Air Serbia considering regional acquisition

Air Serbia’s future investments “may involve regional acquisitions”

The CEO of Air Serbia, Dane Kondić, has announced the airline is considering the possibility to purchase an airline in the region as part of its future expansion plans but says the Serbian carrier must first turn a profit before making such a big strategic move. Mr. Kondić believes his airline will turn a profit within a year’s time. “I think any business is always going to look at opportunities for growth. At the moment we have our own goals, ambitions and plans, which is to bring into service ten of these new aircraft, build a route structure, get some sustainability and then we can look at other sorts of investment that may involve acquisitions around the region”, Mr. Kondić said.

Serbia’s Deputy Prime Minister, Aleksandar Vučić, echoed the words of Air Serbia’s CEO, “There is an idea to acquire some airlines in the region after we bring in new planes. All airlines in the region have many problems. They are facing great challenges and will face them in the future”. Asked whether Etihad Airways will be making more acquisitions itself, CEO James Hogan said, “I think we have our plate full at the moment. We are delighted to welcome Air Serbia to our equity alliance and look forward to working constructively with them and their stakeholders to build a sustainable, competitive, and profitable airline”. In addition to being a minority shareholder in Air Serbia, Etihad also has shares in Air Berlin, Virgin Australia, Aer Lingus and Air Seychelles and is finalising the purchase of India’s Jet Airways.

Currently Adria Airways, B&H Airlines and Croatia Airlines are all in search of strategic partners. Croatia Airlines has begun its privatisation process, with the government hoping to finalise it within the next nine months. After a failed attempt to privatise the airline last year, the Slovenian government has said it will make a second attempt and has listed Adria as a priority for sale, though no firm timeframe has been given. B&H Airlines is also in search of a partner. According to the Bosnian government, investors from the United Arab Emirates have shown interest.


  1. Contrails09:19

    Several flights have experienced serious delays DUS, CDG today, TLV, LHR, FCO, CPH yesterday ... does anyone know why?

    1. Anonymous09:38

      Yes, can somebody tell us?

    2. Anonymous09:56

      LHR and CDG because of weather today

  2. Anonymous09:30

    Dali neko zna ciji piloti upravljaju airbus a 319 koji leti za air serbia? I dali su nasi piloti zavrsili obuku za airbus sad kad su bili u nemackoj?poz

    1. Anonymous10:30

      Serbian pilots. They finished training.

    2. Lete piloti Adria Airways-a. Oni jedini imaju bogato iskustvo u pilotiranju ovim mašinama. Ima i par Jatovih pilota koji imaju upisana ovlašćenja za Airbus-a... 318,319,320 i 321.

  3. Purger10:01

    B&H Airlines would be ideal for acquisition. 2 more ATR 72 (one for flights from SJJ is enough + 1 to Air Serbia) and 2 the best 737-300 in SJJ (for flights to BEG, Scandinavia, Germany, Amsterdam...) + in near future A319 instead 737 and flights to Abu Dhabi.

    very small investment, and perfect market.

    After that priority should be Macedonia, and than Montenegro. All of that is real, easy to take, not big investment, and not huge competition.

    1. Purger10:11

      Ovo nije nimalo glupo. Nakon ljeta imat će na dispoziciji 4 probrana 737-300 i nekoliko za rezervne dijelove koji će se tijekom zime 2013/14 koristiti za redovni promet, u ljeto 2014. za chartere, a potom će biti slobodni.

      Idealna akvizicija bi bila B&H Airlines
      - kompanija očajno traži investitora
      - već sada imaju code-share sa Air Serbiom na liniji SJJ-BEG gdje od planirana 3 dnevna leta oni lete jedan
      - ATR 72 je kompatibilan sa Jatovom flotom (zadržati jednog u SJJ za regionalne linije i jednog poslati u BEG za povečanje regionalne flote)
      - uvaliti dva najbolja 737-300 za linije prema BEG, Skandinaviji, Njemačkoj, Turskoj, Amsterdamu)
      - kasnije zamjeniti 737 (ovi avioni nisu previše raubani, ali jesu stari i definitivno nisu dugoročno rješenje, već samo kratkoročno za 2-3 godine) sa A319 i otvoriti liniju prema Abu Dhabiu

      Potom bi logično bilo stvoriti kompaniju u Makedoniji, a nakon toga preuzeti Montenegro koji i ovako jedva preživljava, a dolaskom Air Serbie će biti u još daleko većim problemima, što će vrlo teško preživjeti. Za 2-3 godine, kada bi Montenegro mogao doći na red za akviziciju, će vjerovatno biti pred bankrotom.

      ...a potom... bože me sačuvaj i pomisliti što bi moglo biti.

    2. Anonymous10:28

      Slazem se za Bosnu samo smatram da ce to biti moguce samo ako SJJ spusti cene usluga i ako im omoguci da lete u sred noci bez problema. Mada imajuci u vidu koliko je bosanska vlada ocajna siguran sam da ce prihvatiti bez pogovora.

      Flota B737 vazduhoplova ce biti sve jedno renovirana pre letnje sezone. Izbacice poslovnu klasu i verovatno ce dobiti sardina konfiguraciju. Ali dobro, za carter letove i ne treba mnogo vise. Ovi vazduhoplovi, bas kao sto si i predlozio bi bili idealni da se testira bosansko trziste.

      A za Crnu Goru, mislim da tu nema drugog izbora nego da se ugasi Montenegro Airlines is da se svi putnici teraju preko Beograda. Da budemo realni, Beograd je jedino odrediste ka kom ima potraznje tokom cele godine. Mislim da bi bilo vise gubitka nego koristi kada bi se uspostavila baza tamo.

      Jedna druga mogucnost je da kako broj putnika Er Serbiji raste u Beogradu, da ona menja svoje A319 sa A320 a te starije modele da salje u Sarajevo i ako ima potrebe u Skopje.

    3. Nikola10:29

      slažem se sa tobom da JA treba da bude prvi, već sarađuju sa JU, i još su se sami ponudili da obavljaju jedan dnevni let SJJ-BEG. tako da je JA sasvim logičan prvi izbor.
      što se tiče Makedonije, ne znam šta bi sa AeroMak-om. znam samo da su spominjali da će da ga reaktiviraju kada oslobode 733

    4. Anonymous10:29

      I can only imagine the reaction of the politicians from the Federation to the slightest hint of JA being sold to Serbs. No chance for reason to prevail.

    5. Nikola10:38

      i don't see that as a problem. they know that behind JU is EY, which is owned by Arabs, so why wouldn't they sell?

    6. Anonymous10:43

      Well, they don't mind being Air Serbia's feeder so I am sure that they would eventually come around and accept the reality.

      The only place where I just can't see reason prevailing is Croatia. I think they would rather blow up OU than to have Serbs buy it.

      Regardless of what each ex-republic might think/say. I have a feeling that the current management of Air Serbia will not ask twice. You don't want? Ok, then we will make you bleed Euros until you can no longer operate. It seems that B&H Airlines is the only one that got the point.

      It is interesting how Tarom offered to cooperate with Air Serbia, that's really good.

    7. Anonymous10:44

      Nikola, because the majority stake in Air Serbia is still held by the Serbs. Not only the Serbs but the Serbian government.

    8. Purger11:00

      "Serbian" problem with Air Bosna?
      - no, it would be enough that someone from Abu Dhabi call and they will be happy that "Arab brothers" are in.
      - name should be B&H Airlines not Air Serbia BIH, so it would be OK for everyone (Government will speak about Arab brothers, passengers will see Bosnian colors in planes)

      Just BEG from TIV
      - that is not real. If Air Serbia does that some other competition will come to fill the gap.
      - in case of Air Serbia acquisition in of Montenegro in 2016/17 (that is real) they should have at least 4 daily flights from TGD to BEG and 3 from TIV to BEG (in summer much more, of course) + everyday flight to Abu Dhabi from TGD (till than you will have 3-4 flights from BEG and that will do all the waves so you should open new flights to Abu Dhabi in region) + several flights from TIV and TGD to Moscow, Frankfurt, Munich, Berlin (Air Berlin), Switzerland and Italy + flights to SJJ and SKP if in meantime there will be acquisition of companies in those airports (like SKP-TGD-FCO, TGD-SJJ-FRA...).
      - That is at least 2 planes + another 2 for charters and summer.

    9. Anonymous11:06

      Yes but that means Air Serbia will have to get into the charter flight business, in other words mix two very different business models. I don't see them doing that.
      I think for the next five to six years they will funnel all the passengers via Belgrade. Only when there is a mighty hub in Belgrade will they consider launching flights from the region.

      Naturally, it begs the question. How many of these regional airlines will be able to survive until 2016/2017?

    10. Purger14:40

      But it was their announcement that 4 737-300 will stay during summer for charter flights.

    11. Nikola15:23

      it is diferent business model when you operate solely charter flights. when you operate charter and regular flights, it's no different than operating regular flights. you just charter offer planes and crew (in JU's case it will be 4 733s) for charter flights to tour operators.
      the best thing about charter flights is easy money (that's why JU won't give them up). you sell all seats to tour operators, and don't care if they fill them. you have maximum profit :-)

    12. Anonymous16:50

      OT: Purgeru, ima li što novo u vezi privatizacije Croatia Airlines-a?

    13. Anonymous17:05

      Yes, but they intend on operating them from their primary base where they have all they need. I was pointing out that it makes little sense at this point for them to operate charter flights out of foreign airports.

    14. Polazeći od činjenice da Boinzi mogu kvalitetno da se iskoriste, a da nisu planirani da lete posle zimskog reda letenja za potrebe AS, jer je uskotrupna džet flota Er Srbije planirana bazno za A319 a kasnije proširivana avionima A320 što će reći da se radi o unifikaciji Flote, gde nekadašnji Jatovi Boinzi zaista nemaju mesta, a pošto je Srbija vlasnik Er Srbije u 51% udela i vlasnik 100% čarter kompanije AVIOGENEX, Boinzi će najverovatnije preći u AGX, jer sada AGX leti samo sa jednim YU-ANP. Ovo je najcelishodnija situacija kako bi se Er Srbija zaista prilagodila veoma ambicioznim planovima. Mišljenja sam da Er Srbija ne treba da se bavi letnjim čarterima jer to ne radi ni Lufthansa, Alitalia, Austrian i ostale respektabilne kompanije što hoće da bude i Er Srbija! Zato i postoji Aviogenex koji isključivo treba da se bavi čarter saobraćajem, kao nekada, pre 1985. godine kad se čarterom bavila Inex Adria i Aviogenex, a redovni saobraćaj je isključivo obavljao JAT. Makedonija je priča za sebe i tu opet ne treba petljati Er Srbiju, nego osnivačka prava nad Aeromakom preneti sa Jata na Republiku Srbiju koja bi tamo mogla da značajno učestvuje u saobraćaju Makedonije, sa nekadašnjim zaposlenima Jata koji još uvek imaju validne dozvole i ovlašćenja za letenje na Boinzima, kao i prateće službe koje mogu da rade za Aeromak... Montenegro airlines ne bih komentarisao, jedino ne treba zaboraviti da zaista nemamo prava da se petljamo u unutrašnje stvari Republike Crne Gore koja svakako najbolje zna šta će sa svojim avio prevoziocem, ima prava da ga ima, da ga dotira i obavlja saobraćaj iz TGD i TIV, uvažavajući svoju poslovnu i državnu politiku.

    15. Anonymous23:27

      Nije istina da Austrian ne radi chartere. Radi ih i to mnogo. Kao i večina srednjih i malih kompanija. Samo navjeći ne rade chartere.

    16. Purger23:34

      Po ivoj logici da se ne treba petljati u Crnu Goru, onda Air Serbia neće kupiti ni jednu kompaniju u regiji, jer se ne bi trebala petljati u Bosnu, Rumunjsku, Bugarsku, Sloveniju, Makedoniju. A gdje bi onda mogla kupiti kompaniju? Jednu od ovih 20 koje lete u Srbiji?

      U kapitalizmu nema emocija. Air Serbia se želi i mora širiti, a Crna Gora je jedno od logičnih tržišta. Ako će Montenegro biti na prodaju, zato ne? A ako neće, onda im se može "pomoći" da bude: dupingom, dupliranjem linija, odličnim konekcijama, tj. preuzimanjem što većeg tržišnog udjela i gušenjem kompanije. Recite mi, jel stvarno mislite da je Lufthansa imala samo sreće što je kupila Austrian i Brussels ili je godinama koristila dumping, molitiplicirala letove svojih kompanija i marioneta prema BRU i VIE, otvarala paralelne linije iz MUC za "egzotična i čudna" odredišta na koje je letio OS...?

    17. Purger23:49

      A što se tiče širenja i akvizicija, naravno da kompanija to želi. I ako je plan da se kupi neka kompanija (npr. B&H Airlines) onda sada na tome treba raditi. Strategija linija, konekcija, regionalne prisutnosti mora se postaviti sada, da bi se eventualno iskoristio benefit i za neko vrijeme krenulo u kupovinu.

      Ako želite uletjeti u SJJ, onda je sada vrijeme da se poveća broj letova prema SJJ, pa ako nema dovoljno aviona, a trenutno nema, onda će se razvijati SJJ nauštrb npr. ekspanzije u SKP koja bi možda bila i logičnija obzirom na devijacije.

      Kompanija koja nema definiranu razvoju politiku kojoj teži nema budućnosti. E sad, naravno da ako izostanu rezultati koji bi takvu ekspanziju mogli pratiti financijski i organizacijski, onda se planovi mijenjaju, prolongiraju, smanjuju... ali to ne znači da tome ne treba težiti, da ne treba razvijati strategiju i imati viziju u slučaju optimalnog razvoja. Ako on bude, daj Bože, maksimalno biti će ekspanzija brža, ako će biti slabiji, biti će sporija.

      Drugi je par rukava što se sa informacijama istrčava preuranjeno. E onda se eventualna "usporena ekspanzija" ili prolongiranje doživljavaju kao rezultat neozbiljnog managementa ili gluposti kompanije. Treba shvatiti volju da se stvori "regionalni lider", "ekipa koja je pobjednik", ružičastoj budućnosti kao motivaciji, ali izjave o širokotrupcima i interkontinentalnim letovima, o kupovini kompanija u regiji su nepotrebne i puno preuranjene. Pa sjetite se kako Etihad skriva takve informacije do pred samu realizaciju. Čak i demantiraju "interes" iako je sve već definirano (slučaj Jeta npr.). U tom kontekstu mi stvarno nije jasno zašto je novi CEO krenuo sa takvim izjavama. Nepotrebno, riskantno, sa puno premalo potencijalnog benefita. Kompanija je već lider, radnicim motivirani. Iskoristiti plodove toga, a ne potencirati možebitno Jatovanje.

      Ako tome dodamo još i krajnje neozbiljnu i nerealnu izjavu onog ministra o 5.000 zaposlenih, onda sve postaje neozviljno i smješno. A daleko je od toga!

      Mislim da se kompanija trenutno treba baviti bitnijim sadašnjim porođajnim problemima poput velikih kašnjenja, prizemljenog A319, vrlo lošoj copy-paste Jatovoj web stranici sa gomilom pogrešaka, prihvata novih aviona u flotu, školovanja kadra, po mogućnosti bez privođenja i zatvaranja u Abu Dhabiu... a ne govoriti o eventualnim ciljevima za 2016.

    18. Anonymous01:46

      This is similar to the rhetoric at the time of the dissolution of ex-Yugoslavia. Serbs figured they steal the military equipment, politicians feed them a story how everything is great. Then they figure they will go through the region and "acquire " all the regions. After all they are great Serbia.

      The reality of the situation, they don't last long in most of the neighboring countries. And on top of that as a result of their arrogance destroy their own country the most.

      But time will tell.

      P.S. The admin of this site has banned the IPs of two computers I have posted opinions that he doesn't agree with, so if I don't post a further reply you know why.

    19. Please do not make things up. The blogger platform does not allow the administrators to block IP addresses nor commentators.

    20. Anonymous07:52

      Ja nisam rekao da se ona nece siriti po regionu, ja sam samo rekao da sumnjam da ako krene u pohodo i ako na primer kupi YM da ce se pre skoncentrisati na redovne letove mesto na carter.

    21. Purger09:35

      Moj komentar nije bio usmjeren na tebe, nego na Stankeov komentar.

      No, ukoliko se desi da Montenegro bude privatizirana i da Air Serbia tu "uskoći" onda će morati preuzeti i charter business jer je on ipak ogroman dio kompanije. Konačno, zašto ne. Pa to rade i daleko veće kompanije, zašto ne bi i Air Serbia?

    22. Anonymous09:39

      @ Anonymous 1:46 AM 29 Oct.
      What has your comment to do with aviation?

      @ Admin. Why was this comment not deleted? You have deleted comments with much more aviation content in the past. Just want to know the rationale for future reference.

      Thanks, greatly appreciate your site and effort.

      -- Charlie

    23. Anonymous10:02

      I am not the one making things up.

      The reason he hasn't deleted my post, like he obviously has done in the past, although he will probably deny it, is that he had to say that the platform doesn't allow it. It is also against the rules of the platform, because they want to allow for freedom of speech, something that unfortunately still hasn't rubbed off in the balkan.

      My comment is in response to the article, which as was pointed by others is currently at most a theory, but the admin felt was the most news worthy thing that he should publish.

      I think the only way forward for the region is meaningful dialogue, then we can start talking about acquisitions and cooperation for mutual benefit. Until then this continues to be just hot air.

      P.S. The admin of this site has banned the IPs of two computers from which I have posted opinions that he doesn't agree with, so if I don't post a further reply you know why.

    24. I do not exactly understand what is your point of falsely accusing me of blocking a comment you made? I have never done so, neither can I actually see anyone’s IP address so your theory is wrong. If I wanted to delete a comment you made I can simply do it. The only comments which are deleted here are the ones that go against the comment guidelines.

    25. Of course, if you continue to make false claims your comments will be deleted. Have a good day.

    26. Purger13:50

      Why on earth, you even react on those irrational comments. Thank you for doing perfect job on this blog, I know I would never have this energy and will to do so big job as you. So, please, for good of all of us, do not even respond to those kinds of comments.

      Proceed with good job in future, we appreciate it, and please contact us if you need any help. I will send you my e-mail.

    27. Purger13:59

      Can you one more time post here your e-mail, please.


  4. Anonymous10:30

    I see a lot of potential issues/problems with Air Serbia buying a stake in any airline in the region. There will always be the issue of politics, Which politician will be brave enough to sell to Air Serbia? What happens when the first problems arise, will it be, see why did we sell to those Serbs? Will SJJ, SKP, and eventually TGD become feeders to BEG?

    I mean it will not be only about pure business, there will always be a political element, this is the Balkans after all. But, for example, if Lufthansa bought BiH Airlines and did the same, meaning SJJ would feed VIE, ZUR, MUC, & FRA would that be OK?

    Anyway, I think AS should first get at least one year in the sky before even talk of acquisitions begin.

    -- Charlie

    1. Anonymous10:38

      Yes but at the same time I think these same politicians will have to think twice when the bills come in to pay for the loses of their airlines. It's not like any of these countries has a lot of money.

      Furthermore, what's the alternative? Their airlines would be eventually killed by Air Serbia.

  5. Anonymous10:49

    Hmm... why not consider purchasing Tarom or Bulgaria Air? Actually, the latter seems quite probable, they have announced flights towards both Sofia and Varna so who knows.

    1. Anonymous11:03

      ...or Lufthansa, British and Air France

      come on be real!!!!!

    2. Anonymous11:11

      I am being very real. Neither airline has a concise business plan and neither one is doing exceptionally well. The Romanian government has already announced its intention to sell its loss making national carrier.
      On the other hand, with Wizz Air's rapid expansion in Sofia, Bulgaria Air is under greater pressure to find a way on how to survive in the future.

      I love people like you who come here and mock what others write but at the same time do not give any kind of additional comment to sustain their argument. Please, be better prepared the next time.

    3. Anonymous11:12

      I agree, Bulgaria would be an interesting market.Great tourist potential, winter and summer. All via BEG

      -- Charlie

    4. Anonymous11:16

      At least someone gets it, thank God.
      We can see from Air Serbia's upcoming schedule that they have chosen Greece and Bulgaria as their main future markets in the Balkans. They will have three daily flights to Greece soon, that is 768 seats on a daily basis! On the other hand, Bulgaria is an easy prey primarily because there is no strong national carrier.
      At least the new management has remembered that there are more markets in the Balkans other than the ex-Yugoslav cities.

  6. Anonymous10:53

    I feel like vomiting but for all interested here is a speech of the CEO of BEG in relation to the launch of Air Serbia.
    Mind you, this same man was desperate to bring in Wizz Air to Belgrade and then he was shocked that they did not want to use airbridges. lol Not shocking coming from a man who did not know Singapore Airlines was one of the best airlines in the world. Ahhh... those G17 people.

  7. DKinVXO10:57

    I think it's FAR to early to start talking about acquisition or long-haul already after only a couple of days of operation! What the hell are they doing?? Is everyone so damn confident that Air Serbia will be THAT successful? Let's wait for at least one or two years how succesful it is and then we can talk. I really wish AS the best but I wish the management weren't talking so much about future already, it can turn very sour in the end if plans don't go as expected. Let AS get some air under the wings first

  8. Anonymous10:58

    My goodness, the airline has not even begin to fly and here are the plans of regional expansion! Tone down the excitement people! This is an airline which was resurrected from the dead by Arabs' money, and the Serbian taxpayers who will foot the rest of the bill.
    It needs to operate for a while, see how viable some of the lines are gonna be (i.e. Cairo, Beirut, etc.) and above all, see whether it will profitable itself before high fetched announcements can be made.
    I respect you Purger, and I greatly respect your opinions but in this case I think you are displaying more faith in AirSerbia than necessary.
    Lets see how well it will operates first before giving in to the government propaganda and the Balkan megalomania.

    1. Anonymous11:03

      Have you actually bothered to read the article? Kondic said that every airline aims at expanding its business so does Air Serbia which would eventually like to expand in the region. They are merely expressing their intentions if everything goes according to plan.
      Furthermore, Kondic said that before anything like this takes place they will first have to record a profit. I don't see which Balkan megalomania we are talking about here. It's quite reasonably and rational.

    2. Anonymous13:28

      Of course I read the article, and I still stand behind what I said. This statement is premature at best, megalomania at worst.
      You wait till your company starts operating, then starts showing a profit and THEN you make statements about future acquisitions.
      Otherwise this kind of statement can only produce comments as it has.

      The future of AirSerbia is not as bright as you guys want it too be: the statements of aviation experts would point otherwise.
      Americans are vehemently opposed to any code-share agreements between AirSerbia and Etihad on flights to the USA - something that the mainstream Serbian media refuse to publish. You are dreaming of AirSerbia inaugurating direct flights to North America in a couple of years totally ignoring the reality:
      a) what makes you think that Etihad will gift you with wide-body aircraft for such an operation?
      b) if Etihad decided to make a stop-over somewhere in Europe it would certainly not be Belgrade but a larger city, an airport hub, and a city with higher purchasing power + stronger business relations with companies in the USA
      c) this is a political deal - not a sound economic one. As soon as the Arabs see that is pointless to throw more money at they will leave
      d) the skies are already overcrowded with much bigger players than any Balkan airliner, so be happy that you got new planes, better service, and renewed national pride - enjoy the moment for what it is.

    3. Anonymous13:56


    4. GVA_Cointrin14:03

      +1. Or +2. Please stick around.

    5. Anonymous14:22

      + 1

    6. Anonymous17:03

      So what if they are against JU-EY codeshare on north American flights? The most important thing is that they are not opposed to JU-AB codesharing.

      I guess time will tell. But all of the people who wrote comments such as yours have been proven wrong until now. I do not see why you would be an exception. Time will tell but the odds are with the optimists.

    7. SuisseOuest21:18

      Good point. But it's not all about North America. With the current prices, it is very hard to make any route to North America work, case in point: Athens, which has 4 summer seasonal destinations on the east coast (Toronto, Montreal, JFK and Philadelphia). Greece is a must see European destination for many Americans (and Canadians), there are many business ties between Greece and the US and Greek diaspora in north America is over 3 million people. And yet, there are no year-round direct flights. Serbia with little tourism, ~200 thousand people and almost no business ties has no chances of getting direct flights before Athens, no matter how much we wish for it. It's not a political question at all, it's simple economics.
      If I would to guess which would be the first long haul destination from Belgrade, I'd guess Beijing since China has strong economic interests in the region.

    8. Anonymous23:46

      200,000 Serbs in USA? 3 million Greeks? What are you smoking... At least a million Serbs live in the USA (our numbers look smaller cus lot are born in Croatia or Bosnia but ppl they are SERBIAN). And no way there are 3 million Greeks lol ur funny. How was JAT able to operate so many flights to the USA including smaller cities? Hahahah.

    9. Anonymous23:56

      Because it was Communist promo airlines with money from state. And than market was much bigger (23 million Yugoslavs, compare to 8 million Serbs) + situation in air traffic was much different (no alliances, Lufthansa was not so big, no LCC, no Virgin and similar companies...).

    10. Anonymous07:49

      If Air Serbia ever launches flights to north America it will not be for O&D, it will be for the same reason it will launch Beirut, Cairo and Varna. In other words to offer connections via Belgrade.

      It seems that Air Serbia will primarily concentrate on offering connections at BEG while attracting the higher yielding O&D passengers.

    11. Anonymous09:51

      As far as I know other than Greece and Turkey there are no regular direct flights from the Balkans to N. America. So Air Serbia has a potential market of Ex YU. Plus once flights are launched to Tirana; Albania, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, plus Middle-East. So I figure that there has to be enough people to fill 2-3 flights per week to ORH, NYC, YYZ.

      -- Charlie

    12. Nikola10:35

      with all connections, they can fill daily JFK (with approx 80% on 330), and ORD and YYZ 3 to 4 pw

    13. Anonymous11:25

      Not to mention that all U.S. - Athens flights are seasonal at this point. Delta is also withdrawing from Istanbul while the airport itself has become a jungle which doesn't make it that attractive for connecting passengers.

      However, I fear Belgrade itself will look like a jungle between 22.30 and 00.30 soon.

  9. Anonymous11:13

    It seems that Air Serbia no longer codeshares with either Alitalia or Aeroflot. This is an interesting development.
    I guess for Aeroflot it is not such a big problem but I think it might be for Alitalia.

    1. Contrails11:58

      SVO website shows that JU flights from/to BEG still codeshare with SU, SU3520/1 & SU3524/3 while the evening JU flight to Rome still operates as AZ7072. Perhaps only BEG website needs an update. Some other codeshare info is also missing.

    2. Anonymous12:05

      Yeah, could be. Flightradar also has them so it was a little bit confusing.

    3. Nikola12:45

      you can buy AZ's tickets to FCO from JU's web site, so it must be mistake on BEG's website. same goes for SVO. also, you can buy tickets to/from BEG on AF's and KL's websites. only missing codeshares are with OS

  10. Anonymous11:21

    Ex-YU, you initially announced that the A319 will fly to Dusseldorf the day after the launch while the new bird was supposed to fly to Copenhagen tomorrow (it wrote the 29th, even though there is no flight on that day).

    Do you, or anyone else, know why the A319 is not deployed to any other route but the Abu Dhabi one? Are they afraid that the aircraft might go tech which would jeopardize its AUH operations?

    1. Dejan17:07

      Other than the big show nothing is conceptually ready and though over in advance for the start of the new airline. Airworthiness license for aircraft YU-APC was issued by the Serbian civil aviation directorate 1 day prior to the inaugural AUH flight. The company (JU) is supposed to approach every potential directorate of each receiving country to register this (and every subsequent) specific aircraft into the database thus allowing it to perform a commercial flight. YU-APC until registered properly within various European civil entities will continue flying only the BEG- AUH-BEG route. With a bit of pre-planning and proper coordination this scenario could have been avoided. Unfortunately everyone involved was busy showing off for the media while at the same time being afraid to contradict the new powers that brought in the $ but are traditionally known not to be great strategic planners!

  11. Anonymous11:28

    Since someone mentioned Wizz Air and its reduction in Belgrade, here is where they will fly this winter:

    1. Basel, 2 per week, 3 during the holidays.
    2. Charleroi, 2 per week.
    3. Dortmund, 3 per week.
    4. Eindhoven, 3 per week, 4 during holidays.
    5. Gothenburg, 3 per week, 4 during holidays.
    6. Luton, 3 per week, 4 during holidays.
    7. Malmo, 3 per week, 4 during holidays.
    8. Memmingen, 3 per week.
    9. Beauvais, 3 per week, 4 during holidays.
    10. Skavsta, 2 per week, 3 during holidays.

    So is it safe to assume that only their Beauvais and Basel flights proved to be profitable from the summer expansion? No wonder they are not returning to Oslo, I have a feeling they got butchered there.

    1. Anonymous11:33

      It is also interesting that during the Christmas holidays flydubai will fly six times per week to Belgrade!
      From March 2014 they will increase their flights to Belgrade from three to four weekly. Nice to see them surviving in the market.

  12. Anonymous11:36

    Razmatraju akviziciju, a tek su počeli letjeti? Primitivna megalomanija na djelu! Inače, želim sve najbolje u poslovanju Air Srbiji, ali da je rano govoriti o akviziciji, rano je, ili su već prvi dan ostvarili ogroman prihod!

  13. Nikola11:51

    je l' vi čitate tekst do kraja? čovek je lepo rekao: “I think any business is always going to look at opportunities for growth. At the moment we have our own goals, ambitions and plans, which is to bring into service ten of these new aircraft, build a route structure, get some sustainability and then we can look at other sorts of investment that may involve acquisitions around the region”.
    znači niko ne spominje da će sutra već da krenu da kupuju kompanije po regionu, nego da će po ispunjenju osnovnih zadataka MOŽDA pokrenuti akvizicije po regionu

  14. Anonymous12:00

    It seems that a Transaero B737-800 in its way to Montenegro made an emergency landing in Belgrade.

    1. Anonymous13:15

      Nope, I was wrong. It was a test flight after regular maintenance.

  15. Anonymous12:30

    In this era of open skies new opportunities exist for ambitious well run airlines.

    When I plan on booking a flight I check many sources, directly at the airline, other major airlines, plus Expedia and similar sites, and look for the best PRICE, loyalty programs are less interesting if their price is higher. Many people are skeptical of the success of Varna, Cairo, Beirut, etc. But, let's say that a pax from these cities wants to fly to, let's say Warsaw, and let's say there are no direct flights. The pax will check 'Expedia' and 10-20 other sites and look for the best price, taking into account transfer times, and a few other factors. If the price with Air Serbia is about 10-20% less than LH, Aus, AF, Swiss etc. why would they NOT fly with Air Serbia? Where they will get a superior service.

    I think their are a lot of other potential regional and European destinations where the big airlines fly as virtual monopolies. Plus add the fact that BEG is becoming a major regional hub with many euro destination, and UAE. Add a few African and in a few years N. America, and possibly more Mid-East destination.

    -- Charlie

    1. Contrails13:04

      What about the secondary cities in Romania and Greece?

      Current ATR72 is said to be economical on short regional hops, even at lower occupancy rate, newer -500/600s should perform even better.

      Perhaps it would be viable to explore options at Timisoara, Cluj-Napoca, or Heraclion/Crete at later stage?

    2. Anonymous13:09

      Hmm I doubt Heraklion would be one of the options they would consider. At least not with the Atr especially not now when Turkish Airlines announced its own intentions to launch flights there.

      I think they should consider Iasi as well. It's a remote city and there isn't so much competition there. However, I think they should seriously look at Tirana.

  16. Best regards from Istanbul I have been on the first AS flight to SAW. We got nice welcome and very polite and smiling people there, every passenger got nice small gift from ground personals and AS crew got flowers. Our, old but so beautiful B733 was washed with water cannons and there were many journalists am tv cameras.I felt like a VIP.Sabiha airport is nice, clean and very modern with quick delivering baggage and personals, police are very polite, much better than Ataturk. We needed less than one hour to get Taksim in the rush hour, driving with cozy, modern climatized Havatas bus.Btw, in the plane we got full new catering and crew were so professional. All seats had cushions!!

    1. I forgot to say, B733 is the best plane ever after B707 and B727...Airbuses are plastic toys

    2. Anonymous16:00

      Cool. What was the load?

    3. Thanks for the update! What kind of catering did you get? Did they offer beer or wine in economy class? I remember Jat used to be a 'dry' airline.

    4. No beer and wine, just very good coffee and very large choice of fruit juices, mineral water (cold)

    5. Hvala. The article above said that they offer both alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. Maybe Istanbul qualifies as a regional route for them.
      100 passengers is really good I guess. Did you see if they had any business class customers that day?

  17. Anonymous14:21

    Seems like Kondić has been spending too much time with the old Jat mob.

  18. Mark14:36

    @an.1.28 I would suggest you send your comments signed with proper name so in couple of years we can see who was right and who was wrong.Like this you sound, just like one spoiled child.

    1. Anonymous17:16

      Malo manje megalomanije iz jedne izrazito siromašne države kao što je Srbija! Niste Švajcarska, upamtite to!

    2. Anonymous17:36

      Шта би нам вределе паре када не би имали идеја? Баш зато што нема довољно пара у Србији ми привлачимо странце да преседају у Београду и тако нама остављају додатни капитал.

    3. Anonymous19:15

      Ovde se prica o aviaciji a svi su izgledi da bce tu Srbija biti nbolja od Svajcarske.Sorry but j...I ga!

    4. Anonymous07:46

      R.I.P. Serbian grammar.

  19. Anonymous15:56

    it would be logical to go for operator within EU to start attack on LH=Star Alliance monster. During first privatization, one of the applicants for major stake in Adria Airways was a company, closely connected to Air Berlin....

  20. Anonymous16:07

    Masovna kasnjenja juce zbog keteringa... Skoro svaki let je dosta kasnio... Pogledajte stranicu aerodroma za 27. okotobra. Bukvalno skoro svaki let :-S

    Bas steta za pocetak...

    1. Anonymous16:31

      Pa sam pomislio da je mozda zbog toga.. Mora to bolje da se resi.

    2. Anonymous16:45

      Because of better service they have several hours delay? So what kind of better service is that?

      They plan to buy companies in regiona but still can not even start with their own company. First day:
      - massiv delays,
      - even announcement of the flights as Jat not Air Serbia,
      - massive new flights from winter time-table become 4 weekly flights to Dubai,
      - lot of new planes on 26th October become just one and it is far from new,
      - superior service becomes non-tv just Ipod in just business class,
      - new internet page start in last second and it is just copy-paste of Jat web-page

    3. Anonymous16:49

      Sorry, that previous post should have been in English... Massive delays due to catering apparently.

      Does anyone know what the problem is exactly? / Da li neko zna sta im u keteringu tacno zadaje problem?

    4. Anonymous17:00

      Neorganiziranost, megalomanija, brdo planova i malo realizacije...

    5. Anonymous17:31

      Jaoj ne seri... malo realizacije? Ajde mi molim te razjasni sta ti to znaci.

    6. Anonymous18:15

      Previše se priča. Manje priče više raditi:

      1. Najavljena ekspanzija linija, onda ispalo u zimskom redu letenja samo 4 leta prema Abu Dhabi, nešto malo u decembru, i sve najavljeno tek u martu

      2. Najavljeno brdo novih aviona i to do septembra, ono došo jedan i to u Oktobru, a i taj baš nije mlad, ostali do Decembra i Marta ne baš mlađahni

      3. Najavljena pompozna web-stranica, ispala Jatova glupost sa tonom grešaka

      4. Pompozno najavljena profesionalnost, a ispala masivna kašnjenja radi malo drugačijeg cateringa (pa nemoj me zaje*** nisu uveli kavijar, teletinu ispod sača i pečenu prasetinu u avionu)

      5. Najavljena usluga u avionu iznad svih očekivanja, a ono nema najavljenih ekrana na svakom sjedalu, nema zabave u avionu, nema ništa nego iPod samo u businessu.

      6. Vidljivi su problemi sa radnim pravom i pravima radnika.

    7. Anonymous18:23

      7. Do te mjere se ne radi da čak hapse i stjuardese jer im se zaboravilo izdati vize za školovanje

      8. Marketinški trik oko karata 1+1 bio finasko jer ljudi nisu mogli kupiti kartu ako nisu bili iz Beograda, a telefonska kupnja... štogod

      9. Kasnila je prodaja karata i to ozbiljno

      10. Mijenja se red letenja, pa su najavljeni letovi u jedno vrijeme, pa potom u drugo, na kraju u treće, da ne spominjemo kako su se istovremno prodavali letovi po Air Serbijinom redu letenja i po Jatovom redu letenja (za SJJ 3 leta od kojih se znalo da "stari" neće letjeti, ali se mogo kupiti, pa onda kompenzacije i promjena leta)

      11. Piloti i posade nisu školovani na vrijeme, i onda lete Adrijini, što košta i stvar je lošeg imagea.

      12. Još uvijek ima više Jata nego Air Serbije... čak i na BEG se najavljuje Jat, a web stranica Air Serbie je prepuna Jata, od e-maila do podataka o Jatu


    8. Anonymous18:23

      1. Vidljiva je tvoja ljubomora. Pusica :****

    9. Anonymous18:29

      Letovi se uopste ne najavljuju kao Jat. Ne znam kako mozes o takvim stvarima da lupas iz Zagreba. Nema nikakve Adrijine posade. Kompletna posada Air Srbije radi na A319. Prodaja karata 1 za 2 je bio ogroman uspeh a o tome govore i redovi isred poslovnice. Uglavnom mrzi me da odg na svaku stavku ali si se izlupetao na sva zvona

    10. Anonymous18:29

      Hahahahahhahahahahaahh нема везе брате, ако теби не ваља нама се свиђа шта су урадили са компанијом. Ти настави да летиш професионалним Кроацијаном и готово :)

      А кроз неколико месеци видећемо где је ко и шта је ко успео да уради.

    11. Anonymous18:46

      Kakva gomila nebuloza i ne istina. Adrijina posada hahahaha. Covece kako lupas. Ja sam danas leteo BEG' ARN. Na aerodromu apsolutno nema ni traga Jata sto me bas iznenadilo. Sve je rebrandirano u Air Srbija. Check in, sprave za merenje prtljaga, transfer desk, na info ekranima i najave su sve Air Srbija. Stvarno ne znam kako te ne mrzi da izmisljas takve stvari pa jos iz Hravtske.

    12. Anonymous19:19


    13. Anonymous00:06

      Ma naravno. Nije ni višesatnih kašnjenja bilo ovih dana, telefonska prodaja 2 za 1 je odlično funkcionirala, u Beogradu je trenutno 6 A319 kao što se najavljivalo, nisu uhapšene one stjuardese u Abu Dhabiu, A319 je u iz DUS u BEG dovezla srpska, a ne slovenska posada... sve je ružičasto i bajno, a tko kaže drugačije je prokleti hrvatski progapandni aparatčik. Uključujući i BEG web stranicu gdje zlobni Hrvatski pišu da avioni kasne!

    14. Anonymous00:23

      Stjuardese nisu uhapsene vec su sedele u salonu prve klase Etihada u Abu Dabiju dok se problem sa vizama nije resio. Cisto za informaciju. A319 nije iz Dizeldorfa doveo niko jer avion leti trenutno za Abu Dabi. 2 za 1 jeste funkcionisao jer je bio namenjen samo za kupovinu u poslovnici i niko nije imao problem, a u BEG ce biti 6 aviona do kraja 2013 kao sto vec 2 meseca pricaju. Malo bolje prati informcije. Pusa

    15. Anonymous01:32

      ljudi ajde oladite malo sa nekrtickim negiranjem nekih losih pojava koje se u ovoj celoj pozitivnoj prici desvaju. kao sto ste patoloski pljuvali JU dok se zvao JAT, sada patoloski branite sve u vezi Air Serbije. A ipak je najbolje biti posten i govoriti kako jeste.

    16. Anonymous07:45

      Није овде нереално штићење Ер Сербије већ одбрана од којекаквог пљувања које произилази из тешке љубоморе. Па шта ако имају кашњења, па шта ако нису стигли сви ваздухоплови... Важно је да смо ми поставили јаку основу на којој ћемо градити нашу будућу авио компанију.

      Ево, погледајте како се већ јутрос стабилизовало све и како летови полазе на време.

    17. Anonymous09:31

      Nisam ni rekao da je A319 letio na liniji za DUS nego da ga je dovezla iz Dusseldorfa slovenska posada kada je prvi puta doša u BEG.

      Stjuardese su zadržane, i zabranjeno im je kretanje i to radi administrativne pogreške kompanije. Zadržavanje (pritvor) nije nimalo ugodno i svakako je ogromna mrlja na kompaniji. Jedna od ne tako malo njih. A prijetio im je i zatvor.

      2 za 1 je trabala biti prodaja i putem call centra za one koji su izvan Beograda, a što nije funkcioniralo. Pa nije Air Serbia samo Beogradska kompanija. Ili je? 6 aviona je najavljeno da će doći do septembra, sada do decembra... samo kažem da je to jedna od "teatralnih" najava koje se prolongiraju, a nisu bile potrebne.

      A što je sa ostalih 10 ozbiljnih propusta koje se navode?

      Želim svu sreću Air Serbiji, stvarno, ali nekritičnost prema managementu će dovesti samo to da ćete i opet imati Jat.

    18. Anonymous12:35

      Jat vec sada, mozeo da pravimo od blata, jer je to ipak jedna kompanija koja je trajala decenijama, koja je imala sve sluzbe, uklucujuci cak i pilotsku akademiju, tehniku, ketering, i koja je uspela za zapravo zanemarivim troskom za budzet srbije da prebrodi nesnosne sankcije, balkanske polticke spletke itd. a ovo sto sada imamo je grupa upravitelja koji uce nove stjuardese kako da odglume cirkus u vazduhu, dok elemenatrni segmenti ozbiljne aviokompaije kao sto su planiranje i racunovodstvo, sklapanje ugovora idu u emirate, kao outsource. jat je bio dakle kompanija, a ovo je rukavica u kojoj je etihadova ruka, i na koju je nacrtano par orlova i sa kojom se sluzi par "srpskih" jela da bi srbi i srbende imali zabavu.

    19. Anonymous13:35

      Opa...eto nezadovoljnika u redovima kompanije... baš i nije sve tako ružičasto... hmmmm...

    20. Anonymous13:54

      Dakle, da razjasnimo par stvari. Jat nije bila dobra avio kompanije bas zbog tih ljudi koji su je vodili a koje ti predstavljas kao da su ne znam ni ja sta.
      Drugo, JAT je imao sve to zato sto je bio nacionalini avio prevoznik jedne komunisticke zemlje koja se klatila izmedju istocnog i zapadnog sveta. Zapad nas je dotirao sa parama koje smo mi eto tako ulagali levo desno a izmedju ostalog i u vazduhoplovstvom.

      JAT moze da se poredi sa maskom iza koje nema lica dok je Jat predstavljao firmu koja je trulila jer se njeno rukovodstvo (a mozda i nacija koju je opsluzivala) zivelo u proslosti za koju nije vise bilo mesta.

      Hteo ti ili ne, Itihad ima rukovodstvo koje zna puls savremenog vazduhoplovnog biznisa. Mi to ne znamo i tu nema sta vise da se diskutuje. Kada oni oforme mladi kadar kroz svoj young managers programme, onda mozemo da se nadamo nekim domacim mladim ljudima koji eto mogu da nam pomognu.

    21. Anonymous14:45

      Pa iskrno da ti akzem, iz tvoje price se vidi da nemas pojma o cemu govoris. JAT, onaj veliki jugoslovenski JAT, bio je organizovan po ugledu na PanAm, i kao sve zapadnoevropske evropske kompanije onog vremena imao je odredjene crte javnog servisa. to nema nikakve veze sa komunizmom, takav je bio svajcarski swissair, takvi su biuli altialija, sas, lufthansa. a u isto to vreme aviokompanije komunistckih zemalja kao balkan ili istocnonemacki inter nisu licile ni na sta.

      posle toga dosla je kriza aviosaboracaja, jer su neke privatne aviokompanije, vezane u sustini za kojekavko pranje novca, kobojagi pokazale da i u avijaciji moze da se posluje sa profitom. u toj krizi su nestali mnogo veci igraci od jata: swissair, sabena u prvom redu. malev i balkan takodje. a i ovi sto su ostali, ostali su samo tamo gde im je na jedan ili drugi nacin pruzena stateska pomoc drzave. JAT medjutim nije imao nikakvu pomoc drzave. sada je srbija siroke ruke, a kada je JAT hteo da iznajmi nove avione nisu hteli ni da cuju, nego su terali jat da leti sa prastarim avionima koji trose duplo vise i da placa tehnici i aerodromu beograd udvostrucene cene.

      u reionu u isto to vreme su croatia airlines i montengro imali podrsku drzave, zato sto su bili godinama simbol rastuceg nacionalnog "ponosa" u tim drzavama.

      A i pored toga, pored svih tih ucenjenih cena za odrzavanje aviona, nepotrebnih troskova za gorivo, JAT je ovu drzavu kosta oko 20 miliona evra godisnje, sto je 3 evra po stanovniku, i oko 20 puta manje od kesa koji se daje zeleznicma svake godine za pokrivanje dugova. Bio j e dakle i tako izmrcvaren u sasvim ekonomski prihvatljivim okvirima.

      E sad sto se tice akvizicije od strane Etihada. Naravno da je to super stvar, zato sto za pocetak imamo aviokompaniju, dok bi JAT inace bio za par sezona ugasen. NE zbog katastrofalno losih rezultata, nego zbog svakog nedosstatka podrske u vlasti. Jat je mogao da leti jos 30 godina da je dobio kes od vlada srbiji koji je sada dobila Air Serbija i to je cinjenica. Kao sto je i cinjenica da u JAT-u uglavnom rade ljudi iz struke, a ne polticki aparatciki. I onaj Ognjenovic je mozda bio poltiicki podoban, ali je bio covek iz avijacije i jat-a a ne stranacki duduk.

      Ono sto je naravno moralo da se menja, to je mentalitet "javnog preduzeca", koji nema nikakve veze sa komunizmom, nego tangira sve zapadnoevropske nacionalne kompanije koje su osnovane u isto vrme kao JAT. I dobro je sto Etihad menja taj mentalitet, ali je skandalnozno sto ujedno od jedne samostalne kompanije pravi svoju rukavicu sa nekoliko isaranih sprskih orlova. Etihad to radi, zato sto mu je tako Vlada Srbije dozvolila, jer su u njoj sedeli politacri kojima nije bitno da Srbija ima svoju avijaciju, nego im je bitno da imaju mecku za pokazivanje i srbovanje, i demagogiju. I tako je zapravo, i to je apsurd cele price, upravo o sudbini i poslovanju AIR SERBIJE, a ne JAT-a, odlucila nestrucna politika. U Srbiji je do ovog leta postojala civilna avijacija, a od sada nadalje postoje avioni i stjuardese koji lete u Novaku Djokovicu po svetu. Ali struka je ugasena.

      Iako JAT jeste bio jugoslovenska tvorevina, krajnje je smesno ovde prosipati floskule o poslovanju komunistickih firmi, jer JAT je u Jugoslaviji svesno bio koncipiran i izgradjivan kao konj za trku sa stranim kompanijama iz kapitalistickih zemalja, a ne sovjetskog bloka. U njemu rade ljudi sa iskustvom u pregovorima sa najvecim kompanijama ovog sveta, sa iskustvom na velikim svetskim aerodromima, sa iskustvom na stranim trzistima. Potpuno je smesno misliti da je u tom pogledu JAT izuntura isto sto i Merima Krusevac ili Sombolod pre privatizacije.

    22. Anonymous14:55

      "Hteo ti ili ne, Itihad ima rukovodstvo koje zna puls savremenog vazduhoplovnog biznisa"

      Je l ovako?

      Etihadovo rukovodstvo je naviklo da radi u kompaniji koja ne placa gorivo, ciji radnici rade bez osnovnih radnickih prava, cije avione kupuju sejkovi iz licnog dzepa i koja igrom slucaja ima svoj maticni aerodrom na idealnom mestu za tranzit izmedju cele evrope i cele azije. U takvoj kompaniji bi i moja bab znala da napravi profit.

    23. Anonymous15:15

      Еј.. sta bre pricas? Ko je bio dobro organizovan?! Ex-YU je pre neku godinu ojavljivao tekstove o JATu i tu se moglo videti kakva su sprdnja bili. Oni su leteli tamo gde je hteo Tito i njegovi satrapi. Nista manje i nista vise.

      A to da Itihad ne placa gorivo ili da mu sejkovi kupuju avioneje urbani mit koj sire ozlojedjeni i isfrustrirani ljudi. Dodao bih da ne znam zasto si mi kopirao sliku? Kondic je pobozan covek i hteo je da osveti svoju kancelariju. Predstavljas to kao da je lose ili nesto cega bi trebao da se stidi. Ne shvatam.

      Nadam se da tvoja baba ima bolje argumente od tih tvojih. Najvise mi se svidja taj deo kada si okarakterisao Jat kao strucnu avio kompaniju. hahahah ok.

    24. Kao PanAm su bili organizovani, kao PanAm su i završili...

      Inače, tvrdnja da sve što je profitabilno mora biti pranje novca a pošteno je samo ono što je na državnoj cucli, odlično pokazuje zašto sva struka ovog sveta nije mogla da pomogne Jatu.

    25. Anonymous19:03

      Momci, vi jos puno toga treba da naucite, pre svega o zivotu i logickoj raspravi, pre nego sto se upustate ovde u sirenje licnih frustriacija. Niko nije rekao da sve profitablino mora da bude pranje novca. Postoje profitibalne pekare, postoje profitabilni hoteli, svasta nesto je profitabilno, ali avijacija nije. Pan Am je propao zato sto je kupio drugu aviokompaniju, a ne zbog lose organziacije.

      "A to da Itihad ne placa gorivo ili da mu sejkovi kupuju avioneje urbani mit koj sire ozlojedjeni i isfrustrirani ljudi."

      Nije rec ni o kakvoj urbanoj legendi, u UAE ne postoji porez i otuda je galon keriozina visestruko jeftiniji nego u u ostaktu sveta, a etihad klrije podatke kao zmija noge, ali je vrlo verovatno da uopste ne placa cak ni te niske cene gorivo.

      " Ex-YU je pre neku godinu ojavljivao tekstove o JATu i tu se moglo videti kakva su sprdnja bili. "

      Pa izvini, sve dok je rec o kompanjii koja je letela na oko 30 destinicaija, imala pilotsku skolu u kojoj su se i stranci skolovali i imala jedan od najboljih safety recorda u avio-industriji, tesko da se takva kmopanija moze nazvati "srpdnjom". Ocigledno su vrlo uspesno obavljali svoju poslovnu delatnost, a to sto je neko uopstoj medijskoj hajci iznosio podatke iz internog poslovanja kompanije, za cje iznosnje bi u iole ozbiljnoj zemlji bio pred sudom, to je stvar koja treba da se krije, a ne da se joj i ponosimo njome.

      Nervozni ste, zato sto nemate argumente. Stiti nesto kao sto prirposti roditelji brane svoju decu. Roditelje mogu da razumem, ali mi je tuzno da odrasli gradjani imaju takav nezdrav, nekritcxi odnos prema pojavama u drzavi.

    26. Anonymous22:01


    27. Anonymous22:39

      "Kondic je pobozan covek i hteo je da osveti svoju kancelariju. Predstavljas to kao da je lose ili nesto cega bi trebao da se stidi. Ne shvatam."

      Cenim religioznost gospodina Kondica, ali to je njegova privatna stvar. Da je Jevrejin ili Musliman podjednako neumesno bi bilo da u kompaniji koja nije njegova vrsi verske obrede religije kojoj sam on licno pripada. A da ne govorimo sto je rec o drzavnom preduzecu, i sto razni politcari stalno krse zabrane verskih obreda u ustanovima i preduzecima u drzavnom vlasnistvu.

    28. Anonymous23:15

      JAT nikada nije bio profitabilan, to je sve sto treba da znamo. Da nije bilo drzave Juge nikada ne bi uspeo da prezivi.

    29. Anonymous15:27

      Pa ti si teska neznalica. Kada se avijacija radjala, nijedna aviokompanija nije bila profitibalna, jer su cene letelica bile basloslovne, a nije postojalo trziste za iznajmljivanje. Tek sa razvojem airbusa kao evropske konkurencije americkim proizvodjacima krajem 80-ih stvoreni su uslovi za kako-tako ne previse skupo poslovanje aviokompanija. JAT, kao ni Lufthansa ili Air France. nisu razvijeni da bi donosili profit, nego da bi posta iz Beograda u Bec ili Pariz stizala za dva dana, da bi krajevi zemlje bili bolje povezani, da bi dolazili poslovni partneri, turisti itd. koji na duze staze isplacuju avioservis.

      Kada bi za sve kompanije vazio princip profita, ti u Srbiji ne bi imao ni ovud ni struju.

  21. Anonymous16:58

    On web page of Air Serbia there is information that they fly with 10 737-300 and 4 ATR-72, no A319!?!?!?! Very unprofessional.

    On same web page e-mail for international offices are Jat one:

    And all e-mail of Air Serbia are Jat e-mails like:

    etc, etc...

  22. Contrails16:58

    In my opinion both JU and SRB officials should stay away from any statements regarding acquisitions of other companies or thir goals of becoming the leaders in the region, or crushing the competition.

    They should remain silent, work hard and show us true results. When the company is up and running in 2014 or 2015, profitable, stable, respected... they will have no problems in declaring success and we will all support them.

    This way, they appear both agressive and braggarts, without actual facts to back them up, especially SRB officials, they are spending our tax money. We are waiting to see results. So far so good... apart from the airplane naming fiasco, most other elements are okay.

  23. Anonymous17:08

    And even today (right now):
    JU 314
    PARIS 17:35 18:40 C2 Boeing 737-300

    JU 404
    COPENHAGEN 17:55 19:15 A3 Boeing 737

    JU 304
    BRUSSELS 18:00 18:40 C3 Boeing 737

    JU 364
    AMSTERDAM 18:05 19:15 Boeing 737-

    JU 374
    ZURICH 18:40 19:15 Boeing 737-300

    What the hell? Catering screwing them up two days in a row?

    1. Anonymous19:22

      Have u heard about big storm 2day mate?

  24. dejan17:10

    Other than the big show nothing is conceptually ready and well though over in advance for the start of the new airline. Airworthiness license for aircraft YU-APC was issued by the Serbian civil aviation directorate 1 day prior to the inaugural AUH flight. The company (JU) is supposed to approach every potential directorate of each receiving country to register this (and every subsequent) specific aircraft into the database thus allowing it to perform a commercial flight. YU-APC until registered properly within various European civil entities will continue flying only the BEG- AUH-BEG route. With a bit of pre-planning and proper coordination this scenario could have been avoided. Unfortunately everyone involved was busy showing off for the media while at the same time being afraid to contradict the new powers that brought in the $ but are traditionally known not to be great strategic planners!

    1. Anonymous17:19

      Oh come on... you do realize that six months ago we were speculating how much longer Jat would be able to survive because of the inadequate management. Today you are complaining that its A319 can't fly into Europe because the paperwork was not sorted out. Not to mention that today we have a revise schedule which has enabled BEG to be considered a hub.

      All of this was done in a period of three months. Looking at the time they had and at the amount of work they have done I think they have done a fine job. Naturally, every job done can be done better because there is no such thing as perfection and there is always going to be someone who will complain- as you are doing in this case. Every new beginning is a bit rough. Shall I remind you what happened when our neighbours introduced the Dash-8 and how many problems they had? In the end they sorted it all out as will Air Serbia.

    2. Anonymous17:24

      I agree with the above... BUT, they chose to bite off more than they can chew, and they set themselves some very tight deadlines for a lot of things.

      I'm not sure that was necessary and where the pressure was coming from. I would think the management of a company like Etihad would know better, but the Serb government could have been pressuring them to produce something that can be shown off.

      The problem is also that not everybody is as understanding as aviation fans. They really marketed hard for this launch. So if someone chose to give them a try because of what they were promising, they'll be pissed and say f*ck it, I'm flying Star Alliance next time and every time... That's why it matters.

    3. Anonymous17:30

      Well I think they wanted to launch it before the winter season starts. It makes sense, a new season for a new start. It's much easier to introduce these fundamental changes at that time.

      Though aviation fans might be pissed off, thank God they are not that many. Anyway, I am happy with the developments and I am sticking to Air Serbia. :)

    4. Dejan17:37

      I am not complaining but rather giving you facts especially in relation to the reason of A319 current no fly to Europe. Depends what you consider great job done in the recent few months...I tend to disagree as the result can be seen on the airport flight displays ...every flight is late major time! However, true pillows and improved catering are a ++ but I would not consider that major achievement.

    5. Anonymous17:39

      Well, there is also the new and revised schedule, this winter alone Air Serbia will have 65% more flights than last year. They have new uniforms, new employees... a fresh start. So what if the first few days are a bit problematic. Also most flights are delayed up to an hour which is not that bad.

      As for the A319, I am sure they will come up with something to sort out this problem.

    6. Dejan17:52

      I honestly hope that all will soon be corrected and done right! I am a long term big fan of JAT and now AirSerbia (by default) and I wish them nothing but good luck! Already have 3 RT Tkts on hands with them.... )))

    7. Anonymous18:03

      I am sure that by the end of the week everything will be sorted out, especially since their second A319 will arrive soon.

      I understand you. I have been flying for over a decade and I can remember how all of a sudden we went from hot, tasty meals to crappy sandwiches. The last few years have really been bad for the carrier. That's why I am more than happy that this time around we can be more proud of Air Serbia than the older generations were of the old JAT, especially during the 1970s. :)

      If not a secret and just out of curiosity, where to did you get the flights? :)

    8. Dejan18:09

      I am very proud and looking forward to using them as often as I can. I only hope that they stick to the bar and not degrade the service over time (often occurrence in Serbia).
      I bought Svo-Beg-Svo (31 oct // 03 Nov)
      Svo-Beg-Svo (27 Dec - 08 Jan)
      Beg-FCO-Beg (29 Dec - 01 Jan)
      All purchases were online through

    9. Anonymous23:07

      Great! :)

    10. Anonymous21:10

      That's why I am more than happy that this time around we can be more proud of Air Serbia than the older generations were of the old JAT, especially during the 1970s.

      Where have you all fans of JAT been, what that brand was teared appart here in the comments? No offence, but there is hardly anything today in aviation industry that can be compared with work input and outputs in the aviation during the 70s and 80s, even 90s.

      The JAT of 70-80s, had his own aircrafts, his own pilot academy, his own full meintance - everything which serious companies still do have. Or is it about young stewardesses and tickets put in a nice envelope?

  25. Anonymous17:34

    AirSerbia ne koristi A319 ni na jednoj destinaciji osim za Abu Dabi.Sutra nema leta za ovaj grad i odmah se A319 ne koristi ni za sta.O cemu se radi??Zar nije trebalo od 27.10 da ovaj tip aviona leti na liniji za Moskvu i/ili Dizeldorf????

    1. Anonymous17:44

      Procitajte gore navedeni razlog koji je "Dejan' sasvim lepo opisao ...

    2. Anonymous21:12

      Da sad odjednom sve ima svoj razlog, i sve je lepo opisano i sve je baju-baj. A jat kad je i imao razloge, mogao je sa njima da se slika. meni je to prosto jadno. nisam verovao, ali sada verujem, da je vecina ljudi hejtovala jat prosto iz nacionalnih kompleksa. a kada su sada dobili musaku, orlove na meblu i novaka na trupu, sve je super i bajno.

  26. Anonymous17:38

    Here is another experience with Air Serbia. This morning I was flying back home to Stockholm on Jat’s 737. Pillows and blankets on each seat, FANTASTIC food. What was amazing was everything was served in glass plates and got metal cutlery (this was economy class). I cannot stress how different the food is. When I was coming to BEG 2 weeks ago I got a sandwich. This was light years away. All crew in new uniforms, all announcements at airport and on board made on behalf of Air Serbia (so don’t know where someone got they still make Jat announcements). They have new trolleys, huge selection of drinks. It was mostly older crew but they were extremely pleasant and hard working. They seem to have some new energy now (I would to if I finally had the ability to serve proper meals and didn’t have to say to everyone I don’t have basic drinks). Overall great and for the price I paid well worth the value. Also flight wasn’t late.

    1. Anonymous17:41

      Great to hear that! How was the load on your flight? I hope they manage to attract some connecting passengers to/from ARN.

    2. Anonymous17:42

      Oh and to add newspapers and champagne served prior to takeoff :))

    3. Anonymous17:43

      I would say around 80%

    4. Anonymous17:49

      I suggest and recommend that you enter the first airline review for Air Serbia on ...since you flew them you can qualify.

    5. Anonymous17:59

      Wow... wait, they actually served you champagne in economy class? Did you fly on their first day of operations?

    6. Anonymous18:05

      Yes but as I understand we were served as a "one off" because of the new start. The atmosphere on board was fantastic

  27. Anonymous17:49

    OT: They probably ditched BEG because of Air Serbia:

    Olympic Air, now a subsidiary of Aegean Airlines, from 01NOV13 is increasing capacity on flights to Bucahrest and Sofia. These routes will be operated by Aegean Airlines A320 aircraft, instead of Dash8-Q400. Certain domestic routes will also operated by Aegean Airlines aircraft, and vice versa.

    Athens – Bucharest
    OA381 ATH0745 – 0920OTP 320 x67
    OA381 ATH1000 – 1135OTP 320 67

    OA382 OTP1000 – 1135ATH 320 x67
    OA382 OTP1215 – 1350ATH 320 67

    Athens – Sofia
    OA307 ATH0830 – 0950SOF 320 x57
    OA309 ATH1635 – 1755SOF 320 357

    OA308 SOF1025 – 1145ATH 320 x57
    OA310 SOF1825 – 1945ATH 320 357

  28. Anonymous19:22

    OT: Purgeru, ima li što novo u vezi privatizacije Croatia Airlines-a?

    1. Purger00:17

      CEO does not agree with Minister, and he does not want foreign companies to invest in Croatia, so he tries to find Croatian ingestion funds to invest in Croatia Airlines. Very strange that CEO goes against his boss (Minister). But, when one is prime minister friend...

  29. Anonymous20:36

    Citao sam danas u novinama, I PROSTO NE MOGU DA VERUJEM, DA SU UVELI RPAVILO U ARI SRBIJI, da putnici moraju da se oslovljavaju sa "gosti", posto Etihad uvek kaze "guests". Pa to je samo neko malouman mogao da uradi. Kod nas kada nekome kazes da je gost, to znaci da treba da pazi kako se ponasa, a ono sto se na engelskom kaze sa frazama tipa "your now guest in my home", na srpskom se kaze "osecaj se kao kod svoje kuce".

    AMalo mi je iskreno vec preselo da citam sva ova nova polupismena saopstenja Air Serbije. Mislim, ok mi je da direktor ne zna srpski, ali moze da uzme sekretaricu ili savetnika ili letkora koji ima osecaj za srpski jezik, a ne izgovara engleske fraze sa srpskim recima.

    1. Anonymous21:12

      Hm... ako si gost moraš da se ponaša, a ako si kod svoje kuće onda valjda možeš da lomiš stvari? Hm.. možda su BAŠ zato i počeli da putnike nazivaju "gostima" ne bi li sačuvali malo enterijera. ;-)

    2. Anonymous21:13

      u sto si ti duhovit.. ovo je ozbiljna stvar. zbog ovakvih kutlrunih gresaka u prevodu propadale su cele kompanije u latinskoj americi..

    3. Duhoviti21:20

      Nema ovo veze sa greškama. Tačno je da našem uhu ne leži da nas zovu gostima u avionu. Međutim, navićićemo se pa će nam se još i dopasti.

      Pazi sad ovako, oni su domaćini u svojoj kući a ti im dolaziš pa si gost.
      Kao domaćini oni žele da se pokažu i učiniće sve da se gost lepo oseća, kao kod svoje kuće.
      Time što su oni domaćini, oni će domaćinski gazdovati kompanijom.

      Itekako je sve u duhu srpskog naroda, samo još uši da nam se naviknu a to će za 5 dana.

    4. Anonymous21:42

      NIje to stavar navike. Poenta je da u Etihadu postoji odredjen izraz, fraza, sa kojom se nastoji postici najveci stepen bliskosti i prisnosti sa punbticima. Na engleskom je to guest. Na srpskom se pak najveca prisnost ne izrazava formulom gosta, vec naznakom da neko treba da se oseca kao u svojoj kuci. Naznaciti nekom na sprskom da je gost, znaci staviti nekom do znanja da treba ustegnuto da se ponasa, a ne izraziti mu dobrodoslicu. Nije ovo stvar navike, covek moze na sve da se navikne, ali podsvesno dejstvo ostaje - a zeljeni efekat prisnosti i dobrodoslice svakako izostaje

      A ti se dogovri sam sa sobom, da li jeste ili nije u duhu jezika, jer jedno pises u prvom pasusu,a drugo u drugom. Gost je, ako vec spominjenmo domacine, neko ko dolazi da se baskari za badava, a ovde je rec o ljudima koji su debelo platili uslugu i ocekuju tacno odredjen sadrzaj te usluge. i u tom smislu oznaka "gost" je potpuno promasena.

    5. Anonymous21:45

      Juce su na letu za Abu Dabi Aleksandar Vucic i Krstic bili gosti. A ljudi koji placaju karte su putnici. Vrlo prosto.

  30. Anonymous21:36

    Hmm I just heard that Nis is starting negotiations with Wizz Air.

    1. Duhoviti21:40

      It will be ideal if Wizz would be pushed out from BEG and moved to INI. It will not be a problem for people to travel 2h to get on cheap flight, even from Belgrade.
      In the same time it will mean that Serbia will get second real airport, south will then wake up a bit, at least in air travel business.

    2. Anonymous21:45

      I do not see what's the problem if they move to Nis, They could still advertise it as Belgrade South. <3

    3. Anonymous22:13

      I doubt that something good will come out of this for INI. And if it is true that they really started negotiating, it would mean that Air Serbia said no to INI.

    4. Anonymous22:45

      LOL... I was so laughing when read "Belgrade South" :))
      That's true, but what I find really annoying about those small airports in the middle of nowhere is that several times ticket for bus transfer to original destination costed me almost as return flight.

    5. Anonymous00:48

      It's closer for people from Belgrade than to travel from Timisoara than to go to Nis..

    6. Anonymous07:08

      These flights would require heavy subsidies... Wizz already has a base just across the border in Sofia and Skoplje, no need to fly to Nis.

  31. Anonymous21:44

    OMAGAWD ... the flight from Zurich will be early! :D

    1. Anonymous22:10

      No it won't. It'll be 20-30min late. It departed at 21.50 in ZRH.

    2. Anonymous23:08

      And everybody says they will kill Montenegro Airlines and the other competitors...
      Not with every flight arriving one hour too late.

  32. What Air Serbia needs most now is a press centre or speaker that is the official one for the company!
    Every day we read now in newspapers that Vucic says this and that and bla bla bla...
    Nothing against Vucic but he should not speak on behalf of the company.
    Air Serbia is run by managers not politicians.
    And all these rumours,hints have to stop!
    Only a single authority has to be the source of anything news about Air Serbia.
    It would be nice if a competent and sympathic woman
    could get that job.

  33. jetfreak23:38

    See better photos:

  34. Anonymous04:10

    Thats the problem AAA...
    Vucic talks pretentious bullshit about JU buying other companies,flying to USA,introducing dozens of A380,
    becoming world leader and LH being jealous.
    Its his personal opinion but he should shut his mouth!!!

    The management team manages the airline not him.
    And Etihad has to agree with everything before smthg happens.

    Unfortunately the Serbian press duplicates every nonsense Vucic invents.
    And the next day Mr. Kondic and Etihad have to read the shit in the newspapers.

    This intermingling of the government becomes annoying and can harm AS reputation a lot.

    1. Anonymous08:44

      How many people from Serbia and Bosnia live & work in Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Qatar?
      Recently I have heard from an architect from exYu region (who is Abu Dhabi resident) that a huge number of Serbs and Bosnians work there and that they all are doing very well.

    2. Anonymous09:24

      Just imagine, there are 500 Serbs working as Emirates cabin crew! I heard that the number is somewhere around 15,000 in Dubai.
      I would not be surprised as otherwise I fail to see how else all these flights would have been profitable.

    3. Anonymous09:28


      And there are a lot of people from Serbia that dream about visiting Dubai at least once in their lives. Also the reason why flydubai is doing so well on that route.

  35. Anonymous09:48

    Just have a look at the weather forecast, similar until April...
    + shopping holidays + excellent hotels (some are competitive compared to CRO) + ...
    Obviously Serbia urgently needs a strong tour operator to start digging this gold.

    1. Anonymous12:26

      i´m a serb. which doesn´t stops me to laugh and cry out loud, one someone compares the serbian touristic potential with croatian offer. Even if we don´t take the coast in concideration, everything under the Sava, Danube and Belgrade in Serbia, looks like a semimodernized ruin. hhaha..

    2. Anonymous13:24

      I am not a Serb (capital S, please!), and have no intention to discuss touristic offer of Croatia.
      I would like to to say that in the period from Nov to May, one week holiday in Abu Dhabi is very extremely attractive (climate, shopping etc. )
      Besides, the Serbs do not have to worry whether their cars will be wrecked or burnt.
      As simple as that!
      Additionally, weather something looks like a ruin depends on where you come from and what is your attitude towards these "ruined areas".
      However if you come from London or Zürich the area of ruins starts much earlier than "under Sava, ...".

  36. Anonymous09:55

    YU-APC will fly to LCA tomorrow!

    1. Ah yes! This is great news indeed! So is it safe to assume that the Cypriot civil aviation directorate was the first one to issue the licence? Good for them, the bureaucratic procedures on the island tend to be slow so this comes as a nice surprise.

      If I remember correctly the A319 was initially scheduled to fly to Larnaca on November 15.

    2. Anonymous19:22

      On the way to ZRH right now, JU374

    3. Anonymous19:26

      Tomorrow (30Oct) for TGD and AUH

    4. Anonymous22:45

      What a pity.. I didn't now about the ZRH one... I could have gone spotting :(

    5. Woohoo this is really great news! I am happy that issues related to the A319 paperwork have been resolved.

      Interesting that the Zurich flight has parked at gate A2 while Larnaca (A319) departs from gate A6. I guess they will move it to a remote stand for 2 hours.

    6. Spotters, prepare your cameras:
      31OCT, morning CDG or CPH, midday TGD, later ZRH or DUS and midnight LCA

  37. Anonymous11:35

    Olympic Air is sending its A319 to Belgrade today. I wonder if it is because there is actual demand or is it because they are trying to compete with Air Serbia?

  38. Anonymous13:36

    Oh, c'mon!

    Air Serbia hasn't even started in its full speed and you all, including the officials, talk about buying other companies and "a desire of Air Serbia for growth!" Give me a break!

    That same company was on the edge of collapse, but now, in just a few months you are talking about the space as its final frontier. None of these things are realistic in its present form. Everything of this is a PR for the Serbs. Admit it.

    And about the thing of "everything should be in Belgrade, fly from Belgrade and every airline in the region should be owned by Air Serbia" or something like that attitude - just one question for them - in which world are you living?

    Enjoy the new airline, enjoy the glitz these days. As days and months goes bye, the owners of Air Serbia will be hit by our Balkan mentality, for sure.

    As for CA, get it sold already! The Montenegrin one - that one should fly as a charter only, if you ask me. Adria may find itself as a low budget air company. B&H and Macedonia? Wizz covers them both, as Adria covers Kosovo. Voila, it's OK as it is.

  39. I guess now we have our answer to why is Olympic leaving Belgrade. Aegean plans on withdrawing all of the Dash-8 aircraft from the fleet. I guess they can't compete effectively with their Airbus aircraft.

    1. Anonymous21:05

      Funny story.. weren´t you the one who has explained here that there is no problem for air serbia to compete on montenegro and vienna routs with ATR?

  40. Anonymous19:45

    Does anyone know when is the second JU A319 landing in Belgrade?

  41. Tomorrow test flight, later on probably in service


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