Germanwings launching Berlin - Sarajevo flights

Germanwings expands destination network from Sarajevo

Germanwings will launch flights from Berlin to Sarajevo this summer season, its third destination to the Bosnian capital after Cologne and Stuttgart. The new flights to Sarajevo, which will operate twice per week, will be inaugurated on April 15 and will run twice per week, every Tuesday and Thursday. Tickets are already on sale through the airline’s website. It marks the first time Sarajevo will have direct links to the German capital. While Germanwings is not a member of an alliance it is wholly owned by Lufthansa and strengthens Star Alliance’s hold over Sarajevo. Half of the scheduled airlines currently operating services to the Bosnian capital are members of the alliance. Germanwings is the second airline to announce new flights to Sarajevo this year after SAS Scandinavian Airlines. Flight details can be found here.

Besides Germanwings, Sarajevo Airport says it is still negotiating with Wizz Air on potential services to the city. In addition, the CEO of the Dutch based low cost airline Transavia, Roy Scheerder, said the airline is considering launching flights from Amsterdam to Sarajevo following talks with the Bosnian Ambassador to the Netherlands Ahmet Halilović. However, if the Air France - KLM subsidiary does launch flights to the Bosnian capital, it won’t do so before 2015. “They said one of the most important prerequisites for launching new flights is the tourist potential of the destination, interest from Dutch citizens and cooperation with local tour operators”, Ambassador Halilović said following the talks.

Sarajevo Airport is hoping for another record year in 2014 after posting strong passenger numbers last year. During January the airport again experienced problems with fog forcing its closure. B&H Airlines rerouted all of its flights to Tuzla and operated services out of the city. In 2014 Sarajevo Airport plans to expand its facilities, mainly the arrivals area, though such work will not see the actual expansion of the terminal building, only more rational use of space inside the terminal.


  1. Anonymous10:43

    Great news for Sarajevo!

  2. Anonymous10:43

    great news for Sarajevo. Great to see all exyu agirports growing more and more each year!

  3. Anonymous10:44

    Bravo for Sarajevo!!!

  4. Anonymous10:52

    The person with the username Sarajevo told us earlier that this is going to happen. Also he/she said there will be Sarajevo - Amsterdam route with B&H. He/she told us earlier about Moskovia flights. Maybe he can tell us more about AMS. It is complicated to to it with an ATR but again, they fly to Denmark with it...

    1. That was me.
      There are many people who don´t believe when I say something. =)

      Transavia is negotiating with Sarajevo Airport about Amsterdam-Sarajevo route.

      As far as I know, the CEO of B&H Airlines A. J. is considering to reopen Sarajevo-Amsterdam route.


    2. Anonymous19:21

      We do appreciate your information!

      However last time you said B&H had signed contract with SJJ for Amsterdam route on May 1st? Considering is a lot less concrete. Could you shed your light on this?
      What about Darwin?

      Thanks in advance!

    3. As far as I know, the government of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegowina has to pay 3 millions € to B&H Airlines to maintain flights.

      After that, B&H Airlines is considering to start with Amsterdam flights.

      The problem ist the fact that SJJ-AMS route for a ATR ist just to big...

  5. Anonymous11:08

    I think Moskovia cancelled SJJ flights. Last friday the flight was cancelled and you can't book a flight on Moskovia's website

    1. Anonymous11:12

      Hm weren't they supposed to fly only during the Christmas holidays?

    2. Anonymous11:19

      When they first loaded it to the system, they supposed to fly until the end of January.

      Now, since there is no snow in Jahorina and other resorts, the flights are cancelled since the main purpose of those flights was to bring tourists to Jahorina. That's why the prices were so unbelievebly high.

  6. Anonymous12:01

    Great news for Sarajevo! Seems like they are getting another record year at SJJ, and possibly overtaking Podgorica when it comes to PAX, if they havent done so even in 2013?

    1. Anonymous12:10

      I don't think that SJJ overook TGD in 2013 but Sarajevo was very close ,possibly they will do better at the end of 2014

    2. Anonymous14:15

      Sarajevo had around 665 000 pax, no idea how many passengers at Podgorica.

      At present rate of growth Sarajevo should hit 1 million by the end of 2015.

    3. Anonymous14:47

      Tivat had 868 423 passengers,so Podgorica maybe around 700 000.

    4. Anonymous15:10

      Why are they always so late with the statistics of the Montenegrin airports, and why do they never issue statistics separately for the two airports?

    5. Anonymous15:16

      Well, they publish them together so that they have more passengers, it's more impressive. That's why Zagreb airport has not published their December numbers since they are probably so bad.

    6. Anonymous15:31

      Tivat always publishes fugures but Podgorica is a different story

  7. Anonymous13:15

    I think Sarajevo airport authorities should start considering expanding the terminal, I think it'll be needed by 2015 at present rate of growth.

    1. Anonymous13:18

      Not to mention how busy it will get if they manage to strike a deal with Wizz Air.

    2. Anonymous13:36

      If they get a deal with Wizz Air, tough times are gonna come for B&H. They were already complaining how the government did not protect their interests by allowing low cost. It would be hard to fight Wizz Air.

    3. Da neki stranic ne bi razumjeli ( :-) ) :

      Kao i svugdje, i kod aerodromskih sistema u BIH politika vodi kolo.
      Svima je poznato da Sarajevski Aerodrom vodi Ivica Velicanin, inace covjek blizak jednoj hrvatskoj stranci koji vec godinama namjerno opstruira radi sarajevskog aerodroma u cilju preusmjeravanja BiH putnika na Zagreb, Split i Dubrovnik.
      Slicna situacija je i u Mostaru. Mejdugorje godisnje posjeti nekoliko stotina hiljada turista.
      Medjutim taj grad nema ni jednu komercijalnu liniju.
      --> turisti "trebaju" da putuju preko Splita i Dubrovnika.

      Tu se jos ne zavrsava citava prica. Bosna i Hercegovina jos uvijek ne upravlja svojim nebom, nego to cine Hrvatska i Srbija.
      Iako BiH posjeduje novu zgradu u Sarajevu i novi radar u Banjoj Luci, BiH sistem za upravljanje nebom jos uvijek nije u funkciji.

      --> Resorno ministarstvo je u rukama jedne hrvatske stranke, kojaje bliska Zagrebu.
      Republika Hrvatska od nadlijetanja neba Bosne i Hercegovine ima godisnje prihode od gotovo 100 miliona KM ili 52 miliona €.
      BiH od toga dobija godisnje sumu od oko 5 miliona €.
      Dakle, od 1995. godine Republika Hrvatska je preko "ledja" BiH imala ukupne prihode od blizu 900 miliona €.
      Zar mislite da je tom nasem susjedu interesantno, da biH upravlja svojim nebom?

      Za uspostavljanje sistema nadzora zracnog prostora, BiH je evo trebalo 19 godina, a sistem jos nije uspostavljen iako je sva infrastruktura prisutna, a radnici su vec prosli obuku.


    4. Anonymous15:39

      Mozda bi mogao da nam kazes onda nesto o JA liniji za Amsterdam?

    5. Anonymous16:20

      Da se ovdje malo prestane gluposti pisati bilo bi dobro, kompetentan sam za kontrolu letenja i mogu ti reći da nije samo do politike. Kao prvo u cijeloj Europi se smanjuje broj kontrola leta i jednog dana je u planu i gašenje Zagreba i Beograda, a BiH ne otvara jednu area control nego dvije, jednu u Banja Luci, a jednu u Sarajevu. Dali znaš da probni rad na simulatorima koji se odvijao u Budimpešti gdje su prisustvovali kontrolori leta iz BiH, Hr i Srb je pokazao da otvaranje kontrole leta u BiH ima opasne sigurnosne manjke. a to je osnova zračnog prometa. Druga stvar kontrlori leta koje BiH šalje na školovanje u Beograd su dobili nadimak vanzemaljci -- kako je jedan instruktor tamo rekao danas školujemo bosance, kako rade sutra ćemo i vanzemaljce, misleći naravno u negativnom kontekstu. Treće, svaka zemlja određuje sebi cijenu preleta aviona nad svojim nebom te je tako BiH nabila najveću cijenu u regiji zadnjih godina te tako dobar dio prometa maknula i iz Hr i i Srb koji nas sada zaobilazi preko Mađarske-Rumunjske te preko Italije, Albanije i dalje. Ko te novce uzima? Vaši BiH političari.. Tako da molim lijepo, da se sve sigurnosne stavke zadovolje(a trenutno je jako daleko od toga) ni Hr ni Srb ne bi mogle nikako prigovoriti otvaranju kontrole leta u BiH, kao što je 93. otvorila Slovenija, al zasad je to još miljama daleko.

    6. Anonymous

      Ovo nije blog za politiku, ali ti znas i sam da je sve ono sto sam nabrojao istina, bas kao i sve sto si ti rekao.

      Politika je kriva za stanje kakvo je sada i niko drugi.

    7. I to za instruktora.
      Ljudi su otisli DA NAUCE a nisu se rodili sa tom skolom.
      Osim toga, Sarajevo bi imalo davno kontrolu letenja, da politika Jugoslavije nije centralizovala sve u Beogradu a poslije i Zagrebu.
      Ali otom potom.

    8. Anonymous18:45

      Da, ali kvaliteta kandidata koji se primaju u Sarajevu je van svake logike, vjerojatno preko veza i poznanstva, da ne kažem nešto gore. Naime, dosta ljudi je u Sarajevu prošlo koji u BG i ZG nisu ni prve krugove natječaja prošli.

    9. Pa sta kazem: POLITIKA. Svako svoje gura.
      Nije moguce da od 3.8 miliona ljudi nema 10 sposobnih za takvo nesto.

    10. Anonymous20:05

      @Anonimusi u 3:31 i 4:20

      Rijetka je prilika sresti dvojicu koja sa toliko strasti u svojim postovima sipaju svoje raskosno neznanje!

    11. Anonymous20:37

      Не знам одакле информација да ће се угасити центар за контролу летења у Београду. Заправо Еуроконтрола је баш зато и саградила ону грдосију на аеродрому одакле може контролисати читав Балкан.

    12. @ AnonymousJanuary 21, 2014 at 8:05 PM

      Kao donedavni uposlenik aerodroma Sarajevo koji je tamo dao otkaz i presao u zantno bolju firmu, mogu reci DA ITEKAKO IMAM POJMA KAKO STOJE STVARI U BIH AVIJACIJI.

      Cudi me mnogo da si toliko naivan.

    13. Anonymous22:02

      Gdje si to presao? JFK ili FRA? Get real!

  8. Jatovanje nikad ne prestaje - Srbovanje još manje15:19

    And of course comments on yesterday topic stops after Serbian trout + typical sentence that everyone who find something wrong in Serbia is Serbian hater!

    Well I do hate that kind of mentality where everyone is enemy to all nation just when he/she thing differently. That is why you bit a hell of homosexuals parade in Belgrade, why there was this bloody war in Slovenia-Croatia-Bosnia-Kosovo just Serbians wanted.

    But more than that I hate that in this blog:
    - rules are just when you want to say something against Belgrade Airport and Air Serbia (only than you can not post if original post was yesterday),
    - every time when topic is closed discussion is finish with Serbian post,
    - and even someone can call you stupid (like 2nd the last post in previous topic) if you write against Belgrade and Air Serbia. Than mod allowed someone to call you stupid, in other case not.

    Because of that I will never come to this SERBIAN blog again. Stay cool with your Serbian way, be blind, and for ever stay in assuredness that you are "Nebeski narod" that all others are inferior, that everything out of Serbia is total shit, that you are the best (even USA, Germany and Japan is nothing comparing to Serbia), and what ever have Serbia in name must be the best of the best.

    And yes, Belgrade should compare to Singapore! And yes standard in Serbia is same as in Croatia! And yes Kosovo is in Serbia! And pigs can fly!

    Let me calculate how log it will take to delete this comment. Usually mod needs some 5-6 hours when something comes from Serbia, and now 1,2,3,4... seconds...

    1. Anonymous15:27

      it's still here. well don't visit this blog. byeee!

    2. Comments were closed as people have started insulting each other. Whether paying subsidies is a negative thing is up to the reader to decide and they will have the ability to discuss it when the news is officially published on this blog tomorrow or on Thursday. As for the rest of your comment, I don’t see how it is related to aviation whatsoever. Since you say you won’t be visiting anymore, thank you for your contribution thus far and all the best.

    3. You live in 19th century and it is ok for me, i am 65,retired captain of B727, but still looking in the future.Live in the past tense if you wish but i am sure you can't dance waltz or tango...i have danced those in many places i flew but you never will, so sad....

    4. it was for jatovanje, and he would know...poor guy

    5. Anonymous21:00

      Dude, it's very simple. Just don''t come here, don't read the comments. All of these news you'll be able to read at other places sooner or lateer. However, I think you'll still come here if nothing else to see what the reactions to your rant are.

    6. Anonymous19:45

      To "srbovanje..." guy above:
      Purger, you don't need to hide behind some stupid nicknames, some of us know it's you...
      Will not say this time by which word you spell incorrectly you are uncovered ;)
      If you don't wanna come back to this blog, that is perfectly fine. It might be better that way, you will save us from your daily dose of hatred, and stop embarrassing yourself at the same time as it seems that you have twin personality by posting some decent comments under your true nickname and some nasty nonsense ones under anonymous or jatovanje, srbovanje or whatever depends of your mood that day...
      Your non-aviation as posted above will not be missed by anyone here, that's for sure.

  9. Anonymous21:48


    Seems that JU settled the delay problems. Except the introduction of YU-APF on the LHR-route today, only 3 delays (out of 30 flights) of more than 15 minutes (Sochi 21min, Paris 22min and Berlin 32min). So, where are the haters now?

    1. Anonymous09:23

      And that is only? In 28 flights? More than 10%. And that was good day. Congretulation! Real regional leader.

    2. Anonymous10:06

      Last anonymous hater,

      Actually, if you bothered to look at the board of arrivals then you would see that only Berlin was delayed in arriving back to Belgrade. So these delays did not have any particular impact on the overall performance of connecting flights. So yes, it is a true regional leader... which sucks for you.

    3. Anonymous10:06

      ...oh and Air Serbia has almost as many daily departures as Zagreb Airport! Think about that.

    4. Anonymous19:29

      Get off Air Serbia, will you? Your hatred won't change the fact that JU is heading in the very right direction of becoming a very decent airline in European terms, something your national carrier can only dream of these days ;)

  10. Anonymous22:10

    Interesting... why didn't BEG offer subsidies to Air China...

    Air China Resumes Vienna; Adds Barcelona Service from May 2014
    by JL

    Update at 0820GMT 21JAN14

    Air China from 05MAY14 begins Beijing – Vienna – Barcelona operation, offering 4 weekly service on board Airbus A330-300 aircraft. Reservation for this service opens today (21JAN14).

    CA841 PEK0210 – 0610VIE0730 – 0925BCN 333 x256
    CA842 BCN1125 – 1325VIE1455 – 0555+1PEK 333 x256

    Based on current GDS inventory display listing, CA appears to have local traffic rights on Vienna – Barcelona sector. Air China last operated service to Vienna in Nov 1999.

    1. Anonymous22:27

      Because BEG doesn't offer subsidies plus the Chinese government said they want a flight to Belgrade so...

    2. Anonymous02:32

      Air China is looking at 6 seasonal flights to Zagreb this year from May, Korean Air and JAL are also returning from May as well, with 8 and 16 seasonal flights in May, June, September and October of this year.

      Air China's arrival is still being negotiated, nothing is 100% agreed but if charter flights do materialize that would be a 3rd Asian airline to have seasonal have flights to Zagreb.

      Would be cool if Malaysian airlines could return to Zagreb as well,

    3. What 'return' means? Do they have seasonal flights every year so they return annually, or they used to fly seasonal but pulled out several years ago or so?

    4. Anonymous09:20

      They had all year 2 weekly flights for some 2 years. That was 1998-1999

  11. JU520 BEGLAX08:58

    I had the feeling that JL had less flts to LJU ZAG DBV in 2013 if at all. I check Live dep at these ap fm time to time but never found a JL flight. But on youtube there is a video of a JL 772 LANDING in LJU may 2013. So maybe someone knows how much flts were in ttl in 2013

  12. Anonymous09:18

    Zag 6

  13. Flugnachberlin For the flight to Berlin German Wings controls the schönefeld airport. German Wings flights to Berlin normal cost starting.


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