Ryanair rejects Montenegro deal

No deal
Ryanair’s Board of Directors has rejected an agreement to launch flights to Montenegro after months of negotiations with the Montenegrin government. Last week, the government publicized details of the agreement, a move which angered the no frills airline. It outlined that Ryanair would launch flights to Montenegro this June from London, Milan and Brussels and operate services on a seasonal basis. The number of destinations would be progressively increased over the next four years. It has since been confirmed that flights were to operate to the country’s capital, Podgorica.

Ryanair has said that it will not fly to Montenegro as taxes at Podgorica Airport are 2.5 times greater than those in other markets. “Having in mind that this is a new market, it represents a high risk and low profit business venture in the first few years”, the airline says. The airline is willing to renegotiate the terms of the agreement but is requesting significant reductions in landing and handling fees. In neighbouring Croatia, Ryanair is exempt from paying any taxes.

It now seems that another summer will pass without a single low cost airline operating scheduled flights to Montenegro. It is the only country in the former Yugoslavia that doesn’t enjoy low cost flights, despite its expanding tourism industry. As a result, other airports in the region continue to profit, especially Dubrovnik Airport which is served by over thirty airlines over the summer season.


  1. Anonymous10:22

    Expected this was going to happen. It is really incredible the MNE doesn’t have low-cost airlines. Also don’t get why Ryanair would fly to TGD rather than TIV.

  2. Anonymous10:23

    The Ryan-Montenegro flights are becoming a legend just like Jat-Airbus order.

  3. Anonymous10:32

    Nothing new on the Eastern Front....

  4. Observer12:54

    I’m not a big fan of Ryanair but it can do a lot for the tourism industry in a country like Montenegro.

  5. Unbelievable, we ( balkans ) are realy only made for working with pigs and Vegetables, Business minds are 0,00%, they all want to earn big money in a fast time but dont look at the future :/

    I read it here every day, i'm getting ashamed of most things atm.

    1. Anonymous13:08

      You should say "Thank you" to the Turkish heritage - that's their mentality the Balkans inherited. Montenegro would be profiting even if Ryanair would have been paying zero fees. Just mafia but a stupid one.

    2. Anonymous13:38

      Except that the Turks had Atatürk. And that's why they have Turkish Airlines today.

    3. Anonymous13:58

      According to your logic Iran and Saudi Arabia should not have their own national carriers?

      As for TK, of course it is successful, that is because it is run by a consulting firm.

    4. Tupolev16015:22

      What about Iran and Saudi Arabia?

      I don't know how successful is TK, they're not making even for years but anyway the main brains out there are not Turks that's for sure. Turks have no brain for such things.

      With all the sanctions in places i think Iran Air is doing very well and operating with a large profit.

      Ataturk just changed the framework of that country but that's just in appearance, the country looks so modern but it's one of the most primitive and uneducated in the Middle-East. Nobody could change those people from inside, the way they think and what they want; they're central asians, they're very different. They have their own specific qualities and shortcomings.

    5. Anonymous15:52

      I was just referring to his logic that a country can only have a decent airline if it had a historic Westernizing refomator. I do not agree with his comment, I find it quite stupid, that is why I am asking him for clarification ;)

    6. Anonymous00:58

      I wasn't referring to the "Westernizing reformator" as such, but clear proof that a country can be changed despite its mentality. It's useless to sit and whine about the general attitude people have. With capable management, anything's possible.

    7. Anonymous06:50

      Such baseless and pure racist approach from tupelov above. We are here to talk about aviation in the region. And one way or another this gentleman(although he deserves to be called an ass) always brings thr topic to "turkish this turkish that". And i cant help but ask "what turks did to you or to ur people tupelov. why r u so angry, so angry that you sound like a barking dog with saliva dropping down from ur mouth.
      Regardless of how turks are or who own them, turkish airlines is doing hell of a job; unlike all airlines in the region. they have been growing with a tremendous speed, unlike airlines in thr region. they are being run by turkish professionals appointed by the government not by a consulting firm. they fly to more than 190 destinations in thr world and have more than 150 aircrafts in their fleet, roughly around 50 of which are wide boddies.

  6. Anonymous13:07

    Expected to happen. While commenting that no low-cost fly to Montenegro well, only 1 low-cost operates in Serbia, which is still far beyond the potential.

    1. Anonymous13:12

      1? Germanwings, Wizz Air, Norweigan Air Shuttle, Flydubai, Niki, Air One (from September)?

    2. Anonymous15:14

      I mean REAL low-cost, comparable to Ryanair, others are semi low-costs. The only real low cost that's Wizz Air.

    3. Anonymous15:50

      So according to you there are only two real low cost airlines in Europe: Wizz Air and Ryanair. Serbia has 50% of them so I think it is quite good.

  7. Anonymous13:37

    Sorry for off, but National published new facts about future Croatia airlines CEO

    "Novi šef Croatia Airlinesa

    Novi šef Croatia Airlinesa još je prije nekoliko tjedana bio znatno bliži tome da dobije otkaz iz Croatia Airlinesa, nego da zasjedne na čelo te tvrtke.

    Krešimir Kučko tri puta u proteklih godinu dana optužen je za mobing i zlostavljanje kolega u Croatia Airlinesu. Sad će voditi kompanijuGotovo da i ne prođe dan bez kadrovskog skandala novoimenovanih menadžera u nacionalnim javnim poduzećima. Ipak, slučaj Krešimira Kučka - budućeg šefa Uprave Croatia Airlinesa - po mnogočemu je specifičan. Jer, Kučko, dosadašnji direktor kompanijinog predstavništva za Belgiju i Nizozemsku, još prije nekoliko tjedana bio je znatno bliži tome da dobije otkaz iz Croatia Airlinesa, nego da zasjedne na čelo te tvrtke. Još 22. siječnja Uprava kompanije uručila mu je opomenu pred otkaz zbog incidenta koji je izazvao na letu u siječnju 2011. kad je psovao voditelja kabinske posade zbog toga što se stjuardesa usudila prigovoriti njegovoj ženi da psić kojeg je na letu nosila nije bio spremljen u torbi kako pravila nalažu. U travnju iste godine urlao je na zaposlenicu amsterdamske zračne luke jer ga je upozorila da je njegova prtljaga prevelika da je nosi u kabinu aviona. A da bi održao niz, u svibnju se pojavio pred Etičkim povjerenstvom kompanije, temeljem optužbi o maltretiranju koju je protiv njega podnijela jedna djelatnica kompanije.

    Njoj je Kučko navodno rekao sljedeće: "Neću tolerirati nikome ako se mimo mene bilo tko obrati Zagrebu ili nekom meni nadređenome te se uvijek može pronaći putnik koji će napisati žalbu na istoga u zamjenu za poneku besplatnu kartu". Povjerenstvo je prijavu ocijenlo opravdanom, a ako ne vjerujete u slučajnosti, tri incidenta u godinu dana poprilično su čvrst dokaz da netko ima problem. Ipak, hrvatska vlada taj problem, pa ni spoznaju da Kučko nema nekih značajnijih stručnih referenci, nije ocijenila preprekom da mu se povjeri rukovođenje velikom kompanijom s golemim problemima i nejasnom budućnošću.

    OK, pravo je Vlade da imenuje koga ocijeni najboljim, no zar javnosti barem ne bi trebali biti prezentirani kriteriji odabira, naročito kad je predmetna osoba nekadašnji susjed i obiteljski prijatelj premijera Milanovića? Ipak, umjesto da to učini Vlada, javnosti je sebe predstavio sam Kučko i to u autentičnom stilu. Na direktno pitanje novinara Večernjeg lista o incidentima ustrajao je u tvrdnji da se oni nikad nisu dogodili i da nikad nije bio prijavljen Etičkom povjerenstvu. Dakle, ako i nije zlostavljač, budući šef nacionalne aviokompanije nedvojbeno je lažljivac. Nažalost, čini se da Kučko svoju novu poziciju nije dobio usprkos tim inkriminacijama. Dobio ju je upravo zbog njih."

    1. Anonymous18:40

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  8. Anonymous18:32

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    1. Anonymous19:08

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  9. Anonymous19:08

    March growth for Belgrade was 14%. There were a total of 216.000 passengers (up from 188.000). Total growth so far 14%, total passengers: 604.210.

    1. Anonymous19:09

      Didn't someone predict that BEG won't have a growth greater than 10%? ;)

    2. Anonymous19:09

      I was just about to post these numbers :)
      BEG did it good again, two digit growth :)

    3. Anonymous19:22

      Indeed, nice to see a lot of months handling more than 200.000 passengers. :)
      Let's see what happens now when summer comes.

    4. Anonymous19:49

      BEG handled until now almost the entire population of the city of Zagreb.

    5. Anonymous06:12

      Calcutta handled even more

  10. Anonymous22:29

    Aviognex is going to wet lease its boing 737 200 to Chad! I am wondering which aircraft they will use for summer charters?
    Source: Their facebook page

    1. Anonymous22:43

      Rented B734 will come in May.

  11. Anonymous00:06

    Hello guys OT: whats going on with INI??? I just saw more than 50% more passengers? I mean I cant believe. Is it possible that Montenegro made that or there were some charters? Please Im very curious about Nis. I mean, great news! Thanx a lot.

    1. Anonymous00:49

      hey! dont forget that i believe the average load factor last year for Montenegro Airlines flights to INI , well the airport over all was about 25 % ... so 52.8% increase is maybe some 40% or less load factor for each flight, it is an improvement , but still has ways to go..

      hopefully these better results will lead to more airlines interested in NIS :)and bring low prices! Beograd prices are MUCH lower to destinations than Nis.

  12. KOKO02:04

    its me KOKO...

    Yes i predicted no more than 10% growth in Belgrade.

    Obviously i was wrong.

    I have no problem with this quite the opposite.

    Thus my congratulations to Belgrade airport!

  13. Anonymous08:38

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  14. Peaceful11:34

    @exYu - Pls delete the anonymous 9:32 AM sentence in jiddish language...If you can translate that to you, then you know that this is out of place in the forum and absolutely mediocre.


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