New tender for Zagreb terminal possible

Fresh problems for Zagreb Airport’s new terminal

The Croatian Minister for Sea, Transport and Infrastructure, Siniša Hajdaš Dončić, has issued a warning to operator Zagreb Airport International Company, saying that new tender procedures for the construction of the airport’s heavily delayed new terminal will be launched if the French operator does not fulfil all of its obligations by the end of the week, allowing for construction to begin this fall. “This week is the final deadline for all requirements to be met. If they are, work on the new terminal will begin at the end of September or early October, once construction permits are issued. If the requirements are not met by the end of the week we will launch tender procedures to find a new concessioner”, Mr. Hajdaš Dončić said on national television.

It is the first public warning the Croatian government has issued to the consortium, led by Aéroports de Paris, set to fund and run the brand new multi million euro terminal. Under the contract signed with the Croatian government, the consortium had until April 11 to secure all necessary finances for the 365 million euro project, otherwise the concession would be terminated. It is now July and no progress on construction has been made.

Christophe Petit, from Zagreb Airport International Company, has denied the consortium is having issues in securing finances for the new terminal, blaming instead administrative problems for the delay in construction. “We are holding talks with banks and finalising all necessary documentation. We have reached an agreement with all parties involved and now we just have to put it on paper and sign it. However, I must stress that this is not a simple process and it takes time”, Mr. Petit noted.

If construction of the new terminal begins, it must be completed within 1.095 days (three years), though all contract deadlines have so far been missed. The airport’s new owners anticipate that the new state of the art facilities will turn Croatia’s busiest hub into a regional powerhouse and a transit point within the Balkans. Plans to build a new terminal at Zagreb Airport have been ongoing for years.


  1. Anonymous10:06


    So we are back to square 1.

  2. Anonymous10:09

    Jatovanje goes west! ahahaha!

    1. "Zasto se svako u Ex-Yu raduje kada kod komsije crkne krava?"

    2. Anonymous11:20

      Zato što su komšije ismevale svaku priču vezanu za Jat godinama, kad gle.

    3. Anonymous11:21

      Где си био када су остали подсмевали Србију и вести везане за Јат?
      Ах да... био си сувише заузет Бања Луком и доказима како је она најсиромашнија регија те ваше полупропале републике.

    4. Anonymous11:24

      x2 Sarajevo

      I doubt there are any issues to worry, btw admin its not €365 million, its €326 million which also includes 58m new Air traffic control tower and 250 000 airport ramp with 25 positions (2 for A380 wide-body and 23 narrow body A320/B3738/E195/Bombardier CSeries)

      AirportCity is whole new infrastructure and new investor.

    5. OT

      @Anonymous 11:20
      Da li se taj komentar odnosi na mene?

      Kao prvo Banja Luka jeste najsiromansiji veliki grad BiH u kojem se zaradjuje tek 55% prosjecne plate u Sarajevu u kojem su prosjecne place vece za 12 % nego li u Beogradu, dok su 45 % manje nego u Zagrebu.

      Uostalom, nikada nisam pljuvao niti po Jat-u a niti po Beogradu - samo sam objektivan i dobro obavjesten.

      "Propale republike"?
      Ja koliko znam , niti je BiH a niti je Federacija BiH propala. Dok god u FBIH tangira 7 od 10 najvecih kompanija u BiH, dok u Federaciji izovozi vecih firmi dostizu 500.000.000 KM (Elektroptivreda BiH, Prevent Sarajevo, Arcelor Mittal Zenica, Aluminium Mostar,...) u RS-u Birac kao 2. najveci izvoznik je pod stecajem, rafinerije su PRED STECAJEM i vec sad ne mogu da vracaju dug, Aerodrom Banja Luka prima finansijsku spricu od 6.000.000 KM godisnje, te su sve druge drzavne firme u gibtuku osim Telekomunikacija RS-a (m:tel).

      Pa samo ti o "polupropaloj republici". Ne znam ko je ovde propao!

      Ali ne bih dalje o politici, ovo je blog o avio-prevozu.


    6. Anonymous14:02

      "@Anonymous 11:20
      Da li se taj komentar odnosi na mene?"

      Ne, već na desetine komentara koji su se mesecima ovde ostavljali na konto Jatovog dogovora sa Etihadom.

      Lično želim sve najbolje hrvatskoj avijaciji i ne patim od bilo kakvih nacionalističkih kompleksa, ali sam svestan kakve emocije prevladavaju na obe strane, nažalost.

    7. Vrijeme je za KOOPERACIJU a ne nacionalisticku mrznju!

      Da smo prije 10 godina poceli suradjivati na podrucju ekonomije i infrastukture, danas bi imali mnogo bise !

      Ali kako je tako je: molimo Boga da komsiji crkne krava...

    8. Anonymous15:42

      Nije vreme za "kooperaciju", vec za konkurenciju. Nebo je otvoreno, i sad treba gledati ko nudi bolje i ko prolazi bolje. A ne da se kompanije slazu u kartele.

  3. Anonymous10:53

    "Jatovanje goes west" Jatovanje cant go past Vukovar you know this.

    1. Anonymous11:22

      You mean... Вуковар?

    2. I hope that the administrator is going to block your profile because we don´t need and nationalists here at this blog!

      This blog is about aviation and not who is better!
      For the moment, Serbia is light years behind Croatia, so just be quite!

    3. Anonymous21:53

      But, Sarajevo, just you are the one who compared companies and airports and states.
      You were trying to convince us that Banjaluka was poorer than any village in the Federation a fortnight ago.

      Of course Banjaluka Airport has been a white elephant all the time from its first go, but it will change as soon as Mr Dodik and his SNSD is out of power.
      Bribery and corruption, which destroyed not only bnx but the whole that entity, must be wiped out.
      After the RS gets new Government and the airport gets new management, things will improve there.
      Will be flights to ZUR, Scandinavia, VIE, BEG, Moscow and some city in nortwest Germany. So it will use two hubs, VIE for the flights to the west of far west and BEG for the transfer flights to near or far east. You'll like it, I'm sure.

    4. Anonymous22:08

      Sarajevo, i wouldn't say you are well informed one.
      BNX is not given 6,000,000 KM per year but 900,000 KM only.

      Problem is the RS government does not care for bnx, not in the least.
      If they really had taken care they would abide by the law if nothing else.
      But, I'll tell you what, the government is on the ropes and we all expect them to resign. The sooner the better.

    5. RS invested 6.000.000 since the last elections in 2010 (Aerdrom Banja Luka, Sky Srpska, Adria Airways, ...).

      It is not a problem in supporting an airport with money, but it is a problem when a government invests millions of € in an airport which doesn´t have any flights !!!

      Instead of pleading Jat to fly to BNX, they could just buy an ATR72 or a CRJ for SkySrpska!

    6. Anonymous16:16

      "...Aerodrom Banja Luka prima finansijsku spricu od 6.000.000 KM godisnje,.."

      "... Banja Luka Airport receives a financial injection of 6,000,000KM on annual basis ..."

      I hope this is what you've said.

      Now, you have stated something entirely different.
      Ok, but what does BNX have to do with the Government’s decisions to spend taxpayers' money into mentioned companies such as Sky Srpska and Adria? Could the then bnx’s managing board deter the Gov of doing such thing. Of course not.
      You can find in all media that they supported BNX with only 600,000KM in 2010 and 2011, and 900,000KM in 2012. The media published they would also support BNX with 900,000KM throughout 2013.
      The Gov actually gives money to BNX for its employee's salaries. Of course those guys do not do a stroke of work there. That's a different story.
      Since you like to be informed you might like to read about how it's going with bnx recently under the following link.
      You can also google "aerodrom banjaluka" and get useful links too.

      Regarding your suggestion about buying an either ATR72 or CRJ airliner to Sky Srpska, instead to leave traffic to some strong companies which know how to do that job properly, it might be useful for you to be informed that that wouldn't be a good idea for no any airline company can live from just one aircraft. There are a lots of services that, by ICAO recommended practices and the aviation law of the country where it is registered, an airline can’t exist without. So BH Airlines has about more than a hundred employees. And they can not feed on those two ATR72. How could Sky Srpska feed on just one? So, don’t you think, sometimes, just sometimes, it’s better to think first than to sprinkle advices about something you are not sure about. On the other hand, I like your posts, indeed.
      Just to add, my opinion is, the Gov had to have announced an open competition for a proper managing board for the airport, asking restructuring of the airport’s operator and invest that money into the airport’s infrastructure and equipment. But they didn’t. One day some government will.

  4. Anonymous11:18

    Om a more positive note, Zagreb is becoming major tourist Mecca it seems.

    In first 6 months of 2013 city had 15% growth in number of visitors and 11% in number of nights.

    in numbers, in first 6 months 342.888 tourist visited the city and they spent 612.993 nights, 11% increase on same time last year. If Zagreb can maintain 15% yoy growth, it is expected city could record 870 000+ visitors and 1.5 million nights.

    city is already most popular tourist destination among ex-yogo capitals but with such impressive growth Zagreb could cement its lead position and build on that.

    Even Chinese tourist are coming in increased numbers, fear was that new Visa regime might deter many tourist from visiting the City.

    "U Gradu Zagrebu ostvareno je 767.366 dolazaka (pet posto više) uz 1.245.669 noćenja (5,3 posto više). Osim Zagreba, kontinentalna županija u koju je stigao najveći broj posjetitelja jest Karlovačka županija, koja je zabilježila 186.517 dolazaka (12,7 posto više) te 303.522 noćenja (12,7 posto više).

    If it continues this way Zagreb airport might be very busy in coming years, 1.7 million tourists by 2020, and 3.2 million by 2030, at leas two thirds of them will come via air, Slovenian, Austrian and Hungarian tourist can drive to Zagreb.

    1. Anonymous11:24

      I think that any city that has barely 340,000 tourists in the first six months of the year can be considered a tourist Mecca.

    2. Anonymous11:28

      Winter months at that, January has only Snow Queen/Kiong event and that's when it fully booked, not many tourists in Feb, March cause of really bad weather, snowed in Zagreb till late March, airport was closed for few days as well. April, May and June when most tourist arrived, and for Zagreb its an impressive start, sure its not a Mecca yet, it will be if it continues at present rate, and I'm sure Zagreb Airport will be a major beneficiary of Zagreb's tourism boom, reason why i posted this article, its all connected.

    3. Not just Zagreb but the region of Zagorje and Varazdin which are becoming very popular weekend destinations.

  5. JU520 BEGLAX12:44

    what ever Zagreb is called etc., you need a new terminal like everywhere else in the world new terminals are built.
    same counts for LJU and SPU

    Winter is everywhere a similar Problem, it can be compensated with exhibition/fair and general business travels. But of course first u need an prospering business environment, and there we defintely are running behind in the region

  6. When I first read today's headline my first expression was, oh no here we go again but after reading the article it does not seem too bad since the government at least seems committed this time.

    The region needs construction! This is one of the best types of stimulus for any economy and the terminal will be a decent size project which will have a very positive flow on effect once we see dirt finally moved!

  7. Anonymous14:31

    heres what I read today about this endeavour:

    1. Anonymous15:25

      Jutarnji list is worst tabloid trash press in Croatia, they have no inkling of what is going on with the project, if anyone has its Vecernji/Novi list and Nova TV/HRTV.

      Current Coaliton has no go zone for Jutarnji list after Butkovioc tried to blackmail some SDP and HNS politicians before the elections, Jutarnji list is nothing more than trash worth for toilet.

      We'll find out tomorrow what's the latest, but from looks of it French will have to accept the offered or Government will issue new concession, from looks it now that Croatia is exiting the recession it might be wise for Croatian Government to finance this project with the help of the EU. This is the most preferred option.

  8. Anonymous21:23

    ZAG will not need it. Just to wash some money.

  9. Anonymous21:50

    Which airlines are supposed to help turn Zagreb into a "regional powerhouse" and "transit point" when Croatia Airlines is only downsizing??? And there is no foreseeable growth in the future, especially with Lufthansa's grip and Jat or future Air Serbia turning Belgrade into a regional hub?

    1. Anonymous16:35

      What makes an airport a powerhouse in region or a hub, is the number of connections airport offers, could be that only Lufthansa gonna fly from Zagreb, but as long as they offer good connections and loads of them, and airport is growing rapidly that's what's most important.

      But as part of Airport de Paris deal, Air France would have preatty much free hands at Zagreb Airport, KLM too. So you can expect these two to show their presence felt at the airport come 2015/16.

      Croatian airlines isn't going anywhere it still has a fleet of 12 aircraft and flies to 25 destinations instead of 30.

      Once Croatia Airlines sorts its mess out, things will be back to normal and Croatia Airlines can go back to being dominant airline of EX-Yu, which it will remain no matter what.

  10. another thing, WTF are they gona build, wich design?

    1. True,
      I would love to see the glass wavy design built but I have my doubts as it looks very expensive and if you ask me, this is the most probable cause of the recent delays.

      Aéroports de Paris, I am assuming are pushing for a less complicated / expensive design while Zagreb is standing firm on the concept accepted and agreed by the consortium. Time will tell who cracks first.

    2. Anonymous08:24

      the wining design for airport, - architectural drawings and plans for new terminal, all the information you need to know about the entire project.

    3. Thanks for the links,

  11. Anonymous21:46

    New terminal gets go-ahead.

    Construction should start in 5 weeks time, phase 1 of the project is set to cost in region of €224 million with 2nd stage planned for 2017 should cost another €100-104 million, by the end of phase 2 around 2020, the new terminal will have 22 passenger boarding bridges and have maximum capacity of around 20 million passengers, although initially terminal is being built for 3.5 million passengers actual capacity can be increased dramatically by adding extra check ins.

    1. Looking better by the day that this might actually start this year! :)


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