New Priština terminal rising

The construction of Priština Airport’s new terminal is advancing. Currently, work is being carried out on the construction of the new passenger terminal, which should stretch up to 45.000 square metres. For comparisons sake, the new Skopje Airport terminal has 40.100 square metres. The new terminal in Priština will be followed by the construction of a new apron and a new car park in front of the terminal building with the capacity to accommodate 1.750 vehicles, according to the project outline. A total of three air bridges will be in use at the new terminal. A new control tower and air traffic control building is already under construction and is located on the western side of the runway.
However, there have been some delays in the construction of the new terminal as the airport’s primary operator, Lymak Holding from Turkey, has had several disagreements with local authorities over the airport’s management practices and policies. The official opening date of the new terminal is set for January 2013. The price tag of the project amounts to 120 million euros.

Last year Priština became the third busiest airport in the former Yugoslavia, behind only Belgrade and Zagreb. The city is being served by fifteen scheduled airlines this summer season with Belle Air having the largest share of flights.
It’s great news for PRN but I remember seeing pics of the airport a few months ago here and comparing them to the ones today there hasn’t been a lot of progress on construction.
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ReplyDeleteCnograts to PRN from your southern neighbours in Macedonia!
ReplyDeleteBtw. today was opened the new access road to SKP Airport which connects it directly with the highway.
First quartal growth for SKP is amazing +27 percent!!
About 120 000 pax more passed through it this year compared to last one!
Congrats to both SKP and PRN.. :-)
DeleteCongratulations for Pristina! Nice to see youngest European country developing so fast. Continue growing, whole Europe support you :)
ReplyDeleteThe whole world supports all the countries in the Balkans, old as new and not ully recognized....
ReplyDeleteSKP airport terminal building by the way has 49800 square meters usable space and 11000 feet runway(the same length as Beg,Zag..)
ReplyDeletePRN has 8100 feet runway
What a retarted and incorrect comment. Skopje Airport Terminal has 40,000 square meters and not an inch more, as stated by the very same Company that constructed it. For more details see the link below:
Prishtina will have the largest terminal in the Region and I really don't see any reason for such low expressions of jealousy.
If anything, we should be proud that the Region as a whole is improving in terms of aviation services.
Are they goin to make the runway longer than its is 2500.they should do it at least 3200-3300 metters u guys have any information