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European Commission investigating Etihad-Air Serbia tie-up |
The European Commission (EC) has launched a formal investigation into Etihad Airways’ shareholding and control of several European airlines, including Air Berlin and Air Serbia. According to “Aviation Week”, the Commission has doubts whether Etihad’s investments are in line with European Union rules on ownership and effective control of EU airlines. The tests of ownership and control are separate and both have to be met to achieve compliance for an airline to keep its EU “nationality” and traffic rights. While Serbia is not an EU member state, as a candidate country it must adhere to the Union’s pre-accession policies and guidelines. Etihad has a 49% stake in Air Serbia, which is in line with EU regulations, however, questions have been raised whether Etihad has too much effective control over the Serbian carrier, despite its minority stake.
The Commission has sent letters to the German government and to the government of Serbia requesting detailed information on Etihad’s influence and control of Air Berlin and Air Serbia respectively. Furthermore, the Commission has also asked Switzerland to examine Etihad’s purchase of a 33.3% stake in Darwin Airline and to identify whether it is effectively controlled by a Swiss national, or rather by the Abu Dhabi airline. While the Commission can launch investigations on its own accord, complaints can also be filed by other airlines. It has been suggested that several airlines have been affected by Etihad’s recent European spending spree.
The investigation comes days after Etihad announced plans to expand its European airline empire. The national carrier of the United Arab Emirates plans to increase its stake in Air Berlin. The deal, if approved by shareholders, could be a prelude to combining Air Berlin with Alitalia, thought to be Etihad’s main goal. The Emirati carrier plans to boost its stake in Air Berlin to 49.9% from its current level of about 30%. Air Berlin spokesman Mathias Radowksi says the carrier is "currently in advanced discussions on options, which, if implemented, would have a substantial effect on the company". Air Berlin is Germany’s second largest airline, behind Lufthansa. The EC has also warned the Italian government that a restructuring of its struggling national carrier Alitalia, with the help of Etihad, will have to respect the EU’s rules on ownership and control.
With so many EU countries currently being on the brink of bankruptcy, doesn't the Commission have better things to do than to conduct this witch hunt which will yield no results? At least not those Lufthansa wants to see... as I suppose they were the ones to submit this investigation to the EC.
ReplyDeleteOn a totally unrelated note, YU-APH, Air Serbia's A320 should arrive to Belgrade today at around 14.00 from Munich.
DeletePerhaps prevention of unfair competition, if it exists, could help these EU countries avoid bankruptcy. At times like these I would expect the Commission to look very closely at any deal that could damage European (EU) economies. Are you upset that the Commission is looking after its own interests, including those of Lufthansa?
Actually, YU-APH A320 arrival is not that much unrelated with the news of the EC investigation, because the same A320 which arrives today, as well as many others, might be returned to lessors, in case of unfavorable ruling of the EC, or renewal of EU visa regime in case of continuing support of Serbia to Russia in "Ukraine case"
Deletewhere the hell did you read that Serbia supports Russia? last time i checked, official policy is "none of our problem"
DeleteFirst anonymous, actually as a Cypriot citizen I experienced first had the competence of the Brussels technocrats. Last year when the whole situation collapsed in Cyprus, I was there living and working. This is nothing else than a dirty trick created by Lufthansa's lobbyists in Brussels.
DeleteOn a more positive note, the A320 landed today at 17.15.
Nemjee, it seems like the new route launches tend to be either a hit or miss at the start, but they eventually improve. Load Factor was poor during the first couple months of the Air Serbia project, but the LF was 63.4% in February, and that is not bad.
DeleteAir Serbia does not represent a threat to Lufthansa, but together Air Serbia, Darwin, Alitalia and Air Berlin are a huge hit for Lufthansa and that is why this investigation is started...
ReplyDeleteIt would be nice to do some investigation in Lufthansa. I wonder how organized is the crime in that airline.
ReplyDeleteOur people say: "Tup se s rogatim ne može bosti". European Union is big, powerful and with huge influence. When they strike...
ReplyDeleteSlovenia (Adria) and Croatia (Croatia Airlines and Trade air) should have some protection as part of European Union from surrounding especially when surrounding is something like Etihad. It is OK to make deals like this, but not if you want to fly to European Union. If you don't want you can do what ever you want. If you want to fly to European Union you must act by rules of strong and powerful country, by rules of European Union. That is main reason why most of countries join European Union. That their interest will be protected!
You mean Lufthansa interests .Typical German
DeleteEC cares as much about Croatia, Slovenia and their interests as they care about some 3rd world country.
DeleteAnd by a 3rd world country you mean Serbia haha
DeleteWell EU gave USA deadline to cancel visa for Croatia, Romania, Bulgaria, Slovenia etc, and if they will not do that till deadline EU will implement visas for diplomats and officials from USA. So, they do care!
DeleteAnd this time Lufthansa and Adria/Croatia interest is the same!
Because visa regime is the same as economic decission with widespread implications. EC serves onky the interests of the most powerful EU countries.
DeleteTrue, absolutely true.
DeleteBut in same time protect us little colonies against all of you who are out of Europe.
Slovenians do not need USA visa.
DeleteDaily newspaper Berliner Zeitung quoted Michael Kunert, spokesman for investor rights group SdK, as saying he believed Air Berlin had breached financial disclosure rules.
ReplyDeleteBerliner Zeitung quoted a BaFin spokeswoman as saying German public limited companies had until the end of April to publish their financial results for the previous year.
Two things are indicative:
1. Air Berlin on Wednesday postponed publication of its results for the second time in a week, saying it was in talks for a recapitalization to strengthen its finances?!?!?!?!
2. Etihad suddenly wants to invest in Air Berlin to become 49,9% owner?!?!?!?! Analysts say it is desperate measure to try to kip this company alive.
kip = keep (sorry, stupid autocorrect)
DeleteSo, what's the issue here? They can legally own 49.9% of a EU carrier.
DeleteWhat's fascinating here is that LH treats it's brothers and sisters to the East of them as 3rd world country, too! I am talking about Interflug, red and white airline operating out of Berlin. Okay, that was a typo, it is Air Berlin, not Interflug, but you get the message.
DeleteThis is internal German issue, but you have to wonder why is West part of the country still treating East part as a poor colony?
What also strikes me is how backwards LH management is. Instead of trying to be inventive in this new market reality, they are reverting to threats of force. Industry consensus is that EC will most likely find no major issues here, so how is this action going to help LH group against real threats like Turkish Airlines?
Sigurno da politika investicija ETIHAD-a u AIR BERLIN, AIR SERBIA, LINGUS AIRLINES... ne krsi EU propise.
ReplyDeleteMenadzment ETIHAD AIRWAS-a tacno zna koliko moze da kupovinom akcija ucestvuje upravljanjem avio kompanijama u svakoj drzavi ukljucujuci i zajednici drzava EU. Svakako interes EU jeste postovanje njenih
propisa, ali u isto vreme je korektan komercijalni kao i svaki drugi odnos. Lufthansi je pozeljno da sve avio kompanije u jugoistocnoj Evropi budu commuter, feeder. To jeste dobro za Lufthansu. Dali je dobro za ostale?. Nije tesko odgovoriti. Zasto Lufthansa nije investirala
u bivsi Jat. Blize i lakse ali interes i strategija su suprotni.
Sta je briga Lufthansu za potrebu i interes AIR SERBIA.
Ne predstavlja Er Srbija nikakvu konkurenciju, ali princip
za pridobijanje svakog putnika i kilograma karga jeste zvezda vodilja uspesnog poslovanja. To je logicno, mada
ako bi se izrazilo diplomatski, mnogo bi "sladje" izgledalo.
Jedno je sigurno. LUFTHANSA je velika i ostaje velika.
Dok postoje u EU interesi sa UAE, AIR SERBIA ce leteti za Berlin i Abu Dhabi. Moji letovi su Kraljevo, Sydney, v.v. Ostalo kako GOSPOD podari. Srecan nam dolazeci VASKRS!. Rodney Marinkovic, AME. Kraljevo / Sydney
Po pravilima EU i ECAA sporazuma kompanija van EU ili ECAA može da ima suvlasništvo u kompanijama u EU ili ECAA do 49 % maksimum, što je u slučaju Air Serbie ispoštovano. Air Serbiom upravlja nadzorni odbor koji ima 9 članova 5 iz Srbije i 4 iz UAE odluke se donose većinom što pored kontrolnog paketa akcija garantuje efektivnu realnu kontrolu Republike Srbije nad AS tako da su i u tom pogledu EU i ECAA sporazum ispoštovani. Izvršno upravljanje Etihada nad AS ne dovodi u pitanje efektivnu kontrolu drzave nad kompanijom. Dakle pravila WU i ECAA sporazuma su ovde ispoštovana i niko iz EU do sada nije imao primedbi. U Vladi Srbije i u Etihadu o tome su vodili računa.
ReplyDeleteTo baš i nije tako. Vrlo je indikativno da je Air Serbija potpuno pod kontrolom Etihada. Etihad daje izjave, Etihad stvara politiku firme, Etihad odlučuje čak i o nabavci aviona, Etihad kupuje avione za Air Serbiju... I to je jasno vidljivo svima, a i na ovom forumu to je višekratno puta ponovljeno, pa i od strane čitateljstva iz Srbije. Je li formalno pravno ugovor postavljen tako da de iure izgleda ovako kako Vi pišete isto jest nebitno ako uzemmo u obzir da de facto kompanijom upravlja Etihad. Konačno, pa zar ne piše u ugovoru da upravljačka prava ima Etihad na idućih 5 godina. Što to onda, po Vama, znači?
DeleteTako je, problem koncepta "efektivne kontrole" je to što on nigde nije detaljno razrađen šta tačno sve može da podrazumeva. Svakako nije lepo razrađen ali se pominje u ECAA sporazumu koji je Srbija potpisala.
DeleteTome zato služe skupi advokati da lepo definišu ugovore kao i napr. šta Vučić i kamarila smeju a šta ne smeju da izjavljuju na Dnevniku itd.
Sada naše birokrate treba da odrade lepo svoj domaći u tom odgovoru EC, a ako su uspeli da naprave neku grubu grešku u tom ugovoru sa Etihadom na osnovu koje bi sada nastale posledice za AirSerbiu onda realno treba svi kolektivno da skoče kroz prozor.
Sama istraga inače ništa sama po sebi ne mora da znači, može da bude samo sredstvo pritiska.
@AnonymousMarch 31, 2014 at 3:38 PM
Delete"Управљачка права" не значи исто што и ПОТПУНА управљачка права. Нисам правник, али ми је логично да, кад неко има скоро пола власништва, мора да има и толико удела у управљању. Свакако да "Етихад" није пацерска компанија која ангажује приучене правнике, не брините.
Kakve veze ima management sa efektivnom kontrolom? Management radi ono sto mu upravni odbor kaze a u upravnom odboru efektivnu kontrolu imaju 5 predstavnika Republika Srbije prema 4 predstavnika Etihada.
DeleteEvo da ti odgovorim : Jedan, ili vise, predstavnika Republike Srbije su "drugari" PPV-a (uskoro PV-a), a PPV (uskoro PV) je "drugar" sa seikom UAE-a i vlasnikom Etihada. Papir svasta trpi druze moj, ali Evropa zna za jadac :)
DeleteZnaci oni ce da dokazu da je protivzakonito time sto ce utvrditi ko je sa kim u dobrim odnosima a ne ono sto je napisano u ugovorima?
DeleteJoš jednom, "efektivna kontrola" je nešto što se definiše kroz praksu, od slučaja do slučaja, što znači da tu u dobroj meri presuđuju advokati i uticaj.
DeleteA argumentacija kontra AirSerbie je verovatno da RS ima sa Etihadom "ugovor o upravljanju nad" AirSerbiom, da su prema tome svi izvršni ključni ljudi postavljeni od strane Etihade na osnovu i/ili na osnovu javnih konkursa koje je organizovao Etihad, pa prema tome Etihad ima efektivnu kontrolu nad upravljanjem kompanije.
Nadam se da su uspeli da ne stave toliko kompromitujuće elemente u ugovor u meri u kojoj su to svakodnevno pričali na Dnevniku.
Ono što ljudi takođe ne razumeju je da je Srbija odavno potpisala taj ECAA sporazum (otvoreno nebo) i da prema tome nam ništa ne ide u prilog što nismo članica EU, u svakom smislu smo još tada "otvorili" tržište aviosaobraćaja prema EU i prihvatili njihovu regulativu o vlasništvu i efektivnoj kontroli.
Za one kojima logika nije jaca strana : Tokom postupka ispitivanja, EC ce dokazati da iako na papiru pise da Srbija ima 5, a Etihad 4 "onih koji odlucuju i naredjuju", da je u stvarnosti odnos obrnut, da barem jedan od onih koji bi trebao zastupati interese Srbije (i ubuduce Evrope), zastupa vanevropske (Arapske) interese, i da time Etihad efektivno i kontrolise i upravlja Er Srbijom, i time krsi evropske propise
DeleteO ugovorima ne bi, vise puta je tema "obradjivana" i zakljucak potvrdjuje moje navode-da nisu stetni po Srbiju, bili bi vec odavno objavljeni u integralnoj verziji.
Знам да ћете да ме попљујете, али "ефективно", Косово и Метохија су отети од Србије. "Светски закони " (УН) су тумачени "флексибилно". Толико о тој правној доследности и вештим адвокатима. Надам се да ће им макар Арапи докати!
Delete* "ДОАКАТИ"
DeleteWhy do you think most people find it very hard to read legal documents, especially laws and regulations, don't matter what language its written on, even if its in your mother tong?
DeleteLaw is 20% citation and 80% interpretation.
That's why its written the way its written, so those who write it can interpret it the way they deem fit at any particular time.
Always have been, always will be.
On the other hand, if Serbia signed the "open sky" agreement, they should obey the rules.
Its clear as day that Etihad has every kind of control over AirSERBIA.
Why it has been done the way it has been done is beyond me. They all knew what rules state. Etihad must have an army of expensive lawyers who could've made it air tight case, but they haven't. I don't get it...
BTW, dosta ljudi ne kapira, sa razlogom, koja je koja vrsta kontrole. Koji ce im to u zivotu. Ili tacnije, nemaju toliko para da bi se brinuli koja ce ih poreska sluzba nagaziti :)
DeleteTo su izrazi koji sluze da bi se utvrdilo gde covek, ali uglavnom kompanija, treba da plati porez ili PDV (VAT).
Da ne gusim kako to stvarno funkcionise, jer je stvarno pre komplikovano, glavna poenta je u tome gde se donose odluke. To mu je onako najprostije objasnjeno. Znaci, ko donosi i gde se donose odluke.
Ukoliko AirSERBIA uspe da dokaze da je Board taj koji STVARNO donosi odluke i da se donose u Beogradu a ne u Abu Dahbi-u, mogu da ih uhvate za....
Ali ja se sve plasim da nece uspeti da ubede tu komisiju da nije tako.
Ali ajde, nek im je sa srecom :)
Glavi problem u Srbiji je što ljudi jedno govore (pišu u ugovoru), a drugo rade. Mi to zovemo Bizantzam, jedno radiš nad stolom, a drugo pod stolom.
DeleteE sad, svi mi ovdje znamo i svjedoci smo da Etihad potpuno kontrolira Air Serbiu. Nemalo puta se to ustanovilo na ovom blogu. I do nedavno nitko nije imao zamjerke na to, čak štoviše hvalilo se takvu pametnu politiku Srbije koja je sve prepustila profesionalcima iz Etihada. A sada odjednom "to nije tako, ne zato što u zbilji to nije tako, nego zato što na papiru piše drugačije".
E sad, Bizantizam je mogao prolaziti u Jugoslaviji do 1989. Nakon toga više ni tamo, a još manje će proći u Europskoj uniji. Ili to shvatite ili vam nije mjesto u Europskoj uniji.
EC is doing patticularly hard to turn all European airports feeders for FRA and MUC and all European airlines members of Star Alliance. Next is Lufthansa placing order for 200 Airbus A380 to serve its future monopoly in long haul routes from Europe.
ReplyDeleteBut of course. That's why EC banned operations to both British Airways and AirFrance/KLM., just to mention few who are rapidly becoming LH feeders :)
DeleteSome people here are really amazing: when Arabs, with free planes aquired by government's oil money, and (half)free carburant, biggest expense in operations, make empires, it's ok, of course, but when Lufthansa is doing the same, with no government aid for the fleet renewal, and no free oil, then LH is the most evil evil in the World and even controls EC.
Just to clarify: I am NOT LH or Star Alliance fan, but some people here really have interesting views on the reality, depending on do they personally, or "their" company or country have some benefits from it, or not.
List of biggest LH feeder in Europe:
Delete- British Airways
- Air France
- Ryanair
- Iberia
- easyJet
- Air Berlin
- Aeroflot
- Alitalia
- Norwegian
- Thomas Cook
- Pegasus
- Wizzair
- Transairo
- Aer Lingus
- UTar
- S7
- Finair
- Air Europa
- Flybe
- Monarch
- Jet2
- Virgin
- AtlasJet
- Air Nostrum
- Ural
- Meridiana
- Nordwind
- Onur
- Ukraine International
- Air Baltic
- Smart Wings
- Icelandair
- Tarom
- Blue Air
- Air Malta
- Belavia
etc. etc...
Look, I understand some people's desire to be the most informed, most intelligent and the cleverest, but listing some airlines here is not proof for that.
DeleteOn the contrary, most airlines from your list are either LOW COST companies, which carry almost exlusively P2P passengers, and don't feed by default, while calling AF/KL and BA feeders is simply rediculous as those are airlines of aproximately the same size, fleet, and passengers numbers as LH, which lead 2 competition alliances, and ARE FED by some of the smaller legacy airlines from your list.
So, I admire your interest for civil aviation, but you are obviously on the beginning and you have some 90% gap in knowledge to be filled.
And being on Ex-Yu aviation site, talking about LH feeders and not mentioning Croatia Airlines and Adria Airways is just one more proof that you have absolutely no a idea what are you talking about
Deletehahahahahahaha, I looked at the list closely now, there are almost no Star Alliance airlines/feeders on it, not only OU and JP, Tap, Swiss, Austrian, Sas, Aegean, they are all missing :) :) :) But never mind, that's why we have here TUI, Smartwings and Thomas Cook who NEVER do charters, they just do scheduled flights to feed LH. HAHAHHAHAHAHAHA !!!!
DeleteMan, you are hillarious :) :) :) You made my day today :) LOL hahahahahah :) :) :)
Nice, that you did not find as sarcasm. Yes, you nicly find it that there is non of Star Alliance memebers, there is memebers of oneworld and Skyteam, but you did not find that by this sarcasm I wont to show how stupid is to say that LH has all EU airports as feeder.
DeleteThis is pure protectionism, and I think this process is going to fail hard.
ReplyDeleteHowever, since I live in Serbia, I just wonder how much time is it going to take since this goes public. Which media (and how many of them) is going to report on this.
hopefully it will never go public, well BEG is public for three years now and its crumbling, it makes huge profit out of its monopoly but most of it goes into dividend, very little is reinvested.
Deleteactually, it goes to the budget of Serbia, and that's why Serbia shouldn't be owner of the airport
DeleteIt goes to the budget of the shareholder. In this case, dividends go to the budget as Serbia is one of the biggest shareholders. Simple as that.
DeleteAnyone knows anything about the load factors on Budapest and Sofia today and/or yesterday?
ReplyDeleteI think the LF is not that high, which does not mean the yields are bad, especially having in mind that BUD is 165 euros, Sofia around 130, and they are having ATRs on these routes of course.
What you don't take into the equation is:
Delete- promo fares
- connecting pax (their yields are much much lower)
among other things.
SOF 96%, BUD 98%, A320 deployed starting aftertomorrow, for hundreds of transit passengers. mostly business :)
DeleteOnly 98%, I tooth it was 102%. Like Milošević "referendum".
Delete:) +1
DeleteSofia was around 75% while Budapest had 8 outbound passengers and 11 inbound.
DeleteBefore people start bashing Air Serbia and its poor performance to Budapest, remember how badly Tel Aviv did and how strong it is now.
^ Whats average load factor for tel aviv route?
DeleteDon't know by heart but the route is doing ok. Actually it is doing fantastic if we compare it to what it used to be two months ago.
Deleteyou forgot to mention that sof was 75% because it was promo flight
DeleteHahahahahaha... just forgot that unimportan detail.
DeleteAnyone knows why AirSerbia's SAA/B dont fly to Germany anymore? LH has something to do with it?
ReplyDeleteNot LH, per se, but German CAA. Question will be resolved anyway as soon as fleet upgrade completes. SAA and SAB are deployed to other destinations in the meantime.
DeleteYes, Germany restricted Air Serbia to fly to German airports with A6-registration.
DeleteAnd that should be normal. I wonder why other countries don't follow that policy?
DeleteAir Serbia, first A320, JU2645, heading to BEG. Welcome !!!
DeleteIt is so interesting that you guys from Serbia was so excited about EU investigate Adria and even shout for so many times to EU «please, do your job and do not allowed Adria to work against EU legal practice and law», and now you blow in totally different trumpet. Same «EU legal practice and law» is not good now and can not be forced in similar case of Air Serbia.
ReplyDeleteLet us put Etihad de facto controlling Air Serbia on side. And let us just concentrate on 100 million USD financial help of Serbia into Air Serbia + 350 million USD debts and costs of transition of Jat to Air Serbia. That is much more than Slovenia invests in Adria. For sure you can not be so without character to fight for «legalism» in Adria case and to fight against same thing in Air Serbia case.
If you want to become EU member you must work on EU rules. That is it! You can not go on with Serbian mentality and hope that you will enter EU. Trust me we Croats learn our lesson during 15 years of hard procedure to enter EU. The worst period for Croatia was those 15 years of process to become EU member. You don’t have any influence, you don’t have any rights, but still you have to follow all EU rules! And Serbia is in that shit now.
What the hell are you talking about? EU foreign equity rules in aviation are only mandatory for EU members. As Serbia is not a EU member, we'ee not obliged to follow these rules, not before we enter EU anyway.
DeleteAnd in any case, Air Serbia is a crystally clrar deal. Serbia has 51% stake and a controlling number of board seats. There is nothing against EU rules here.
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteYou are quite right, if you’d like to become EU member you have no influence, no rights and you have to follow rules that were designed to suit someone else for a long long time. For new members like Croatia, Bulgaria or future ones like Serbia or Montenegro I would say the time limit is lot longer than 15 years. I hope one day some politician will come to his/her senses and take a good hard look at pros and cons of joining EU. But judging by the current rhetoric that’s not going to happened any time soon.
Delete@ 5:38
DeleteNo, no and no. You are wrong. After becoming a "candidate country" which Serbia now is, you HAVE TO follow, obey and respect ALL EU laws, rules and regulations. It's kind of future membership guarantee, and precisely because of it, this "negotiating" period is the most difficult, what was actually the message of the poster you responded to. Unfortunately, he is rught and you are wrong. Because EU membership is not a state, it is a process. Any country is not just "joined" to the EU, it is BECOMMING a member in a process where you must "behave" as you were full member. And that's why EC has any right to make both investigation and ruling in Etihad/Air Serbia case. Maybie it can be compared with "Both Kosovo and Europe" story? How did it finish? We all know. It's simply not possible. The sam is here you cannot just take from the "swedish table" what you like and become an EU member at the same time not respecting rules set for EU members. So I'm afraid this "Both UAE/Etihad and EU story" might end the similar way as the former one with Kosovo. Let's just wait and see!
Completely false. You have no idea what you're talking about. The entire point of the accession process is to fully synchronise EU and member country's laws and insitutions. Do you have any idea how absurd your position is? Why would the accession talks last 5-10 years if everything was fully compatible before them?
DeleteI'm writing from the EU, so I just guess that I have a little bit of idea what I'm talking about. And i'll answer immediately : It takes long because it covers absolutely all segments of life, it's not just laws. Plus, it's techically very demanding and buerocratic - that's about the duration. About the content : Yes, some issues and chapters, which are very complicated and difficult to improve, as for example Judiciary, will come last. But you are forgetting that Serbia already signed "Open Skies Agreement", and in this field must just do what it signed.
DeleteI think the question that needs to be answered is how the EC can punish Serbia of EC finds something unlawful here. Is it by stopping EU accession process or stopping open skies agreement Serbia has with EU. I think the latter, but who knows. I know that the goal is for candidate state to slowly adjust your laws but I don’t think you have to be 100% compliant before the accession date. Wasn’t there a case with OU just last year and a rush to do something before July 1, 2013. Please correct me if I’m wrong.
DeleteSo it goes. 35 chapters and one among is transport poilicy
DeleteWhen the EU Council agrees to open negotiations the screening process then begins. The Commission and candidate country examine its laws and those of the EU and determine what differences exist. The Council then recommends opening negotiations on "chapters" of law that it feels there is sufficient common ground to have constructive negotiations. Negotiations are typically a matter of the candidate country convincing the EU that its laws and administrative capacity are sufficient to execute European law, which can be implemented as seen fit by the member states. Often this will involve time-lines before the Acquis Communautaire (European regulations, directives & standards) has to be fully implemented.
Population and GDP per capita of individual EU member states compared with those of non-member states in Europe.
A chapter is said to be closed when both sides have agreed it has been implemented sufficiently, however it can still be re-opened if the Commission feels that the candidate has fallen out of compliance.
BTW ... source: wikipedia
Delete"Populatioon and GDP.....in Europe" ... couse was copied and means nothing
If EU will find that Etihad-Air Serbia deal is not legal it will instruct you to cancel it. If you will refuse to do so, they will stop process of entering Serbia in EU, and even they will ban Air Serbia of flying into EU.
Delete@ AnonymousMarch 31, 2014 at 5:23 PM
ReplyDeleteAgree 100%. I would just add that in EU is not just Lufthansa. There are many other not small companies that keep an eye on the business and try to protect their position. KLM, Air France, BA, Iberia...etc. EU is common agrement - not just a sendbox for LH.
That is what happened with Malev EU dont care about people or jobs , they just care about moneymaker. In the past look what happened to Sabena in the hands of Swiss did the EU do anything No because of LH. To hom does the New airline in Belguim belong to. LH .also Austrian Airlines , Swiss , German winst and indirectly Croatia Airlines
DeleteNo, they care about fair competition. People should understand this - unlike in former Yugoslavia, where state aid is given to loss making companies, in the EU (at least in theory), all companies should be treated equally. It would be unfair for one company to receive aid, while the other one is making money on its own.
DeleteEtihad investment in Air Berlin was 2 years ago. So it is not that Etihad is for ages there.
DeleteAlso you need some time to find that 30% of ownership becomes de facto 100% of managing the company.
Facebook video of YU-APH at BEG:
Feel so sorry that this isn't in Croatia...
DeleteThe stupid beg.aero people didn't bother to include this flight into their arrival timetable with a big highlight as delivery flight, idiots.
Delete1. This HAD HAPPENED in Croatia 15 years AGO, when first NEW A320, from the factory, joined the fleet of Croatia Airlines.
Delete2. What you will probably be even more sorry, after EC ruling which finds the Etihad/AirSerbia deal against EU regulations, would be the video of APH leaving BEG to be returned to lessor.
I guess the current OU's fleet proves your point ;)
DeleteSeems like you didn't need the EU's ruling to return the 4 A319's LOL :D
DeleteMy point is that this happened in Croatia 15 years ago. Since then, OU exists. Can you sign here and guarantee to me JU will exist in 15 years? Not to mention that civil aviation in Croatia in 1991 started form ZERO, and Serbia had company, planes, offices, slots, people, everything. And it managed to destroy all of that and to cry for Arabian help to survive. But it is still not known for how long and there is absolutely no reason to be so selfsufficient and arrogant about one worn-out leased short and medium range plane which will even more reduce bad LF's and even worse financial results
DeleteSince when do you count the German billions Deutshe Marks that were given to you as ZERO?
DeleteSounds ungrateful to you Masters to me.
DeleteSounds ungrateful to your Masters to me.
DeleteWith my "Masters" I travel border-free with EU ID, my "Masters" respect humanity and personality of their employees, my "Masters" are, you like or not, but it's the fact, alliance nr. 1 in the World. Your Arabian owners own you, disrespect you, take advantage of you, and all of those is done hidden under the veil of secret contracts, in attempt to become a part of my masters are. That much about the masters and owners.
DeleteThis discussion is just pathetic. Both Croatia and Serbia are in the same shitty situation and are both equally messed up.
DeleteHappy for you who live in a Wonderland- where all the people are happy and smiling, border-free respect for everyone!
Delete1.Air Serbias master is Serbian government not Etihad.
Delete2. Serbia has got a friendly relationship with Arab countries for a century and is based on mutual respect.
3. If Croatia didnt have the sea, it would be Moldova.
Greetins to our former colonies from Belgrade!
1. Just on the paper. In reality Arabs own both Air Serbia and serbian government. That's why investigation is going on
Delete2. The only friendly relationships with Arabs is possible if and when you bend forward
3. If Croatia didn't have Arkan, Seselj, kapt.Dragan and JNA attacks and war provoked by Milosevic, it would be Switzerland with the sea today
Greetings from European Union to one and only, not former but present, Arabian colony on the old continent
1. Sure it is. That is why you have EU investigation. And every day we can see how Serbia is managing Air Serbia.
Delete2. Bravo. Congratulations.
3. If not, that is true. But, unfortunately Croatia have sea, and that is why today we are 400% richer that Serbia.
And congratulation to moderator of this blog that can allow someone called Croatia, Slovenia, BiH etc. as Serbian colonies. In same time that shows your mentality and real nature. But for sure that is very depressed for you to be colonialist 20 years ago and today just a little poor colony.
1. The only reason "EU" is interested in this matter is because their flag companies are losing a battle to AS in Belgrade. EU is founded on greed not justice. Btw, we dont give a damn what EU thinks, we are lucky not to be part of that cancer.
Delete2. You stick to your biathlon of changing dirty bed sheets and cleaning toilets in hotels on the coast. Leave the aviation to its masters in Balkans. There is a reason why AS is where it is today, and OU turned in to LHs cab service. Nexst step is downgrading to mini-buses.
3. Belgrade was your capital once upon a time. Zagreb was never mine. Fact.
1. EU hardly knows where Belgrade is, and for sure don't care about 3,5 million passengers, what is less than German airport have in one week. They do care about Etihad, Air Berlin and Alitalia, and yes, there is also that tiny company comes in package called Air Surbea or something like this.
Delete2. And what you have in Air Serbia? You are not Etihad cab service? Little reality, please! At least we have our own planes, not like you to have Etihad planes. And if Etihad decide to go, you will have 3 old ATR's.
3. My capital was Zagreb, never Belgrade. Let me remind you that Yugoslavia was federation. Your logic is like California, New York or Ohio are colonies because Washington is capital. Congratulations!
Fact: even if Belgrade was capital of Croatia as Serbian colony you can see today when you don't have Slovenia and Croatia as colonies where you finish. Serbia is most poor country in Europe, standard is far down from Croatia. So, basically for 70 years we feed you. Give you a food. No more, and now you are hungry. Well, at least you have to tell us thanks for those 70 yours to give you bread.
@Last Anonymous
DeleteCan you give us one example of an airport that handles in a week what Belgrade handles in a year?
Thank you.
@vlada kinderlada
Delete+1 :D
You're the man!
DeleteCivil aviation DID exist in Croatia since "Aeroput" included Zagreb (that town is in Croatia now?) in its network. Then it continued with JAT, when Zagreb was one of the hubs. The history did not start in 1991.Forced amnesia, yes.
ReplyDeleteNo, that town is in the EUROPEAN UNION now
DeleteCorrect. History of civil aviation started in Croatia with Aeroput and continued with JAT. And then that JAT which I ADORED because it was Yugoslav, suddenly became 100% Serbian, even most experienced and loyal non-Serbian captains were forbidden to fly as captains, and about 90% of all property, including most valuable, planes and slots, remained in Serbia. And that is the moment when history started again, So, it's not about my amnesia, it's about your lack of information
DeleteAeroput and JAT were founded in Serbia, a part of Yugoslavia. Serbia did not leave Yugoslavia in 1991. So, no lack of information. And yes, history cannot start, finish and restart. This might be a lack of information.
DeleteYes it can. At that moment history of Yugoslavia was finished. At that same time history of croatia, and all other ex-yu countries began. That much about the history.
DeleteAnd it was precisely Serbia who left Yugoslavia first, not formally, by declaring it, but by plenty of ACTIONS, as for example constitutional changes, attack to the federal monetary system, break up of economic relations with slovenia and croatia, refusal to accept any system changes etc etc
Btw I'm glad that at least today we managed to reach here civilized level of opposing different opinions without insulting whichother. As probably neither I can convince you that I'm right, or you can convince me that your arguments are valid, I suggest that we just stop this discussion. It was pleasure having you as a counterpart, best regards from Croatia
I think that Air Serbia has started very badly into summer season with just 5 leased A319, 4 AT7 (plus 1 in the paint shop) , a couple of neutralized 733 and 1 A320 parked on the tarmac. For whatever reason! This is, after megalomaniac and overheated announcements- the Serbian reality on March31st. The erratic announcement of opening, closing and rescheduling of new routes plus every day delays of 20,30,40-45 minutes of many flights complement the picture of an airline without professional management.
ReplyDeletePlease do not bash, I am Serb and very pro- Air Serbia minded, but on the other hand I knew that people make an airline and not party programs or announcements. Much more deep and drastic management changes have to be done (together with BEG airport) in order to make it a commercial (not yet economical) success. Good luck.
Haters gonna hate but there'll be 2 more A320's and 1 more A319 arriving to Belgrade before Friday...
DeleteIt will... or not.... but in this moment situation is far far away than what Kondić promised.
DeleteOn 30th March plan was to have 8 A319, 2 A320, 5 ATR 72 and no 737. But instead we have 5 A319, 1 A320 stored, 4 ATR 72, and who knows how many ancient 737.
Well, towards the end of the week there will be:
Delete- 6 A319s
- 3 A320s
- 4 ATRs (one more returning soon)
- Unknown number of 737 but let's say 4 and what's most important they're operational
Doesn't seem that bad to me, 1 Airbus less but one bigger instead (3 A320 instead of 2), not such a big deviation.
Hows the highest growth in our history - "very bad"? Џизз....
ReplyDelete****braking news**** Have just checked in Amadeus. Lots of flights scheduled with B733 until end of June! Seems to be lots of troubles behind the curtains!
ReplyDeleteLufthansa cancelled third daily flight from MUC to BEG, Is this the reason for investigation over Air Serbia. They droped 11% income from BEG traffic on first 3 months in 2014 . Question is who holds monopoly on EU sky, is is DLH or Araps. This is so see thru .