Air Croatia drops flights from Stockholm to Zagreb and Split |
Newcomer Air Croatia, which is to launch flights on June 28, has cancelled its planned services from Stockholm to Zagreb and Split. The new flights, announced only two weeks ago, were to operate once per week, every Saturday, until August 30. Despite the cancellation, the airline will maintain flights from Gothenburg to Zagreb, Zadar and Split. Services will be inaugurated exactly two weeks from today. Air Croatia will utilise a ČSA Czech Airlines Airbus A319 for its operations this summer as well as its crew. It becomes the only airline to offer direct flights between Zagreb and Gothenburg. Tickets for the new flights are on sale via its website. Originally, the airline was to inaugurate services today but has pushed back its launch date by two weeks.
Air Croatia will operate on a low cost basis. In essence, Air Croatia is a Swedish tour operator specialising in holiday packages to Croatia. However, with an office in Zagreb, the airline intends to operate yearlong flights from the Croatian capital. As EX-YU Aviation News learns, Air Croatia failed to secure permits from Stockholm Arlanda Airport, forcing it to cancel its flights. There has been a flurry of newly formed airlines launching services from Croatia including Dalmatian, Libertas Air and Adriatic Skyways. What all have in common is that they are yet to take to the sky and have all been created hastily, with ticket sales starting less than a month prior to their launch.
Meanwhile, Dalmatian has begun selling tickets for the eleven new routes it intends to launch out of Zagreb from June 30. The airline has unveiled three types of fares which include different kinds of complimentary services and baggage policies depending on the price. Dalmatian is currently in the process of recruiting staff in a range of fields. The airline’s CEO, Željko Romić, says, “Being a member of the Dalmatian team involves hard work and innovation but is very rewarding. Our people are the foundations of the business and our goal is to bring back the fun in air travel”. Flight information for some of the new services Dalmatian intends to launch can be found on the right hand side in the new route launches section. All eleven destinations will be progressively added.
Wow... so much professionalism over there.
ReplyDeleteou-em-đi ! haha... croatia has become a toy for virtual companies... There are plenty of them doing nothing, only selling a magla to people... libertas air, adriatic skyways, dalmatian, air croatia, express airways...
ReplyDeleteKroatovanje. Zagrebovanje. Kuckovanje.
ReplyDeleteZagrebovanje? Pa ni jedna od tih kompanija nije iz Zagreba, čak ni iz Hrvatske (čak ni fantomski nije"više" hrvatska firma).
DeleteZnači li to da je Jatovanje, Beogradovanje ili nešto slično otkazivanje letova od strane SkySrpske, Kontiki Skya i Centavie?
bravo purger, pozdrav iz beograda!!!
DeleteYes, but we have moneybags Etihad as an investor - you don't ... that says everything ... Oh, I should also add that even a 3rd tier airline such as Garuda walked away from OU - which reinforces my earlier point ... bravo OU and bravo Purger ...
DeleteAre the any mechanisms in EU that allow penalties to business entities acting like this? At least the Croatian directorate should think twice before they ever again allow these guys a meeting, let alone a license to operate flights.
ReplyDelete"directorate" sounds so communist and old-fasnioned. (and as far as I know not only sounds but operates as well, result of which being current faa categorization)
DeleteCCAA-Croatian civil aviation agency (with more than decent webpage, and (not all) but lot competent non-party-member employees). So when talking about croatia, it's"agency" (as in all Europe) the term should be proper to use, not directorate.
Concerning your advice about licenses to operate, I would be much more worried about TK and "directorate", than DLN and "agency"
Dude, you have some serious issues.
DeleteYes, I do; speaking truth and writing facts, being the most serious
DeleteDude, what do you know about Communism..if you know something more than me, please enlight me, but if you use Communism as figurative speech i will try to ignore your ignorance
DeleteAir Croatia is not an airline !
ReplyDeleteWhat a/c will operate Dalmatian ?
Virtual aircraft.
Upravni odbor Alitalije je jučer glasao oko prihvačanja Etihadove investicije u kompaniju, i žele hitno realiziranje posla. Etihadov plan je odobren, a razlog žurbe je nedostatak gotovine koja će idržati tek do kolovoza.
DeleteEtihad ć investirati 600 milijuna USD odmah, te 1,69 milijardi u idućih četiri godine. Ostaje upitno kako će se restrukturirati dug od 700 milijuna EUR koji Alitalija ima prema bankama.
Ovo nikako nije dobra informacija za Croatiu Airlines jer se očekuje uvođenje linije iz FCO i MXP za ZAG, SPU i DBV (nije nevjerovatno i za ZAD, PUY), a još lošija za Air Serbiju obzirom da se Alitalija već ozbiljno proširila na regiju (već sada lete za TIA, ATH, SKG, SOF, BUD, BEY, SKP, TGD, OTP, BEG), a za očekivati je još veći broj linija i frekvencija (SJJ, OMO, TIV) koje će svakako odvesti potencijalne putnike Air Serbije.
Najveca glupost koju je Hogan do sada uradio. Alitalia ce dobiti nove avione, popraviti uslugu u avionima i pojacati linije sa LIN, ali to nije dovoljno. Nema prave strategije za MXP, nema kontrole nad aerodromima, ground handlingom. Dovoljno je da iduceg leta oni udare u strajk i niko ne dobije svoj prtljag, ili da se Benetton familija naljuti oko planova za infrastrukturu i sve lepe ideje padaju u vodu. Najvaznije od svega, LH Group ce i dalje odlivati putnike na severu ka svojim aerodromima.
DeleteSve u svemu, propale pare.
Јој Пургеру што прво не провериш колико је Алиталија присутна у овом делу Европе пре него што пишеш?
DeleteЕво ти пар примера.
Алиталија: 7 летова недељно са Е175
Ер Сербија: 14 летова недељно са А319/Atr72
Алиталија: 4 пута на дан
Ер Сербија: 2 пута на дан
Алиталија: 7 пута недељно
Ер Сербија: 7 пута недељно
Алиталија: 10 пута недељно
Ер Сербија: 7 пута недељно
И тако даље и тако даље...
Алиталија уопште нема спектакуларну мрежу на Балкану. За њихову величину она је у најбољен случају ок. Исто тако, питање је колико је ових линија уопште профитабилно. Колико сам чуо, њихови летови ка Подгорици уопште немају добру попуњеност. Између осталог, не видим како уопште могу да конкуришу Ер Сербији у Црној Гори која нуди неупоредиво већи број учесталости на недељном нивоу.
Са друге стране, Ер Сербија ће увек имати једну велику предност а то је да је већина ових линија (на Балкану) унутар 500нм што значи да ће Атр бити максимално профитабилан, посебно ако се упореди са Алиталијиним Ембраерима и Ербасевима.
Као што сам већ написао овде, Алиталија има много већих проблема од Ер Сербије и балканских путника а то је велики број нискобуџетних авио компанија које су недавно учврстиле своје присуство широм Италије. Током наредних пет година, Алиталија ће се борити да преживи, последње што ће им бити на уму је да одузимају путнике авио компанији са којом су у савезу. Исто као што Ер Берлин и Ники нису до сада.
Namjee, uvek cu braniti tvoje stavove do god postoji ovaj blog. Sa zadovoljstvom citam tvoje postove jer piznajes materiju. Na zalost, admin cesto brise moje postove ovde iako sam za njega profesor univerziteta u oblasti avijacije. kao kapetan , leteo sam ne samo za JAT vec i za mnoge druge kompanije ( Nigerija).Ako mali admin misli da zna vise od tebe i mene, njemu na cast. Ja sa srecni penzioner Jat-a sa mnogo hiljada sati u Boeingu. Veovatno sam ja na vrhu lestvice obrisanih postova ovde sto svedoci o nekulturi i nepoznavanju materije od strane doticnog gospodina ili gospodje.....who cares .....alal ti vera Namjee
Deletecontrary to you: i always skip Nemjee's pseudo comments. Im rather having the trolls comment all the time
Delete@Dusan, As you very well know, your comments are deleted as you have demonstrated that regardless of your age and experience, you can rarely make a comment without posting offensive remarks towards others based on race or nationality, hence your comments with such content are deleted.
DeleteI only said that for me is totally insane the we have war between Croats and Serbs here and that i prefer clouds and rivers watched from 35,000 feet above, and you deleted that post.....what was so negative in my post in your opinion?
DeleteAnd for your information i am a Jew
DeleteХвала Душане, мој ти је предлог да само игноришеш одређене тролове који се мотају по овом блогу. Паћеника ће увек бити. :)
DeleteGospodine PURGER,
DeleteGospodin Nemjee i Dusan su upravu kupovina Alitalie nema nikave posledice po JU.
Alitalia mora da se bori u svojoj zemlji za putnike na Aerodromima FCO i MXP sa mnogim Lowcost Kompanijama i Normanim:)
Шалом Душане! Можда је било лепше да си своју поруку написао сутра?
DeleteSvima vama mora biti jasno nekoliko stvari:
Delete1. Alitalija i Air Serbia imaju isto trziste (naravno Alitalijino je daleko veće, ali vrlo joj je važan Balkan )
2. Etihad je neusporedivo više investirao u Alialiju i ona je dalekp važnija po svim osnovama za Etihad pa će samim time i prednost uvijek dati Alitaliji.
3. Jedini razlog zašto Alitalija nije htjela da je dokupe Air France-KLM je želja AF da joj gotovo ukine internacionalne linije.I to je bio jedini uvjet Etihadu. A zadržavanje ili čak povečavanje tih linija mora Alitalija negdje i feedati. Pa gdje dovraga nego u Italiji i ostatku Balkana? Mogu li to na njemačkom, francuskom, švicartskom ili nekom drugom tržištu?
4. Alitalija nije samo ogromna investicija, ona je i stvar obraza, imagea, ona mora biti pokazni primjer Etihada. Sve ovo ostalo do sada je bilo malo i realtivno nebitno.uključujući i Air Berlin. Alitalija je prva ozbiljna globalna kompanija koju preuzima Etihad. Ona će pokazati ostlima jel žele Etihad kao investitora ili ne. A tu je Air Serbia zanemariva i nebitna.
Žao mi je Nemjee što ti ne mogu odgovoriti na post, ali google translator za srpski mi danas ne radi, a čirilicu stvarno ne čitam (učio sam je prije 35 godina i tada smo to činili ofrlje, u jedan dan sva slova, nikada to nismo ponavljali više).
Gospodine PURGER
DeleteTo da je Alitalia najveci igrac u Etihadovoj Aliansi ste upravu.
Nece biti posledica za JU, nego samo pomoc da se dugoliniski Saobracaj vrati u BEG.A opet kazem Alitalia mora da se bori kod Kuce sa mnogo LCC i pogotovo sa LH i drugima. :)
Nemjee je najveci troll
DeleteAnonymous at 12:52 AM
DeleteGospodin Nemjee zna vise od vas zato ste Ljubomorni:)
No problem, let me reply to you in English then.
DeleteI think the Balkan peninsula will not be the primary region where Alitalia will expand. I think Spain, Portugal and northern Africa will get priority simply because the market is bigger and there are more opportunities for expansion. When it comes to the Balkans, there are only two cities which will remain important for Alitalia: Istanbul and Athens. The rest will be served as long as there are passengers and profits. It will be interesting to follow what Alitalia does in Croatia given the fact that Vueling has been expanding there from FCO. This will be a major hurdle for Alitalia since their cost-structure will never allow them to be as cheap as Vueling- and we all know that our travelling public is not the richest one out there. Naturally, this does not mean that Alitalia will be pulling out of the Balkans, but their schedule will remain modest, as is the case now. Most routes they can't serve, they can just funnel through Belgrade as is the case now. Let me remind you that since Etihad got involved with Alitalia, their schedule to Belgrade was revised so as to fit into the two waves of departures/arrivals.
I would also like to point out that, for example, Alitalia's presence in Thessaloniki is not certain as several seasons ago the airline considered withdrawing from the market. The route was severely downsized and is currently operated by the rather small E-175.
Alitalia will keep on feeding its network with passengers from the Balkans but not to the extent some people have said here. After all, neither Air Berlin nor Niki have been expanding in this region so I do not see why should Alitalia. The two German airlines have far more reasons to do it given the healthy state of the German economy and a vast O&D market. Like I said it already, markets such as southern France, Spain, Portugal and northern Africa offer far more opportunities for them. The Balkans will remain important but not that important. After all, I am sure the last thing Etihad wants is to have its partners butcher each other over passengers. What could happen is that Alitalia further reinforces its Middle Eastern network which could come as a blow to Turkish Airlines.
By the way, let's also not forget that Alitalia will be another carrier in the Etihad global alliance. I guess that time will tell who was right. I am just basing my views on what I could have seen so far regarding the Air Serbia-Air Berlin relationship.
Agree with Nemjee on some points but not all, like blow to Turkish in the ME - that ship has sailed, Alitalia can perhaps put just a tiny dent into TK there but not more at this point.
DeleteDon't agree with Purgers's points 3 and 4. Point 4 - it's just business, no emotions. Point 3 - you probably mean intercontinental, not international, and there is no way Alitalia will rely on Balkans to feed intercontinental routes. Even with current "expansion", Alitalia has only 3 USA destinations year round: BOS, MIA and JFK. Most of the Balkans are not going to BOS or MIA, so JFK is the ONLY USA destination year round relevant to our region. Seriously, that will never work against EU big 3 (BA, LH, AF/KL) - just look at massive USA combined capacity they offer. Alitalia should be happy if they can stop the long haul bleeding at home in Milan, forget about massive expansion in the Balkans.
OT: Air Serbia now flying under its new ICAO code ASL. First flight with the new code was tonights to Larnaca
ReplyDeleteYou have that news here since this morning
ReplyDeleteZnači li to da je Jatovanje, Beogradovanje, Srbovanje ili nešto slično otkazivanje letova od strane SkySrpske, Kontiki Skya i Centavie?
DeleteHahaha exactly! Now we have a nev term - Croatovanje :)
DeleteSkySrpska и Kontiki никада нису продавали карте за своје летове тако да они нису меродавни у овом случају.
DeleteШто се тиче Центавије, они су саобраћали читаве летње сезоне али су на крају пропали јер нису добили права да успоставе летове ка Хрватској као и Црној Гори. Наравно, и српски протекционизам је један од разлога што су пропали.
Баш као и ове две компаније горе, Центавија никада није продавала карте унапред.
Purger - ovo je samo odgovor na na stalne provokacije suseda, tipa Jatovanje..itd.
DeleteCorrect expression is "Jatisanje"
DeleteAll of you people who still write about Dalmatian as a "virtual airline" : If only you knew how wrong you were!
ReplyDeleteI wrote here several times what would be happening with Dalmatian. So far, everything happened exactly that way I was saying it would happen. Ok, it took a little longer than expected, I must admit, but it happened.
And all of you are going to be very very surprised not only after the maiden flight, but even more with the fast development of the airline that follows...
All Croatian Airlines are a joke.
ReplyDeleteDo you mean it because they have never been less than 3, sometimes even 4 airlines in HR (unlike Serbia)? Or because the fleet of the biggest airline in HR is younger than one of the Air Serbia? Or because, speaking still of the "flagcarrier", in HR it didn't have to make corruptive top secret ownership contracts in order to survive? Or it is because, again unlike JU, OU is profitable? Or is it because of the regularity and quality of the services, which is higher in OU than JU, by all statistics and polls? Or is it because in HR there are regular, charter and LCC airlines, again unlike Serbia? Or is it because HR as a country and its airline companies, unlike Serbia, have FAA cat1 and can operate to the USA? Or is it something else that make them joke? Enlighten me, please!
DeleteHoney bunny you are forgetting a few things:
Delete- if we are going to look at it like that then Serbia has three airlines: Air Serbia, Aviogenex and Wizz Air. If we are going to count some random, small airlines as regular ones then be it.
- Of course your flag-carrier never made any top secret deal with anyone because no one was interested in your airline. Simple as that.
- OU had a small profit and they can ONLY be profitable if they can repeat it again- something I very much doubt. Especially with mounting competition and no state aid.
- Statistics and polls are highly debatable so I would avoid getting tangled in that web.
- Are you saying that Serbia doesn't have regular LCC carriers? Shall I remind you that Wizz Air has a base in Belgrade? In addition to that we have a plethora of other low cost airlines operating there since 2006. That's a very weak argument.
- CAT1 is a political tool, no wonder Croatia has it given your recent history. ;)
I hope you are enlightened enough by now.
What a/c will operate ?
ReplyDeleteAirbus family starting August.
DeleteIn July, probably smaller equipment, operated by another airline on their behalf
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ReplyDeleteam Sarah married at the age of 22yrs my husband and i was living happily, for over 5yrs i could not bear him a child i wonder what is happening. Because of the situation my husband attitude change he came home at night not eating my food anymore even to talk to me as his wife was another problem, some body advises him to get another wife so he did. When I was at my place of work felling lonely like the word has come to an end my Collins came to me and said what is boldery you and I told him every thing she said I should not worry same thing happen to her it was one dr that help her to recover everything she have lost. She gave his email address to contact him, when I contact him my husband came back to me a month after I missed my period when I went to hospital the doctor confirm it pregnant after nine month’s I gave birth to a basin baby boy. If you are passing such thing in your relationship like husband/ wife left you for another or some one else cast a spell on your boy/girl friend and you need the dr to cast the spell out. Contact the dr he is indeed a powerful spiritual contact him with these email address