, ali ako u CTN hitno ne smjene upravu neće biti ni firme, ni sindikata ni kolektivnog ugovora.