TAP launching Belgrade flights

TAP in Belgrade from next summer

The Portuguese national carrier, TAP Portugal, will launch flights to Belgrade next year, its CEO, Fernando Pinto, has confirmed. “TAP is to start operations to as many as ten destinations next year, with six of them in Europe alone. They are Nantes, Hannover, Gothenburg, Belgrade, Tallinn and St. Petersburg”, Mr. Pinto said yesterday. He added, “In South America, TAP will add Manaus and Belem as new destinations in Brazil and will also inaugurate service to Bogota and Panama”. The Portuguese national carrier plans to add 900 flights to its network by July 2014. TAP will also introduce an additional six aircraft to its fleet during next year.

The new service between Lisbon and Belgrade will connect the two capitals for the first time. In the former Yugoslavia, the Portuguese carrier currently operates flights only to Zagreb (which go via Bologna during the winter), as well as Dubrovnik on a seasonal summer basis. Originally, TAP planned to launch flights to Belgrade this year, however, the airline’s restructuring and privatisation attempt delayed such plans. TAP will hope to attract several different types of passenger on the route including leisure travellers, diaspora and transfer passengers, particularly those wishing to utilise the carrier’s extensive network to Africa and South America. In addition, the Portuguese carrier hopes to become a viable alternative for passengers heading to the United States with flights to Newark and Miami.

TAP marks the third new airline to announce flights to Belgrade in 2014. Etihad Regional recently revealed it would launch three weekly flights from Geneva to the Serbian capital from May 1, with flight details available here. Vueling Airlines will inaugurate flights from Barcelona during the summer as well. In addition, Air Serbia will launch a handful of new destinations from its hub next summer with more details on the flights to be known next week. It tops of a successful 2013 for Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport which has this year attracted Pegasus Airlines, Etihad Airways, easyJet, Belavia and B&H Airlines as new customers.


  1. Anonymous09:15

    EX-YU, have you forgotten Vueling's flights Barcelona-Belgrade ? Or these flights are questionable ?

    1. Anonymous09:34

      No they are not questionable, but they didn't mentioned them because they will are seasonal flights.

    2. Anonymous20:48

      Great news, finally direct line between BEG and LIS! Really looking forward to it...
      Welcome TP!

  2. Anonymous09:57

    Jedna molba za sve koji prate ovaj blog, ako ovu primedbu dozvoli vlasnik bloga:

    Ako ne poznajete dobro engleski jezik, ostavite vaš komentar na jeziku kojim govorite, nazivali ga srpskim hrvatskim, ekavicom, ijekavicom, kako god, poentu ćemo razumeti, ali zaista je naporno čitati nečiji tarzan engleski, tipa: didn't mentionED ili will are i slične jezičke i gramatičke umotvorine

    1. Anonymous10:41


    2. كنت على حق ( you were right in Arabic )

    3. Anonymous11:30

      Da to je stvarno najbitnije... Nije bitno da li se razumijemo, nego što je netko pogriješio u jednoj riječi. Jer svi mi ovdje ne dolazimo radi relaksacije, nego da provjerimo svoje poznavanje Engleskog. Pa konačno ovo je forum na kojem se raspravlja o jezičnim bravurama, a tek usput netko spomene nešto o zračnom prometu. Sigurno će se srušit svijet ako netko napravi dvije-tri gramatičke greške u jeziku koji mu nije materinji. A i ti ćeš vjerojatno doživjeti moždani udar zbog šoka kada tako nešto pročitaš. Nasreću, svi materinji govornici Engleskog jezika ne pogriješe apsolutno nikada. Bože sačuvaj. Najgori Engleski koji čujem u svijetu je u Engleskoj... oladi malo čovječe i uživaj u informacijama ovog bloga, te se spusti malo na zemlju i okani se prepotentnosti da upravo ti govoriš presavršenim Oxfordskim engleskim.

    4. Anonymous11:34

      Last anonymous, +1.

    5. Anonymous11:36

      By the way, kaze se 'na jeziku koji govorite' u ovom slucaju, jer ne govorimo jezikom, vec govorimo jezik. srdacan pozdrav, a sto se tice gramatickih gresaka, ja sam srecan da dobro razumem ono sto blogeri napisu, za razliku od onih kojima ne smeta cak ni sopstveni jezik. uostalom, blog jeste na engleskom jeziku, ali se radio o exyu podrucju.

    6. Anonymous11:39

      Obožavam likove koji peru nos drugima, a onda su sami daleko gori u onome što čine. Štovani gospodine, ako stavite dvotočku nakon riječi predumijeva se da krećete sa nabrajanjem, nikako ne možete otvoriti novi pasus i još manje započeti velikim slovom, kao što ste napravili nakon riječi “vlasnik bloga:”.

      U nabrajanju trebate staviti zarez. Pa nije ispravno napisati “nazivali ga srpskim hrvatskim” već između ova dva jezika morate staviti zarez.

      Ukoliko želite uporabiti složenicu riječi tarzanski engleski, morate staviti crticu između pa se kaže tarzan-engleski.

      Na kraju rečenice potrebno je staviti točku. Napravili ste četiri greške u tri kratke rečenice. I vi imate pravo ostalima nabijati pogreške na nos?

    7. Anonymous11:50

      Dali tolerisete americki i australijski izgovor engleskog, sleng? Najvaznije dali smetaju ruzne reci kojima "caste" ucesnici bezobzirni prema jedan drogom, a Quin English je malo daljen od diskutanata ovog portal. Trudimo se da komuniciramo na srpskom, engleskom ili... srodnom jeziku, bez ruznog. Budimo ljudi. Mozemo! Hocemoli??? Bicemo svedoci.
      Eto nekom smeta "pop", nekom "popadija ". Vazno da avioni lete
      a ljudi kao ljudi. Uljudice se kada shvate da im odnos i ponasanje nedostaje.
      R. Marinkovic,AME Kraljevo / Griffith

    8. Anonymous11:54

      Иако се не слажем са оригиналним постом исто тако сматрам да нема сврхе да проведемо цео дан овде коментаришући његове грешке или шта год.
      Вратимо се ваздухопловству. Хвала унапред.

  3. Anonymous10:01

    C'est une bonne chose que Tap lance cette ligne là, elle permettra de bonnes connections avec l'Amérique du Sud et plus particulièrement le Brésil

  4. Anonymous10:50

    Will this be seasonal or what? And when does it start?

  5. Anonymous10:51

    Still nothing on the number of frequencies? My guess is that it will be two weekly A320.

  6. Anonymous11:04

    Will Air Serbia be invited to code share on this route?

    -- Charlie

    1. I highly doubt it. Lufthansa & co. have been taking most of these passengers until now so I am sure they would not be too happy about their fellow Star carrier cooperating with their in this region arch-nemesis.

    2. Anonymous13:27

      You guys are giving LH way too much credit. They have no say whatsoever in how TP operates. In fact, if TP is taking away some of LH's business, it would make all the sense in the world for them to push that even further through a codeshare with JU.

    3. Anonymous15:15

      I'm really, really pleased. The magnificent city of Lisbon finally within direct reach, and easy connections to Brazil as a bonus! Welcome to Belgrade, TAP, wishing you successful business and good luck :)

    4. Austrian Airlines does codeshare with Air Serbia.
      If they can do it,then there is no reason why TAP shouldnt do the same.

    5. Anonymous18:17

      ^ Correct!
      Btw OU also code-shares on LIS-ZAG.

  7. Anonymous11:08

    A friend of mine flew on flydubai to DXB and her flight was more or less full- she said around 75%. Not bad- as a girl she liked the fact that she had 30 kilos of luggage. :D

    1. Anonymous11:09

      One thing she particularly liked was that you order your food via the touchscreen in front of you.

    2. Anonymous14:24

      Does FlyDubai send its business class to Belgrade?
      I heard that it does to Skopje.
      Any of our Macedonian neighbours can say us how they are doing there?

    3. Anonymous14:31

      Yes, if I remember correctly Belgrade got business class a few weeks after Skopje. Their entire fleet will be fitted with the seats.

    4. Anonymous17:06

      Belgrade does not get business class.

    5. Anonymous17:58

      Yes, it does, in fact there is a commercial at the Belgrade airport that says that too.,

    6. zoki18:19

      Has anybody experience in flying with their business class?

    7. Anonymous21:12

      SKP has business class and FZ has the highest load factor from all (semi) legacy carriers out of SKP - its the single way to south/east - no QR/EY... I flew on business class once SKP/DXB/SYD load factor on SKP/DXB was over 90%.

    8. Anonymous21:50

      Strange that they have not added additional flights out of Skopje.

    9. Anonymous21:21

      in summer and arround holidays they always have a third flight to SKP.

  8. Anonymous11:31

    Germania, A321 with sharklets, visited Pristina this morning.

  9. Purger11:43

    ExYU can you change information from your text, please. TAP route to ZAG during summer is direct without stop in Bologna, just during winter there is Bologna stop flights. It is like that for ages now.

  10. Anonymous11:46

    There are six aircraft lined-up to land in Belgrade, one right behind the other. Looks pretty nice.

    1. Maybe from the sky, but on arrivals and passport control it was probably a disaster... I wouldn't be thrilled if I were on any of those planes.. :/

    2. Anonymous14:29

      On top of everything, 10 minutes later there were another two planes out of which one was Wizz Air from Sweden, so at least 150 people there. :D

  11. Anonymous13:29

    Is the weather bad all over Europe as all flights from Belgrade seem to be delayed.

    1. Anonymous14:36

      I don't thing so, because just one flight was dalay on ZAG, and that was 25 minutes from FRA.

    2. Anonymous14:48

      Interesting because some foreign carriers also recorded delays so it made me wonder.

    3. Anonymous14:51

      Every day is bad, but today is desaster. Here are arrivals to BEG:

      JU103 BNX

      2:00 hours and more:
      JU657 SVO 3:00 hours
      JU1327 ANR 2:45 hours
      JU375 ZRH 2:00 hours

      1:00-2:00 hours:
      JU171 TGD

      0:45-1:00 hours:
      JU311 CDG
      JU361 AMS

      0:30-0:45 hours:
      JU371 ZRH
      JU531 FCO
      JU401 CPH

      0:15-0:30 hours:
      JU351 STR

    4. Anonymous14:53

      Sorry, on ANR I ment AER

    5. Anonymous14:58

      What are you going on about? AER was two minutes early.

    6. Do you ever consider that late arrivals may have something to do with weather and/or other conditions at departure airports, and may not necessarily be the responsibility of Air Serbia?

    7. Anonymous15:00

      Some, but most of them were on time or with small delay.

      On time
      LH MUC

      Small delays:
      LH FRA

    8. Anonymous15:00

      Dude... stop hating. There is something strange today as since Aeroflot's departure this morning almost every foreign carrier was delayed. This is not normal.

    9. Anonymous15:02

      Wizz Air's morning departure to Gothenburg was delayed by 40 minutes! That goes to prove how biased you are.

    10. Anonymous15:02

      Ix again:
      in ZAG just one delay
      most of other companies were on time
      that is everyday JU practice

    11. Anonymous15:03

      So according to you these flights were not delayed. Good to know.

      0:30-0:45 hours:
      JU371 ZRH
      JU531 FCO
      JU401 CPH

      Also, Norwegian to Oslo was delayed by an hour.

    12. Anonymous15:04

      AnonymousDecember 14, 2013 at 3:02 PM

      You do realize foreign companies were also delayed. Not just Air Serbia's flights. I guess your hate for Serbia doesn't allow you to understand that.

    13. Anonymous15:09

      Dortmund – arrival on time
      Basel – departure on time
      Memmeingem – departure on time
      Gothenburg – arrival with just 25 minutes delay
      - that is more than good, and Air Serbia is far far far away from that score

    14. Anonymous15:13

      You 'tard. You were talking about departures in the beginning and now you are talking about arrivals.
      Also, why aren't you mentioning the afternoon departures which are departing more or less on time, with a 10 to 15 minute delay?

      ps Air Serbia's arrivals are not that bad at all.

    15. Anonymous15:32

      My argument of Wizz departures were because they did not arrive jet, and to have on time score 3 of 4 is very good.

      Yes DY was delay one hour, but that is the worst example. 10 flights from other companies came on time. Just few others were late. Most of JU flights were late, 3 even more than 2 hours.

      It is also not true that afternoon flights are good. BNX canceled, AMS 1 hour, CDG almost 1 hour, CPH 1/2 hour...

      And I don't hate Air Serbia. I fly with Air Serbia but because of delays I have lot of problems. And if that continues I will not fly Air Serbia any more.

    16. Anonymous15:37

      Anonymours 2:58
      Socci JU1325 was on time
      but JU1327 should come on 7:00, but landed at 9:37.

    17. Fine, don't fly Air Serbia. Let them go down. I would do the same if they ever caused me to miss my connected flight.

      But I sure would not punish them by giving myself a holy mission to visit an aviation blog every and shout ALL FLIGHTS DELAY, ALL FLIGHTS DELAY, CAN YOU PEOPLE HEAR ME I SAID ALL FLIGHTS DELAY...

      I mean that's kinda weird but whatever rocks your boat dude...

    18. Anonymous16:05

      I just want our company to be better than JAT - Joke about time was. Unfortunately for now their delays are much worst than Jat was. And that is not good. Not good at all. We have to force them to change that urgently. Because if they will get label that they are all the time late everybody will judge them on that, not on good service, lot of routes, good planes. Especially if passengers miss connection almost every time they fly Air Serbia...

      And yes, we can be blind, and say that we "Nebeski narod" have the best "Nebesku vazdušnu kompaniju" but in reality in few weeks we will have again Joke about time in potential passengers mind.

      And no, I don't have time to check their delays every day, and it is not true that I do that every day. Not even every week. But I should, because I want that we have the best company, and, unfortunately, on that way, we don't.

    19. Anonymous16:30

      Omg here we go again with the arrival/departure times. Didn’t EX-YU publish the on time performance for November and also provide a reason why the flights were late? So I’m sure he will do the same for December.

    20. Anonymous16:31

      While I admire your wish for Air Serbia to be better, this isn't a topic about Air Serbia and this isn't a blog about Air Serbia.

    21. Anonymous17:54

      Hater, just for you information BNX (heavy fog, 100m) and minimum is 550m, If you want, than you fly but without me.
      For the morning arrivals heavy fog at BEG, less than 200m. Both arriving flights diverted to TGD, as soon it was possible they returned to BEG. Also when you frizzing fog all the aircraft needs De-icing... If you have 5 deicing trucks and 10 departures some of them must be delayed. Better learn something but hating

    22. Anonymous21:37

      And that was during the night. Both planes were in BEG at 9:00. And what was excuse for rest of the day, and for other days?

    23. Anonymous21:49

      Hmm the fog is pretty thick as we speak. I passed by Hram like 30 minutes ago and the cross on top was blurry from the fog. I don't want to think what the situation is at the airport. :S

    24. Anonymous21:59

      OMG no... :'( the last arrivals for tonight (Moscow, Dusseldorf and Prague) and early. What are we going to do about it. If they fix their performance what will our brother, the hater, bitch about? :/

  12. Anonymous13:50

    I love this. Tomorrow everyone will discuss TAP’s arrival to BEG on a completely unrelated topic while today everyone will discuss grammar and Europe’s bad weather. Can people stick to the topic for once?

    1. Anonymous14:11

      I think bad weather which affects flights is very much relevant at all tmes.

  13. Anonymous14:16

    I'll try again, this time earlier in the day.
    Would someone know if/when BEG will be reachable through AAdvantage via Air Berlin codeshare flights operated by JU ?

    1. Anonymous14:28

      That's a tricky question because AB's programme was sold to Etihad some time ago. I guess that's why there is a delay as this cooperation would have to be initiated by Etihad and not the Air Berlin folk.

    2. Anonymous15:35

      I can see that you can book AAdvantage flights operated by AB to Berlin (ORD-TXL,JFK-TXL, DUS-TXL, for example). AA flies to DUS as well. Shame that you can't just connect to flights to BEG (not sure of the exact timing).

    3. Anonymous16:30

      Maybe they will revise their DUS flights for the summer. I am sure they don't want to miss these connections after all. However, I think they will mostly aim at feeding AB in Berlin.

    4. Does anyone know if AirBerlin plans on coming back to SKP?

  14. Anonymous14:20

    I wonder if Iberia is monitoring the move. They may react by establishing MAD-BEG, as Iberia also has extensive South America network. I would imagine that Madrid would also attract more O&D passengers from Serbia than Lisbon.

    1. Anonymous17:02

      Spanair didn't have that many passengers from Madrid back in the day- that was one of the reasons why they never returned.
      The only way Iberia might link the two capitals is with Iberia Express. However, I am sure Vueling can offer decent connections via Madrid. I am sure it will be more profitable like that.

    2. Anonymous19:54

      Spanair relied mostly on O&D passengers and perhaps some transfers within Spain (?)
      , but never offered connections to North America or South America.

    3. Anonymous20:02

      Hmm Spanair did offer connections in both Madrid and Barcelona. Naturally their network is nowhere close to that of Iberia.

    4. JATBEGMEL21:09

      Would prefer not having Iberia/Iberia Express come to BEG. Horrible horrible airline. They managed to break into my suitcase on a 1 hour direct flight to MAD (which had 3 locks!!!) and they gave nothing but rudness and attitude at their service desk when I confronted them with the problem! According to them it was rude and unpolite of me to bring forward the fact that their ground staff had broken into my bag!!!

    5. No one can break a suitcase like the Greeks can- especially if you had a chance of transiting through the old airport. :D

  15. Anonymous15:26

    May it be possible that Turkish Airlines goes triple daily next summer?
    And what does that mean for Pegasus Airlines?
    PC does not seem to have much of ambitions in Belgrade.
    Despite being a really good low cost...

    1. info15:39

      They will fly 18 flights per day. On same days 2, on other 3 days.

    2. info15:41

      They will fly 18 flights per week. On some day 2 flights per day, on others 3 flights per day

    3. Anonymous17:14

      Wait... I thought it was going to be 17 weekly. Have they revised their decision and added another weekly flight?

    4. Anonymous18:14

      17 weekly is this winter...
      But talk is about next summer.

    5. Anonymous18:48

      Its actually 18 weekly. One daily in the morning, one daily in the evening and 3 weekly midday.

    6. Anonymous18:49

      Shit, it is 17 weekly aahahaha
      sorry about that lol

    7. Anonymous18:54

      If we are talking about next summer I don't think we are going to see some major changes. They have already downgraded Belgrade to an A319. By adding even more frequencies they will hurt their loads. I think they will want to work on their yields and loads before adding more frequencies. Let's not forget that we went from 3 to 17 frequencies in just four years.

    8. What downgrade?
      Today BEG saw one 737-800 and two additional
      A319 by TK.
      That are 413 seats maximum.

    9. JATBEGMEL21:13

      TK should not be given additional slots after not allowing JU appropriate slots in IST. If they wanted slots, they should be given the same ones given to JU by IST!

    10. Anonymous21:45


      The default equipment is an A319, naturally changes are introduced depending on demand. The same way the default equipment of Aeroflot's SVO route is an A320 and an A319 but we often see an A321 on the morning flight.

    11. Of course you are right.
      I only thought calling it a downgrade was incorrect.

    12. Oh,and to Jatbegmel:
      I think the relocation to Sabiha is actually the way to go.
      Ataturk is congested and now even Etihad and Qatar are considering moving their flights to Sabiha.
      It has nothing to do with discrimination more with logistic reason.

    13. Qatar has already announced flight to SAW.
      The only advantage you have when flying to Istanbul is that you are closer to town but then again, I doubt many people care about crossing the bridge especially if there is still that bus link.
      IST is a mess and probably one of the worst airports on the European continent. I do not see how TK can keep growing. I guess they will continue pushing out airlines like airBaltic, Air Serbia... and forcing them to move to SAW- where interestingly enough they are also expanding big time. lol

  16. Anonymous16:01

    Danas Air Serbia A319 u 17:05 po prvi put leti za Moskvu let JU654

    1. Vec je juce obavljen prvi let sa A319 to SVO

    2. Anonymous17:43

      Јесте, али то је био Аерофлот. Данас је први пут да Ер Сербија шаље свој А319 (YU-APE).

    3. Anonymous18:12

      ^ Zasto ne pises Er Srbija?

    4. Anonymous18:38

      Зато што се пише Ер Сербија а не Ер Србија.

    5. Anonymous20:43

      ^ Ma pises kao Nemac...
      Srbija is correct as well in Serbian but also in English.
      Tudi ne pise Hervatska ali Hrvatska.

    6. Anonymous21:41

      По Вуку је Сербија па ти види.
      Да је по твом онда би име фирме било Air Srbija а не Air Serbia.

  17. Anonymous16:10

    Belgrade is gonna have pretty unique destinations map, in comparison with the rest of ex-yu. Good ties with the western and south-western Europe, good and unique connections with central and eastern Europe, and nice connections with eastern Mediteranian and Arabic countries (Tel Aviv, UAE, Qatar, and Beirut and Cairo hopefully).

    I hope Vueling will keep it's BCN route till the mid October, I think it will have good loads and yields.

    1. Anonymous17:03

      Pity they didn't launch Sochi where they're flying charters all the time, especially prior to the Olympics. They could have a nice amount of connecting passengers + the fares are high.

    2. Anonymous17:05

      Belgrade airport will be very colourful next summer. It's really nice to see more airlines announcing Belgrade despite Jat Airways becoming Air Serbia. It's just goes to prove how valuable BEG's catchment area is.

      It will be also interesting to see if Wizz Air will have some novelties in its network.

      Also, I am waiting with great anticipation the liberalization of the Serbian and Russian aviation agreement.

    3. Anonymous17:56

      What liberalization are you talking about ...don't you see that we can't even get the right to land the "new" A319 on a flight to / from Moscow

    4. Anonymous17:58

      The aviation agreement between Serbia and Russia limits one airline from each country to operate flights. It was announced some weeks ago that there are plans to completely open up the market which will surely result in another airline entering the market.

      Also, what has Air Serbia's A319 got to do with this? Apples and pears.

    5. Anonymous18:30

      think a little harder .... either JU Moscow based staff is completely uncompetent or the Russian civil aviation directorate is quite bureaucratic so the chance of another airline flying soon is pretty slim ...after all the Russians protect the state airline Aeroflot wich is understandable; not like the Serbian government that opened up the Serbian sky to whoever bribed a few officials.....narodna sramota na svakom koraku!

    6. Anonymous18:35

      Think harder about what? Air Serbia did not consider Moscow as its top priority for the A319 because the market is far less competitive than some destinations in western Europe. Only now they will send it when main markets have been taken care of.
      I am in favour of market liberalization because it forces airlines to be better and more innovative. If we followed your reasoning we would be still stuck with the old Jat and probably with a few legacy carriers from Star Alliance. Yeah, that's so much better.

    7. Anonymous18:40

      Hey, calm down, air traffic liberlisation is a normal thing in normal countries, something that Russia isn't, see how the Russian market is difficult to be penetrated? That is good for the state-owned airline but not good for the customers and I suppose you don't own an airline though.

    8. Anonymous21:10

      The Russians do NOT protect the state airline Aeroflot.
      Transaero,S7,Ural Airlines...
      Russia has a lot of competition.

      I think that in not so far future Aeroflot daughter Rossiya Airlines will start flying LED-BEG.

    9. Anonymous22:05

      Wow three major airlines in a country of 142.000.000.

  18. Anonymous18:54

    Ispravljanje nečijeg engleskog je hodanje po tankom ledu. A i ukazivanje na mnoge nepravilnosti, neznanje i greške, je još nezahvalnije.

    Uvjerio sam se, ne mali broj puta do sada, da kad mislim da sam sigurno nešto napisao ispravno, dobar profesor engleskog me ispravi i pokaže mi da sam ili ipak napravio neku gramatičku grešku ili se to što sam rekao, može reći kraće odnosno ispravnije ili se može upotrijebiti primjereniji pridjev itd, itd,.... Or he would just say the sentence would sound odd to a native ear.

    Dakle, svjestan ovog gore, ipak se odlučujem kazati sledeće.

    Smatram da je prilika za nasmijati se kad neko na ovakvom blogu, na engleskom, upotrijebi "will are". Dakle hvala mu što me je nasmijao. Možda se jednostavno dvoumio šta da napiše, ili da će to biti sezonski letovi ili da se radi o sezonskim letovima, pa je na kraju nesvjesno pišući i brišući, sve to zbrljao u „they will are seasonal flights“.

    Nadalje, korištenje „the simple past ili past participle“ forme leksičkog/glavnog glagola uz upotrijebljeni „auxiliary/pomoćni glagol“ potreban za formiranje upitnog/odričnog oblika u običnom prošlom vremenu (did they mentioned/ didn't mentioned) je česta pojava kod onih koji taj jezik uče, a koja se nekad desi iz neznanja a nekad i nehotično. Ipak smo mi svi, manje više, razumjeli šta je pisac te rečenice htio reći. A i ako nismo, nema nikakve štete.

    Ako ćemo mak na konac, bojim se da ni pitanje anonimusa “Anonymous December 14, 2013 at 9:15 AM” koje je prethodilo ovom gore spomenutom odgovoru nije bilo potpuno ispravno napisano. Medjutim tu gramatičku grešku niko nije primijetio. U svakom slučaju, svi su razumjeli šta je anonimus “Anonymous December 14, 2013 at 9:15 AM” htio reći.
    Možda je baš taj anonimus “Anonymous December 14, 2013 at 9:15 AM” ispravio anonimusa “Anonymous December 14, 2013 at 9:34 AM”.

    Svi koji čitaju ovaj blog moraju biti svjesni da se gramatika engleskog jezika ne uči sa ovakvih i sličnih sajtova jer ovdje većinom participiramo mi koji taj jezik učimo a pomalo i koristimo.
    Na ovakvom blogu se koristi neformalni engleski (informal English).
    U neformalnom engleskom govornik ili pisac može da kaže ili napiše šta hoće odnosno kako god hoće.
    Dakle svako ima pravo na svoj neformalni engleski.
    On ne mora biti gramatički ispravan.

    U ovakvim slučajevima, pisci nemaju nikakve posebne odgovornosti prema čitaocima njihovih tekstova/postova.
    Isto tako, pisci ne treba da se ljute ako ih neko nekada i ispravi.

    S druge strane, u službenim dokumentima, mora se koristiti formalni engleski, a to ne znači samo napisati odredjene rečenice gramatički ispravno nego i kompletan tekst mora biti potpuno razumljiv, a uz to se moraju koristiti i riječi (registar) koje ne pripadaju neformalnom engleskom nego formalnom i neutralnom engleskom. Koliko ja znam, posebno treba izbjegavati idiome i frazalne glagole.

    U svakom slučaju, primijetio sam da mnogi koji rade u preduzećima čija je djelatnost vezana za civilni vazdušni saobraćaj, ne da ne znaju službeni jezik na nivou koji se zahtijeva preporukama ICAO-a nego nisu odmakli od početničkog nivoa ili skoro da ne znaju ni riječi tog službenog jezika. Njihove potvrde dobijene od školskih centara za obuku takozvanih stručnih kadrova ne garantuju ništa. E to je već problem.

    Isto tako, ni visokopozicionirani šefovi u aerodromskim operatorima ili drugim pravnim licima na tim istim aerodromima, koji ne prolaze spomenute obuke, ponekad ne barataju službenim jezikom ni blizu kako bi trebali. Ali to je već pitanje korupcije tako da je to nerješivo.

    Zašto sam ovo sve napisao na našem jeziku? Zato što ga znam bolje od engleskog a i vi ćete ipak sve ovo lakše razumjeti ako je na našem jeziku a ne na engleskom. A ovi koji su NES (Native English Speakers), ne moraju ovo ni da pročitaju jer se ovo sve na njih i ne odnosi.

    1. Anonymous15:04

      Hvala na ovako lepom i jasnom komentaru.
      U potpunosti se slažem sa vašim mišljenjem.

  19. That Adria A320 livery in the picture on the left looks like a copy of Cyprus Airways' livery back then:


    1. Yes, YU-AOB was leased from Cyprus Airways :)

    2. Not a bad hybrid livery though

    3. Hahahah that's funny, the registration it wore in CY was 5B-DAT (Praxandros) and I flew with this bird four times. It's scrapped now. :/
      Thanks for the information though. Shame that CY is breathing its last breath as we speak now.


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