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Low cost airline launching Zagreb flights on June 30 |
Following years of planning, low cost Croatian start-up, Dalmatian, is set to launch operations on June 30 with its inaugural flight to Stuttgart. The new Croatian carrier, which will base its aircraft in Zagreb, will operate services to an ambitious eleven destinations, most of which are currently unserved by other airlines. Dalmatian will progressively introduce flights from Zagreb to Hamburg, Rome, Milan, Prague, Warsaw, Sofia, Stuttgart, Geneva, Dusseldorf, Zurich and Larnaca. Tickets for these routes are already on sale via the airline’s website. Flights are also planned to Vienna, however, these are yet to be scheduled. The airline is expected to run its operations with Airbus A320 aircraft.
According to its current schedule, on June 30 Dalmatian will launch flights to Stuttgart, Rome, Hamburg and Zurich. They will be followed by Dusseldorf, Geneva, Sofia, Milan, Prague and Warsaw on July 1. Furthermore, the low cost airline will operate seasonal flights to Larnaca in Cyprus, once per week, starting July 26 until October 1. Dalmatian’s most frequented route will be Rome with six weekly departures. A morning and evening flight will operate each Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. It is followed by Prague with five weekly rotations, Hamburg, Stuttgart and Zurich with four, while the remaining destinations will operate three times per week, with exception to Warsaw, which will see two weekly services. Dalmatian will largely operate to markets which are unserved from the Croatian capital with it facing direct competition only on its Zurich, Hamburg and Stuttgart service. Over the course of this week, flight details for each new route will appear on the right hand side in the new route launches section.
According to the low cost airline, “Dalmatian is a new breed of hybrid low cost/low fare airline concept founded to pursue the growth opportunities in emerging markets of short and long distance air travel”. On board its aircraft, Dalmatian will offer leather seats with 30 to 32 inch legroom, depending on seating row, meals for purchase and free carryon luggage not exceeding ten kilograms as well as twenty kilos of checked luggage. Dalmatian becomes the second new Croatian based airline to launch flights this summer following Air Croatia which takes to the skies on June 28, operating services from Zagreb and the Croatian coast to Stockholm and Gothenburg.
Launching both ZRH and GVA, awesome! BEG has been connected to CH much better than ZAG, but hopefully this will start the "catch up" trend.
ReplyDeleteCheers from Lac Leman!
I mapped out Dalmatian's routes on Great Circle Mapper. It seems like all of their destinations besides Larnaca are in the best range for the Q400. I think that plane would actually fit Dalmatian pretty well.
It is not an airline, just a touroperator.
ReplyDeleteIt is an airline with its own ICAO code - DLN
Delete@admin blog
DeleteSorry m8, but can we stop this Dalmatian nonsense, please, No Croatian here believes for one second that Dalmatian is an airline or that its about to start operating out of Zagreb.
I am offended when i need to defend Croatia and Zagreb in front of stupid nationalist trolls who use such bombastic headlines without any substance or evidence who use these sorts of stories to attack Croatia, Zagreb and anything Croatian.
Until first airplane lands at Zagreb and they actually have flights out Zagreb can you please stop writing about Dalmatian, for its a figment, not a real thing, and unless you can prove the other please do not post such stories, there are few nationalist trolls here who love to use these sorts of stories to undermine Croatia and Zagreb.
SPU ...
Deletebravo @3:55 PM
@ moderator : stvarno vam se cudim da ste popili ove gluposti , bolje i preskociti dan nego davati prostor ovim polu vijestima koje nemaju nikakve realne sanse da dese. Jasno vas blog ali po meni nepridonosite kvaliteti.
I agree SPU!
DeleteBogami, lep izbor linija... Pritom su izbegli takmicenje sa mnogim jakim kompanijama, izabravsi da lete iz Zagreba... Zagreb ima manji turisticki potencijal od obale, ali svejedno, izdrzace do oktobra vecinu linija...
STR i HAM direktna konkurencija prejakom Germanwingsu
DeleteZRH direktna konkurencija Croatiji koja ima čak 14 tjednih letova
FCO direktna konkurencija Croatiji, Vuelingu i uskoro Alitaliji - protiv pameti
DUS - Croatia i Lufthansa lete u krugu od 2 sata autom, Germanwings 1/2 sata autom
Čudan i neprofitabilan red letenja iz kojeg je vidljivo
ReplyDelete1. -2-4-6- u ZAG između PRG i GVA stoji svega 25 minuta - VJEROVATNO JE GREŠKA JER KASNIJE (do DUS) IMA ČAK 55 MINUTA STANKE
2. 1.avion nema što raditi do 10.15 i od 18.00 u čak 4 dana (1-3-5-7)
3. -2-4--- u ZAG između SOF i WAW samo 5 minuta!!! - VJEROVATNO JE I OVO GREŠKA, pa taj let i onaj kasnije za PRG kreću pola sata kasnije
4. 1-3-5-7 2. avion PRIJE 9.50 između 13.40 i 16.40 nema što raditi, te nakon 19.20 nema što raditi
5. Dakle u dane -2-4-6- imamo po 4 rotacije sa svakim avionom što je OK, ali u dane 1-3-5-7 imamo samo dvije rotacije, i to razbacane kroz dan (na 2. avionu moguće je uvesti smo 3. rotaciju, ili mijenjati red letenja za 4. rotaciju, tj. pomicati FCO ranije) - NEISPLATIVO!
1. avion
ZAG 0725 - 0835 PRG 0905 - 1015 ZAG
ZAG 1040 - 1220 GVA 1250 - 1425 ZAG
ZAG 1520 - 1715 DUS 1745 - 1920 ZAG
ZAG 1950 - 2115 MXP 2205 - 2330 ZAG
ZAG 1015 - 1135 STR 1205 - 1320 ZAG
ZAG 1350 - 1545 HAM 1615 - 1800 ZAG
2. avion
ZAG 0720 - 0845 MXP 0935 - 1100 ZAG
ZAG 1130 - 1355 SOF 1425 - 1450 ZAG
ZAG 1455 - 1635 WAW 1705 - 1840 ZAG
ZAG 1910 - 2020 PRG 2050 - 2200 ZAG
ZAG 1455 - 1855 LCA 1925 - 2115 ZAG
ZAG 0950 - 1115 FCO 1215 - 1340 ZAG
ZAG 1640 - 1755 ZRH 1825 - 1920 ZAG
1. Pokretanje letova 19 dana nakon početka prodaje - NEMA ŠANSE DA BUDE ISPLATIVO, ljudi su već pokupovali karta
3. Dvije ozbiljne greške u redu letenja koje će rezultirati pomicanjem čak 6 letova - DODATNI TROŠKOVI ZBOG BANALNIH POGREŠAKA
4. Neiskorištenost oba aviona u čak 4 dana od čak 50% - PA ČAK I DA SE KASNIJE UVEDU JOŠ ČETIRI DNEVNA LETA NA PRAZNA MJESTA JOŠ UVIJEK ĆE STAJANJE AVIONA DONOSITI GUBITAK NEKO VRIJEME (osim ako ne postoje neki ugovoreni charteri, no to bi Jan već znao da je tako)
5. Apsolutno se slažem da je dobro imati prve letove nakon 7.00 sati umjesto ranojutarnjih 6.00 (svi mrze dizanje u cik zore), no ipak krenuti sa letovima oko 7.25 da bi se završilo u 23.30 nema logike. Daleko bolja opcija bilo bi kretati sa letovima u 7.00 i završiti u 23.00 - LJUDI U 23.30 NEMAJU VIŠE VEZE OD ZAGREBA (javni gradski prijevoz, linije za okolne gradove) što nije dobro, tj. moraju ili koristiti taksi ili vlastite automobile
6. Letovi za 60, 70 i 90 EUR za povratne karte, sa lošim LF radi tek 19 dana do početka letova - VELIKI GUBICI U PRVIH DVA MJESECA TOP SEZONE!!!! tko to financijski može izdržati
7. HAM je izbacio dalmatian iz reda letenja - ŠTO STVARA LOŠ IMAGE, A TO JE LOŠE ZA POTENCIJALNU PRODAJU
8. Još uvijek neke stranice na web page ne rade (nedaju se otvoriti)
Dakle ovo je bitno bolje nego biseri o 6 tipova zrakoplova i interkontinentalni LCC letovi do Australije, no još uvijek MNOGO DILETANTIZMA! A učenje u hodu u zračnom prometu danas nije opcija jer vodi u siguran i brz bankrot. Kako je rekao Sir Richard Branson, razlika u samo 2% LF danas vas u zračnom prometu može pretvoriti iz ogromnog gubitka i bankrota u multimilionera.
Malo mi je neobicno da neko startuje sa dva puta dnevno, tri dana u sedmici umjesto jednom dnevno 6 dana u sedmici (Rome). Nisam jos cuo da iko ovo radi iako to nista ne znaci samo po sebi.
Deletei smell kontiki blamaza here.
Deletegood luck however!
I could also imagine that this could be a huge fraud. This would not be the first time that something went online, somebody collected huge amounts of money and then went bust, with the "owners" just disappeared. I would definitely not book this "airline"!
DeleteSPU ...
Deletekad je covijek glup onda nek kupi kartu a ovaj ko ga opljacka nek uziva na karibima heheheheh
Air Serbia flight from Skopje to Belgrade had a minor fire on one of the engines right before taking off. Of course, flight was cancelled. I guess it is the Airbus, but information is very limited.
ReplyDeleteWe can read here that Air Serbia has 14 jets, and so many spare planes. So why they did not use one of parked 737-300 to jump in. With cancelation they have to pay 200 EUR compensation per passenger, food, drink, hotel in BEG and also in SKP. With LF of some 70% (if that is true what we can read here) that is 176 passengers and at least 50.000 EUR financial loss.
Deleteit was one of their ATRs
DeleteFirst hand report of Air Serbia representative's response to complaints at the airport :
Delete"The engine caught fire, so what?! Your stove can catch fire at home just as easily and you won't make a big fuss out of it!"
Nisam znao da JU ima A321 u Floti posto 70% od A319 / A320 sigurno nije 176 Putnika.
DeleteA319 - 128 Putnika
A320 - 155 Putnika.
we can assume that their LF was below 70% otherwise thy wouldnt be able to squeeze all the morning passengers into their afternoon flight ; )
DeletePametnjakovicu to je broj putnika u oba smera.
DeleteAir Serbia cancelled their BEG-SKP today as well for a technical problem of an Airbus.
DeleteSo 2 cancelation for 1 day??? They are total idiots. To leave passengers for 2 days in Skopje?!?!?!?!
DeleteHey idiot, passengers were re-routed while those who were supposed to fly on the A319 (YU-APF) yesterday were re-scheduled on the night flight, hence why the A320 flew in the evening.
DeleteYU-APF had a hydraulic problem which was fixed about an hour after the scheduled departure. The aircraft flew to Brussels in the afternoon.
Makedonskite mediumi za i okolu incidentot koj se sluci na zavccerasniot noken let na Air Serbia....
Anyone know what aircraft they will use?
ReplyDeleteIt says in the article - A320
DeleteNe ne ATR-72
He was asking about Dalmatian
Delete:)) sorry ....
DeleteThis for sure is not good news for Croatia Airlines. Is their Ceo still the incompetent Mr.Kucko if so, no words needed.
ReplyDeleteNice news for Zagreb and Croatia - however, I would agree with Purger that all this pompousness by FlyDalmatian is certainly not good. They first need to get their *hit together.
ReplyDeleteIt always amazes me how companies (have frequently witnessed that in Croatia) think of all the details when starting the new business, but always drop the most important things: distribution channels (sales) and marketing !
Air Croatia has suspended their Stockholm and Gothenberg flights, because dump *ssholes failed to secure the proper sales distribution.
Having your own site up and running is certainly not enough ! (Dalmatian is btw full of faults as Purger has stated...).
Brand recognition, PR, opening campaign OR just getting a strong partner/agency push your sales...whichever and in whatever combination that works for your business. But to do NOTHING out of what I have just listed is a pure suicide !
Dumb, dumb, dumb....
Couldn't agree with you more, same is truth too often in Serbia and Bosnia too. After living in NA for almost 20 years all I can say is that people in Balkan are not good sales people. Every time I go back home I burst with ideas on how you could do things differently and people generaly laugh at me.
Deletedo they even have their own aircraft or will they lease from someone?
ReplyDeletethey leased sth like this
OT Regarding AirSerbia's Skopje incident, a FB comment from passenger on-board the ATR: "...Despite the electricity problems noted by the technicians, the pilots decided they can fly the plane. Once they started the left engine the passengers noticed a smell inside... we have reacted about this but the flight attendants ignored us. When they turned on the right engine, we saw smoke coming out of it and then flames... it was on fire..."
ReplyDeleteThey are really experts how to piss off a pasangers...I flew twice with them..first time redirected and second time almost lost my connecting flight. ..no info, no sorry. .nothing. As far every thing is ok theyact sweet and professional but when problem occurs than no one knows nothing.and desperates
DeleteBtw....They even lost my suitcase. .this is not such a big problem...I got it back after two days
DeleteOT: Does anybody know why Swiss flights 1416/7 ZRH/BEG/ZRH are delayed every single day in/out? Very bad for their reputation. Also ground time for an A320 of 40 mins is not sufficient! Don't they have a proper station management? Any insider information!
ReplyDeleteI flew in on LX 1416 last Sunday and it was on time.
DeleteJU 370 ZURICH 07:20 (11.06.) 07:20 (11.06.) A9 Boeing 737-300 Airborne at 07:36
DeleteLX 1413 ZURICH 09:40 (11.06.) 09:40 (11.06.) A3 Airbus A320 Airborne at 10:10
LX 1417 ZURICH 14:40 (11.06.) 15:20 (11.06.) C1 Airbus A320 Airborne at 15:30
JU 374 ZURICH 18:30 (11.06.) 18:50 (11.06.) C1 Airbus A319 Airborne at 19:02
JU 370 ZURICH 07:20 07:50 A2 Airbus A320 Airborne at 08:01
LX 1417 ZURICH 14:40 14:40 A1 Airbus A320 Airborne at 15:17
JU 374 ZURICH 18:30 19:30 A8 Boeing 737-300 New information at 19:30
LX 1419 ZURICH 20:00 20:00 A1 Fokker 100 Gate open
ZRH flights LX leaving at peak times. 0715, 1220h and evening 1740h.
DeleteZRH airport quite restricted with movements due to politicsl reasons with german airspace. Also Rwy 28 and 16 dep are crossways. 1220h dep affected by crossways due to long hauls dep 16 and shortway flts dep on 28
I am also not sure if they will ever make a single flight, seems like noone knows that new (virtual?) airline (anywhere) - having said that they want to make the first commercial dep in just 18 days... I believe they will have no more than 20 pax on their a/c -> a LF of like 12% if they continue w/o practically any kind of marketing.
ReplyDeleteParticularely interesting is bid for VIE-ZAG service. Completely unserved routes such as VIE to OMO, BNX, INI, TZL and TIV would make much more sense and would have amazing chance to be profitable (seems like whole BiH and RS living in VIE) w ATR or Dash whole year round as well as overpriced VIE-SPU and DBV links with monopoly in LH-hands (OS and OU) charging for a flight of effectively 1h betw. 350-600 round trip most of the time!
Have you considered possibility that this (virtual?) airline lease some smaller capacity plane for, let's say first month of operations, and than switch to 320? If they don't intend to make a single flight ever (anywhere) why they have open job positions for pilots, cabin crew, mechanics, ground operations, marketing, IT sector?
DeleteTreba menjati te stare krseve ATR 72-200 i ATR 72-500.
ReplyDeleteUopste u celoj EU kad se vidi kod koliko aviokompanija leti sa krsevima :)
smart guy
DeleteOT: E komsije Hrvati jesu vas pokrali za onaj penal!
ReplyDeleteKomsije su pokrali zato sto je Brazil sila u Fudbalu da nebi ispalo odma na pocetku remi :)
Deleteili ne daj bože izgubi od neke Hrvatske (u njihovim očima, naravno)
DeleteSudija je Japanac i sve je dobro video moze Rvatski izbornik samo da place.
DeleteJU i OS raskinuli Codeshare.
ReplyDeleteSad ce HG da stavi svoj kod na letove JU izmedju VIE-BEG.
Lesjak: HG radi tehniku za JU.Mrzime da prevodim ceo tekst sad :)
What is going on with Air Serbia today? Huge delays:
ReplyDeleteCancel morning flight to Skopje
Cancel afternoon flight to Skopje
Cancel Banja Luka
3:25 Beirut
3:05 Tivat
2:30+ Stockholm and don't have idea when it will land
2:30+ Vienna and don't have idea when it will land
2:30 Warshaw
2:15 Zurich and don't have idea when it will land
2:05 Abu Dhabi
1:50 Sarajevo
1:50 Thessaloniki
1:35 Dubrovnik
1:20+ Paris and don't have idea when it will land
0:45 Moskow
0:45 Athens
0:35 Rome
0:30 Zurich
0:30 Stuttgart
???? Mallorca will be late but don't know how much
Skopje for 5:25 in the morning already announced to be late.
One of JU's problems right now that is contributing to the delays/cancellations is a fleet issue. A6-SAA is apparently still in AUH, one 733 is apparently broken, One ATR is still in painting, and apparently another ATR is also broken.
DeleteJU really needs to get it's act together with their fleet. They desperatly need more ATRs and A319s.
The problem yesterday was that some flights like Beirut were heavily delayed. BEY had to return to the gate due to a problem with the passenger causing a tremendous delay in the end. In addition to that, YU-APB had a cracked window so it was unable to fly until 11.00. All Atrs were not operational but that wasn't the primary reason for such delays.
DeleteAs for Mallorca, it actually departed 'on time.' The flight had a slot for 19.10. There was nothing that could have been done there.
Also, since the A320 was late in the morning, it caused a whole day of problems. Especially with the Athens flight which had 150 passengers. They gave us quite a headache yesterday (to the airport employees).
EEE moje komsije, Japanac vas pokrao! Puno srece protiv Mexico and Cameroon!!!
ReplyDeleteI am confused .... only SOF airport published the Dalamatian flights starting Aug 2nd .... 2..4..6...as DLN4863
ReplyDeleteThis is the would be CEO, no idea who he is and not meaning to be personal but comes across as someone who is in a bit over hid head here. He will need deep pockets to pull off what he plans here.
Good luck to him,but I doubt we will see this airline flying anytime soon if at all.
Has he lived in Australia, he has this Australian Croatian accent, as if he lived in Ozz for decades, I can still detect Croatian accent too.
you know Trade Air well, whats the chance he plans to use their aircraft?
ReplyDeleteAnd I thought the Japaneses like us Croatians. Definitely not this ref. To je bas bilo sramota!
Don't get me wrong - I'd love to see any airline there up in the air as I think that especially HR and BiH are really badly connected as the national carriers are week and mismanagend. Should it ever make an inaugural flight I'd be amongst the first ones buying a ticket to check it out.
ReplyDeleteLeasing a turbo prop for first month(s) of ops is unlikely as flight times are fixed and seem planned/valid for faster jet a/c as you could read they will have a fleet of A320.
From the bottom of my heart I wish them all the luck on the world...