Jat and Etihad formalise cooperation

A new beginning for Jat

Jat Airways and Etihad Airways have today formalised their cooperation which is to lead to the eventual minority takeover of Jat on behalf of Etihad. The CEO of Jat Airways Vladimir Ognjenović and his Etihad counterpart James Hogan held a press conference in Belgrade this morning announcing what the initial cooperation entails.

Mr. Hogan started the conference by announcing daily flights between Abu Dhabi and Belgrade from June, as was exclusively revealed by EX-YU Aviation News last week. You can view the timetable here. "The launch of Etihad Airways’ flights between Abu Dhabi and Belgrade, and the partnership development with Jat Airways, will cater for the significant and growing demand for air travel between the UAE and Serbia, as well as cities with large Serbian populations around the world, particularly in Australia and the US", the Etihad CEO said. Mr. Hogan took the opportunity to explain Etihad’s business model and acquisitions in other airlines. He then announced that Jat Airways will codeshare on numerous flights out of Abu Dhabi and will place its own codes on Etihad Airways flights. Destinations include Kula Lumpur, Sydney, Bangkok, Lahore, Colombo and others. You can view the full list with Jat Airways flight numbers here. Further codeshares are planned from Abu Dhabi to the United States as well as Johannesburg in South Africa. Since Serbia and South Africa do not have a bilateral air agreement, the Serbian carrier won’t be able to place its own code on Etihad’s Johannesburg service immediately.

Jat Airways will also place its code on a number of the flights operated by Etihad Airways’ equity partner, Air Berlin. A major highlight of this would be the provision of a direct link for passengers travelling from Belgrade, via Berlin, to Chicago in the US.

Etihad Airways will codeshare on 23 Jat Airways flights from Belgrade. They include Amsterdam, Athens, Berlin, Brussels, Copenhagen, Dusseldorf, Rome, Frankfurt, Gothenburg, Istalnbul, London Hethrow, Larnaca, Milan, Malmo, Moscow, Podgorica, Sarajevo, Skopje, Stockholm, Stuttgart, Thessaloniki, Tivat, Vienna and Zurich. The airline will place its codes to all destinations located in countries with which the United Arab Emirates has bilateral air agreements. "It is our great pleasure to welcome Etihad Airways to Belgrade and codeshare with the UAE’s national airline and the world’s leading airline. We look forward to increasing the number of passengers travelling between Belgrade and Abu Dhabi and enhancing the relationship between Serbia and the UAE", Jat Airways CEO Vladimir Ognjenović said. He added, "The expanded codeshare will also provide Serbian nationals with great opportunities to travel beyond Abu Dhabi with Etihad Airways and to destinations in the Middle East, Far East, Africa and Australia. We are also excited to place the Etihad code on Jat Airways’ flights across the Balkan region and Europe and build upon Belgrade’s great role as a hub".

In an interesting twist of fate, Mr. Hogan has today initiated strong links with his former employer. The CEO of Etihad Airways worked at JAT Yugoslav Airlines in the early 1980s at the carrier’s Melbourne office.

Etihad Airways will now embark on a four to six week screening process during which it will go through Jat’s business structure and prepare for a 49% takeover of the airline. Etihad is to take complete control over Jat’s management, naming its own CEO, head of finance and operations. Etihad will also partially finance the 1998 order made by Yugoslav Airlines for eight Airbus A319s, which have never been delivered. The national carrier of the United Arab Emirates would provide the pre delivery payment, allowing the aircraft to begin arriving in Belgrade.

Etihad and Jat are also set to integrate frequent flyer programs, airport lounges and handling at airports both airlines operate to. The only EX-YU airline ever to have been taken over by a larger rival was B&H Airlines in 2008 by Turkish Airlines. However, the partnership ended after four years due to disagreements between the Turkish management at B&H and the Federation government.

After the two sides signed the codeshare agreements, Etihad Airways CEO commented , “This is the beginning. Belgrade is a market with major potential. Via Belgrade we will be able to enter other parts of the region like Montenegro for example where tourism is expanding quickly. Our arrival into Belgrade means that other countries in this part of Europe will be able to use our services. This is why we think our partnership with Jat is a major asset”.


  1. Anonymous09:06

    I wonder how Hogan flew into Belgrade.

    1. Anonymous09:24

      Mr Anonymous,for your information mr Hogan will flying to Belgrade via Punta Arena,
      Ulan Bator and Bujunnboora.Happy!
      Dont wory, be happy.
      Greetyng from Kraljevo / Sydney.

    2. Anonymous09:27

      I guess he flew on JU from Zurich yesterday (since he was at the Terminal expo) and used the occasion to start "screening" Jat :)

    3. Anonymous09:28

      Питао сам из чисте радозналости, јер не знам дал лети около приватним ваздухопловом или редовним линијама.

    4. Anonymous10:46

      Aviokarta says that the high delegation from Etihad is leaving from Belgrade today at 17:00. If that's the flight's time, then it certainly isn't a scheduled one.

  2. Anonymous09:20

    Another new beginning today, for the AN-158. The first plane is about to be delivered to Cubana, looks wonderful:


    Finally starting to see some diversity in the skies.

  3. Anonymous09:29

    Turkish is flying TWO A321 into Belgrade today...the bastards*.

    1. Anonymous09:30

      * (i don't mean it as an insult).

    2. Anonymous09:34

      The morning flight is operated by an B737-800, the evening one is an A321.

    3. Anonymous09:41

      A 321 was scheduled when i looked this morning. Soon they can send daily A330 and it'll be just fine.

      What's the shortest destination where TK flies wide-body?

    4. Anonymous10:00

      Well, in TK's fleet the 738 has 21 seats less in total than the A321. Not huge but still. Interestingly, it has 10 more seats in J class than the A321 but 31 more in coach. In total TK often sends an average of 351 in a day to BEG, theoretically enough to fill any wide-body in their fleet.

    5. Anonymous10:02

      Well TK's luck in BEG is gonna take a turn to the worst very soon.

  4. Anonymous09:29

    So capitalism has finally arrived at JAT. This is great news and I do believe that Etihad can make JAT profitable again. However, they will probably need to make a total overhaul of the entire company and I hope JAT will still keep its "soul" and not become a "Etihad - Operated by JAT", if you lnow what I mean.

    Got some flights booked on the 733 this summer. That might be the last chance to fly them before the first Airbuses arrives.

    This a very good day for JAT and Serbia.

  5. Anonymous10:04

    Is it just me or the guy on this page looks like a junky from the UK or somewhere? Cause he's clearly not Croatian.


    1. Anonymous10:07

      Honestly and it is not about bashing, i never believed ZAG airport was SO so so empty, it's like Sarajevo. So i guess most of the pax at ZAG are actually occuring during the summer months? Cause this certainly doesn't looks like an airport handling 35% pax less than Belgrade.


  6. Anonymous10:16

    I KNEW IT: Aviokarta reports right now that just a codeshare will be signed. No MOU about taking over Jat Airways. This will be postponed. So all was just JATOVANJE and bla bla......a codeshare is just a codeshare and nothing more.......Jat Airways has codeshares with so many other airlines. So this MOU was daydreaming of Mr Dinkic and his fellows.

    1. Anonymous10:35

      Why are you only partially reporting the news? They said it is postponed and that a memorandum WILL be signed but between Etihad and the Serbian government.

    2. Anonymous10:37

      Read the whole article and take this in your face:

      U okviru kodšer sporazuma Jat Airways će postaviti svoju oznaku (JU) na letove Etihada prema Abu Dabiju i dalje prema Bangkoku, Pekingu, Brizbejnu, Čendu, Čikagu, Kolombu, Ho Ši Minu, Islamabadu, Johanesburgu, Karačiju, Kuala Lumpuru, Kuvajtu, Lahoreu, Njujorku, Melburnu, Sejšelima, Šangaju, Singapuru, Sidneju, Torontu i Vašingtonu.

      (Да ли је Хонг Конг на крају изостављен?)

      "Kako Aviokarta.net saznaje danas neće doći do potpisivanja memoranduma o razumevanju (moU). Ovaj memorandum Etihad neće ni potpisati sa Jat Airwaysom već SA VLADOM REPUBLIKE SRBIJE."

      So eat that.

      Btw could you give us the definition/meaning of the word "Jatovanje"? Seems so dear to you.

      I see you're so obsessed with Jat that you rushed to check the news before anyone from Serbia did but unfortunately for you, everything announced so far has been realized. EY is starting daily to Belgrade from June 15.

    3. Anonymous10:44

      Does Etihad starts daily flights at short notice to every destination where they have just a codeshare (especially given the fierce competition at BEG)? Definitely not.

  7. Anonymous10:23

    Etihad će zauzvrat staviti svoje kodove (EY) na letove Jat Airwaysa do 23 njegove destinacije u regionu i Evropi. Tako će putnici Etihada preko Beograda moći da lete do Amsterdama, Atine, Berlina, Brisela, Kopenhagena, Diseldorfa, Rima, Frankfurta, Geteborga, Istanbula, Londona (Heathrow), Larnake, Milana, Moskve, Podgorice, Sarajeva, Skoplja, Stokholma, Štutgarta, Soluna, Tivta, Beča i Ciriha.

    1. Anonymous10:44

      As they can also fly to most of those destinations in code-share by Air Berlin, Air France, KLM, Alitalia, Aer Lingus, Brussels, CSA, Cyprus, flybe, NIKI, Olympic, TAP, Turkish...

      So many options, so many code-shares, and so many better companies than Jat to have code-share to same routes.

    2. Anonymous10:48

      Guess what? OU is not one of them.

    3. Anonymous10:52

      Anon@10:44 - Please stop annoying us and just go to Hyatt and tell Mr. Hogan in the face that he's just an idiot for signing one of the most comprehensive code-share agreements that Etihad has with Jat and for starting Belgrade daily from June. Please, just go and tell him, tell him he's a fool. Maybe he'll understand you.

    4. Anonymous10:55

      Are you an idiot or what?! Etihad doesn't own a dime in Air France, KLM, Turkish and others (besides Air Berlin)...
      So why would he be paying foreign carriers to transport his passengers to given destinations, instead of conveniently doing it through a company that he partially owns and earns money directly from its profits?

    5. Anonymous14:52

      Again Serbian mentality!!! Why you always must be the best in the World and you can not see thing normally. Nobody attack you or thing this deal is shit. It is not. This code-share is BIG, THE BEST ANY AIRLINER IN BALCANS EVERY DONE, but IT IS THE SAME AS ANY OF 41 CODE-SHARE AGREEMENTS!!!

      Air France/KLM/Alitalia are strategic partners of Etihad because Etihad very hardly flirts with Sky Team (they even instruct Air Berlin to cooperate more with Air France/KLM than with oneworld). Because of that priority for Etihad is always Air France/KLM, and everyone who is in business will tell you that.

  8. Anonymous10:27

    In an interesting twist of fate, Mr. Hogan will be signing the Memorandum with his former employer. The CEO of Etihad Airways worked at JAT Yugoslav Airlines in the early 1980s at the carrier’s Melbourne office.

    Funny :)

  9. Anonymous11:00

    thats great although i dont understand anything, i mean i do, but let it gooo...

  10. I guessed Etihads flight numbers on AUH-BEG route few days ago EY071/072:)))
    Aviokarta also says that JU will put its code on AB flights to ORD and EYs to NYC and YYZ? How is that possible since Serbia is not in Cat1? (btw-why should JU put its code on EY flights to the states?! Who would want to fly from JFK via AUH??!)

    It would be interesting to see EY code on flights to SJJ, TIV, SKP and TGD.

  11. Anonymous11:46

    This is the most important event of ex-Yugoslav aviation since the country collapsed. Let's hope for more information soon :))

    1. Anonymous12:15

      Feel free to prove me wrong. ;)

  12. Anonymous12:20

    what's so funny?

  13. Anonymous12:31

    If EY takes control of daily business and management, then Mr Ognenovic will be "evacuated" in the board of dierectors with a yearly salary of 120k $ +x and has to raise his hand every couple of months. That's the deal why he was kept in office till now by Mr Dinkic. That's also what they do in S Africa for instance with the ANC members. All in board of directors with high salaries but nothing to decide ;)

  14. Anonymous12:42

    So now there is no planes, no pork and no brandy.

  15. Anonymous12:44

    According to the Etihad webpage, JU will be replaced by EY, not the other way around.


    1. Anonymous12:48

      Where does it say that?

    2. Anonymous13:23

      Nothing in this link about Etihad takeover of Jat!?

    3. Anonymous13:44

      not a word.

  16. Anonymous12:46

    JU8102/03 i JU8104/05 su vec u upotrebi na Adrijinim letovima od i do Ljubljane. Da li to znaci da ce JU ukinuti codeshare sa JP ili ne ostaje da vidimo?

    @exYU - kada cemo saznati numeraciju Etihadovih codeshareova na JU letovima?

  17. I'm curious about something.

    How easy will it be for a flight to get started abu-BEG-USA?

    USA customs and border control started a process years ago to set up pre-clearence in Abu Dhabi. Not sure how much that has progressed.

    Will the USA allow flights to them with a plane that's half pre-screened and the other half not?

    1. Anonymous13:08

      Good observation.

    2. Anonymous15:47

      I assumed JAT wanted to have direct flights from Belgrade to NYC/Chicago. Makes no sense for pax to go through Abu Dhabi if they can go via Western Europe.

      Anyone know if there are plans to start direct BEG-USA/CAN flights?

    3. The idea Etihad floated was a flight originating in Abu and picking up passengers in BEG on their way to JFK

  18. Anonymous12:59

    Ognjenovica ni na slici ne mogu da smislim. Gnjida beslosvetska. Ko mu dade tu poziciju majko mila.. Uzas jedan!

    1. Anonymous00:10

      najbolji komentar

  19. Brka13:09

    Kako ko? Pa gospodza Vida Ognjenovic...

  20. Aэrologic13:20

    Just got back from the conference, there is nothing much to add besides what Ex-Yu already reported. It was in the Hyatt hotel which is clearly showing its age and needs investments to maintain its 5 star rating, at the risk of suffering the fate of Intercontinental. There was a large group of Lufthansa cabin crew at the hotel.

    The conference lasted no more than 30 minutes, very few questions from the public and media. We were distributed promotional packages that included cabin crew scarves of both companies and a model of a A340-600 from Etihad along with some documentation. We were invited to a snack-buffet following the conference.

    Besides my friends from Jat's operations, there were many "naduvani" journalists, while Ognjenovic's behavior was just appalling. He looked more like a "frajer" than as a CEO of an airline. Hogan seemed very humble and down-to-earth (it looked as if Ognjenovic is the boss of Etihad and Hogan of Jat while you all know how things really are).

    Following the conference there were talks and consultations between Etihad's and Jat's experts on harmonizing schedules etc. in order to enhance the codeshare but only in private regime, it was forbidden to journalists to officially broadcast any other information besides the code-share agreement. I thought to upload a few photos but here you got them.

    From my side i didn't except an MoU to be signed today since first the screening process that will determine the rules of the agreement has to take place but things are definitely going towards what was previously announced, skeptics aside.

    Aviokarta guy rushed to publish the information before anybody else, but the truth is that we all got the same press release already before the conference. It is stated that the A319 will operate the route which is actually unlikely cause EY has only two of them and used them until now on flights to Minsk (6 times a week in summer) and Almaty.

    1. Anonymous13:30

      Thank you very much for your comment. Have they mentioned anything about the signing of the memorandum?

    2. Aэrologic13:53

      Not a word. It was more about marketing the new line, cooperation and general bla bla bla. But that was at the conference. After the conference talks were held in private during the cocktail, it was obvious that things are going towards a takeover but as i said - it was strictly forbidden to any journalist to talk about anything else than code-shares outside. As he said: "some things will take the world by surprise" and i understand why Hogan wants to keep a low-profile in this.

      Another detail i forgot to mention, that the photo Ex-Yu posted right now reminded me of, there were like 10 girls, half of them dressed as JU cabin crew and half as EY who were very pretty and pleasant, they were taking charge of the conference, going around, distributing materials. Most of them were almost like models. Once again, there were MANY "proud to be there-you don't know who i am" journalists, probably like 10-15 cameras and probably as much without cameras, but Ognjenovic was the most stupid face of the conference i have to admit. His stance and behavior were appalling.

    3. Anonymous13:57

      The new line was obvious for some time, but they made it official today only. Same will be for the Mou. It'll become official only once it's signed but it's clearly in the works.

    4. Anonymous14:32

      The flights were just loaded in Amadeus and are already bookable.

      Here are some prices i've got:

      BEG-AUH-BEG - 547 Eur. (flyDubai is 527 Eur.)
      BEG-PEK-BEG - 582 Eur.
      BEG-KUL-BEG - 780 Eur.
      BEG-PVG-BEG - 572 Eur.
      BEG-MAH-BEG - 772 Eur.
      BEG-LHE-BEG - 681 Eur.
      BEG-JNB-BEG - 640 Eur.
      SYD-BEG-SYD - 2308 Eur.
      BEG-SYD-BEG - 1338 Eur.
      BEG-DEL-BEG - 668 Eur.

      BEG-BOM - 399 Eur.
      BEG-KHI - 419 Eur.
      BEG-BKK - 435. Eur.
      AUH-BEG - 364 Eur. (flyDubai is 365 Eur.)

      The aircraft operated on BEG-AUH is A320. On most of those flights Etihad is cheaper than the competition. Sounds like it'll be a massacre on TK's loads, while Pegasus can easily take from FZ the low-cost base of passengers. Who would have thought that in only 6 months the market is gonna change that much? Six months ago we only had FZ and TK to the Middle-East, nothing else.

  21. Anonymous13:31

    SPU ...
    I agree with you and so glad that Serbian aviation find the way out ... the fusion of agricultural and aviation interests is wonderful opportunity for establishing themselves and start a new page ... right now Jat have a opportunity to change his name in Serbian Airways with new-modern ethnic brand and service , creating new image and new eco-tourist-business face of Serbia ... in my point of view Jat name is history and for us great airline story but after all history ... manipulative mythology does not bring anything good ... implement new business and image attitude and this extraordinary opportunity will be awarded ...

    1. Anonymous13:34

      "This is the most important event of ex-Yugoslav aviation since the country collapsed. Let's hope for more information soon :))"
      SPU ...
      I was referring on that statement ...

    2. Anonymous13:39

      The best idea for Jat would be Jat - Southeast European Airlines or in Serbian Jat - Juznoevropski AeroTransport, so no need to change the name but you get such as in the case of MEA an airline whose simple name indicates what's the region it serves and dominates. It would also help eradicate some ethnic antagonism toward Jat as a Serbian airline.

    3. Anonymous13:58

      Every possibility except simple: Serbian? Why so?!

    4. Anonymous14:26

      MEA have a historic fundament for her name and comparing with Jat name is not good example ... name linked with the region is so archaic approach because there are so many airlines in same particularly region and Jat brand is not part of new Serbia but something that is part of history that no longer exist ... do such stunts with name is still marketing manipulation and sound so frustrating so this is not good approach ... this is reality and customer perspective nothing to do with ethnic antagonism and also this will be very positive marketing approach specially for the region ... new reality in the aviation is trend

    5. Anonymous15:40

      The name Jat is what people remember and what most likely got Jat this deal with Etihad.

    6. Anonymous16:50

      Disagree. People could also remember Jat as a money-waisting company, also as a company that couldn't fly out of its country... So, farewell Jat Airways, say hello to Serbian!

    7. I completely agree with the last anonymous. The only good thing that's left from JAT, is its name. Changing name to Serbian Airlines or something similar can have a pretty negative connotation. Unfortunately, and this is nothing against Serbia and its people, the name Serbia does not have a very positive image in the world, at least not in the West due to all the war and tragic events that took place in the recent past. The name JAT is something that all ex Yugoslavs are familiar with and associate with something good from the old glory days that used to connect them and bring closer to their homes. Instead of changing the name, I would rather see them changing the livery.

    8. Anonymous17:59

      That's why i'm saying...just put Jat - SouthEast European Airlines.

    9. Anonymous22:12

      just because of the current image Serbia has a chance to work through this and rebranding yourself into something new and modern ... JAT image is not that high like you think ok network was wonderful but JokeAboutTime and especially service is not ... just new fresh start

  22. Anonymous13:31

    And there you go. As I prdicted 10h16 here, there was no MoU. Just a codeshare! EY flying it's own metal to AUH.
    MoU, fleet renewal, no take over!
    As I predicted nothing substantial beyond a simple commercial agreement. Everything else was maybe a wet dream by Mr Dinkic or somebody else in URS party. An when EY (if ever) "screens" the company books/date of Jat Airways they will for sure not invest a dime in this company!

    1. Anonymous13:33

      But why is it so obvious that you just don't want it to ever happen, so badly?

    2. Brka13:36

      Jeez, such a pathetic comment...

    3. Anonymous13:42

      Он само пљује и пљује а није у стању ни на једно логично питање да одговори, како на она јутрос. Ја мислим да је требао да оде директно пред Хогана и каже му да је будала што сарађује са Јатом.

    4. Anonymous13:47

      As you said - "just a codeshare" is nothing but a bull. Jat will get the code on EY (and probably AB) flights. You absolutely have no idea how big this is.

      try predicting again with more accuracy...or at least try to comment without ad hominem arguments.

    5. Anonymous14:03

      Imagine what he would say if one month ago someone said that EY is gonna launch Belgrade daily within 2 months.

      Well, too bad for him, here it is, ready to rumble.

    6. Anonymous14:26

      Well, well.... I very well know what a codeshare is. So tell me, the number of diaspora pax who travel is stable, isn't it? So far they used for transcontinental travel Star Alliance, Sky Team , or JAT+partner. OK, now that JAT pax will be channelled through TXL and DUS instead of AMS or CDG, what makes the difference? Will there be MORE travelling on the short hop ex BEG?????? The Air Berlin network over the north atlantic is pathetic. And eastbound EY traffic they will now go via AUH. JAT will cancel the agreeents with other airlines including Thai and Air China. But the total number of passengers will not increase!This would change only if JAT has to offer something BOTH ENDS in BEG you nerds! JAT will be a FEEDER to AB and EY! When will your bells ring? And sorry the 3,4 macedonian pecalbari pax from SYD that the codeshare will generate ex AUH via BEG is ridiculous to care about!

    7. Anonymous14:50

      Right... That's why EY is code-sharing on Jat's flights to Europe (far beyond Balkans), that actually makes a lot of sense, to make it a bottle-neck...right. You're enlightening me. Oh, and probably if to cancel QR, FZ, PC and EY from Belgrade the number of pax will still be the same, right, cause they'll travel Star Alliance or other airlines...oh wow...we might as well close the entire airport, the number of pax will still be the same, just they'll be travelling by car...

      Seriously - what a moron are you? Where do you come from, tell me?

      You seem to be a waste of a man and life who has nothing else to do since 09AM than to bitch about Jat on the Internet. Get yourself a job (so your parents wouldn't have to support you any-longer) and a girlfriend (they say "there is a shoe for any feet") so no matter how ugly, frustrated and unsuccessful you are, i'm still sure you'll feel better about yourself than masturbating over the PC about Jat and its partners. Sorry for you that OU is excluded from the deal. Peace.

    8. Anonymous16:03

      You really must insult those who disagree with you? What does that tell us about you?

      This is just one more code-share Etihad have with 41 airliner. Nothing more. Becouse of that you will not become Southeast airlines. It is so funny that becouse of one code-share agreement you become to dream about this!

    9. Anonymous16:19

      I guess it's not Zagreb...

    10. Anonymous22:02

      Anonymous above me, ignore the idiot..

      to you, idiot, for now, it is only codeshare... the fucking CEO has announced that this is only the beginning and that there is still most work to be done!!!

      on the video of the conference, they are showing Air Berlin and Chicago.. that will be even another step! And remember how there is a screening? Well they can't just decide to buy 49% of Jat last second. Grow the hell up.... and it is possible you are mad because Zagreb has only daily Qatar and nothing mmorre from them, yet we are just receiving more and more...

      Best wishes to everyone, especially to Jat and Belgrade Airport which will slowly be turning into a hub more and more !! :)

    11. Anonymous22:07

      One is idiot just becouse one have diferent opinion. Congretulation. And greetings to your mother for doing a lasy job!

    12. Anonymous00:23

      one is an idiot when one assumes falsely.. you said there is nothing more than these code shares which is false as clearly stated

    13. Anonymous00:24

      and just mentioning someones mother shows you are probably a typical 13-14 year old or at least your mentality is. lets grow up

  23. Anonymous13:34

    This is AMAZING news! And thanks ex-yu for bringing us all those exclusives last week! : ))

  24. Anonymous14:16

    As predicted. Just a commercial codeshare agreement. No fleet renewal.No MoU. No take over of Jat Airways.No contract with government or whatsoever.
    Her for all who don't believe, quote undquote what Mr. O. said:

    Predsedinik Etihad ervejza DŽejms Hogan i generalni direktor Jata Vladimir Ognjenović ocenili su na zajedničkoj konferenciji za novinare da je taj ugovor prvi, veoma značajan korak u saradnji dve aviokompanije.

    "Ognjenović je istakao da će saradnja sa Etihadom doprineti da se prihod Jata poveća, ali je dodao da i dalje ostaje na snazi plan Vlade Srbije za oporavak Jata i nabavku novih aviona.

    On je kazao da će sledeći koraci u saradnji, ako ih bude, biti u obostranom interesu obe kompanija. Hogan je dodao da će se o mogućim sledeć koracima saradnje Etihad izjasniti pošto prouči poslovanje Jata."

    Please read thourouhly the passus "AKO IH BUDE".....
    EY is not stupid to sink it's money if they can get all the passengers from the Balkans this way. Cheaper and risk free.
    In the meantime the highly professional director is wasting money on a lease from Adria Airways! And Jat Airways end up with a very logical fleet mix of ATR, Airbus and Boeing!!!!

  25. Anonymous14:26

    Chocking price "only" AUD $ 3.000 from Melbourne RT
    Outbound flight details
    Economy Value
    Coral Economy
    Flight: EY461 | EY71
    Origin: Tullamarine International Airport , Australia (MEL)
    22:10 Thu. 27 Jun 2013
    Connection: Abu Dhabi International, U.A.E (AUH)
    06:30 Fri. 28 Jun 2013
    08:35 Fri. 28 Jun 2013
    Destination: Nikola Tesla, Serbia (BEG)
    12:15 Fri. 28 Jun 2013
    Return flight details
    Economy Value
    Coral Economy
    Flight: EY72 | EY460
    Origin: Nikola Tesla, Serbia (BEG)
    13:00 Wed. 24 Jul 2013
    Connection: Abu Dhabi International, U.A.E (AUH)
    20:20 Wed. 24 Jul 2013
    22:20 Wed. 24 Jul 2013
    Destination: Tullamarine International Airport , Australia (MEL)
    18:10 Thu. 25 Jul 2013
    Passenger(s): 1
    Price summary
    Fare view AUD 2886.00
    Taxes view AUD 117.98
    Discount (if applicable)

    1. Anonymous14:48

      I don't see a JU anywhere on that list.

    2. Nikola16:31

      I checked prices from August till September, ticket was 1200€, which is quite cheap

  26. Anonymous14:37

    I am really said to realize that most fellowmen in Serbia believe what Mr. Dinkincs spin doctors want them to believe. This simple codeshare agreement was blown up to incredible, megalomanic dimensions by Serbian state media. Please read the text of the EY-homepage press realease and you will understand what the whole story really is:
    And something that also tells us how "professional" EY is: the press release talks about A319 while GDS shows A320!

  27. Anonymous14:43

    HAHAHA.....instead of a tremendous multi-million investement it turned out to be an airlift for pecalbari from SYD, MEL and ORD......wow! Really good job by the serbian media to throw sand in the eyes of the public. A REALLY BIG JOKE!
    Everybody who does not believe, just read the original Etihad press release!!! This will bring you down to earth!!!!

    1. Anonymous14:50

      I don’t get. What’s wrong with the press release? No one said a takeover was going to take place today but in June. A few days ago someone was claiming that flights between Abu Dhabi and BEG and all the codeshares won’t go through and that Hogan isn’t even visiting Belgrade because there was nothing on their homepage. I understand some people are a bit jealous but I honestly don’t get why.

    2. Anonymous14:54

      Leave them, they are just bitter that Serbia has found a way to move on and actually do something to improve the state of its national carrier.

    3. Anonymous15:26

      Bitter? Are you kidding me, they're mad and out of their mind. Soon it will become absurd to even answer to any of those comments cause ZAG is clearly becoming a provincial airport while BEG a regional hub.

    4. Anonymous15:29

      Another thing we need to clarify, is that Hogan is not such as the CEO of Air France or something. Etihad is THE STATE AIRLINE od the UAE. Therefore it is the Sheikh who decides and buys. So, this will happen on an inter-governmental level, and not between two CEO's and it is pointless to expect it to be otherwise. Sheikhs decides - Hogan works. The Sheikh was the first to come and this is the result of it, like it or hate it.

  28. Anonymous14:47

    Well, here is what Tanjug had to say about this. I am sure they are far more knowledgable than the bunch of armchair experts and Serb haters on here.


    'БЕОГРАД –Национална авиокомпанија Уједињених арапских емирата, Етихад ервејз, увешће 15. јуна редовне дневне летове између Абу Дабија и Београда, што је први корак у развоју партнерства Етихада и српског авиопревозника, најавили су данас челници тих компанија Џејмс Хоган и Владимир Огњеновић.

    Хоган и Огњеновић су потписали уговор о комерцијалној сарадњи који обухвата сарадњу на 46 дестинација, као и увођење такозваних код шер (заједничких) летова ка 21 дестинацији у саобраћајној мрежи Етихада и ка 23 Јатове дестинације.

    Хоган је рекао да ће до 15. јуна бити утврђено даље партнерство између ЈАТ-а и Етихада, али да је прво потребно прегледати податке о пословању српске компаније како би се размотрили видови евентуалног стратешког партнерства.

    Огњеновић је рекао да је ЈАТ дуго чекао на овакав уговор, јер ће кроз код шер летове поново обновити линије ка САД-у. Он је казао да ће српски путници имати много боље везе са свим континетима и много повољније цене.'

  29. Anonymous15:19

    It is interesting how Hogan told Ognjenovic 'this is a start' right after signing the codeshare agreement.


  30. Anonymous15:22

    To be honest I am shocked how many people tend to believe everything the state controlled media are presenting them. In these political hard times, when there is absolutely no political, economical or even sportive good news to declare, they tend to overdimension this whole thing and to overblow it to megalomanic dimensions. I am Serb, so please stop bashing me and/or spitting on me because you believe that I am Croat. I am simply a person with common sence, eyes and ears and I can count 1+1. I don't say that there will be no deeper partnership and similar later, BUT I AM FED UP by the media incl. this blogspot, Aviokarta.net and similar keep telling us something would happen today that I I knew it won't!!!! They wrote just yesterday that that an MoU will be signed, a week or two ago that EY will provide the aircraft and similar. This is EITHER BAD JOURNALISM OR STATE PROPAGANDA!

    1. Anonymous15:37

      What do you mean there were no good sportive news? I consider it great news that we beat the Americans in tennis!

      On a different note, give it some time and let's see what happens. The fact that they signed a codeshare agreement is a great start. A synchronized network will be established and before summer we will know if all this was a joke or not.

    2. Anonymous15:40

      You're frustrated and that's problem. You knew it? Good! Keep it for yourself and shut up.

  31. Anonymous15:25

    muhaha, the same agreement was signed with Malev, too. They code shared on several flights, for example, Milan, Berlin, etc...Nothing really turned out from this deal...

    1. Anonymous15:27

      You're frustrated and that's problem. You knew it? Keep it for yourself and shut up.

  32. Anonymous15:54

    Jatihad Airlines :)

    1. Anonymous16:53

      ahhahaah great name! :))))

  33. Nikola16:47

    why is everyone so full of bad energy? this is good news for, not only Jat and Serbia, but entire EX-YU region, because there will be better connections to the world. who cares Etihad didn't buy JAT now? they probably will after full analysis of JAT's business.
    also, one more important thing. people critisize JAT's old planes all the time, but forget one thing. do you have any idea how hard it is to keep those old planes airworthy? expenses and everything? it's good thing JAT will get newer planes, but you must give the credit for keeping oldtimers airworthy

  34. Anonymous17:00

    Alo, ljudi, ne zaboravite u kakvim je go*nima bio i u kojima je i dalje Air Berlin pre nego ga je preuzeo ETIHAD, pa gle cuda, to se ipak desilo.
    Troskovi i gubici Air Berlina su astronomskih razmera u odnosu na Jatove gubitke, a sudeci po tome koliko bi se zapravo ETIHAD prosirio sporazumom sa Jatom, apsolutno moze da rezultira i preuzimanjem 49% Jata. Suma sumarum, nemojte biti toliko ljigavi, ljubomorni i zavidni.
    Od svega ovoga putnici svakako mogu da profitiraju, nemaju sta da izgube.
    @HR druzina
    Sjasite s ledja vise. Ko kopci ste cekali da osujete paljbu, ne znam da l'zbog ljubomore ili cega vec. Ako vam se ne svidja - razlaz. Imate aerokroaciju blog pa tamo sirite svoju mrznju, nenormalne stavove i trujte i pljujte po ostalim narodima Balkana koje ne mozete da podnesete.
    A da vas neko pita zasto postoji netrpeljivost ne biste imali odgovor. U to sam siguran. Ugradjeno vam je tako jos od devedesetih. Kao u Severnoj Koreji sto ispiraju ljudima mozak.
    Hvala lepo,

    p.s. Molim ExYU-a da ne brise ovaj komentar, jer nisam nikog zivog uvredio niti sam rekao nesto negativno i/ili neistinito protiv bilo koga.


    1. Anonymous17:56

      A sta ti imas protiv Severne Koreje? Zar tebi u Srbiji (i po Zapadu uopste) ne ispiraju ljudima mozak vise nego igde?

    2. Anonymous23:41

      Molim za objašnjenje:

      1. Jesam li ja to smece samo zato što sam Hrvat ili zato sto vidim da su se tresla brda a rodio miš? Jesam li smece jer sam Hrvat ili zato što vidim da nije potpisan toliko pompozno najavljivan MoA?

      2. Ovo što je potpisano jest code-share. Dobar za Jat i Beograd, ali ništa više od toga. Code-share kakav Etihad ima sa 41 komapanijom od čega ih je pola iz Europe.

      Niti je Etihad dobio ogromno tržiste, niti mu je Jat nešto bitniji flybea, CSA, Aer Lingusa, a svakako je daleko ispod strateških parnera kao što su Air France, KLM, Air Berlin i Alitalia. Što je to Malev dobio potpisivanjem code-share sa Etihadom? Jel ga Etihad izvukao iz govna? Jel se broj putnika bitno povecao?

      3. Hrvati na ovom blogu nisu poznati po tome da pljuju po Ljubljani, Skopju, Sarajevu, Prištini, Podgorici... Jedan drugi narod je na ovom blogu po tome poznat.

      Idiot, smece, kreten, budala i isforsirani bolesnik
      (takva imena smo dobili samo zato što mislim drugacije - bravo za odgoj i demokraticnosti)

      Od kade je ovo prestao biti exYU Aviation Forum i postao Serbian Aviation Forum da mozes izjaviti "Ako vam se ne svidja - razlaz. Imate aerokroaciju blog pa tamo"

  35. Anonymous17:01

    Izvrsne vijesti za cijelu regiju, ali ste naporni s pljuvanjem Hrvatske i, pogotovo, Zagreba! Po nekima je svaki negativan komentar napisan od strane Hrvata... pojedinci stvarno nemaju ni trunke kulture, kako u Hrvatskoj tako i u Srbiji! Jatu želim svu sreću u budućnosti i pozitivan pomak u poslovanju! Pozdrav iz Hrvatske!

    1. Anonymous18:53

      Hvala, i veliki pozdrav Zagrebu i Hrvatskoj. Ljudi, zaista nema potrebe da dolazi do prepucavanja izmedju Beograda i Zagreba. I jednima i drugima zelim sve najbolje.

  36. Anonymous17:57

    Dali neko zna nesto o AB-ovim letovima za Toronto (YYZ). Ovdje I u drugim novinama se poninju medjutim kokiko ja znam AB jos uvijek ne leti za YYZ. AB sajt daje neke informacije ali nema nikakvih detalja kad pocinju itd.

  37. SuisseOuest18:17

    On a more practical note: any chances of seeing departure waves to facilitate connections from West Europe? Maybe increases to double dailies for routes that are already popular, such as Zurich? (although I guess EY will not sell many tickets ZRH-BEG-AUH with direct daily GVA-AUH)

    1. Aэrologic19:01

      Yes, Etihad's and Jat's technicians were talking about it today briefly after the conference, namely about Paris and Italy. I'm sure Switzerland is on the cards as well.

    2. SuisseOuest08:09

      Great! Thanks for the confirmation!

  38. Anonymous19:03

    Holy cow...JAT's flight attendant in the last photo looks so hot. If they have this good looking flight attendants I am flying it :)

    1. Anonymous19:36

      Yep. She's been with Jat for some time now http://www.pressonline.rs/upload/boxImageData/2008/08/21/24849/1002.jpg

  39. Anonymous19:39


    1. Anonymous20:10

      There we go, best proof that more is to come.

  40. Anonymous23:39

    Molim za objašnjenje:

    1. Jesam li ja to smece samo zato što sam Hrvat ili zato sto vidim da su se tresla brda a rodio miš? Jesam li smece jer sam Hrvat ili zato što vidim da nije potpisan toliko pompozno najavljivan MoA?

    2. Ovo što je potpisano jest code-share. Dobar za Jat i Beograd, ali ništa više od toga. Code-share kakav Etihad ima sa 41 komapanijom od čega ih je pola iz Europe.

    Niti je Etihad dobio ogromno tržiste, niti mu je Jat nešto bitniji flybea, CSA, Aer Lingusa, a svakako je daleko ispod strateških parnera kao što su Air France, KLM, Air Berlin i Alitalia. Što je to Malev dobio potpisivanjem code-share sa Etihadom? Jel ga Etihad izvukao iz govna? Jel se broj putnika bitno povecao?

    3. Hrvati na ovom blogu nisu poznati po tome da pljuju po Ljubljani, Skopju, Sarajevu, Prištini, Podgorici... Jedan drugi narod je na ovom blogu po tome poznat.

    Idiot, smece, kreten, budala i isforsirani bolesnik
    (takva imena smo dobili samo zato što mislim drugacije - bravo za odgoj i demokraticnosti)

    Od kade je ovo prestao biti exYU Aviation Forum i postao Serbian Aviation Forum da mozes izjaviti "Ako vam se ne svidja - razlaz. Imate aerokroaciju blog pa tamo"

    1. Anonymous07:58

      Дечко смири страсти и иди види колико негативних коментара има на тексту о штрајку у Кроацији. Нула.
      Погледај горе и изброј све негативне коментаре који су усмерени против Јата и Србије.

      Потпусивање заједничких летова је први корак. Само један мали део веће слике.

  41. Anonymous00:17


    Danas je potpisan code-share ugovor između Etihada i Jata. Jat imati code-share na Etihadovim letovima za Abu Dhabi, Bangkok, Bejing, Brisbane, Chendu, Chicago, Colombo, Ho Shi Minh, Islamabad, Karachi, Kuala Lupur, Kuwait, Lahore, New York, Melbourne, Seychelles, Shangay, Singapore, Sydney, Toronto i Washington.

    Istovremeno Etihad će imat code-share na Jatovim letovima za Amsterdam, Athens, Berlin, Brussels, Copenhagen, Dusseldorf, Rome, Frankfurt, Gothenburg, Istalnbul, London Hethrow, Larnaca, Milan, Malmo, Moscow, Podgorica, Sarajevo, Skopje, Stockholm, Stuttgart, Thessaloniki, Tivat, Vienna i Zurich

    Takve, i daleko veće, code-share ugovore Etihad ima sa čak 41 kompanijom, od čega čak 18 iz Europe i to:
    Aer Lingus - strateški partner i suvlasništvo
    Aer Lingus Regional
    Air Astana
    Air Berlin - strateški partner i suvlasništvo
    Air France - strateški partner
    Air Malta
    Brussels Airlines
    Cyprus Airways
    Czech Airlines
    Jat Airways
    KLM - strateški partner
    Olympic Air
    S7 Airlines
    TAP Portugal
    Turkish Airlines

    U toj šumi Jat može očekivati samo nešto putnika za SJJ, SKP, TGD i TIV. Teško da će prebaciti čak i putnike za VIE, obzirom koliko je to važna destinacija Air Berlina u kojoj Etihad ima ozbiljan postotak vlasništva. Ogroman dio tih Jatovih code-share letova Etihad leti i direktno, a većinu i u daleko večoj frekvenciji nego sam Jat (npr. LHR).

    Od tako pompoznog MoU ništa! Niti je potpisan, niti će skoro biti potpisan. Etihadov CEO James Hogan je naglasio da će se O SLIJEDEĆIM KORACIMA SURADNJE ETIHAD IZJASNITI TEK NAKON ŠTO PROUČI POSLVOANJE JATA. Predviđa se da će skeniranje Jata trajati oko dva mjeseca.

    Čak štoviše Jat CEO Ognjenović je izjavio: "da će sljedeći koraci u suradnji, AKO IH BUDE, biti u obostranom interesu obije kompanija".

    Toliko najavljeni ATR 72-500 koji su trebali doći do kraja ožujka još nisu ni blizu dolasku, a sveli su se na jedan primjerak. 2 A319 i 2 A320 još nisu ni u naznakama, a najavljuje se type rating za posade od 25. travnja, što znači da do kraja lipnja nema nikakve šanse da prvi piloti prolete na Airbusevima. Najavljivalo se rentanje Adrijinih aviona, no taj podatak nije točan. U svakom slučaju Etihad neće sudjelovati u nabavi Airbuseva jer će do dovršetka dvomjesečnog skeniranja kompanije Etihad neće iznositi korake, a kamoli "pomagati" Jatu.

    1. Anonymous00:51

      Lepotanu lepi, bice onako kako seik bude 'teo, ukoliko smatra da treba da preuzme deo jata ili celu begaljicu to ce se desiti. Ukoliko ne bude video interesa za to onda nece biti nista od toga i kraj. Uostalom, zasto je etihad uveo letove neposredno nakon seikovog dolaska u srbiju nedavno? Mora da je u pitanju bila slucajnost... C'mon...

      Mene samo zanima zasto se vi svi lepotani ne uzdignete iznad svih nas ovde i naprosto pocnete da ignorisete trenutke "tresla se gora rodio se mis"? Hm?
      Ne vidim svrhu konstantne negativne bujice ruznih komentara na racun jata, beograda, nisa ili bilo cega odavde. Jel to onaj sistem "da i komsiji crkne krava" ili...?

      Lepo vi blago nama, iskulirajte sa komentarima kad se mi hvalimo. Tada cemo vas a i vase komentare definitivno vise postovati, jer cemo onda znati da nas gledate u fazonu "pogle' ove budale", a ne kao kad svkodnevno trujete blog zlorudim komentarima.

      A na aerokroaciji ne primetih da ima bilo kakvih komentara a kamoli negativnih.i to nasih.

      Ljubim bubim

    2. Anonymous01:39

      Gledaj ljepotene... ovaj deal je odlican za Jat i na tome ce svatko normalan cestitati, ali nista mnogo bolji nego deal US Airwaysa i Croatia Airlinesa ili Lufthanse i Adrije. Samo Vi, "centar unverzuma a ne samo sveta" od neceg dobrog napušete kao da ste, u najmanju ruku, kupili Etihad.

      I onda od toga ništa! Ovo nije pljuvanje, svaka čast na code-share ugovoru, ali da je to silna suradnja na obnovi flote, otvaranje letova za SAD, kupnja 49% vlasnistva uz know-how i tko zna što je sve najavljeno - JEDNOSTAVNO NIJE!

      A da je sramota opravdati onako bombasticne najave ovako necim daleko manjim, i da je tesko naglo se probuti iz sna, jest. Nema veza

      ljubim bubim...

    3. Anonymous01:58

      Sta pricas kad na smiku od konferencije u Beogradu pokazaju snimke Air Berlinu i grad Cikaga, i kaze Hogan da je plan da se leti Beograd - Berlin - Cikago sa jednim avionom.. nemoze sve od jednom, ali stize polako.. sta je taj ugovor sa Croatia Airlines, prodaju karte za USA, ali jos uvek moraju da presedaju kao i nas iz BG..... Pozdrav

    4. Anonymous01:58


    5. Anonymous06:23

      Did US Airways started daily flights to Zagreb?

    6. Anonymous07:56

      Не заборавимо да је Хоган после конференције отишао код Вучића, то је кључно у целој овој причи.
      Корак по корак, ми на Балкану желимо све преко ноћи. Тек сада постаје занимљиво и ово је прва летња сезона где очекујем добре промене у Јату.
      А замолио би наше комшије, са свих страна, да сачекају још мало па онда да коментаришу јер ће се у супротном само обрукати.

      Поздрав свим добрим људима.

  42. Anonymous08:12

    Omg. Poredis propali US Aiways sa Etihadom? Ccc..je l ' toliko bolna cinjenica ZAG-DOH vs BEG-DOH/BEG-DXB/BEG-AUH?

    Btw nesto ne videh da je US Airways otvirio svakodnevne letove iz Filadelfije do Zagreba.
    To je to- i da komsiji crkne krava.


    1. Anonymous08:52

      Istovremeno Etihad će imat code-share na Jatovim letovima za Amsterdam, Athens, Berlin, Brussels, Copenhagen, Dusseldorf, Rome, Frankfurt, Gothenburg, Istalnbul, London Hethrow, Larnaca, Milan, Malmo, Moscow, Podgorica, Sarajevo, Skopje, Stockholm, Stuttgart, Thessaloniki, Tivat, Vienna i Zurich

      Takve, i daleko veće, code-share ugovore Etihad ima sa čak 41 kompanijom, od čega čak 18 iz Europe i to:
      Aer Lingus - strateški partner i suvlasništvo
      Aer Lingus Regional
      Air Astana
      Air Berlin - strateški partner i suvlasništvo
      Air France - strateški partner
      Air Malta
      Brussels Airlines
      Cyprus Airways
      Czech Airlines
      Jat Airways
      KLM - strateški partner
      Olympic Air
      S7 Airlines
      TAP Portugal
      Turkish Airlines

      U toj šumi Jat može očekivati samo nešto putnika za SJJ, SKP, TGD i TIV. Teško da će prebaciti čak i putnike za VIE, obzirom koliko je to važna destinacija Air Berlina u kojoj Etihad ima ozbiljan postotak vlasništva. Ogroman dio tih Jatovih code-share letova Etihad leti i direktno, a većinu i u daleko večoj frekvenciji nego sam Jat (npr. LHR).


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