Croatia Airlines denies Zagreb - Belgrade service

No link between Zagreb and Belgrade this summer either

Croatia Airlines has denied reports it intends to launch flights between Zagreb and Belgrade this summer. Last weekend news of the resumption of flights between the two cities swept the media after the airline’s representative in Serbia was quoted by the press as saying flights will be introduced in late May. The announcement was allegedly made at the Belgrade Tourism Fair and carried by Croatian media outlets. However, the Croatian carrier has now denied the reports, saying it will launch flights between Split and Belgrade on May 31 as planned. Flights will operate twice per week and will go head to head with Jat Airways.

The last commercial service ever to operate between Belgrade and Zagreb was on August 6, 1991 by JAT Yugoslav Airlines. However, flights between the two cities were regularly disrupted in the months prior to the suspension due to the refusal of ground staff to handle JAT aircraft in Zagreb. In December 2011, then Croatia Airlines CEO, Srećko Šimunović announced that flights would be launched between the Croatian and Serbian capital during the summer of 2012. However, they never did. On the other hand, Jat Airways has no plans to resume flights to the Croatian capital. It maintains that the two cities are too close and are connected by efficient road infrastructure, rendering services unnecessary.

This summer, besides Croatia Airlines’ two weekly flights between Split and Belgrade, Jat Airways will also operate between the two cities, four times per week. Furthermore, it will resume seasonal flights to Pula with four weekly flights and another five weekly flights will be operated between Belgrade and Dubrovnik. Services commence in the first week of June.


  1. Anonymous10:57

    Idiots... both JU and OU

    1. Anonymous13:23

      I have to agree with you! Both were great airlines, but now with cost cutting and financial burdens they are both being destroyed slowly into the ground by idiotic management. Its such a shame!

  2. Anonymous12:55

    Ma nije nama potreban Beograd...treba nama vise letova do Sarajeva! ;)

    1. Anonymous22:47

      ni nama zagreb! sto dalje sto bolje!

  3. Anonymous15:02

    Predstavnica OU je na sajmu izjavila da 31.maja otvaraju Split-Beograd, i tu vest je objavio B92, a identičnu vest od reči do reči, samo "na hrvatskoj" verziji je objavio neki hr medij. Nije bilo govora o liniji ZAG-BEG, radilo se o čistoj novinarskoj prepisivačkoj greški, iliti "gluvim telefonima". Takođe, nije poznato da je iko iz OU ikada nakon toga dao izjavu u kojoj demantuje to.

  4. Anonymous17:17

    Belgrade Nikola Tesla airport second best in Europe!

    1. Anonymous17:36

      Right. The same as THY is (one of the) best airline(s) worldwide. Thanks to the votes of turkish/serbian citizens (who btw share plenty of history and mentality). Before posting stupid comments you should do some research on percentage&origin/nationality of voters. BEG is far far far away of being good airport by every aspect: ground transportation to/from the airport, services provided (before and after border crossing : shops, restaurants, DF, other...), government services&officials, (construction) condition of terminal building(s), prices, staff, you name it...

    2. Anonymous17:42

      bez ljubomore, molim :)

    3. Anonymous19:01

      Alo bato! Kakva crna ljubomora! Bio sam na 8 od ovih 10 aerodroma (osim Narite i Orlanda). Beograd, NA ZALOST nema ni jednu SEDMINU kvaliteta, ponude, usluga i odnosa kakvi se nalaze na velikim svetskim aerodromima, sto ostalih 9 (mogu tvrditi za 7), zaista jesu. Dakle, nema ljubomore bato, nego cinjenice, cinjenice... :)

    4. Anonymous19:07

      Maco, ti znas da mi tebe volimo, ali stvarno si ponekad djubre :)
      Nisi ti duso luda, ti si iskompleksirana :)

    5. Anonymous19:43

      Pa bato, znas ono : "s kim si, takva si"
      Ajde cao, mijauuu!!! :)

    6. Anonymous20:43

      WTF is wrong with you?

  5. Anonymous20:59

    Who wants to bet me there'll be ZAG-BEG vv flights, not OU's, not JU's, operated by A320, latest till summer 2014, maybie even winter 2013/2014, at very affordable prices?

    1. Anonymous23:18

      I wanna bet. But please, not, please. get real.

  6. Anonymous23:08

    ME. I WILL GIVE YOU A BET OF 5.000,00 EUR THAT DALMATIAN.HR WILL NOT START FLIGHTS IN 2013! And not in 2014, not in 2015, like it was not start as you declare for sure in

    2012 (even in your web page you still declare that you will start to fly in 2012, hahahahaha)

    1. Anonymous23:24

      Have you ever heard of saying (mostly by older and cleverer people) : "Never say never" ?

    2. Anonymous00:12

      btw, please stop writing DLN didn't start operations in 2005 and 2006, because company was registered at Commercial Court in Zagreb end november 2006, so how could they have announced operations in years when they didn't exist at all, even on the paper?

      It is true they did announce possible start for 2007 (and if you remember HR was supposed to join EU 2007, but same people who ruined OU, ruined such possibility as well).

      After that, DLN paused, so it's simply not true again when you write that every single year they were announcing start of operations for Easter. Maybie somewhere somebody mentioned something like a remote possibility, but there were NO OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS, until 2011.

      Finally, webpage will be changed soon, "hr" will be omitted and the name changed to "dalmatian" only. I believe you have capacity to understand that anything, including webpage, shouldn't be altered without prior paperwork and corresponding decree by abovementioned Court, right?

    3. Anonymous01:58

      So now I will tell you that YOU LIE! Let me just remind you of few:

      Slobodna Dalmacija 19.2.2006. interview (not article) where Mr. Romic announced first flights for 2006.
      Do pocetka ovogodisnje turisticke sezone Hrvatska bi trebala dobiti prvu niskobudzetnu aviokompaniju, po uzoru na njemacki Germanwings ili irski Ryanair. Nova zrakoplovna trvtka zvat ce se, a izravnim letovima povezat ce Hrvatsku s Australijom, SAD i Kanadom. (…)
      – now you told us that he even did not register company then, congratulation! web page 18.12.2007.
      (quote) je nova hrvatska niskotarifna zrakoplovna tvrtka usmjerena na trajnu ponudu niskih cijena svojim putnicima u poslovnim i privatnim potrebama.

      Početak našeg rada predviđen je za 2008. planiramo pokretnuti domaće letove sa širenjem na europsko tržište.

      Tijekom sljedeće godine, namjeravamo započeti s niskotarifnim prijevozom na dalekim destinacijama prema Australiji, Aziji, Kanadi i SADu sa širokotrupnim zrakoplovima i ponudom ekonomske i poslovne klase na tim letovima. 31.8.2010.
      Prvi domaći low cost letovi: Zagreb – New York za 300€?

      U Hrvatskoj bi do kraja ove godine, nakon višegodišnjih priprema, mogla početi s radom prva domaća privatna low cost aviokompanija za redovni linijski promet
      Kako piše tjednik Nacional, na čelu tog ambicioznog projekta je australski Hrvat Željko Romić, a zanimljivo je da bi njegova kompanija trebala imati i međukontinentalne letove. Kompanija bi na takvim letovima trebala letjeti po low cost modelu, što je potpuna inovacija u avioprijevozničkom biznisu jer ostale kompanije takvog profila lete samo na kraćim relacijama.

      Suprotno uobičajenim pravilima u low cost letovima, bi trebao imati i različite avione u svojoj floti. Za kraće letove Romić planira nabaviti Airbusove 320 i Boeinge 737, a na međukontinentalnim letovima putnike bi prevozili Airbusovi 330 ili 340. Naime, jedno od osnovnih pravila low cost kompanije je da imaju avione istog tipa, što značajno pojeftinjuje održavanje tako da ostaje vidjeti kako će se nositi s troškovima održavanja različitih tipova aviona.

      O svojim planovima Romić je još prije nekoliko godina govorio za Nacional i tada je najavio da računa na rute koje inače pokrivaju tek sezonski avioprijevoznici, te na rast transporta turista iz Australije, Japana i Sjeverne Amerike. Budući da je recesija značajno pogodila turizam, razumljivo je i da je početak rada kompanije, planiran za 2008. godinu, odgođen.

      Ipak, čini se da se situacija na zrakoplovnom tržištu u međuvremenu donekle popravila, te da je Romić uspio zatvoriti financijsku konstrukciju projekta, za koji je svojedobno tvrdio da košta 20 milijuna eura. Prema neslužbenim najavama, bi na dugim letovima trebao biti jeftiniji i do 40 posto od konkurencije, pa bi tako karta od Zagreba do New Yorka stajala oko 300 eura, a očekuje se da bi kompanija na domaćim letovima mogla postati konkurencija Croatia Airlinesu.
      Than on 4th September you announced not just flights to USA, Canada and Australia with connections from Belgrade via Zagreb to those flights (

      Than your web page where you announced flights for 2012 (that one is even now on, you can check it because you don’t believe me that you announce it in 2012).

      So one more time YOU ARE LIEING!!!!

      You can not altered web page without Court decree? You really think you know about business more than 10 year old kid?

    4. Anonymous22:29

      I really don't know what's your reason to be so bitter about this project?

      But I know I have no further intention to talk to you about it, because EVERYTHING you wrote is based on newspapers articles.

      I'm quitting discussion with you about this matter. It will only take few months until we see was it you or me who was telling the truth.

      Cheers !

    5. Anonymous22:41

      It is not true! Information came from Mr. Romic himself, from web page (please read my post one more time), by interview where Mr. Romic gave answers himself, and even those few articles were based on information from Mr. Romic (as he is everywhere source what he never demand).

      So, as I said YOU LIE! And when you was caught in lie, “do don’t want do discuss any more”. That shows a lot!

    6. Anonymous01:03

      Well, dalmatian guy told us "they announce to start flying in 2007 and never before and later".

      And than other guy gave us copy of their web page from 2008 and 2012, plus interviews and announcements in paper by this Romic guy himself.

      Well, it is not "never" than, but true word is "regular". :-)

    7. Anonymous08:49 never presented any evidence, just talking.

      Even now they want to convince us that it is serious project that was not announced every year last 8-9 years. There are evidence, their web page, Romic announcements in newspapers, interviews... And still they make idiots of us, and try to convince us that never exist.

    8. Anonymous13:02

      We was not announced starting...

      shit they find our documents...

      nanananana, "now I will not discuss with you any more"!

  7. Anonymous23:26

    I bet you Adria and OU will fail in the coming years and JU if Serbia join the E.U! Its sad but true! I'm afraid all these small airlines will fail thanks to Eu laws. Even Austrian has had to do some very clever trick by transferring its fleet to Tyrolean to break even and return to profit!

    1. Anonymous23:43

      Why should I bet something I couldn't agree more? I think, too, it's highly likely that not only OU, JP and JU go to hell, but remaining 2 as well, JA and YM. Only I think it has much more to do with incompetence of "managements", bad political influence, and corruption, rather than EU laws.

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