Air Serbia to receive ten A320neos

Air Serbia to take delivery of ten A320neos from 2018

Air Serbia has announced it will receive ten Airbus A320neo aircraft as part of a massive 199 aircraft order made by its part owner Etihad Airways at the Dubai Air Show on Sunday. The ten aircraft will be delivered to the Serbian carrier between 2018 and 2020. They will replace the airline’s fleet of eight leased A319s and two A320s which should be in service by April 2014. On Sunday, Etihad Airways CEO, James Hogan said, “The structure of the order allows us to move aircraft between our equity alliance partners”.

Speaking in Dubai, the CEO of Air Serbia, Dane Kondić said, “The new fleet of A320neo aircraft are a key part of our strategy with which we intend to redefine our position on the market, with the most modern and comfortable single aisle aircraft. As we expand our destination network throughout Europe, we will set new standards with the A320neo both in comfort and quality of service". He added, "This aircraft is the best option from the A320 family of aircraft and features new engines as well as sharklet technology, allowing added efficiency”.

On Sunday, Etihad Airways placed the largest ever aircraft order for 199 aircraft at a price of 67 billion dollars. It announced firm orders for 87 Airbus and 56 Boeing aircraft, with a further 56 options and purchase rights. The order, for 25 next generation Boeing 777X aircraft, thirty Boeing 787-10 Dreamliners, one Boeing 777 freighter, fifty Airbus A350 XWB, 36 Airbus A320neo family aircraft and one Airbus A330-200F, are all set for delivery from 2018. The new A320neo, which is currently in development, has less fuel consumption, lower operating costs and less noise production then other aircraft of its size. In addition, the jet offers a brand new cabin for passengers with larger baggage storage, a quieter cabin, LED lighting and a new air purification system which reduces toxins in the cabin.


  1. I love that Air Serbia is expanding, but I don't think it's ok to do what you did.

    1. Replace today’s news item with this news which came in just after 9.00? I don’t see the problem since the previous news was already hijacked by today’s announcement and I do remind you that I run this site.

    2. I just don't think it is ok to do this to your readers from Croatia...

    3. It will be reposted tomorrow. No one would have even discussed the news. You yourself began the offtopic discussion

    4. Anonymous10:43

      Admin dont lie. You didnt have the Air Serbia article when you publlished Zagreb airport article. You translated articles others wrote and added a sentence...

    5. You obviously have't read what I wrote. A press release by Air Serbia on the aircraft order was issued at 09.20 CET. I decided to pull the Zagreb Airport article and republish it tomorrow as I think an order for ten aircraft is big news. I don't see the issue with it.

    6. Also I did not want 90 comments about Air Serbia on an article related to Zagreb Airport and in the first 20 minutes before the articles was pulled ten out of ten comments were related to this aircraft order which was revealed only a few minutes after the Zagreb Airport news item was published. I remind you that articles here are published at 9.00 sharp.

    7. Not every decision in the world revolves around Balkan politics. Sometimes it isn't personal...

  2. Anonymous10:15

    Nije OK ni da ti maltretiras neduzne posetioce svojim fotografijama abnormalnih i krajnje iritirajucih dimenzija, pa ipak to radis uporno I neprestano.

    1. Anonymous10:49

      šta smaraš ti sa tim slikama? jedino tebi smetaju

  3. Anonymous10:21

    Sorry for being off-topic but what happened to the article on the Zagreb Airport strike?

  4. Anonymous10:26

    ExYU replaced it because the exclusive from Dubai arrived minutes after he uploaded the Zagreb article. Exclusives normally cannot wait so the Zagreb article got a collateral fate this time. I hope we will be able to read and comment on it tomorrow.

  5. SuisseOuest10:48

    Aren't these A320neos too big for JU? If BEG plays the hub role in hub-and-spoke EY network, shouldn't they concentrate more on frequency than capacity? I gladly admit I am wrong if LF for regional A319 services are >80%

    1. Anonymous10:55

      Well, these birds will be delivered in five years. Until then both Air Serbia and Etihad plan on expanding the hub in Belgrade. Also, the A320 NEO is a great aircraft for longer routes where the A319 might not as profitable due to higher CASM.

      I guess this is what Hogan had in mind when he said that Etihad-Air Serbia deal is here to stay.

  6. Anonymous10:49

    Of course ex-YU changed the article, this is breaking news! An airline in the ex-YU region placed an order for 10 brand new aircraft. It's amazing news. I would rather have positive than negative news.

    Congratulations to Air Serbia. We can see that they have big ambitions for their future expansion since they ordered ten aircraft with larger capacity! Best of luck to them and I hope we get to see more announcement such as this one in near future.

  7. Anonymous11:00

    Ah I remember last year, we were wondering when will Jat add a Boeing or two into its fleet. Today, we are wondering when the third of its 8 A319 will be delivered while discussing its order for brand new aircraft.

    This is surreal.

    1. Anonymous11:08

      Amazing news for Air Serbia. They should develop all of their routes by then and then make a huge switch to brand new planes.

    2. Anonymous21:15


  8. Anonymous11:18

    2018 date says it all.

    1. Anonymous11:19

      You do realise the A320neo has not been produced yet

    2. Anonymous11:24

      You do realize that there is a thing called production slots?

    3. Anonymous11:34

      2018 is faaar away my friends.

    4. That is true, 2018 is far far away. Unfortunatelly that's the name of hte game these days. If you'd like brand new A320neo you are going to have to wait. They first have to deliver all ceo's and develop neo in the meantime. Judging by the order log (currently stands at 2392) it must be worth it.

    5. Anonymous15:15

      "2018 is faaar away" as 2009 looong time ago!

  9. The main problem for delivering all 6 A319 is lack of the pilots, they are still in training centers in Dusseldorf and Berlin, bad students :)

    1. Anonymous11:24

      I wonder if that's the reason why they have not yet delivered the third A319?

    2. Because BEG doesnt have enough hangars for keeping all those A319 who wouldnt fly...and, btw, A6 SAB is here, but in hangar, delivered on 06.11.

    3. A6-SAB Airbus A319-132 Air Serbia 2x IAE V2524-A5 C8Y120 delivered 06-11-2013 Leased from Etihad Airways

    4. Anonymous11:40

      Thanks. So do you know when it is scheduled to enter service (SAB)? So Belgrade has to expand its maintenance facilities?

    5. I think Air Serbia will use, after renovations, the old hangar of MUP...near the runway....JAT Tehnika hangars are full.

    6. Anonymous12:03

      So they will not use the third A319 until the renovations are done? That might take some time.

    7. No, they will use it when pilots finished their training and got licence for A320 family

    8. 114 days last the training, they went in training centers in August

    9. Anonymous12:37

      Hmm ok so they should be finishing in a few weeks. That's really good. I hope that the guys who went in in August would be enough not only for one but for two aircraft...or more.

    10. 40 of them went there, more than enough

    11. Anonymous13:03

      Dusan, you are very funny guy, minor part of your information is true and it looks like you know everything.Have you seen A6-SAB in BEG, which hangar, why didn't take a photo...or you source is making jokes?
      A6-SAB is scheduled to come to BEG today, departing DUS around 14h. So we will watch some FR24 to see it. And I do not want to comment your information about pilots training, hangars....etc

    12. My source were making jokes about hangar, but story about pilots are totally true! Many of them failed at the first test, sorry, but B737 is not A319, full of computer shit, the are good pilots but like to
      fly with real jets, not plastic toys driven by computers....

    13. And, by the way, i am retired captain of B707 (YU-AGA)

    14. Anonymous14:05

      This is not true, my father went in germany on october 13 and today he is coming back, and no one has not failed until now.

    15. Anonymous14:35

      Well, it's 14.34 and there is still no A319 taking off from Dusseldorf to Belgrade. I guess that information is wrong too.

    16. Anonymous14:37

      At least A6-SAA is operating regularly, just like YU-APC. It's about to land in Athens now.

    17. AnonymousNovember 19, 2013 at 2:05 PM

      Ask your dad who was a good pilot of B733 what he thinks about Airbus.....every pilot likes to control his plane, like pilots in C-130 Galaxy or B52...or ATR...we, pilots don't like computers because of many Apollo 13 movie and you will know why

    18. Anonymous19:12

      The transition from 733 to 319 is probably one of toughest for an experienced pilot to make (from direct control to operating via an intermediary); it would not be surprising if there were difficulties... I can imagine how it feels for an old-school pilot to now have a computer as the ultimate decision making authority!

      IMHO, the jury is still out - AF447 shows what happens when a pilot used to operating computers is suddenly expected to actually pilot the plane; on the other hand, elementary pilot errors (like taking off without flaps) are these days mostly gone as causes for crashes... Speaking of B52, there was a recent USAF crash in which an excellent pilot flew the aircraft into the ground... Maybe AS will get the best of both worlds - experienced pilots monitoring automation, ready to take over (I do believe that AF447 would not have crashed if an old-school JAT pilot was in the cockpit!). That would require those pilots embracing automation though...

    19. Pera Kojot20:14

      Question is how to keep that knowledge alive for the future. Yes this generation is here, but what about next ones?

    20. Anonymous20:19

      They have a programme called young managers programme. The applications finished on October 30 and they have already sent people to Abu Dhabi where they will teach them how an airline is run. Just for clarification, they are sponsored by Air Serbia and after two years in Etihad they will return to Belgrade and work for JU.

    21. Pera Kojot20:24

      I am talking about pilots, not administation staff.
      Pilot trainings, I guess, do not include those old-school skills, on top of that airplanes are not forcing pilots to keep those skills alive.

  10. Anonymous11:21

    I am wondering, with Croatia Airlines more or less pulling out of Dubrovnik during the winter seasons, could we see Air Serbia or Adria increasing their presence for the winter seasons 2014? Air Serbia could keep four weekly flights, I think there is a market.

    1. Anonymous12:49

      i agree with u. AS could have winter season flights to dubrovnik (3pw) and split (3pw).

    2. Anonymous13:58

      I just hope they come back to PUY next summer. It would be cool if DBV is upgauged to an A319! :)

    3. Anonymous14:59

      i am not sure about puy, which is such a pitty. they can make good work on beg-put or beg-rjk route. istra is traditionally best known summer spot for belgarders for years and many serbians live in rijeka and very often coming to belgrade. some things i dont understand, but who knows, maybe with 2 weekly by atrs to rjk is not profitable, which is strange. its only 120 ppl per week!!! with ticket prize for example 69ow tax incl. its possible and i am sooo sure about that, but in the other hand maybe it is just my opinion.. about zadar i dont even want to talk. I AM PRETTY SURE, that 2 weekly flights from belgrade would be packed full!!! and nobody even mentions zadar as a possible point in the network.. why is so, i dont know...

    4. Anonymous15:15

      I would still like to think that it's because of a lack of adequate aircraft. Would be nice if they do bring it back, I am sure it's in the plans, just not in the ones right now. Then again, summer is quite far away so we might be surprised, who knows!

  11. Anonymous11:26

    Why is there a flight from Dusseldorf by Air Berlin A321 today?

    1. Anonymous13:43

      sport event or asylum seakers brought back home : )

  12. Anonymous12:10

    have to say I was a bit skeptic with all this a few months back, but now we can see it's a real deal. A serious company with serious plans for future. Well done AirSERBIA!

    One offtopic question/ I've been flying with JAT on my BA staff ticket for years. Just wonder if the agreement for staff travelers is still the same? Flying to BEG on dec 29th...Thank you

    1. Anonymous12:22

      Staff ticket policy is the same :)

    2. Anonymous12:23

      Thx :) Hope its gonna be an Airbus :)

  13. Anonymous12:48

    The ten aircraft will be delivered to the Serbian carrier between 2018 and 2020. They will replace the airline’s fleet of eight leased A319s and two A320s which should be in service by April 2014.
    Does this mean Air Serbia will have the same number of jet planes (10 of them) in 2020 as it has now? No fleet increasing?

    1. Anonymous13:37

      I am sure that they will be adding new aircraft until then. These will be as part of the long-term fleet renewal. Etihad has orders of its own so I am sure that if there is such a need Air Serbia could always use one of their delivery slots.

    2. Well said. They are increasing capacity with this order by adding more seats. AS far as additional ACs are concerned if there is a need I'm sure there is a language in Etihad's contract that they can move them around. Even Hogan made a point of noting that in his interview after the signing ceremony.

  14. Anonymous13:28

    I am very disapointed with this news.

    Air Serbia will have 10 planes in 2014, and same number in 2020. Just 10. Nice to have new planes but not to plan increase the number of plane is not good for Air Serbia.

    1. Anonymous13:33

      And few of A319 are planed to fly till 2020. and to be replaced than, and they will be very very old than. Air Serbia could have problem with them till 2020.

  15. Anonymous13:46

    B&H Airlines will be flying to Belgrade from 16.12.2013. They had to postpone the launch of their flights because of regular maintenance checks. They have also changed the platform for the reservation system which took some time. All in all, they are still going through with the planned flights, just some minor delays due to them and not Air Serbia. That means that during the summer season, Belgrade-Sarajevo will be at least three daily.

    1. Anonymous00:28

      Good to hear!!!

  16. I'm wondering if the JAT deposit for A319 from late nineties is being repurposed. Does anyone know who did that money go to, Air Serbia or government?

    1. Apparently someone mentioned it in Dubai:
      “The last delivery of a new jet to Jat Airways, the former national carrier of Serbia, was in 1988. Through our partnership with Etihad Airways, a previous deposit payment made by Jat Airways, has been credited against the pre-delivery payment for these aircraft.”

  17. Anonymous14:47

    The Etihad government deal expires 2018. Oh, ring a bell? If things don't work well, the contract will not be renewed and the aircraft go straight ahead to some other members of the "Etihad family". I keep hearing unbelievable things behind the curtains.E.g. that a bunch of Etihad consultants spend weeks and weeks in Belgrade Hyatt renting a whole floor and that expenses incl. cabs and overhead allowances reached 900000€. I heard that the new interiors for the A319 cost 300000€ each and that works are conducted by AirBerlin Technik though there were cheaper offers. I hear that no one from JAT can be fired because qualification tests that were run for Air Serbia were not according to serbian labour law. I hear that all those left jobless will be employed by a daughter company entering the charter business. Sorry sounds like a big mess so far. Wouldn't wonder if EY exits after 5 years like EK did after sinking money with Sri Lankan.....

    1. Anonymous15:13

      The main difference is that Emirates' investment in Sri Lankan was an odd one out. Etihad's takeover of Air Serbia is the norm when it comes to their business strategy just like the partial takeover of Jet Airways, Air Seychelles, Air Berlin and more recently Darwin has been.

    2. This deal expires in 2019.!

    3. Anonymous21:23

      And it is 5 years renewable for another 5, it was clearly stated from the beginning of acquisition.

  18. Anonymous15:24

    @ Anonymous, 2:47 PM:

    You forgot the part about cheap agricultural land...

    1. Anonymous15:29

      Hahahhahahha +1

      You can also add that they will leave because they realized not using a regional name was a mistake. :D

  19. Anonymous15:34

    With world class airline partner (Etihad) and world class airplane (A320NEO), the next thing Air Serbia needs to improve is Belgrade Airport. Any news on upgrades at BEG?

    1. JATBEGMEL20:30

      It is expected that by the end of the year the next phase will start. Another level will be built to seperate arrivals and departures. It is rumoured that Terminal 1 could be demolished and a new and bigger terminal built to serve Air Serbia.

    2. Anonymous21:20

      That would be great. Current T1 is obsolete, and is even smaller than some of the Consolidated Car Rental Terminals (LAS, IAH etc)...

    3. Anonymous11:44

      I'd absolutely hate to see the T1 terminal torn down as it is of considerable architectural value. Better think of something else.

  20. Anonymous15:49

    Air Serbia cannot make decisions on behalf of BEG. It will have to be a political decision (unless the airport is sold which is unlikely). Air Serbia apparently owns one terminal at BEG so they will have a chance to at least do something. However, major overhaul that would include infrastructure is purely political.

    1. Anonymous17:22

      I read that Air Serbia would operate only from Terminal 1, but T1 is currently not in shape to handle expected growth and provide service at the level available at major airports in the region (Vienna, Budapest, Prague, Bucharest). Both transit and O&D experiences are sub-par. Common infrastructure at BEG (parking areas, car rental, taxi and ground connections) are not at the level that will support O&D growth, so Air Serbia (and government) better put BEG upgrades as priority. Any plans for that?

    2. Anonymous10:00

      There was a story recently that T1 is (or partly owned) by (old) Jat. If that's the case, it makes sense to demolish it and build newer and bigger modern terminal building with proper transit facilities.

    3. Anonymous21:26

      And in the meantime refurbished T2 can easily serve the purpose...

  21. Anonymous16:00

    Something with quad engines flew over Žarkovo right now. Does anyone know what it was?

    1. Anonymous16:03

      Silk Way Airlines, Boeing B747-400F from Belgrade to Baku.

    2. Заправо је дошао из Бакуа, а одлетео за Кабул :-)

    3. Anonymous22:57

      Da li znas sta je nosio tamo?

    4. Anonymous04:56

      mozda oruzje od zastava za policija afganistana

    5. Тачно то. Хаубице, и то пешчана маскирна камуфлажа. :-)

  22. Anonymous16:01

    747 departing from BEG now!

  23. Anonymous16:46

    This is what I call an airline. Great work. Well done

  24. Anonymous17:27

    At the end of text it is mentioned that Air Serbia will launch 12 NEW destinations between January and Aprril. We know Beirut, Cairo, Budapest, Warsaw, Sofia, Varna and Kiev. What will be other 5? I hope they dont think about Croatian costal cities and Gerona since it would be just continuing of summer seasonal flights.

    1. Anonymous18:03

      I hope flights to Barcelona and Madrid.

    2. Anonymous19:00

      Are those 5 destinations are really going to be new ones?

    3. JATBEGMEL20:40

      Apparently a destination on the Iberian peninsula will open, and I assume it will be MAD.

      I wouldnt be surprised to see:

      * MAD
      * LED
      * MUC
      * HAM
      * ZAG

      Other destinations I wouldnt be surprised seeing:

      * TIA
      * ESB
      * BSL
      * MAN
      * HEL
      * KWI
      * INI

      I guess its a wait and see what happens.

    4. Anonymous21:39


    5. Anonymous21:43

      Hmm I feel Baku should also be added on some list.

    6. Anonymous22:36

      My opinion :
      TIA or MAN or ADD(codshare with ET)

    7. Tuesdays post23:29


      So EY and JU could sandwich Turkish Airlines...

    8. Anonymous22:10

      What's interesting is that they are launching 12 new destinations but 11 countries! It means that they will launch two cities in the same country, could it be Madrid and Barcelona?

    9. Anonymous00:17

      Sofia and Varna are both in Bulgaria...

  25. Anonymous18:07

    St Petersburg and Barcelona please!!!
    Hamburg can be done by Wizzair (Hamburg-Lübeck airport)
    twice a week in summer.
    Easyjet from Amsterdam and Rome would also be welcome!

    1. Anonymous01:38

      I would rather like INI to be served with Wizz, especially Hamburg route :)

      Yep, Im still dreaming :)

  26. Anonymous00:45

    Is there fog in SKP since OS flight is circling around the city now?

  27. Breaking News!

    Direct flight between Zagreb and Rio De Janeiro Brazil via Sarajevo.

    Flights start 12 June, 2014. 22 have already booked!


    1. Anonymous02:09

      ha fag

    2. Anonymous04:46

      that just one flight you know it for the world cup and plus no direct link mate more like a dumb link

    3. Anonymous08:13

      Well, Croatian national team will most likely fly on Lufthansa to Brazil.

    4. Yeah, both Croatia and BiH would probably fly with LH.

      @2:09pm 'fag' lol and your the one getting excited about Arabs showing you how to buy aeroplanes!

    5. Anonymous14:35

      Excuse me but what makes you think he is a Serb?! That's offensive towards Serbia, so unless you have some concrete proof that he is one of us I recommend you refrain yourself from insulting others.

    6. @ 2:35pm.

      Bas si smotan!

    7. Anonymous16:54

      А како сам то смотан молићу лепо?

  28. Anonymous05:57

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  29. Anonymous14:37

    In the first nine months of 2013 there were 39% more Russian tourists in Serbia. There were a bit more than 36.000 of them. That means that in the first nine months of 2013, there were 133 Russian tourists arriving per day. No wonder there are currently four daily flights from Belgrade to Moscow.

    1. What kind of tourism is Serbia offering? I am not trying to sound provocative or anything...just interested what kind of tourism they are trying to promote and attract people to visit.


    2. Anonymous18:20

      Well, besides Belgrade they are taking them to the monasteries, spas, the mountains and so on... Also, due to various business and economic deals Serbia has been getting a lot of publicity in Russia.

      I hope that soon we get some more cities served in Russia. Sochi and St. Petersburg are the most likely candidates.

    3. Anonymous18:24

      Serbia's tourism development will mostly be headed to developing mountain resorts and spas.

  30. Anonymous18:09

    The third A319 is on the way to BEG, arriving in 1hour. ETD9001. Welcome !!!

    1. Anonymous18:18

      Nothing on flight radar 24, hopefully something appears!

    2. Anonymous18:21

    3. Anonymous18:23

      I am watching him from dus. It is descending, entering serbia right now. Enter ETD9001

    4. Anonymous18:27

      Found it. Just entered Serbia over Sombor.

    5. Anonymous18:28

      So is it SAB?

    6. Anonymous18:37


    7. Anonymous18:44

      Let's hope it doesn't take an eternity to put it into service.
      I wonder if it will replace the B737 on some routes or if it will be used to add frequency.


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