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Etihad Regional's Saab 2000 now operating to Banja Luka |
Air Serbia has introduced Etihad Regional’s Saab 2000 aircraft and cabin crew on its route from Belgrade to Banja Luka. The all economy fifty-seat Saab 2000 aircraft will operate the service three times per week, each Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday. In a statement the airline says, “Air Serbia guests travelling on this route will experience an equally high standard of service from the Etihad Regional cabin crew, who will add a Swiss touch to the onboard experience”. The use of the Saab 2000 aircraft is a result of a commercial lease agreement, which has been officially approved by the regulatory authorities of both Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The CEO of Air Serbia, Dane Kondić says, “The introduction by Air Serbia of an Etihad Regional aircraft between Belgrade and Banja Luka enables us to use our fleet efficiently. For Air Serbia guests it means that across our network, we have the right aircraft on the right routes providing the best possible service”. The Swiss based airline, Darwin, has been operating under the name Etihad Regional since this January. It introduced flights from Geneva to Belgrade in May.
Air Serbia’s daily service to Banja Luka, launched in December last year, got off to a slow start. However, passenger numbers have picked up in recent months. Last week, Banja Luka Airport announced it was abolishing airport tax surcharges on the route, resulting in lower ticket prices. “This proposal is a result of joint efforts to create conditions for this service to remain sustainable. Banja Luka Airport has given its support to this proposal and has abolished airport taxes for all passengers flying on the route, and thus participated in reducing ticket prices”, the airport said in a statement. Fares from Belgrade to Banja Luka now start from 54 euros, inclusive of all fees and taxes. “Ticket prices for this route are just a little above bus tickets between the two cities”, the airport concludes. Air Serbia’s flights to Banja Luka, both those operated by its own equipment and staff and those operated with the Etihad Regional Saab 2000, are codeshared by Etihad Airways itself.
Prime example how two members of ETIHAD AVIATION GROUP using opportunity to extending way in business operation. This is great, and just beginning...Well done!
ReplyDeletegritting from Sydney. Rodney Son & Co.
I am really happy that an airline has finally managed to make Banja Luka work, especially with daily flights.
ReplyDeletePeople on this blog do not know what this means for the capital of Republika Srpska. We are finally connected with the world, we can finally travel easily and people can come and visit us without the trouble of travelling by road from neighbouring cities.
The switch from the Atr-72 to the SAAB should help as well, though from what I heard from a friend at the airport is that these days the flights have on average 45 passengers. I wish them all the best in the future!
I share your sentiment. I travelled to/from BNX a few times now (since the route was launched on 01/12/2013) and it has improved significantly. I loved my last flight from BNX where I was checked in for both flight, to BEG and LHR (priceless - those who have been travelling to BEG and ZAG by car and bus for years will understand the importance/significance of this).
DeleteSpeaking about the witch, what happened to BNX flight today???? It is not listed at all (not even as cancelled). Noticed that afternoon SJJ flight is operated with 737-300, so I assume it will be BEG-SJJ via BNX?!!!! (and someone forgot to put it)......
The problem why they couldn't reschedule it to an Atr is because one of them (I think YU-ALN) was hit by a catering truck four days ago. I think they are still fixing the dent on the fuselage. It's not bad but still, a dent is a dent.
DeleteBy the way, I was at the airport yesterday (BNX) and both ways there were more than 45 passengers.
Great news for Banja Luka.
DeleteBalkan needs more interconnections.
As I work for the EU, I know how hard the travel through the Balkan can be...
@June 24, 2014 at 11:36 AM
I really don´t want any political discussion, but the CAPITAL of Republika Srpska is officially Sarajevo (I don't speak your language, but the article 9 of the constitution says it: http://www.narodnaskupstinars.net/upload/documents/lat/ustav_republike_srpske.pdf).
Banja Luka is officially seat of the government, but not the capital.
Best regards,
Banja Luka is the capital of Republic of Srpska.
problem seems to be your reading comprehension.
DeleteAIR SERBIA bi trebalo u buducosti da uzme na lizing dva do tri turbopropa izmedju trideset i pedeset sedista. Na taj nacin bi se lakse, fleksibilnije letelo na destinacijama kao sto je Banja Luka. Svakako sa njima bi se mogao odvijati u budcnosti Intra traffic u Srbiji, Crnoj Gori, Bosni-Hercegovini, Mkedoniji, Albaniji. Sobzirom da je ER SRBIJA formirala svoju carter kompaniju AEROLET, tako vidim u izvesnoj buducnosti preobrazenje putnickog i kargo saobracaja u tom delu jugoistocne Evrope. Vreme sa strpljenjem pokazace ostvarenje rasta u svim segmentima vazdusnog transporta. Rod. Marinkovic AME. Aust.
DeleteThe last thing we need is Brussels technocrats teaching us what our capital is and where our allegiance should be. ;)
DeleteIt's a simple fact, the capital of Republika Srpska i Banja Luka.
Ja nisam iz Brisela, nego IZ BEOGRADA i Srbin sam.
DeletePrema Ustavu RS-a Sarajevo je glavni grad, a ne Banja Luka.
Procitajte to i na oficijalnoj strani RS-a i u clanku 9 Ustava RS-a.
Gde ste procitali da je Banja Luka glavni grad, pa da i ja procitam to?
Par cinjenica , nadam se da ce ti pomoci…
DeleteClan 9 Ustava je konstituisan u Ustavu Srepske Republike Bosne I Hercegovine (da, na pocetku kratko vrijeme RS se tako zvala) koji je donijet 1992 godine. U to vrijeme ideja je bila da ce glavni grad biti jedan paralelni grad koji ce biti sjediste Srba u BiH kao neka vrsta paralele muslimanskom Sarajevu. Zasto ovaj clan poslje nikad nije promjenjen je vjerovatno rezultat aljkavosti, duge procedure ili ko zna cega drugog. Na kraju krajeva nije ni bitno. Podsjetio bih te samo da Oxford definition of the term “Capital City” je: “The most important city or town of a country or region, usually its seat of government and administrative center.”. Ako uzmes ovo u obzir, a zaboravis na ono sto je napisano 1992 Banja Luka je sjediste vlade entiteta i njen administrativni centar. Sto je najvaznije Srbi iz RS a i sire ga kao takvog dozivljavaju i to je u sustini najbitnije. Ja znam da bi tvoji EU sefovi (a mozda i ti sam) voljeli da je drugacije ali nije I ako bog da nikada nece ni biti. Velika vecina Srba iz RS, BiH I sve vezano za nju dozivljava kao tudje, ali posto radis za EU mislim da to I sam znas bolje nego ja.
BTW, Stephan (ili je Stefan pa si ga malo prilagodio novonastalim prilikama) zar ti ne rece gore da nepricas nas jezik? Nemoj da se stidis, nije to nista strasno.
Rod, what happened to your famous signature? /// AME.?
ReplyDeletePostovani Anonimous at 8:37. Dobro ste primetili da ne dopisujem redovno mojem imenu -AME-. Smatram da osobe koje prate ovaj forum su navikle da sam ista osoba. Poslom kojim sam se bavio gotovo cetvrt veka osecao sam da mi daje za pravo da u dopisu mogu staviti i AME (Aircraft Mechanical Engineer). Ovde u Australiji to ne izaziva pitanje ko kako se potpisuje, sta dodaje. Ovde se obraca paznja o sadrzini pisanja u tekstu. U mojoj Otadzbini rodjenja nisam radio u avijaciji, (gde verujem da me nebi primili ni kanale da cistim pored Beogradskog aerodroma, po mojoj proceni...) ali daje mi nade da se radujem napretku Srbije u svakom pogledu. U pogledu napretka razvoja AIR SERBIA, ekstra i posebno, kao i razvoja aerodroma, civilne aviacije.
DeleteOd pre cetiri godine od kada sam u penziji pola vremena provodim ovde u mojoj vazduhoplovnoj Domovini Australiji. Drugi deo sam u Otadzbini Srbuji, u koju ce mi, ako mi GOSPOD podari 69 let, odavde iz zemle ispod juznog Krsta, tokom Septembra. Ostajte mi u miru sa pozdravom od osobe koja stalno legalno pise Rodney Marinkovic, bez anonimnosti sa ili bez AME... Rod. Sydney /// Kraljevo.
samo neka nelete vise sa YO-AOU ono je uzas od aviona za sedenje! Zalepljena sedista, to ni u aziji nije tako strasno!
ReplyDeleteOT: BoraJet's flight for Antalya is cancelled
ReplyDeleteEto razgovarali smo koliko logike ima linija ZAG-BEG?
ReplyDeleteMoram sutra u Beograd (tamo me ceka vozac i auto za dalje), radi pripreme turneje mog tima. Cure dolaze nekih 5-6 sati kasnije, pa se nakon tri dana vracam sa njima. Do sada sam za Ssrbiju uvijek isao autom ili busom sa timom, ali obzirom da se bus vraca istovremeno ne da mi se raditi 1.200 km bezveze.
I sad pocinju problemi:
- za BEG nema avionskih linija
* kako je moguce da nitko ne vidi mogucnost ovih letova i koliko su oni potrebni. CTN (to je rotacija od samo 2,5 sati sa Q400 uz mogucnost izvanrednih konkecija prema Puli, Zadru, Splitu i Dubrovniku), Trade air (ciji avion stoji nezaposlen u ZAG cijelih 7 sati svaki dan), Air Serbija (koja otvara linije za svaku selendru sa vrlo losim LF...)
- vozi JEDAN JEDINI VLAK i to u 11:15 koji stize u Beograd u 17:32. Puno prekasno. Ja moram biti u Beogradu najkasnije do 14:00 sati
* kako je moguce da kreteni u Hrvatskim zeljeznicama ne vide da putnici nece putovati ako postoji jedan vlak koji stize kasno popodne, tj. da uz njega mora postojati bar nocni vlak koji vas dovozi u Beograd u 06:00 ujutro i isto takav nazad za Zagreb pa bi bilo putnika (jos da su spavaca kola) - ovako je izgovor "nama putnika", pa ni nece ih biti kad imaju ovako kretenski red voznje
* za Vinkovce ide 12 vlakova dnevno. Zasto, do vraga, bar jedan od njih (ili vecina) ne produzi do Sida (to je samo 20 minuta), pa da se tamo presjeda na liniju za Beograd (em bi bilo lokalnih putnika, em bi postojala mogucnost većeg broja konekcija za Beograd
* zar je stvarno atomska fizika shvatiti da ce putnik putovati vlakom ako ima udoban prijevoz (ne zelim putovati busom gdje ce neki cobankovic pored mene zaudarati i pritiskati me prema prozoru, a u Nis expressu ce 6 sati drndati cajke, nego sam kupio 1. klasu gdje ocekujem stanovitu udobnost i privatnost) i ako ce imati dovoljno konekcija (bar 3 puta dnevno Zagreb-Beograd + konekcije za Split, Rijeku, Varazdin/Cakovec, Sisak i Ljubljanu iz Zagreba, za Osijek iz Vinkovaca, te za Nis, Leskovac, Kragujevac, Pančevo, Cacak, Smederevo, Zrenjanin, Skopje i Sofiju iz Beograda, te Novi Sad i Suboticu iz Stare Pazove)
- na kraju sam odlucio putovati jutarnji vlakom (u 6:24) za Vinkovce a tamo ce me cekati srpski auto sa vozacem. PRESTRASNO!!!
Opcije je bila putovati preko SJJ (CTN tamo u 23:45, Air Serbija ujutro u 6:00, znaci nociti na sjedalima u SJJ i sve to za nekih 170 EUR), ili preko IST (Turkish tamo u 23:15, i za BEG u 08:45, sto znaci nekih 9 i pol sati u IST na stolicama za 200 EUR ili pokusati naci neki hotel uz aerodrom).
Pa zar stvarno 2014. za Beograd moramo putovati svojim autom, neudobnim autobusima ili do Vinkovaca vlakom pa dalje kako se tko snadje, ili preko SJJ, IST ili VIE?
I da ni Croatia, ni Trade Air, ni Air Serbia ne vide potencijala uz ovako katastrofalne Hrvatske i Srpske zeljeznice? Čestitam!
Zasto ne bi isao minibusom? Tako sam ja pre mesec dana bio u Zagrebu. Brzo stigne, na granici ga ne pregledaju uopste, samo gledaju da li su pasosi validni. Gea turs se zove prevoznik. Minibus ide od vrata do vrata. Biras vreme kada ides... Mislim cisto da znas za u buduce... Nekad ume da te smori vozac ako sednes napred a on bude pricljiv, ali to je ok, 4.5 sata je efektivno putovanje... Eto cisto da znas...
DeleteJesi čuo možda za Gea tours? Vozač te pokupi na adresi u Zg i odvede na bilo koju adresu u Bg? Je li ti možda palo napamet da odeš u Lju pa na avion za Bg? Obje kombinacije su sto puta bolje od ovog što si naveo gore... ali očito si želiš zakomplicirat put.
DeletePurger, ovo je forum o avijaciji a ne o tome kako ti ne možeš da stigneš do Beograda i kako će tebe tamo sačekati "vozač"...
Delete90% tvog posta nema veze sa avijacijom
I agree. Zagreb and Belgrade are both major European capitols with strong ties (language and interconnected histories). It should not be this difficult to travel such a short distance.
DeleteIn my opinion, Air Serbia is the most likely to add those flights. I doubt Trade Air could be successful if they only can rely on P2P passengers, and Croatia Airlines also cannot rely on many transit passengers since most CTN destinations are also served well by ASL.
Air Serbia's ATR 72s would be the best plane for the route (better CASM than Q400 on short sectors). Too bad ASL is a little too overstretched right now. I think they tried to grow too fast, and they might be having a hard time covering all their regional routes with only five ATRs.
Air Serbia should lease more ATR 72-500s at the start of next summer season and make ZAG, DBV, SPU, and PUY daily destinations.
Ne, moj primjer upravo pokazuje glupost ne samo željezničkog prometa, nego još više 3 kompanije koje bi mogle letejeti na ovoj liniji, i ozbiljno zaraditi upravo zato što je veza sa alternativnim prijevozima katastrofalna. I to je poanta ovog komentara. Ustanoviti ovako što i biti intertan jest glupost. A očekivati da će putnik putovati preko IST, SJJ ili preskupog VIE je još veča glupost. Dakle intercija samo pokazuje kakvi diletanti i dibidusi sjede u vrhu naših zračnih kompanija.
DeleteTko bi i kako mogao otvoriti ovu liniju:
Air Serbia sa konekcijama na svoje letove poglavito prema Thesaloniki, Atheni, Podgorici, Tivtu, Sofiji, Bucharestu, Varni, Beirutu, Abu Dhabiu, Varšavi, Pragu, tj. svim onim rutama gdje je Croatia kratka.
Croatia Airlines sa konkecijama prema Zadru (ovdje ne leti JU), Puli (dosta skroman broj letova JU), Dubrovniku (kao ne baš sretna konkurencija gotovo svakodnevnim letovima JU, ali pokoji putnik kojem JU vrijeme leta ne bi odgovarao mogao bi se zalomiti), Splitu (poglavito u dane kada ne leti JU, ali i kao vrlo dobrodošla nadopuna direktnih letova SPU-BEG koji bi se ovako mogli povečati na svakodnevnu moguću konekciju).
Trade air samo radi P2P putnika, konačno njihov avion ima samo 30 mjesta i break-evan od nekih 15-tak putnika
- Aali zašto ne ponuditi da Trade Air leti za Air Serbiu na toj liniji ili u code-share. Bila bi to win-win kombinacija za obije firme. Air Serbia bi dobila svakodnevnu frekvenciju prema BEG sa malim avionom i malim rizikom (u tom slučaju i dvije frekvencije dnevno ne bi bile riskantne), Trade Air bi dobio sigurnu liniju umjesto aviona koji nezaposleno čuči na Zagrebu svaki dan čak 7 sati (ako Air Serbija kupi 15 sjedala na letu što čini Trade Airu break-even onda nemaju rizika), a P2P putnici koji kupe kartu direktno bili bi čisti profit.
Purger, use Gea Tours as somebody earlier suggested: http://www.geatours.rs/zagreb.htm
DeleteAs it says it's only 25 EUR one way, I used to use it once a month - travel can take up to 6 hours because of collection and then distribution of passengers on exact addresses in both cities, it's a mini van and for exact time you have to call them one/two days in advance and ask for the time that best suits you and they will do their best to match passengers of similar timing preferences.
Concerning direct BEG-ZAG airlink - that would be great for passengers but presume that move would introduce considerable competition for both carriers due to transit options and ultimately lower prices of both carriers on money making destinations such as Paris, London, etc.
If I was some kind of independent market regulator I would FORCE both airlines to introduce convenient bi-daily codeshared flights between BEG and ZAG for the benefit of customers...
I would suggest, next summer, Air Serbia to make Nis, Kraljevo, Vranje, Kragujevac daily destinations.
Deletene seri
DeleteConsidering that Air Serbia has made it clear that they don't think that BEG-INI flights are viable, I think that all other domestic flights are completely out of the question.
DeletePurger, how much are bus or train tickets between Zagreb and Belgrade? If Belgrade and Zagreb Airport give some discounts for passenger fees, and if the Trade Air Embraer can have 90% utilization, I think that flying from Zagreb to Belgrade might not cost much more than bus or train, and it certainly would be faster, more comfortable, and more enjoyable.
Ne zeleci da budem maliciozan, pitam da li je jedan od razloga nepostojanja direktnog leta taj sto mozda (nisam proveravao) znacajan broj ljudi koristi LH i OS, za one destinacije kojih nema direktno iz Zagreba. I da se ne bi Star alijansa pobunila, tog leta nema, pogotovo ako ga obavlja JU. Npr, ako neki Zagrepcanin zeli da putuje u Bukurest, nece koristiti svakako FRA i MUC vec Beograd, sto je brze i jeftinije i logicnije... Dakle samo pitam, Purger je poznat bio po tome sto je govorio kako Star previse gusi razvoj OU.
DeleteDa ne ispadnem tipican srpski teoreticar zavere, zaista je glupo to sto se desava, da tri kompanije ne povezuju dve PRESTONICE. Ako su jedni nesposobni, nisu valjda sve tri.
Gea tours is too unreliable.
DeleteI know lots of people love them, but I've only had bad experiences with them. I've used them three times, once to Budapest, once to Timisoara and once to Zagreb. You can rely on them to get you there, just not exactly when. Plus, they seem to have issues at the Croatian border a lot of the time.
2 years ago, there used to be 4 trains/day between Zagreb and Belgrade, one of them at night. I agree with Purger. It's too bad they have only this one now, which is actually the train between Zurich and Belgrade.
It was not about price. It was about I did not want to use bus because of fellow passengers who can be very unpleasant (for 6 hours) and that is something business class passengers want to avoid so they use train 1st class or plane.
DeletePrice for train 2nd class return ticket is 43 EUR
Price for train 1st class return ticket is 67 EUR
Price for bus return ticket is 50 EUR
So price of 100 EUR for 2x1 hour flight is more than OK, and for sure there would be passengers who will use that route instead of car, bus or train.
Purger, i don't know your age but i still remember "Modri vlak" from Beograd to Zagreb...i really enjoyed traveling with this train, i think it was traveling 4,30 hours from Beograd to Zagreb without any stop, later it was only one stop at Slavonski brod. I feel some kind of nostalgia..
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteI am 44 so I do remember and I travel Beograd-Zagreb so many times.
DeleteDusane nazad u skolu
DeleteJa jesam u skoli, instruktor sam u Turskoj, ucim djake da lete na Boeingu, honorarno naravno, Ja volim skolu a ne kao neki ovde.
DeleteDusane na kojem Boeingu ste instruktor :)
DeleteSerbia rightly views Budapest->Belgrade rail upgrade as more important. I believe the Chinese are building it.
733, 734, 735,
DeleteHvala na odg Dusane :)
Nema na cemu, uvek cu odgovoriti na sva pitanja dok sam jos na odmoru
DeletePurger, why don't you fly from Banja Luka? Wasn;t you saying that BNX is in Zagreb's catchement area, so i guess it's true for vice-versa as well? All the best!
DeleteThey could maybe have a thrice weekly to ZAG using F7's Saab on the same days they use it for BNX flights. I believe its layover in BEG on those days is 6, 7 hours long.
DeleteBecause in time I reach BNX + 60 minutes before flight + 30 minutes in case of road trouble I am on half way to Belgrade. And then what about car in BNX? I have to go back with bus and my team (if not I would use car like always).
DeleteThere's no parking at BNX?
DeleteYou're not halfway to Belgrade in an hour.
60 min driving
Delete+60 min for check in
+ 30 min in case of road trouble
That is more than half way
So in reality, they reduced the number of seats to Banja Luka from 66 to 50. This does not reflect success.
ReplyDeleteNo, in reality them have introduced 116 seats, 66 for puy and 50 for bnx
DeleteThe sheer fact that they can fill a 50 seat aircraft to Banja Luka is a success. Plus, the SAAB operates this route three times per week, not daily.
DeletePa na ovim istim stranicama je nedavnp detaljno objasnjeno da samo idijoti trebaju let beg-zag. I sad opet istp pitanje????
ReplyDeleteTreba ukinuti pariz- berlin ili recimo kopenhagen-oslo jer ako nama ne treba zasto njima treba?
Meni je to sumnjivo a vi kako hocete.
5 buses/day
Delete1 train
1 minibus
I'm sure, for the right price, they could get decent loads on an ATR. If Croatia Airlines did it, they could probably take some transfer passengers to/from western europe.
Ispravka, Gea ima minimum tri polaska. Nekad i sedam, na primer vikendom, pogotovo nedeljom. Postoji jos jedan prevoznik koji vozi do Zagreba, u pitanju je Terra travel www.terratravel.rs .
DeleteOni su malo skuplji od Gee. Plus naravno gomila ljudi koja ide automobilom...
Eh, da nas neko iz Kroacije ili Er Srbije cuje...
Does anyone know why the Airbuses are causing so many issues for JU? 3 out of 5 times that I have flown on them, there has been some sort of technical problem! Is it just that I am unlucky or are they really causing alot of problems for JU?
ReplyDeleteThe engines (IAE V2527-A59) are the problem I think. :)
What you just wrote about IAE engines is not worth any further comment. Reliability of these engines is rather great and relating Air Serbia dispatch reliability with engine type is rather ... crap. JU Airbus fleet suffers from age, electronic failures and SOP not up to today standards.
DeleteAs far as I know, the JU Airbus fleet is between 6 and 8 years old and there are only 2 a/c which are 14 years old so how is age a factor in their poor dispatch reliability given that they are not really that old?
DeletePitajte svakog Aviomehanicara za IAE V2527-A59 motore i rece vam da su slabi naspram CFMI CFM56-5B3/3 koje skoro sve Kompanije u Evropi koriste i lakse se kvare IAE :).
DeleteOni imaju manju potisnu snagu ali i manje trose goriva, to ne znaci da se lakse kvare, sta to znaci lakse se pokvariti, nisu avionski motori banane da se pokvare duzim stajanjem, svi motori se kvare.
DeleteNigde nisam spominjao Banane i da se kvare ako duze stoje.
DeleteZnam valjda sta su mi Inzinjeri Tyroleana pricali za IAE V2527-A59 Motore.
INN :)
IAE motori su standarni na pola proizvedenih Airbuseva u svetu. Za banane sam se salio ali ne moze se reci da se neki avio motori lakse kvare jer to nije istina. Svaki avionski motor koji se odrzava po propisima i svim procedurama moze da se pokvari.Isto je kao sa automobilskim motorima,ne moze da se kaze da se Hondini motori lakse kvare od Micubusijevih i obrnuto.
DeleteIAE V2522-A5.....ovo su motori na svim Airbusevima koje ima AirSerbia.....znaci, pogresio si broj prijatelju
DeleteJa sam uzeo za primer YU-APH.
DeleteEvo dokaz: http://www.airfleets.net/ficheapp/plane-a320-2645.htm
U pravu si ali to su samo dva A320 u floti, svi A319 imaju IAE V2522-A5....osnovni razlog zasto su nabavljeni avioni sa IAE motorima jer svi Etihadovi avioni imaju iste motore radi lakseg odrzavanja.
DeleteEtihadovi Airbusevi, ne svi avioni, naravno, omaska.
DeleteDrobro sto nemaju svi EY.
DeleteI zbog odrzavanja je jeftinije naravno ali CFMI CFM56-5B3/3 733 su zakon eto vidi se B733 JATOVI nekvare sa CFM motorima :))
IAE motori su namenski proizvedeni za Airbus, jos ga jedino koristi MD-90 i MD-95. Ja ih inace nikad u zivotu nisam upalio....:)
DeleteDusane jeste li nekad Pilotirali neki Sirokotrupni Avion u Jatu.npr B707-DC10.9
For CFM fans: A320neos ordered for Air Serbia will have CFM engines.
DeleteJesam B707 cargo ali to nije siroktrupni avion. DC10 je prvi sirokotrupni avion u floti JAT-a
DeleteDusane blago vama ceo Svet ste obisli :)
DeleteKad zavrsim Skolu ici cu da radim ATPL posto sam proso Doktorski. Nadam se da cu leteti 1 od njih B777.B747-8,787 ili A320neo,A340-600;a350-900 ili 380 :)
Da, sa 707 sam preleteo celu Afriku bez podrske kontolora letenja sa punim avionom oruzija koje je Jugoslavija prodavala na sve strane.Leteo sam i za Honduras i ko zna vec gde.Sad je lako, upalis kompjuter i na 400 fita od zemlje stisnes autopilot i spavas do sletanja. Sada piloti moraju da paze jedino da ne udare u finger na aerodromu.....:)
DeleteOdluka za proizvođača A320neo motora za Er Srbiju nije konačna, CFM ili PW. PW će prvi poleteti i deluje impresivno ali treba da se dokaže geared fan.
DeleteOT: YU-APG is at BEG. When is it going to enter revenue service?
ReplyDeleteAs soon as CAA of Serbia approves it, and other CAAs verifies it. Unfortunately but it is true and they works only office hours, not 24/7
DeleteWhy is tonight's JU flight to Abu Dhabi operated by a EY plane and crew? Some additional JU Airbuses missing in action?
ReplyDeleteAlso, there was a terrible delay this morning of JU flight to ZRH: 5-hour delay.
The JU evening flight was performed by Etihad A6EIE
DeleteRegarding the flight to Zurich, it was supposed to be operated by the flight that arrived from Beirut but on arrival the pilots reported a problem with some pump located right next to the wing. It took them three hours to repair it as they had to change it in the end. It was YU-APF.
DeleteAs for the Abu Dhabi flight, A6-SAB had a technical problem so Etihad had to send one f its own... which makes sense since they couldn't freaking fix the JU bird. The flight arrived at around 19.20 with 107 passengers.
Well, at the end, the flight was operated by the plane that came from Rome. Don't know what happened to the original aircraft. Then, there was a problem with the crew who didn't show up... all in all, the flight landed in Zurich with a 5 hour delay.
DeleteWhy are all these 'new' JU planes falling apart? I understand for it to happen once, twice... but this is a multiple times per day occurrence.
DeleteIt's not a multiple time per day occurrence, it happens maybe once every 10 days that an aircraft breaks down so that it can't fly.
DeleteAir Serbia introduces Saab 2000 on the BEGBNX route. What's the point?