September start for Zagreb terminal

Zagreb terminal construction to begin in three months

Construction work on Zagreb’s brand new terminal is now on course to begin this September after operator Zagreb Airport International Company secured all necessary finances for the multi million euro project. The European Investment Bank will provide a 120 million euro loan while Zagrebačka Bank and Erste Bank will provide an additional 65 million euros. Zagreb Airport International Company, which is headed by Aéroports de Paris, has logged a request for construction permits to be issued so work on the much awaited and needed terminal can finally begin. Permits are expected to be approved within the next month after which the search for contractors can begin. Foreign construction companies are most likely to carry out the work on the terminal, with media speculating a Turkish company will work on the structure while a Belgian company will carry out work on the façade.

Once construction of the new terminal begins, it must be completed within 1.095 days (three years). The airport’s owners anticipate that the new state of the art facilities will turn Croatia’s busiest hub into a regional powerhouse and a transit point within the Balkans. The price tag of the project’s first phase will amount to 236 million euros, while the thirty year concession fee adds up to 1.9 billion euros. The concession contract signed between the Croatian government and the French operator outlined that construction of the new terminal would begin on April 11, 2013 at the latest.

Zagreb Airport is operating at full capacity as passenger numbers continue to rise. In the first four months of the year the airport welcomed 628.171 passengers through its doors – an all time record. With the country entering the European Union on July 1, a passenger surge is widely expected in the coming months. The construction of Zagreb’s second terminal will not in any way affect passengers using Croatia’s busiest airport and is expected to be operational by the end of 2016.


  1. DKinVXO09:49

    Are there any pics of what it will look like? Or is it the same design that was supposed to be used a couple of years ago? Anyone has a link?

    1. Anonymous11:02

      Yes, here is a nice video rendition of the new terminal:

    2. DKinVXO11:08

      Ah oh yes this one. Thanx a lot :)

  2. Anonymous10:05

    Nice. Good news from the region.

  3. Fingers crossed for this to finally happen!

    Regarding the final design, the one shown on the above link is of the eventual winner a few years back and really does look great! I just fear that it might be to expensive to build and that we will see a more simpler concept but I would love to be wrong about this.

  4. The movie was the winner of the project yes, but is it still the official model they are gonna build?

    Strange that they anounce something but still dont give much good details/pictures off it.

    1. Anonymous04:22

      No, that' is the final design, contract was given specifically based on that design, where's originally first phase of the project envisioned only 3-4 fingers, French developers said they'll go for full profile and invest 236 million in to new terminal with 12 fingers.

      But as soon as terminal hits 5 million mark, they'll start expanding it again, eventually terminal will have around 20-24 passenger boarding bridges with max capacity of 20 million pax.

      Expansion could be done as early as 2025.

      Old terminal will be used for low cost and domestic flights only.

  5. Anonymous15:32

    This was the design that won a few years ago. But now they will do some variation of this because this project has been sold to Donetsk in Ukraine I think. So yes, the final design hasn’t actually been released yet. I can’t wait for construction to start but it’s really telling that not a single Croatian company will work on this project which is one of the biggest in the country. A shame really.

  6. Purger17:09

    No, that is not true. IGH made terminal in Donetsk but it was not same one as in Zagreb, it is totally different design of terminal. That project is Zagreb one.

    Croatian companies will build terminal, don't worry, especially Viadukt who is one of shareholder. But they will be subcontractor because you need foreign companies if you must sell one door for 50.000,00 EUR to make 190 million EUR terminal cost as 365 million one. What do you think why they need "Croatian Government guarantee for banks", why Airport de Paris have just 10% of shares, and building companies has majority of shares?

  7. cro propa10:18

    I will believe it when I see it.

    1. Anonymous16:21

      Just like Jat and it's Airbus jets!

    2. Anonymous16:56

      Who cares what you believe

  8. Anonymous01:29

    I think they waited for begin of construction after Croatia joins EU in July so that prices for everything goes up and they can earn more money because of that...

  9. Anonymous21:16

    they are waiting money,
    look on the web page of european investment bank,
    after you see information who is promotor for loan everything will be clear


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