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Air Serbia launching flights to Warsaw and Beirut |
During this week, Air Serbia will inaugurate flights from Belgrade to the capitals of Poland and Lebanon, marking the the carrier’s return to the two cities following several years of absence. Tomorrow, the airline will launch flights to Warsaw where it will operate daily flights with its Airbus A319. The carrier has slightly revised its original timetable and the service will be code shared by Etihad Airways. The Serbian carrier will go head to head against LOT Polish Airlines, which also operates daily flights between the two capitals. With the airline using its Embraer E175 jet on the route, the Polish carrier offers 574 weekly seats between Warsaw and Belgrade and vice versa while its Serbian counterpart will be offering 896 seats per week including a business class product. LOT has managed to attract a significant number of transit passengers on the route in the past few years.
Commenting on the new service, the CEO of Air Serbia, Dane Kondić, said, “It is my great pleasure to announce that flights between Belgrade and Warsaw will resume after a fifteen year long hiatus. Doubtless, this link between the two capitals will be both very convenient for business passengers and attractive for leisure travellers and tourists. I am confident that the soon to be opened service will provide further opportunities for cooperation between our two countries in various fields, such as the economy, culture and sport”. Flights between Belgrade and Warsaw have an over seventy year history. The first service was launched in 1947 by JAT Yugoslav Airlines. The airline offered regular flights to Warsaw up to 1992 and later between 1998-99, prior to their suspension.
LOT and Air Serbia to go head to head |
Meanwhile, on Sunday, Air Serbia will be resuming flights to Beirut. The service was initially to launch earlier during the summer season but was postponed until June 1. At the time the carrier said, “The delay to the start of this route has been on account of regulatory requirements and related formalities that need to be completed prior to the commencement of new services”. Flights to Beirut are expected to operate five times per week until July 1 after which services will be increased to daily. However, a revised schedule in global reservation systems shows the service initially operating only three times per week. Flights between Belgrade and the Lebanese capital resume for the first time in eight years when the city was last used as a stopover on flights to Dubai by Jat Airways. The service to Beirut sees large amounts of transit passengers from Western Europe. Flights between Belgrade and Beirut were first launched by JAT on April 21, 1955 via Istanbul.
Good luck to them. Prices are very affordable to Warsaw.
ReplyDeleteEx-Yu možemo li sutra očekivati reportažu povodom dolaska KLM a u Zagreb?
ReplyDeleteYes :)
DeleteOvo sa Bejrutom vec postaje smesno... Valjda cemo sutradan dobiti vise informacija o frekvenciji ka tom gradu. Zanima me i kakvo misljenje sad vlada u Libanu medju putnicima prema Er Srbiji...
ReplyDeletesa SCC foruma:
DeleteEvo mali update za Bejrut
Naredne dve nedelje u proseku popunjenost kabine 75-80% i u odlasku i u povratku. Nije loše
Ko ide za taj Bejrut? Sumnjam da mogu da napuni avion. Bolje bi bilo, da je Air Serbia uvela barem u letnjim periodu 1-3 leta nedeljom za Hamburg. Imali bih i dosta tranzit putnike ka BIH, MK i CG.
ReplyDeleteTa linija im ide najbolje od svih novih linija. Samo na prvom letu ima preko 70 tranzitnih putnika (pored point to point putnika)
DeleteDa dodam broj letova nije smanjen zbog manjka putnika. Zapravo napravljen je ogroman problem jer sada ne znaju sta ce sa svim putnicima. Letovi su smanjeni zbog administrativnig problema sa libanskim vazduhoplvnim vlastima.
DeleteA jel imao Aegean administrativni problem sa libanskim vazduhoplovnim vlastima? Ili je objavio onoliko letova nedeljno za koliko je dobio dozvolu? Jel nije mogla tako i Air Serbia? Nije, zato sto jos uvek, a vidi se i u aljkavosti, i u kasnjenjima, i u prevodima, i u mnogo drugih stvari jos uvek vredi ono staro lose jat-ovo pravilo: lako cemo, smuljacemo, snaci cemo se, bas me boli uvce, o tome se radi a ne da li ce u junu biti 3, 5 ili 7 letova
DeletePa jel ti imas potrebu da letis svaki dan za BEY pa te licno boli ova promena, ili te nista ne boli a samo onako hejtujes JU po navici?
DeletePa ja nemam. Ali mi je otkazan let koji sam bukirao pa sad imam mnogo problema. Neverovatnih! Zbog neprofesionalizma i aljkavosti.
DeleteMeni su letove otkazivali i pomerali, sto zbog vremena sto zbog raznih drugih problema, razne avio kompanije tokom decenija. American Airlines nas je sve izbacio iz B707 pocetkom 80-tih na JFK-u (leteo sam za NAS) zbog kvara na motoru. BA mi je pomerao letove zbog vremena na LHR nekoliko puta. Ali ne bih rekao da su zato AA i BA neprofesionalni i aljkavi. Nazovi JU i pitaj sta mogu da urade i kako da ti pomognu. Ja sam jednom Alitaliju morao da zovem 3-4 puta da bi mi najzad isplatili za kofer koji su izgubili u transferu na FCO, ali su na kraju platili. Za koji si dan imao rezervaciju?
DeleteE pa ja sam leteo 400 puta i bilo je kašnjenja, izlazaka iz aviona, pa čak i jedno otkazivanje, ali nikad mi nitko nije otkazao let zato jer je smanjio broj frekvencija.
DeleteThere's always first! Some people got their plans screwed when airspace and ALL flights in North America were shut down after Sept 11, 2001. Some other people got screwed because of volcano, remember this:
That was a first for a lot of people, right? Sometimes its a weather, sometimes mech, what does it matter, as long as you lost the flight and airline did a good job helping you get onto another one. No need for drama queen is the customer service is solid.
Prijatelju, tvoje pitanje koje si postavio zapravo govori da se u avijaciju uopšte ne razumeš. Ceo Air Serbia sistem se ne oslanja SAMO na O&D putnike, već na tranzite, i na tome zapravo leži i bolji LF i neka potencijalna zarada (kada god ona došla). Bejrut je i ranije bio dosta dobro popunjen, posebno što je masa putnik nastavljala za Pariz npr, ali i London i još neke druge gradove u Zapadnoj Evropi.
ReplyDeleteLinija za Hamburg nema nikakvog ekonomskog smisla, pre svega zbog neposredne blizine Berlina za koji se već leti, a i zbog toga što je Jat ranije već eksperimentisao sa tom linijom bez nekog preteranog uspeha.
Ja sam siguran da bi i Hamburg bio na listi potencijalnih destinacija da se u svemu tome videla kakva-takva potencijalna zarada.
Da dodam na to tvoje i da ne znam kako je moguce imati znacajan broj tranzitnih putnika ukoliko imas frekvenciju od jednog do tri leta nedeljno (!?)
DeleteDruga stvar, vise onako licno, je to sto ne zelim da sa BEG-a imam letove do svakog grada u Nemackoj i Svedskoj, vec nesto novo i egzoticno. Mislim da je Bejrut pun pogodak, samo da nije bilo onih problema sa libanskim vlastima ili stagod.
Saobracaj je postavljen sa dnevnim letovima, tako su se i prodavale karte. Sve znacajne linije na kojima JU ima tranzitne putnike imaju najmanje jedan let dnevno (Pariz, Cirih, London, Frankfurt....).
DeleteProblem je taj sto je libanski CAD od pocetka najava da ce JU obavljati letove ka Bejrutu krenuo da zateze sa dozvolama i papirima. Kada smo konacno i dobili dozvolu postojala je najava da ce libanska MEA biti zabranjena u EU, i onda je CAD uleteo protekcionisticki i maltene krenuo da stiti nacionalnu aviokompaniju raznoraznim uslovima - otud za sada samo tri nedeljna leta.
DeleteNaravno, ali i da se radi o neprofesionalizmu, saopčenje bi bilo identično. I opet bi se izgovarali na administrativne probleme. Kao i kod nabave aviona, ukidanja linija, prolongiranja početka leta, kašnjenja aviona... uvijek su administrativni problemi, jer ih se ne može provjeriti.
DeleteNisam rekao da nema neprofesionalizma, daleko od toga. Ali je opet ta ista Air Serbia, sa takvim "neprofesionalizmom" uradila mnogo više od ostalih aviokompanija u regionu za pola godine. Od onakvog ruiniranog Jata došla je do nekog - prihvatljivog nivoa, na kome još mnogo treba da se radi.
DeleteComments from OU facebook page:
DeleteMateo Udovicic Zato redovito i kasnite za Zagreb,zajebancija u cockpitu.... Sram vas bilo !
Daria Miloloz Akcija krenula, a promo kod vam ne radi i nije moguće kupiti karte s popustom. Javlja grešku 73004 Probano već 10 puta. Toliko o "super" akciji
Iris Vuletić vaš promotivni kod nije primjenjiv na ovu rezervaciju (pogrešno razdoblje rezervacije 73004)?! ako ste napisali od 23.5. 2014 do 22.5.2015 kako povratna karta do Dubrovnika u ovoj godini ne spada u navedeno razdoblje rezervacije?!
Sanja Broz Tominac I meni isto javlja i vraća me na početak. S time da sa svakim vraćanjem na početak cijena karte poraste za cca 100 kn. Do sada sam se na početak vraćala 5 puta pa nije teško izračunati koliko je od ponoći poskupjela karta. Hvala na ovakvoj akciji CA. Sramota!
Iris Vuletić bezobrazluk čisti, ali možda njima 23.5. starta u 8 ujutro kad gospoda dođu u urede na posao, a ne kao nama, normalnim ljudima
Aaliyah Preston Najveća prijevara ikad!
Jure Protrka Ruškić Pametnije bi vama bilo da snizite cijene iz Njemačke sram vas bilo
OU: Real professionalism and happy customers? Doesn't look like it. More like same old Balkan airline attitude.
DeleteOU is shit of company we know that but still it is much better than Air Serbia. Shit in every fucking aspect.
DeleteAnonymous 7:37 PM, a Serbian troll!
Delete@Anon at 7:57
DeleteDr Watson: Sherlock Holmes, can you help us solve this?
Sherlock: This is truly an atrocious crime. However, Serbian troll would never say that OU is much better than Air Serbia. We can conclude that heinous poster at 7:37 was no Serbian troll in fact.
Auuuuu.... that is A319 brand new interior. Let me remind you how we massacred Purger for his review.
ReplyDeletethanks for the report : ),
ive never flown with JAT or AirSerbia so its bit shocking tbh
( no, we massacred Purger for the "lowlife"-comment, the rest of his review as ok )
ReplyDeleteNo. Most of the comments were about his hate of Air Serbia and that service and condition of planes ware much better than he try to show.
ReplyDeleteThank you, looks like something that can be fixed fairly easily and quickly - new tray and labels. Do you remember plane registration?
ReplyDeleteIf you are sitting in the exit isle you were not supposed to have a tray table in the front of you as far as I know. I'm almost 2m tall and usually get these seats in economy and not once have I had tray table in the front of me (i could impede evacuation). The other one (the one that's stowed in the armrest) you should have I agree.
ReplyDelete+1 on translations. they sound very funny. they should write it in English first (or copy what other airlines say there) and than translate it to Serbian not vice versa
The seats at the emergency exit had their table in front and in the seat as well... I understand that there is no point in having two tables...
DeleteThe moral of my story is that i had none :P
I acutally recently flew on EI-FEB (Ryanair leased from FlyDubai) and I had full table in front of me in the exit row...I WAS SUPRISED!
Deletelast anon. haha yu are not serious ! its in every jet like that !
It is Serbian translated from English :)
ReplyDeleteit looks like you have been in every Air Serbia jet, both Airbus and Boeings? Show us the pictures so we know you are not the troll.
ReplyDeleteThis must be Etihad translations. You should see the Serbian announcement sheet they give to their crew with errors, which is different to that was in the old Jat Airways :D Quite a few of their Serbian translations have been google translate style, and its sad as they do have a lot of Serbian speakers in the company. I guess its cheaper to do them from Abu Dhabi than in Belgrade.
ReplyDeletebtw for those interested, the average load factor for the next 2 weeks for both BEG-BEY and BEY-BEG sectors is between 75% and 80%
ReplyDeleteA question : if LF is 75-80% with 3 weekly flights, and 7 were announced, does it mean that LF would be 30-35% if all 7 flights were introduced? What's the point of introducing them at all then?
DeleteIt is not as simple as that. With 7 flights per week it would mean more connections are possible, meaning more transit passengers. So I suppose the LF would be almost the same. Bit more up or down.
DeleteNo. Beirut had very strongs sales from day 1, back when the launch was supposed to be in March. Beirut launch has shown very strong interest.
DeleteAny idea how is the Warsaw route doing?
DeleteSo than some 100 pax per day that book so strongly on days that are canceled are rerouting and compensated.
DeleteIt was YU-APA but I also flew TXL-BEG on 27.4. with YU-APC and it was the same...
ReplyDeleteI would assume that they are all the same.
Once again, I am writing not to bash but rather to improve the quality. Better Air Serbia is better for all of us
of course that ALF is 75-80 percent when they offer a return ticket incl. all taxes from Paris to BEY for 300 Euros in very high season... just wandering what a competition is thinking about ? ;-)
ReplyDeletethey are probably thinking: koje su ove budale that are flying there without making any profit : )
Delete@ anonymous
DeleteYou have to remember that the old JAT had a very bad reputation. The price dumping allows travellers to think about opting to travel with JU because of the cheaper price. The fare dumping is a strategy as well, For a while there maybe loss or small gains, but it will allow brand awareness of Air Serbia. So far there are some good and bad things to travelling with Air Serbia, but overall it has gone far from the Jat Airways mess and the 'rennovation' is from now still far from finished. This is the first months of the Air Serbia brand, discount fares are not on all seats and all flights, and there will be a time when the fares will go higher.
They are probably thinking: "OMG, Air Serbia is pricing this according to the plan!" If you are asking "What plan?!?!" your answer was posted by Ex Yu Av on August 1, 2013:
In the following slide, JU is still in the "Short Term" phase, higher prices ("revenue quality") is planned for later:
well THE ONLY REASON to use AirSerbia is for the LOW PRICES . When they introduce higher prices we can say dovidjenja
DeleteOther possible reasons to fly with them even when they eventually raise the prices: no one else offers nonstop flight to the same destination; competition does not have the same timing you need; you need to connect and JU offers best combined price for both legs with partners; low cost competition will drop you off 100 km away from where you want to be; business is paying for your frequent business class trips and you prefer JU service, lounge and frequent flier advantages; the other cheaper airline is sold out and you have to go; the other airline is charging you for hand luggage and checked luggage you need on the trip so when you add it up, JU is still cheaper etc...
DeleteThis should be an easy first task for "Air Serbia Tehnika" that is just starting, I think officially today. Thanks for the heads up!
ReplyDeleteDo any one of you know if Air Serbia is getting more planes after the 10 airbuses and 5 atr they will have after 1 of july?
ReplyDeleteThanks in advance
why does not Air Serbia sales tickets over groupon or similar services...brand aarness is not just a cheap service... it is far more than that...people usualy try to get t best price and than they valuate what they got for their money....soon or latter AS will have to play by market prices and than we will be able to see if the dump strategy was ok
ReplyDeleteA6-SAA and A6-SAB have their signs in Arabic and English.
ReplyDeleteThose signs were definately not done by anyone in the Belgrade base as we can see by the spelling and grammar, but they should of been rectified immediately in Belgrade as its been like this for a couple of months! Small and stupid, but these small and stupid lack of detail are in too many things.
As comments already mentioned, those details will be easy to fix. Focusing on details alone may prevent you from understanding the big picture. When airline is only a few months into rebranding, with another Airbus being introduced every few weeks, with crew training, with new charter brand launch, with online check-in project in the works, with new route introduction on a monthly basis, with new catering and maintenance operations, with inflight service far better than old one, with YoY growth of up to 90%, it's easy to focus on a detail and just miss the whole bunch of great things that are much better than before and continue to improve.
ReplyDeleteAs I mentioned, its these little details that come from Abu Dhabi in Serbian that is a little embarrasing.
ReplyDeleteI am very aware of the complexity of undoing that done in the Jat Airways era, and yes alot has done, but if you are in this case bringing in labels into an aircraft, and already having to make them, I would think its worth that moment for it to be spell checked before printing them, placing them, only to remove them and start all over again as there is horrible spelling mistakes. Pointless time wasted unnecessary which could be focused onto something else.
I came back from Bucharest with Air Serbia today and the plane was almost full, I think we were 102 passengers (from what I heard!). It looked quite nice inside though the legroom could be a bit better. :/
ReplyDeleteSo was sendwich good?
Deletefrom what u heard ?? yeh sure ...
DeleteWell from what I heard when the cabin crew finished their count... what's your problem?
DeleteThe sandwich was actually quite ok, we got those standard bags. Very good for an hour flight (not even). Then again, Tarom has also good service on the route.
Strange that no one mentioned YU-APB entering service to LHR today (I saw it on flightradar24)!!!
ReplyDeleteAlso, so cool, tonight's departures:
23.40 Moscow
23.55 Abu Dhabi
00.00 Larnaca
00.20 Thessaloniki
00.25 Varna
00.25 Skopje
00.30 Athens
00.50 Moscow (Aeroflot)
It will look so busy tonight!
YU-APB enter in service yesterday on flight to SVO JU654
DeleteNothing cool about night departures. Torture for passengers, crew and airport handling. It's the middle eastern way of business.
Deletelol... Middle Eastern way of business? I see you have never travelled through a European hub at night, especially Frankfurt or Vienna.
DeleteIt's so great to see all those departure cities lined up. I am sure just a year ago, it was probbaly much less busy during this hour. I hope we see Air Serbia adding even more cities to this departure vawe in the future. Beirut is soon to be added. Would be great to also see Baghdad, Amman, Cairo, Tripoli, Damascus, Tehran, Kiev, St. Petersburg, Baku, Astana...
ReplyDeletePls also add the moon, mars, venus and ofcourse, neptune
DeleteGet a life... seriously
Delete@AnonymousMay 28, 2014 at 11:07 PM