Libertas Air to launch flights next year
A new private airline hopes to launch flights from Dubrovnik next year, becoming Croatia Airlines’ sole competitor on the domestic market. Zoran Prpić, a former pilot and owner of tour operator Carpe Diem, hopes to set up Libertas Air with two leased Airbus A320s from April next year. “The investment is estimated to be worth three million euros with some fifty locals to be employed. The all economy Airbus aircraft will have the capacity to seat 180 passengers. There will be no business class section”, Mr. Prpić explains.
This winter, Croatia’s national carrier suspended almost all of its flights to and from Dubrovnik, maintaining only its Zagreb and Rome service. The move has been criticised by the airport and local authorities. The CEO of Dubrovnik Airport, Roko Tolić, recently said, “Dubrovnik is becoming more and more distant during the winter season after years of hard work on making the airport busy during the slow months. We have a great challenge ahead of us as we can no longer rely on our partner. We understand that Croatia Airlines must undergo restructuring but we will not sit with our hands crossed. We will look for partners elsewhere”. Libertas Air is looking to take Croatia Airlines’ place in Dubrovnik, which could see the national carrier lose its lucrative subsidies provided by the city.
Last week Mr. Prpić held talks with the mayor of Dubrovnik, with the city showing interest in the new airline. “Dubrovnik is ready to back this project by offering logistical support. We are looking for better connections between Dubrovnik and Zagreb. Such an airline could prove an excellent alternative to Croatia Airlines”, the city authorities said in a statement. Croatia Airlines currently has no competition on its domestic flights, which are often heavily subsidised. Charter airline Trade Air recently launched scheduled flights between Osijek and Zagreb, however, the service is operated in cooperation with Croatia Airlines.
Croatia really needs a charter or leisure airline. It's a scandal that the bulk of the business is carried away by foreign carriers in a country with such a touristical potential.
ReplyDeleteEven if they have to lease out a/c during winter season it is worth to operate between Easter and late September. A city like DBV attracts weekend tourists even in winter and with clever marketing it could be also a Xmas and carnival destination.
I really hope that this new airline realizes that there is no domestic market in Croatia which can bring profitability to airlines. They should better concentrate on international markets but they should also work with city authorities and the European Union to develop winter tourism in and around Dubrovnik. Why not promote the coast to elderly Europeans? I am sure that the temperature in Dubrovnik during the winter months is much nicer than in northern parts of the continent.
ReplyDeleteadriatic winters are pure depression
DeleteI was born in Dubrovnik and raised in Split and agree 100%
DeleteI think new airline in Croatia as big tourist potential is going to work just perfect, specially if the new carrer is going to offer a cheap flights, from right destination and time. All the best to Libertas!
ReplyDeleteOff topics have been deleted and I would kindly ask not to discuss the same topic every day in every news item completely unrelated to it, especially since you have an article related to the off topic discussion a few days ago. As for the discussion relating to growth at Macedonia’s two airports, as you may have noted (and a quick history search will prove it), passenger figures for the two airports have been reported here every single month this year, so rest assured they will be reported for October as well.
ReplyDeleteSorry and Tnx !
DeleteDa ne čitaju stranci budem "po naški":
DeleteImpresivno kako se loše stvari Air Serbije brišu sa ovog bloga, a što nije bio slučaj niti sa Croatiom airlines (posebno oko incidenta u ZRH, koji je dozvoljen kao svakedneni OT), niti sa ostalim kompanijama.
Kašnjenje Air Serbije je svakodnevna pojava i treba na nju ukazati. To je velika stvar, poglavito što govorimo o desecima sati, i stvara probleme putnicima, poglavito poslovnjacima, a Air Serbia niti nakon 11 dana isto nije uspjela otkoloniti, što je više nego zabrinjavajuće. Mod bi mogao iz toga napraviti lijep članak:
- izvuči statistiku
- koliko desetaka kumulativnih sati kašnjenja se u 11 dana izgubilo (preko 100 sati ili četiri dana kažnjenja)
- koji je razlog tome
- što Air Serbia i BEG rade da se to promijeni, i rade li uopće išta obzirom da je stanje sve gore i gore
Po prvi puta imam osječaj da mod ima nekakav poslovni ili "prijateljski" odnos sa srpskom nacionalnom kompanijom u kojem se pišu ružičaste stvari, ne spominju se propusti (kako je moguće da se ni riječju nije spomenulo prizemljenje A319 radi administrativnih propusta), ne tolerira se kritičko pisanje, no zato se loši rezultati od 12% povečanja prometa (uz 23% povčeanja linija, što je zapravo loše) "falsificiraju" kao uspjeh.
Perhaps you should refer to the first paragraph of the article published on Monday. There is no bias. Off topics are allowed but writing about the same thing every single day in every single topic is annoying to most visitors, which can be seen in the comments other leave and the e-mails I get on a constant basis.
DeleteBut you are more than welcome to open your own website and write about everything you think is relevant and important such as daily updates on Air Serbia’s on time performance :) I have mentioned that flights have been experiencing delays and the official reason given by the company. I will not write about it every single day. When I receive an on time performance report I will write an article you are requesting. Usually when I write about Air Serbia I’m accused of not reporting about other airlines and airports, when I write about other airlines and airports everyone wants to discuss only Air Serbia.
DeleteAlso, some people are still under the misconception there is an EX-YU Aviation News”team”. Nope, it’s just me, updating the site 365 days a year since June 1, 2008 and I can’t report about every single detail happening at every single airline/airport all of the time and make up news from smaller markets so there is a similar number of stories from every country so everyone can be happy. Despite the fact that you may think the site is bias, I do this for free and am not paid by any airline to write about them, unlike many others. Also, I think this site has over the past five years provided extensive coverage on everything happening in aviation in the former Yugoslavia, which could be hardly ever found before. As I have said, the problem you are referring to has been mentioned, if it continues it will receive more coverage.
Congratulations Ex-yu heroe! Are you working for some airline in the region? :-)) No need to mention it if you don't want to:-)
DeleteNo, I don't work for any airline in the region or elsewhere.
Delete^ You do outstanding work, Ex-Yu Aviation!
DeleteSvaka čast na Vašem radu, on nije sporan, i mislim da ga 99% ljudi i te kako cijeni. Ja osobno ga više nego poštujem i na njemu sam Vam zahvalan.
No, u 11 dana 3 puta je bio komentar o kašnjenjima u Air Serbiji (dakle ne svaki dan, to naprosto nije istina). Od toga dva puta ste ga izbrisali. A kašnjenja su konstantna i sve gora. Dakle to nije kopiranje posta 11 puta svaki dan istog (kao kod npr. onog furumaša koji piše o pogrešnom korištenju imena Air Serbia i potrebi neutralnog imena, i to svaki puta na isti način, sa istim arguementima, što se, eto, dozvoljava), već 11 puta nova situacija koja je gora od prethodne. Nije bio jedan dan kašnjenja pa da se na to pozivamo, nego su ona svakodnevna, što je neprostivo i dokaz je nemoći da se isto popravi.
Niste mi odgovorili, zašto ste dozvolili OT svaki dan vezan uz incident Croatia Airlinesa u ZRH. A govorimo o jednoj stvari, ne o istom incidentu svaki dan. Dok se ovdje priča ponavlja svaki dan. Svaki dan su kašnjenja, na svim letovima, sve duža i duža. I to je problem? Zar je ta činjenica neistina? Zar nije interesantno kada jedna medijski eksponirana kompanija, i to nova kompanija, i to kompanija koja želi biti lider, koja iznosi bombastične planove kako će postati Svjetska kompanija, zapravo kasni samo jedan dan preko 60 sati na samo 26 letova.
Objektivno pisati o kašnjenjima Air Serbia je jedno a čekati kao zapeta struna svaku razliku od 15 minuta koju BEG službeno objavi, kako bi se u sekundi odapeo komentar veoma objektivnog i discussion-friendly sadržaja: ALL FLIGHTS DELAY, ALL FLIGHTS DELAY, REPEAT - ALL FLIGHTS DELAY, NOT TRUE - ALL FLIGHTS DELAY, DO YOU HEAR ME I SAY ALL FLIGHTS DELAY, nešto je sasvim drugo.
DeleteOnaj ko želi da bude uzet za ozbiljno, i da piše o ozbiljnim kašnjenjima, trebalo bi da zna mnogo bolje nego hvatati se za razliku od 15 minuta kako bi iskonstruisao po svaku cenu da BAŠ SVI letovi kasne, i time postigao ne znam ni ja kakvu poentu.
Posebno je pitanje odapinjanja takvih komentara na vestima koje blage veze nemaju sa Air Serbia-om, i to doslovce pet minuta nakon što ih Ex-YU postavi. Nekim ljudima je smetalo kada se Air Serbia pojavljivala u svim komentarima i to su prilično jasno rekli, a sada ispada da to i nije tako loše ukoliko treba komentarisati nešto što su zabrljali. Ako hvalospevima nije mesto na nepovezanim vestima, onda budimo dosledni pa recimo da ni pokudama nije mesto na nepovezanim vestima.
Možda bi Ex-YU mogao da nevezane komentare umesto brisanja premešta na povezane vesti (ukoliko je tehnički izvodljivo).
DeleteKomentatoru iznad: Purgeru, slobodno se potpisi, vidi se po stilu pisanja da si ti :-)
Meni stvarno nije jasno odakle ste vi shatili da netko čeka kao zapeta puška.
DeleteJoš jednom naglašavam da je komentar ostavljen svaka 4 dana, ne svaki dan, i da su dva od tri izbrisana.
Indikativno je da se to dešava, da se ništa ne mijenja, i da... to jest vijest. Kao i dolazak novog A319, i prvog i drugog, a biti će i trećeg. I sigurno ja prvi neću reči: "dosadni ste, pa i prije par dana je došao novi A319, zar morate to svako toliko ponavljati?".
15-minutno zakašnjenje nije nikakav problem u zrakoplovstvu, osim svi avioni u 11 dana kasne 15+ minuta (prosječno pola sata po letu, kumulativno više od stotinu sati u tako kratkom periodu). E tada to jest problem.
OT je pravilo ovog foruma od pamtivjeka. I naravno da je, jer ljudi ne čitaju stare postove, to je nepraktično, rasprava se razvodnjuje ili prestaje već idučeg dana, a nakon dva dana nitko više ne posječuje stare postove. Konačno to jest praksa ovog bloga. I nije nikada prekinuta, niti je OT smatran problemom. Samo se sada "odjednom" ta praksa prekida i to samo u jednom slučaju, u kritici Air Serbije.
Air Serbija jest ogromna stvar. I za Srbiju i za regiju. Svatko tko to osporava ili nema pojma o zrakoplovstvu ili je zlonamjeran. No, jednako tako svatko tko zanemaruje nagativnosti oko Air Serbije, a i te kako ih ima, jednako nema pojma ili jest zlonamjeran u želji da stvari prikaže nerealno ili nepotrebno "prenapuhano".
I have a recognizable stile? Hahaha... good one!
@ Anonymous:
DeleteOno što sam ja video je sledeće: Ex-YU objavljuje vest o novoj kompaniji u Hrvatskoj. Vest deluje zanimljivo i već ima jedan komentar. Otvorim komentare da pogledam, a tamo ALL FLIGHTS DELAY, ALL FLIGHTS DELAY. Javi se neko ispod sa odgovorom, sledi nova tura: NOT TRUE, NOT TRUE, ALL FLIGHTS DELAY. I evo, došao je kraj dana, koliko komentara ima o toj novoj kompaniji a koliko na temu da Air Serbia u deset dana nije poslala niti jedan let na vreme i da se tamo sve raspada po šavovima pre nego što je i počelo...
Ljudi zaboravljaju da Air Serbia nije greenfield već oživljeni bolesnik koji je doslovce podignut sa samrtničke postelje. To će se u najboljem slučaju mesecima dovoditi u red, a neki ljudi očekuju američku profitabilnost, švajcarsku organizovanost i japansku tačnost u roku od sedam dana po poletanju prvog aviona. Biće tu još mnogo stvari za ispraviti i ja nemam ništa protiv da se o svim tim greškama piše nadugačko i naširoko, ali bojim se da u tom slučaju neće ostati mnogo komentara o drugim dešavanjima u regionu.
iskreno, dok nisu pocele ove price o air serbiji, ja nisam znao koliko smo mi srbi neposten narod - prema semima sebi i onome sto imamo. iz tvog komentara o tome kako je suludo ocekivati japansku tacnost, vidi se da nemas pojma o avijaciji (i minamalna pomeranja povlace probleme za transferne putnike, pomeraju sletanje sto na velikim aerodromima znaci dodatne troskove itd. itd.). Ali bitno je da imas neku predstavu da sada posto je u pitanju "air serbia" treba kao roditelj za razmazeno dete da nadjes neki izgovor i opravdanje. I pritom te jos nije sramota da kao opravdanje koristis da je air serbia "ozviljeni bolesnik". Da ne pricamo o tome da "bolesnici" nisu "mrtvi", pa tako i ne mogu da budu ozivljeni.
DeleteNigde nisam rekao da je bilo šta "suludo", i lepo sam naglasio: "u roku od sedam dana od poletanja prvog aviona". Imao sam dovoljno prilika da trčim kroz aerodromske terminale zbog kašnjenja prvog leta (koji uzgred nikada nije bio JU) tako da mi je sasvim dobro poznat uticaj kašnjenja na transferne putnike i aerodrome. Ako Air Serbia misli da nešto ozbiljno postigne onda joj se ne sme dešavati da avion ode sa više od 20 minuta razlike u odnosu na raspored. I uopšte, ako ne budu dobro radili izgubiće bitku sa konkurencijom, ni ja ni bilo ko drugi tu ne može da im pomogne. Ali to sve nije razlog da se ovaj blog pretvara u monitoring tačnosti JU letova. Pogotovo ne na način na koji se to trenutno radi.
DeleteZašto ne? Nego je bolji način da se glava zabija u pijesak? Što je tu tako strašno, neistinito i konačno nemoralno. Mislim da je i te kako dobro ukazivati na to da ih se prisili da više nešto promijene. A ako u 11 dana nisu uspjeli rješiti problem sa dostavom cateringa onda je stvarno "nešto trulo u državni Danskoj".
DeleteI na koncu kakav je to način? Svaki 4 dan napisati kolika su kašnjenja. Od kojih 3 posta su se dva izbrisala. Baš nasilno i nepotrebno!
U redu koji je onda po Vama način?
This morning (as of 8-Nov-2013) timetable seems to be OK - no departure delays, yesterday it was excellent as well.
Things are moving in right direction.
Congrats to Air Serbia!
Hmmm not sure if this will work out. Dubrovnik Airline failed. Let’s hope these guys have more luck though
ReplyDeleteDubrovnik Airline was profitable and big company offering 835 seats on 5 MD82/83 aircraft. When they wanted to buy new Airbus A320 Atlantska plovidba d.d. (owner) said no and that was end of Dubrovnik Airline. Dubrovnik has so many tourists and I think that city can have some small airline company with 2 aircraft and 50 employees to cover some domestic and international flights during whole year.
DeleteI really wish them good luck as their timing couldnt be beter .As Croatia Airlines is down sizing .this creats space .I dont think the germans will like this.
ReplyDeleteHi dear Ex-Yu Aviation and all co-bloggers!
ReplyDeleteThere is an easy solution to all the offtopics
that are always responsible for complaints of visitors and the administrator :
As was done with the Ex-Yu News Flash,which has
topics like
"Adria hiring first officers" or
"Zagreb prepares for Antonov 225" ...
You could simply make an addition :
- Air Serbia winter 2013/14
- Foreign airlines at Belgrade airport
- Croatia Airlines
- Foreign airlines at Zagreb airport
- Foreign airlines at Dubrovnik airport
- etc.
Everybody could comment on his/hers favourite topic without messing up every daily thread!
I think it could be easily done and make this wonderful blog even better!
Thank you very much and my biggest respect to the administrator!
That is a good idea. I will look in to it for next week
DeleteThank you Ex-Yu Aviation!
DeleteThis "new airline in Croatia" stuff probably came out of mouth of someone who doesn't have a clue about aviation business... Or this Prpić fella, he's kinda funny and let me explain why.
ReplyDelete1. Thing that destroyed Dubrovnik Airlines, which btw was operating really good with profit and everything, was lease of Airbus A320. Airbus is a big expensive machine which consumes a lot of money in fuel, maintenance especially, and is not profitable unless it's load factor is ~ 75%.
1.1. Zagreb - Dubrovnik is a line that's best suited for Dash/ATR type aircraft 'cause Airbus needs high altitudes to become "fuel saving" aircraft. When you fly to Dubrovnik/Zagreb from Zagreb/Dubrovnik you have a very little time to go to good altitude, and when you reach it you have to start descend.
2. Dubrovnik is full of tourists for around 5 months (5. - 10.), other months are just regular, there are tourists, but mostly from cruiser ships.
3. You can't offer prices that are lower than Croatia's... You have to pay expensive fuel (thank you INA, you blood sucker), you have to pay ATC/Airport fees, you have to pay taxes.... You have to pay everything that CA pays... Yes, you can offer some tickets on sale with -30% price, but you can't sell them all at that price and expect steady profit to be able to operate next year...
4. Dubrovnik, city, has cut down subventions MORE than 50% and you won't read that anywhere... But you will read that Croatia Airlines is the meanest company that doesn't want for "Dubrovčani" to fly with them...
Pozdravim svima ljudima dobre volje, istočno i zapadno!
Thanks for that analysis, it's really good to have someone from Croatia provide us with insight on what's happening.
DeleteHowever, do you really think there is much O&D traffic between Dubrovnik and Zagreb?Can they compete with land transport when it comes to prices? Somehow I think OU operates this route mostly for transit passengers.
Potražnja svakako postoji i letovi iz Dubrovnika prema Zagrebu (i obratno) su konstantno puni. Cijene jesu visoke, ali se karte subvencioniraju iznosom od 250 kn (oko 35 eura) od strane grada Dubrovnika.
DeleteI adore when people employed by Croatia Airlines, spit on every single attempt of "breath of fresh air" in croatian civil aviation.
ReplyDeleteWell, this "Prpic fella", in addition of being (good) pilot, has master degree in economy, and runs most succesfull tourist business for over a decade. Maybie his knowledge of aviation business, and I point out BUSINESS, is just a little bit higher then of someone who works in maintenance.
But, let's go from the beginning :
1.It was not A320 as a type that "destroyed" DLN, it was specific A320 unit (actually few of them) in very bad condition, and disastreous lease contract, which are consequenses of bad management. Actually, whole DLN story is just "copy-paste" of Air Adriatic - pattern where an airline with old planes lives for 4-5 years, until "general managers" and their closest associates solve all material problems for themselves and few next generations.
1.1. Yeah right ! Rome-Trieste, or Munich-Hannover, or Paris-Geneve, they're all operated exlusively by Dash or ATR. I flew Marseille-Bordeaux (shorter then ZAG-DBV) on FR's B738 for 25 euro. I guess because they have different composition of atmosphere in France which allows them, unlike Croatia, to operate fuel-efficient even on shorter flights.
2. These planes can help change the situation in Dubrovnik during winter months because Croatia Airlines showed is not capable of doing that.
3. HAHAHAHAHAHA !!!!! You can't offer prices lower than Croatia's. I laughed the most at this !!!
The most corrupted firm in Croatia, with 400 or more, excesive workforce, who should have been fired years ago. Never crossed your mind those two, among other stuff are reason for such overpricing, ha?...
4. Dubrovnik city did cut subventions but they still exist. And they are just enough to cover "lower altitude flying" form 1.1. Unfortunatelly, some people who work for Croatia Airlines (and Zagreb Airport as well) are mentally still in the "socialist self-management", and think they are "wholy cows" which are just to be adored no matter how or what their firm do. I hope this year will be the last for such experts.
Sorry, it's DBK, not DLN above, my fault.
DeleteWell my friend, since you are such an aviation expert and when everything is so easy, contact mr. Prpić and invest in his new airline...
DeleteYou said everything under line 1., "it was specific A320 unit (actually few of them) in very bad condition" hahahah... There is something that's called wet lease, and lease company (bank or someone) guarantees that aircraft will operate normally, they won't lease you "broken" aircraft... But yeah, Dubrovnik bankrupt 'cause of poor maintained aircraft, not because city doesn't need so much air lines during winter but press won't say that.
I personally think that the airlines such as this one are deemed to fail sooner or later. issue with all coastal airports and airlines operating out of them is the same. You make capital investments to make sure you can fit X amount of pax in summer and than the other half of the youer you have Y number of pax (and X is much larger than Y). So, how do you justify that cost unless you are the government and can think strategically.
ReplyDeleteIn the case of this airline, they are going to fill their planes 6 months out of the year but what do you do with you expensive ac in winter. They are going to have to really look outside of the box in order to set up network in both seasons to maximize the profit. Or look for short term lease/sublease in order to make it work but than those get expensive too.I wish them nothing but success but again...
There's no simple way to get from the US to the Dalmatian Coast and no direct flights. It's an eager market worth tapping into. As an American with Croatian island property and friends who want to visit, I wish it were easier to get to Split.