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Serbia to set up single company to manage all of its airports |
The Serbian government has announced plans to set up a state-run company to manage up to 25 of its airports, including the country’s busiest - Belgrade. The public company running Belgrade Airport will be renamed to “Airports of Serbia” with more than twenty smaller airports to be added to its managing portfolio. The move is believed to be in relation to the upcoming concession or sale of Serbia’s busiest airport, through which the future operator will also gain control to the rest of the country’s airport infrastructure. The Serbian Minister for Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, Zorana Mihajlović, says the company will be set up within days. “Six airports are currently confirmed to be part of the company including those in Niš, Kraljevo and Užice. We are not setting up a stand-alone enterprise, rather, these airports will be added to the “Aerodrom Beograd” company which manages Belgrade Airport”, Ms. Mihajlović said.
With exception to Belgrade, other airports in Serbia have no scheduled flights. Niš Constantine the Great Airport, in the country’s south-east, is expected to see low cost services from next summer season with an agreement to be signed with a budget carrier next month. Meanwhile, Kraljevo’s Morava Airport, in central Serbia, which has a brand new passenger terminal, is yet to be utilised for commercial use with further work needed on lengthening the runway and taxiways. The potential new operator of Belgrade Airport, which the government hope to offload from state funding in the coming future, will also have access to a majority of the country’s airports, which could add to its value.
The Serbian government yesterday confirmed that more than ten companies have expressed interest to take part in the concession of Belgrade Airport, including Germany’s Fraport, which is in the final stages of acquiring a 75.5% stake in Ljubljana Airport. However, the government admits it still hasn’t decided which model it will use for the airport’s privatisation and future expansion. Earlier this week the Serbian Prime Minister said, “Soon we will see how and in which way we will expand Belgrade Airport and build a new runway, whether it will be through concessions or whether a different approach will be used”.
ko svaki put, i svaki dan uvek up to date na ovoj stranici! Svaka cast! podrzsite ist exyuspotters! Pridruzite nam se!
She said yesterday during TV interview at Vršac Airshow something like Wizz Air will fly from Niš, but it was very undefined statement like bla, bla, state airport company, bla, Wizz, Niš.
ReplyDeleteShe can't give more details about INI until they sing agreement in 2 weeks time. Anyway I think NIs will become like Tuzla in short time period. I am just not sure about Airports of Serbia project..
ReplyDeleteIt would be nice if they could develop something like domestic service - connects cities that are far away ( like subotica and nis for example ) with a small aircraft like DHC-6.
DeleteIt waould be awesome we have more paved runway so they can also use emb120 for domestic service. Imagine Nis-Subotica in 30-40 minutes time instead of 6 hours :)
DeleteНе знам зашто ме ово уопште не чуди. Држава Србија полако али сигурно иде ка банкроту а владајућој елити је потребно више него икада да стекне извор из ког ће моћи да се финансира.
ReplyDeleteНе разумем како овај наш напаћени народ још није схватио да је време да се држава полако повуче из управљања фирми које морају бити профитабилне.
Са једне стране, СНС нам говори како мора да се смањи државна управа а онда са друге стварају овакве глупе установе које ће само исисавати и оно мало кинте што нам је преостало.
Србијо међу шљивама. Већ 96 година тобом управљају болиди.
Hello Anonymous August 31, 2014 at 9:35 AM,
DeleteI absolutely agree with you.
25 of its airports? seriously? hahahahahaha
ReplyDeleteWhat exactly is funny here? They are including all the airports in the country, from BEG to the small airfields.
DeleteAre meadows and empty grass fields included, that's funny!
DeleteIt has a control tower and aircraft take off and land there, sounds like an airport to me.
DeleteSo 25 of them have control towers? Really? Which ones are they?
DeleteAt what point have I said '25 of them have control towers'? Why do you have a problem accepting that Serbia has at least 25 functioning airports? Who cares if they have grass runway and serve for agricultural and sport purpose, they still have the status of an airport, and that's how it is whether you like it or not...
Deleteno problem, funny Serbian megalomania, 25 airports, yeah right
DeleteCan you back your argument?
DeleteIn my humble opinion,Serbia has only one international airport that is in function.
DeleteUnfortunately, it seems like you do have a problem, but nevermind...
Your opinion is correct with BEG being the only international airport with flights in/out of it.
Serbia have 2 international airports that are in function.
DeleteBEG and INI.
BEG is in full capaticety, but INI for now isnt.
But INI is full in function, for other airline traffic.
Serbia has 3 international ariports, as official name od Vršac airfileld is
But without tipical serbian megalomania Serbia has 3 airports (Beograd, Nis and Morava whare just BEG has traffic), and 26 airfields (uzletište).
Udruzeni Aerodromi Srbje na celu sa ANT-BEOGRAD jeste za za Niski, Kraljevacki i Uzicki aerodrom, slicno sto je za AIR SERBIA ETIHAD AIRWAYS. Prirodno sa veoma skromnim mogucnostima, ipak dovoljnim za pokretanje potencijala u koje se mora ulagati. Obzirom na inkopententnost, nepostojanje ozbiljnog poznavanja vazdusnog saobracaja za razvoj saobracaja u ovom veku. Nis je blizi poznavanja saobracajne komunikacije. Medjutim Kraljevo, Kragujevac, Krusevac a zatim Cacak, Uzice i ostali manji gradovi koji gravitiraju u centralnoj i juznoj Srbiji izuzev verbalnog izjasnjavanja "za" a bez dirktne saradnje lokalnih privrednih komora, turistickih, poslovnih asocijacija. Nemaju zajednicki concept po mnogo cemu, a o aerodromima da za sada ne pominjem. Izuzev deklarativno. Sto kao i u svemu ostaje jezik bez dela. Kada se na to doda "samoupravljacki" zakoni, amandmani, propisi Marksa Karla i kompanije onda privatna inijacitiva ostaje "tuzan sirak bez igde ikoga"... Menjajte zakone, formirajte korporaciju aerodroma Srbije. Auto putevi sa aerodromima su platform za dinamiku razvoja slobodnih zona biznis klastera... Naravno , zeleznice sa recnim saobracajem su dodatak ovome prije navedenom. Vreme je doslo da deklarativno izjasnjavanje, bezkrajne jalove sednice i prazni jezici budu zamenjeni sa odgovornoscu, realnoscu, efikasnoscu razvoja aerodrmske mreze od pominjanih sest, sedam aerodrome u ovoj Otadzbini koju zovemo SRBIJA. Za ovih sest meseci ocekujem konkretne, pozitivne i prakticne korake. Da bi se razvoj ubrzavao, Covek zaposljavao i hleb nasusni zaradjivao. Tako je i u svetu gde zakon nad ljudima vlada. Svedocim. Rodney Marinkovic, AME. Kraljevo /// Sydney.
ReplyDeleteBEG ne ANT, ako si vazduhoplovac kao sto tvrdis
DeleteANT = Aerodrom Nikola Tesla (skracenica, ne IATA oznaka)
DeleteNe mozete uvoditi oznake kako se vama ćefne. Postoji ICAO i IATA kod. Jel normalno da recimo LJU zovemo LJP Ljubljana (Letališče Jožeta Pučnika)?! Ili INI recimo KVN od Konstantin Veliki??
DeleteKad ce stoka idijotska na vlasti da shvati elementarne stvari. Ja sam kapitalista, tj akcionarski vlasnik aerodromskog preduzeca, i uzrocno posledicno i dela paketa akcija koje je u vlasnistvu akcijkog fonda RS. I kao takvom imam pravo da ucestvujem u upravljanju kapitalom. To su elementarne stvari. I mene kao akcionara interesuju dve stvari. Uvecanje osnovnog kapitala i isplata dividendi. Drzavni aparat u oba slucaja obradujem uplatnicom poreza. I tu je pocetak i kraj svih zdravih odnosa. I sad ce neki idijoti bez biznis plana dosputnog akcionarima da preuzimaju kapitalne vrednosti sumnjive vrednosti i time direktno ugrozavaju zdravi deo kapitala i umanjuju izglede za dividendom a time dovode u pitanje i kapitalnu vrednost pocetnog kapita ???
ReplyDeleteVećinski vlasnik se pita. Inače ova njihova odluka je samo gomilanje administracije. Potpuno pogrešan smjer. Jedan aerodrom, jedan interes, jedno pravno lice. Pod Aerodromima Srbije, nipki aerodorm neće nikada proraditi. Inače ova vaša vlast, o ekonomiji nema tri čiste.
DeletePa o tome ti i pricam. Ja sam i vecinski vlasnik- preko akcijskog fonda i manjinski preko licnih akcija. Ne mogu upravljati mojim kapitalom a da me ne pitaju i informisu o biznis planu. A da su sila , jesu , ali to i dalje ne znaci da su u pravu i da rade kako je najbolje, najjednostavnije i najefikasnije.
DeleteThe idea is good but what's all this TYPICAL Balkan mania of having more airports? Take a country like Spain that had spent so much money on airports and if you ever visit the country, you will see lots of ghostly-town airports. Does Serbia really in need of so many airports?
ReplyDeleteOsnovni razlog za vise manjih aerodrome jeste nta air traffic, domaci, povezan sa nekoliko malimh aerodroma u okolnim drzavama, Crnom Gorom, F.BIH, Republikom Srpskom, Albaniom, FYURM,.. Efikasan brzi prevoz, kao i stvaranje mogucnost usluge i pravo na izbor svakoga ko i kada moze. Pravo coveka na izbor u svemu je krucijalno pravo. Pa podjednako i u avio saobracaju.
DeleteUslov je jedan karta se mora kupiti. Zar se na Balkanu ne postupa isto?. Na ovom prostoru Bakana mogu ce je razvijari avio saobracaj i sa turbo elisnim avionima izmedju 15 i 30 sedista. Mreza letova moze bit pristojno velika i povezana sa vecim aerodromima. Druga je stvar sto ovakav saobracaj nije ranije postojao zbog balkanskih ratnika, i negativnih odnosa stradalih ljudi od cestih sukoba, koji nisu mogli da uzlete vise od sedla magarca ili konja. Bar do sada. Sada sansa se radja. Ako se 100 puta insistira da je nemoguce, onda je i sto prvi put nemoguce. Jedno je sigurno.
Skepticnost i jad su pravac kojim su okupirani preveliki broj ljudi u ovoj zemlji gde neverovatno mnogo su ljudi iznad zakona... Sa takvim ponasanje stanovnistvo nestaje. To je ocigledno. Gde bezakonje vlada u sirotinji se zivi. Jeli to slucaj ovde u Srbiji?. Svakako. Vreme je da se ne opravdava bezakonjem drugoga. Kako moze on?...
Primena zakona nad svima dolazi. Razvoj putnicke avijacije na jugo istoku Evrope takodje. Dali je to moguce? Da!.
Rodney Son & Co. Kraljevo, Sbija
In my humble opinion, the idea of developing air traffic with as little planes as from 15 to 30 seats is mission implausible. The tickets would be much more expensive than with big enough planes. The minimum seat standard for the airliners is now 50 seat configuration (eg ATR42 -600). In addition, the airport for the civilian air traffic has to fulfil a lot of regulations so it requires a lot of money which couldn't be made using these pretty small aircraft mentioned. In Serbia, it's realistic to have two international airports: Belgrade and Niš. In addition, there are and more and more freeways available so no one would make its choice on flying if it comes to the distance of up to 150km by road. Regards, P BL.
DeleteThe minimum seat standard today is 70 seats. 50-seater is not profitable.
DeleteHi Anonymous August 31, 2014 at 9:25 PM, if the minimum seat standard's 70 seats then ATR wouldn't make ATR42-600 at all but ATR72-600 only. Neither of these two are much profitable but, as not being gas guzzlers, they are both good enough for short distance traffic and very suitable for traffic amongst all the airports in the former Yu since the people are rather poor than rich and do not much use the most expensive way of travelling if it's all about short distances . Of course, the ATR72 is a bit more profitable than ATR42 but if usually there are not more than 40 passengers on some routes, why have the 72 and not 42? P BL
DeleteCould this move be to ensure that Abu Dhabi investors (or whoever ends up taking over BEG) is not undercut by a competitor purchasing - or being given for free - an alternative Belgrade/Serbian airport or airfield? If Abu Dhabi invests 500 million Euros at BEG and wants to double or triple airport fees to get a decent ROI then a potential takeover by a competitor at Užice with significantly lower airport fees could canabalise BEG market share. I can assure you, no investor is prepared to invest in or manage 10+ airports for less than 5m ppa. But if you control ALL airports belonging to a market then you eliminate all competition and a monopoly position for the next 20-30 years equals a lot of $$$$$.
ReplyDeleteI could be wrong, of course.
It could also enforce investments on other airports too. A good example is TAV having both SKP and OHD. Whats the point of having a bunch of airports with no traffic while BEG continues to grow? Running an airport costs money.
DeletePersonally, this 'Airports of Serbia' is the worst thing I have heard. It shows the lack of visions the government has on our infrastructure.
It seems Serbia has "Trebinje Airport" too, more precisely, several of them!
DeleteWhy should the Arabs double or triple airport fees?
ReplyDeleteI mean this would turn off airlines en masse.
But an airport lives from as much airlines as possible.
Have you seen what airlines fly to Dubai,Abu Dhabi or Sharjah?
Although these are home bases of Emirates and Etihad there is so much competition.
To follow our logic there should be all other airlines forbidden...
But it is the opposite.
Why did Franch double airport fees in ZAG?
DeleteBecause they are French and they suck when it comes to running a company? Let's see what the Germans do in Ljubljana.
DeleteAnd Arabs are something diferent?
Delete"Zadnje dane kolovoza aerodromi u Dubrovniku i Splitu zaključili su s povijesnim rekordima. Kroz njih je ovaj mjesec prošlo ukupno 712 tisuća putnika, a rast bilježi i zagrebačka zračna luka."
ZAG will have a 10% growth for the month of august, possibly even higher...
DeleteOther countries are breaking up monopolies (see what happened to LHR owner that had to sell other airports in UK) , but Serbia is creating monopolies.
ReplyDeleteThis will just enforce Belgrade bias, particularly if Arabs get it, as it seems most likely.