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TAV anticipates new airport and further investment in Macedonia |
The operator of Skopje Alexander the Great Airport, Turkey’s TAV, is considering upgrading its facilities at Macedonia’s busiest airport four years after opening a brand new multi million euro terminal. The pace of the upgrades will depend on whether the concessionaire will build a cargo terminal in Štip, in Macedonia’s north-east as outlined in an agreement signed with the Macedonian government several years ago. Under the agreement, the cargo airport should be completed by 2020. TAV Holding CEO, Sani Sener, says the company is ready to start construction immediately after they receive the inspection results on air currents and wind directions.
The construction of the cargo airport has been delayed for several years because experts have not completed the meteorology study on wind currents in the Štip and Sveti Nikole region. This study should show what would be the ideal and safest location to build a runway and whether the region is suitable for such an airport. "We hope that Macedonian authorities will soon complete the inspections. If it proves that the selected location is suitable for building a cargo airport, we will build it there. If the results show otherwise, we will invest in something different, like upgrading Skopje Airport’s terminal, because we are certain that this airport needs to be further expanded", Mr. Sener said.
The TAV Holding President said the Turkish company has so far invested 120 million euros in both Skopje and Ohrid airports. Under the concession agreement, the construction of Štip Airport would cost an additional 60 million euros. "The annual income of both Macedonian airports amounts to around 18 million euros. Compared to the other airports in the world we operate, it is a very small amount. However, both airports are very important to us because Macedonia is a growing market with great potential. I really believe in Macedonia’s future and that is why we have decided to invest here. Last year, there was an 18% increase in passenger numbers. We achieved that thanks to strong government support, which is investing a great deal in this sector", Mr. Sener said. He added that TAV wants to extend its concession agreement with the Macedonian government once it expires.
The number of passengers using Skopje and Ohrid airports so far this has been growing significantly. Data shows passenger numbers grew 42% in April. Last year, the two airports in Macedonia served a combined total of over one million passengers, which is expected to further rise this year.
Hopefully they will spend some money on the ILS as well to avoid weeks of disruption like last winter. Not much use of a bling terminal if the aircraft can not land.
ReplyDeleteILS upgrade doesn't mean a thing in SKP since the terrain in the approach prevents it from effectively utilizing it.
DeleteOne thing that would improve the situation is redefining the approach angle range, and that is already under way.
Unfortunately, the only proper solution involves building a new runway. :-(
Maybe they are upgrading due to the 42% hike in passengers last April. :)
ReplyDeleteCongratulations for courage and vision! This is in stark contrast with the situation in Slovenia, where some years ago the PR person of Ljubljana airport commented "that it is not common to make intercontinental flights from regional airports".
ReplyDeleteKoštanje terminala skoro iste veličine (SKP 4,5 ZAG 5 milijuna putnika):
SKP 120 milijuna EUR
ZAG 380 milijuna EUR
Vrijeme izgradnje terminala:
SKP 1,5 godina
ZAG 3 godine + 5 godina provođenja koncesije i prolongiranja radova
Prihodi od aerodroma:
Koncesijska naknada koju SKP plača Makedoniji je daleko veća nego ona koju će ZAG plačati Hrvatskoj (konkretne brojke sam objavio prije nekih godinu dana). Istovremeno godišnji prihodi SKP i OHR zajedno su tek 80 milijuna EUR, a broj putnika je tek 1/3 putnika ZAG. Dakle, koncesionar iz manjih prihoda plača bitno više.
Trajanje koncesije:
SKP 20 godina
ZAG 30 godina
Rezultati koncesionara:
SKP brdo novih kompanija i linija, prošlogodišnji rast od 19%, ovog travnja čak 42%
ZAG stagnacija i simboličan dolazak novih kompanija i linija
SKP najavio dalje investiranje u novi terminal (do visine od 60 milijuna EUR, najviše u cargo) do 2020.
ZAG upitna i netječajna obveza, smanjenje projekta, a kamoli da se raspravlja o novim investicimama - bit ćemo sretni ako do 2020. dobijemo smanjeni novi terminal.
Ajme Purgeru, koliko pesimizma u jednom postu... Znači ako Zagreb trenutno stagnira, tako će i ostati, je li? Što uopće možemo očekivati uz ovakvu Croatiu Airlines? Što se smanjenog projekta tiče, za sad je sasvim dovoljan! Uz ovakve nepovoljne gospodarske uvjete u Hrvatskoj, dobro da itko želi investirati, nesposobna vlada i Ministarstvo turizma ne rade svoj posao, zemlja na rubu bankrota, čemu pokretati linije koje nemaju ekonomsku isplativost, za sve treba stvoriti uvjete. a ne napamet pozivati ljude da investiraju u lijepu nam banana državu!
DeleteNe kažem da mora nužno tako i ostati, ali koncesionar za sada nije napravio ništa (a već je dovoljno dugo u posjedu ZLZ, a masu toga je mogao napraviti i prije formalnog preuzimanja, a nakon potpisivanja koncesijskog ugovora):
Delete- da privuče ogromnu brojku putnika koji putuju iz okolnih zračnih luka umjesto iz ZAG (od 10 mojih letova ja 9 obavim iz VIE, BUD, BTS, VCE...)
- da privuče bar jednu LCC na otvaranje baze u ZAG (ako su to mogli bitno siromašniji BEG i SKP) zašto ne bi mogao i ZAG, pri čemu su najizvjesniji kandidati easyJet (kojeg koncesionar ADPI ucjenjuje u svojim matičnim zračnim lukama), Wizzair (koji u iduće dvije godine mora zaposliti 200% više aviona nego ih sada ima, a koje je naručio), Norwegian (koji traži lokaciju za novu bazu u središnjoj Europi)
- da ostvari bar dio chartera iz ZAG (sada turisti lete iz LJU gdje je bar 1/3 Adrijinih putnika za Grčku, Tursku i Tunis iz Sjeverne Hrvatske, te iz GRZ, VIE, BUD, TRS...)
Dakle ja ne govorim o novim putnicima, nego o postojećim koji ne putuju iz ZAG jer ime je to naprosto preskupo. No, konstantnim i velikim podizanjem cijena na već daleko skuplje letove istih kompanija nego što ih te kompanije imaju iz okruženja, svakako neće niti privući putnike, niti ih preusmjeriti na ZAG.
Isto tako, koncesionar je kao svoju najveću prednost isticao know-how koji će u kratko vrijeme povečati broj putnika na 5 milijuna i temeljem toga i postavio cjelokupan sustav isplativosti. To je tvrdio on sam i to nakon što je recesija započela. Zar je toliko fulao? Kako to, pa oni su stručnjaci, nisu preuzeli ZLZ temeljem bačenog graha ili kristalne kugle, nego temeljem analiza i ozbiljnih projekcija. Sa svim scenarijima.
Što ako se, zbog "nesretnih i nepredviđenih" okolnosti to ne ostvari? Što ako to i jest namjera koncesionara. Kao jedan od realnih scenarija Hrvatska će tada plačati preskup terminal (skuplji dva puta od SKP), te izgubiti 10 godina.
No, to je jedna od možebitnih scenarija, predviđanje koje se može ili ne mora ostvariti. Ali ono što jest bitno je činjenica da daleko manji SKP, sa bitno manjim prometom i daleko manji potencijalima je uspio daleko više nego ZAG. Zašto i kako, pobogu? Jel su oni to tako nadnaravno sposobni ili iz ZAG stoje nesposobni (ili pak zlonamjerni) ljudi? Pa ako je TAV tako nadnaravno sposoban, zašto je RH teatralno isklučila tog potencijalnog koncesionara u prvom krugu i napravila tako veliku pogrešku? Nasposobnost, mito, kriminal...?
ili pak podrška ulasku Hrvatske u EU? isto kao što će u Beogradu Francuzi graditi neki nazovi "metro", a sve zbog francuske podrške ulasku Srbije u EU
DeleteOK, dobro, moguće. Ali zašto sada ne pritisnu koncesionara i zaprijete raskidom ugovora. Ili su ti anexi toliko nepovoljni za Hrvatsku da smo jednostavno poklonili ZLZ kao miraz ulaska u EU?
Delete@Anon 1:11
DeleteVrlo vjerovatno, nema dzabe ni kod stare babe...
Purger's previous boss, who was, btw, "loved" by airport employees, (all of them "uhljebi") had a chance to do something and did nothing.
DeleteSocialist sanctuary has finally gone with the wind.
So i guess now we know it for sure, Zagreb and Skopje will have almost the same capacity. How disappointing.
DeleteThe Turks in Skopje was a project, this looks more like a scam (especially the fact they raised the passengers fees).
DeleteHow many air-bridges does the terminal in Skopje have?
DeleteFor now 6
DeletePurger does not have previous boss!!!! Matković was never my boss, not in business not privately. We are friends and that is it! Nothing else.
DeleteBut, in just 8 years Matković pay for all ZAG debts (72 million EUR), made financial reserves which were on ZAG account when he was forced to leave (37 million EUR), invest another 35 million EUR in terminal and equipment, finish all procedure for building including building permit. Model was 100% finished and by that one new terminal would be finished till 2012. But he was fired because he find solution to finance new terminal without concession and politics want to give concession so they have to bring Peović who was concession fighter eve before coming to ZAG.
Purger, do you think that this project depends on Croatia Airlines situation, will it be sold, bankrupt or something else? Btw., love your comments, you're one of the rare realistic people on this blog!
DeleteNo, not Budapest after Malev bankrupt, not Verona after Dolomiti taking over by LH and stop flying to lot of destinations exempt FRA and MUC, not Nice after Air Littoral bankrupt, not even Skopje after MAT and Avioimpex bankrupts had any problem to increase traffic.
Delete"For now 6"
DeleteSo almost the same as Zagreb.
Anonymous 5:44 PM, number of air bridges is not the most important thing if you wanna develop an airport, look at Dubrovnik and Split, no air bridges and much higher traffic than Skopje, in fact, Split will probably become the 3rd airport in the region this year! For Zagreb Croatia Airlines is one of the problems, one of the major ones!
DeleteSome people here, including Purger, are just unbelievable trying to minimize everything that's happening in ZAG, or to equalize ZAG and SKP, although the facts and numbers show completely different situation :
DeleteFirst, space of new terminal in ZAG is much bigger than the one in SKP, with 2 more airbridges and much more bus gates.
Second, ZAG will continue to use its old terminal and will have 2 terminals, unlike SKP which has only one
Third, passenger numbers in ZAG are, at least in ex-yu relations, much bigger in ZAG than in SKP, and will continue to grow because Croatia is getting another operational airline these days, with huge plans for growth
Fourth, where did you people read in this text that SKP is increasing passenger capacity? The text is about cargo and about completely new airport, or "upgrade" of existing terminal. I repeat and quote : "upgrade", not increase capacity, not build phase 2, not add, not expand, not enlarge. Unlike that, ZAG has plans for phase 2 until 2020, with more space, more airbridges, and more capacity.
And please don't get me wrong, I have absolutely nothing against SKP or any other ex-yu airport or airline, and I wish them all the best, I just point out some facts that people tend, deliberately or accidentaly, not to see.
Zagreb capacity - 5 million
DeleteSkopje capacity - 4.5 million
End of the story.
Dear Obedineta, the difference is that Skopje will never get near that number, Zagreb and Croatia in general are more attractive, better infrastructure, more popular. Different life standard, bigger diaspora, Macedonia not even near EU (sorry about that, the Greeks are idiots for blocking you, honestly)...
DeleteSkopje - 500.000 people live in catchment area
DeleteZagreb- 1.500.000 people live in catchment area
Macedonia- 2.100.000 population
Croatia- 4.260.000 population
Macedonia- not EU
Croatia- in EU
Macedonia- No national air carrier
Croatia- has a national air carrier
According to all these statistics, SKP and ZAG new terminals should not even be in the same league, but they are. Skopje terminal only has slightly smaller capacity. Good job Skopje. SKP went above all expectations.
Aleksandar, s obzirom da zagrebački terminal još nije ni sagrađen, zanima me na temelju čega ih uspoređuješ? A kad se već razbacujemo statistikama i podacima, recimo i to da u Hrvatskoj postoji više od 1 ili 2 međunarodna aerodroma koji se koriste i što nije zanemarivo, bez obzira što se radi o manje-više sezonskim aerodromima (Split, Dubrovnik, Zadar). Također, i Split i Dubrovnik su manji od Skopja, a oba imaju veći promet, ali to nije u domeni ove priče!
Delete@Aleksandar Stojanovic
DeleteFew years ago I flew Libyan Airlines from Tripoli Int. to Benghazi. Plane was full. The flight had scheduled stop in Sirt, the hometown of the late Gadafi. ONE passenger disembarked in Syrt, THREE boarded the flight. Sirt airport bigger than both Tripoli and Benghazi, and GHOSTLY empty. My point : It's not what's tha capacity of the airport, but the traffic and the numbers of passengers and cargo that the airport handles. Based on parametres you stated yourself, I expect ZAG to utilise fully or almost fully its capacity, and SKP to have one third or half of its capacity, within next 5-6 years. Only after we have seen the development at both airports we would be able to say good job, or failure. Till then I would refrain from praizing or criticizing
Meni stvarndn nije jasno zasto putnici svugdje rastu,a u zg stagniraju. To bi bilo pravo pitanje za koncesionara i ministra. A di su nove linije? 8% rast? Imam osjecaj da su dosli samo da favoriziraju konkurenciju.
ReplyDeletevas aerodrom (ZAG ) bice puno lepsi : )
ReplyDeleteHey, whats happening with the seasonal Air Serbia flights to Ohrid this year? not happening at all ?
ReplyDeleteIskreno OHR-BEG jednom dnevno cjelodnevna linija Air Serbije sa ATR 72 bila bi win-win kombinacija i za OHR i za JU. Ne razumijem koja je logika Air Serbie da rađe leti za Varnu, Sofiju, Beirut, umjesto za Ohrid.
Deletene cjelodnevna nego cjelogodišnja (dakle ne samo sezonska)
DeleteStrucnjak takvog kapaciteta poput @Purgera koji je sposoban rijesiti goruce probleme ex-yu zrakoplovstva, trebao bi bar znati da je troslovni IATA kod za Ohrid OHD, ne OHR. Da je jednom napisano mogao bih i pomisliti da se radi o tipfeleru, ovako, hm...? Ali da, to je prebanalno za Purgera, on rjesava stvari vise na globalnoj razini, ukljucujuci i prethodni post o mzlz ZAG, za koji valjda iz kristalne kugle zna da je osudjen na neuspjeh. Covjece, stvarno nekada ne mogu vjerovati da citam ono sto pises....
DeletePrvo ja nisam nikakav stručnjak, a još manje nekog posebnog kapaciteta. Ja sam zrakoplovni entuzijasta, koji je možda malo odskočio u količini pročitanih stvari i potoršenih sati na proučavanje zrakoplovnih sustava. Navjerovatno mi je samo da na rukovodečim pozicijama u Hrvatskoj, BiH, a donedavno i Srbiji sjede ljudi koji su od mene znali daleko manje i kojima sam bez puno napora prao nos.
DeleteDrugo, naravno da će se i meni desiti da pomješam neki od kodova. Bogu hvala ima ih mali milijun, bogu hvala OHD se vrlo rijetko koristi, pa čak i na prostoru bivše Juge, bogu hvala da niti 99% stvarnih stručnaka ne zna pobrojiti sve kodove na prostoru bivše Juge i šire regije. Ako je to moj najveći problem (a nije) onda stvarno prihvačam tu sramotu.
Kristalna kugla? Svašta. Predviđanja se rade na temelju inputa, a ona za ZLZ trenutno nisu dobri. Nažalost! Isto tako nažalost predvidio sam veliku večinu toga što se stvarno obistinilo na prostoru bivše Juge. A to mogu posvjedočiti ljudi koji su me čitali i slušali u posljednjih desetak godina. Najviše me žalosti što sam još 2007. pisao, a 2010. CTN-ovim direktorima na sastancima koje im je nametnuo tadašnji ministar predložio koncept identičan onome što je Lufthansa promovirala tri godine kasnije sa Germanwingsom, a tek sada provodi (Lufthansa tada taj koncept nije aposlutno nigdje iznosila, dakle nije copy-paste). Ovo je vrlo lako provjerljivo na CAF-u gdje sam o tome detaljno pisao. Kamo sreće da je CTN bila toliki vizionar da je krenula sa takvim modelom bitno ranije, prije svih. Sada bi bilo samo mnogo benefita. I tada su me ismijavali. Kada sam jednog od direktora prošle godine pitao zašto se sada ne smiju Lufthansi, samo je kimnuo ramenima.
E sad, time ne uzdižem sebe, nego samo želim reći da imam tu sposobnost analiza i predviđanja na temelju toga. Konačno, zbog toga sam uspješan i u svom businessu.
Naravno, ne postoji 100% uspješnost u predviđanjima, pa nitko ne može niti sa sigurnošču reči što će se desiti. No, u ZLZ je vrlo indikativno da su izmjene natječaja rađene nelegalno (jer prema samom natječaju nije bilo moguće mijenjati uvjete natječaja, konačno tko zna koliko bi kandidata ostalo u igri da su znali da kasnije mogu mijenjati uvjeta), te je indikativno da su sve stvari koje su mijenjane zapravo rađene vrlo čudno, po Hrvatsku štetno i ne djeluju kao da netko stvarno ima istinsku želju kvalitetnog operiranja aerodroma, nego kao da ima neke druge skrivene ciljeve. Dodajmo tome i da govorimo o istom koncesionaru koji je proveo vrlo dvojbenu izgradnju Istarskog ipsilona koja je na koncu proračun Republike Hrvatske koštala puste milijarde kuna neplaniranih sredstava i to prvenstveno radi štetnog ugovora koji je potpisan.
I za kraj, nitko sretniji od mene ako ću biti u krivu. Jednom sam javno rekao, koncesija je krajnje štetno rješenje za Hrvatsku, osoba koja je to provela učinila je enormnu štetu ravnu državnoj izdaji, ali što je tu je. Sada koncesionaru treba pomoći da od toga nešto ispadne. Nažalost za sada samo vidimo nelegalna rezanja u puno preskupom projektu i rezultate koji su daleko ispod najava koncesionara, daleko ispod regije, te više nego skromni. Ali ako se to neće obistiniti, a daj bože da neće, ja ču prvi vrištati od sreće.
Konačno, ja nisam nigdje napisao da je projekt ZLZ osuđen na propast. Naveo sam jedan mogući i realan scenario. I to kao usputnu opasku. A ono što sam naveo je kako je koncesionar u SKP daleko uspješniji i financijski prihvatljiviji za Makedoniju od onoga u ZAG.
Stvarno i meni nije jasno zasto ovog leta Air
DeleteSerbia ne leti za Ohrid? Zna li neko razlog? Kolko ja znam proslih godina ova linija je bila rentabilna, posto mnogo turista iz Srbije odlazi za Ohrid.
I think it would be better to build an Airport in Stip so the aircrafts can land there if there is to much fog in SKP
ReplyDeleteWhat is the distance between Stip and Skopje?
DeleteWho in the world does need a cargo center in Macedonia? Even Zagreb doesn't have one.
DeleteWith the new highway that is in construction process it will be about 55km highway road. The road trough Veles (that is in use) is about 20 km longer and more than half is regional road.
DeleteBut the Airport is planned between Sveti Nikole and Stip so it's less trough the new highway and more road trough the road that is in use atm.
OT: Bivši gradonačelnik Niša je i prethodnih meseci “pozivan u policiju”, ali “u svojstvu građanina”, i zbog gradskog ugovora sa italijanskom lou kost aviokompanijom “Vind Džet”. Državna revizorska institucija konstatovala je da je prilikom zaključivanja ovog posla prekršen zakon, a u javnosti je on označavan kao “jedan od najštetnijih po grad tokom poslednjih godina”. Zasto Nis nema letova.
ReplyDeletenew plane for air serbia :
Nice photoshop skills, but...i really dont like it :D Its just a bit pale and empty :D
DeleteAir Seychelles got a much nicer re-branding.
DeleteThis one is closer to reality:
No comment:
ReplyDelete"Quoting TK787 (Thread starter):
About the 3rd airport, LIMAK; the consortium in charge of building it, said back in September that they will start construction this month. Any news if this is remotely possible?
Groundbreaking ceremony is rumoured to be either May 19 (Commemoration of Atatürk, Youth and Sports Day) or May 29 (Conquest of Istanbul). I personally expect the latter due to the political message."
I am very jealous of Skopje's new terminal. In my opinion, they have the best looking terminal in ex-yu.
ReplyDeleteI wish Belgrade could copy-paste Skopje's terminal! It would be a great T3 for Air Serbia, Etihad, Etihad Regional and partners. Keep 6 bridges, but also add a few bus gates for ATRs, and also some room for a dedicated JU lounge, and everything would be set!
Of course I know I am just dreaming because a 120 million euro terminal would quickly become a 300 million euro terminal once all the politicians, builders, and other thieves take their cut!
Macedonia really got lucky with TAV!
Are you for real? Only the current Air Serbia fleet has 15 jets, where did you found your 6 air-bridges ala Skopje? Aleksandar Stojanovic, sometimes you know to through such a BS, bigger than you.
Deleteto throw*
DeleteSomebody already mentioned this above but can somebody explain to me why would you need cargo dedicated airport? Doesn't it make lot more sense to just build a cargo terminal in the vicinity of the existing airport and use the same runway. That way you don't have to build another one. Are there any limitations at SKP regarding the space needed for the terminal or limitations related to the runway?
ReplyDeleteHere in Macedonia, the common idea is: Build it first, then it will serve some purpose.
DeleteThe idea of building a cargo airport near Stip is for the future supposed industrial and agricultural development in the region. Oh, and the Prime Minister has its roots from there, so I guess he favors it, after Skopje.
I think that they plan to build the airport in Sveti Nikole/Shtip region because of the development but the second thing is that i think they want to move the airport from Skopje to the new one ,or just use that airport in months when in Skopje is not possible to land (winter season).
DeleteThe limitations about runway in Skopje airport is already exceeded so they can't make it longer or make another runway (on both sides there are highways/freeways and parallel there are villages and small river).
been a pleasure to read your comments today. hope it stays like this
ReplyDeleteWhose comments?
DeleteThis one is closer to reality: