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Serbia and Croatia to hand Bosnia control of its airspace next week |
For the first time in its history, Bosnia and Herzegovina will take control of its own airspace next Wednesday, October 1. The country will gain sovereignty over its own skies which were up until now administered jointly by Serbia (55%) and Croatia (45%) from air traffic control centres in Belgrade and Zagreb respectively. Bosnia is also set to get hold of some fifteen million euros in annual revenues from airspace operations. The long transition process has been severely delayed. Following the breakup of Yugoslavia, each separate country was supposed to establish its own air traffic control body. However, Bosnia failed to do so with its airspace controlled by international peacekeeping forces until 2007, after which neighbouring Serbia and Croatia took over. As a result, the two countries share revenue from commercial airlines flying over Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Eurocontrol, the Serbia and Montenegro Air Traffic Services Agency (SMATSA), as well as Croatia Control, assisted their Bosnian counterparts with the installation and construction of necessary facilities, the supply and testing of equipment and training of local personnel. More than 23 million euros have been invested in the new air traffic control system, most of which came from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). Bosnia established its Air Navigation Services Agency (BHANSA) back in 2009, which will now be responsible for air transport in the country. Bosnia and Herzegovina will, from October 1, have two airspace control centres, one in Sarajevo and the other in Banja Luka, and they will function together.
The Minister for Transport and Communication of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Damir Hadžić, says, “This is a small step for the region, but a big one for Bosnia. We suffered big financial losses by using the services of our neighbours, but from now on the money will stay in our pockets. This is one of the most complex projects implemented in Bosnia”. The seventeen air traffic controllers from Bosnia and Herzegovina completed their training in Belgrade last year and will take up their positions on October 1. They will gain control of the country’s airspace in phases, with the full transition process, overseen by SMATSA, to be completed within two months.
Congratulations and good luck :)
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone know who cotrnols Kosovo's airspace. Somewhere I read Iceland somewhere Hungary?! And good luck to BiH.
DeleteHUNGAROCONTROL from Budapest
DeleteYes. Hungarocontrol. Name of the sector KFOR
Deletenice to see countries cooperating in the region. Sve najbolje.
ReplyDeleteHmm, kako li su podelili ta dva centra, možda BL kontroliše donji, a SA gornji vazdušni prostor, malo mi je nerealno da tako malu površinu podele na dva dela pa da BL kontroliše sever, a SA jug Bosne?
ReplyDeleteU Bosni sve mora da se deli. Verovatno ni sami ne znaju zbog cega su podelili ali da bi sve strane bile zadovoljene. -.-
DeleteRazlog je vrlo jednostavan. Sve zajednicke agencije koje su oformljene u zadnjih 10ak godina a locirane samo u Sarajevi zaposljavaju ogromnu vecinu musliman. Tako npr. Agencija za Bankarstvo (koja je na nivou BiH, ne Federacije) zaposljava 120 ljudi, od toga 117 mulsimana i to su vecina tu na osnovu rodjackih veza. Ovo je informacija koju sam procitao u (cini mi se) Dnevnom Avazu. Tako da se su se i Srbi malo opametili valjda pa rekli cekaj malo, hoce i oni da imaju neke koristi a jedini nacin je izgleda ovaj. Plus sad ce lokalni bosovi moci i svoje malo da poguraju. Tako to ide tamo, sta da se radi
DeletePlan is for Banjaluka to have lower and FIC (active since July), Sarajevo to watch over upper airspace.
DeleteKao prvo, ne kači se za politikantsvo, jer nisi dorastao tome. Ne znaš, neupućen si i koliko vidim i nisi iz BiH i nemaš oravo da bilo šta kometarišeš na ovom nivou. Samo jedna informacija koja te diskredituje je ta da Agencija za bankarstvo BiH, ne postoji nego samo entitetske agencije. Dalje ne trebamo ništa drugo pričati.
DeleteKao prvo ne bavim se nego samo pokusavam da objasnim zasto bi neko u RS trazio da sve bude ovakvo iako to mozda nema nikakve logike. Kao drugo, objasni mi molim te ko je tebi dao pravo da odredjujes dali neko ima ili nema pravo da komentarise na bilo koju temu. Kad budes imao svoj forum slobodno me iskljuci, a do tada izvini ali moraces da me istrpise. Dali sam ja upucen ili nisam u lokalu politicku situaciju je relativno. Koliko znam jos uvijek nisu izmislili mjeru za to. Ja tvoje misljenje postujem, imas pravo da ga prezentujes kako god hoces iako je dijametralno suprotno od mog.
DeleteI jos par stvari. U pravu si sto se tice ove agencije, mrzi me da trazim doticni tekst ali je bio u nekoj od zajednickih institucija a ima ih dovoljno. Na kraju krajeva dobar dio mojih prijatelja rade u tzv. zajednickim organima tako da mislim da mislim da znam o cemu pricam (t ices naravno I dalje misliti d aneznam ali to je OK). btw. ako te bas zanima, ja sam Srbin koji je rodjen I vecinu svog zivota proveo u Sarajevu tj. na Ilidzi (ako znas gdje je to). Jako cesto posjecujem Istocno Sarajevo I stalno sam u kontaktu jer mi tamo jos uvijek zivi veliki broj prijatelja I rodbine ukljucujuci I moje roditelje. Jeli to po tvojim standardima dovoljno da bi neko imao misljenje ja neznam, odluci sam, ocigledno vec jesi, a pravo da ti kazem nije me ni briga.
Not 1OCT but 13NOV!
ReplyDeleteNo, transition begins 1OCT,entire process will be completed in 2 months/31OCT like it says in the article.
DeleteOT: at the moment Turkish from Skopje with A330, also tonight with A330
DeleteIt's because of Hajj. More people flying.
Deleteso are there Hajj related widebody aircraft at SJJ and PRN?
DeleteToday PRN morning and night flight it's normal with A319, and also SJJ A319/B737
DeleteSarajevo had 6 charter flights with Air Méditerranée A321, transporting about 1200 pilgrims to Mecca, while Skopje is done mostly with Turkish Airlines , same as last year, that's why they are sending A330
DeleteFinally! This took ages, and their system was ready quite some time ago. There was no political will to do it, I guess.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations, BHANSA, and good luck!
OT: Air Canada/Air Canada Rouge announced changes for Summer 2015 and ZAG is not on the list as someone wanted us to believe.
ReplyDeleteIn Europe, they are adding more frequencies to existing destinations and adding more pressure on SkyTeam hubs.
I'm not surprised in all honesty. When you look at all the European destination they don't cover I'd be surprised they add ZAG.
DeleteHopefully the guy here who writes about all those airlines coming to ZAG can take this one of his list; for now at least.
Yeah, well, Zagreb is becoming a huge tourism destination, it's booming, EU entry, regional leader, OU is recovering, new airlines are getting invited, projected +10% 2015 YOY growth, +12% 2016, +16% 2017 when OU gets those Airbuses they ordered etc. etc. If you disagree, you're an evil Serbian nationalist! (lol)
DeleteJa kad sam lepo rekao da Air Canada nece leteti za ZAG bio sam napadnut od tog strucnjaka koji izgleda nema pojama .
OT: Are there any updates on the US-Serbia bilateral since this was published on Tuesday?
OT: After a very long time, Belgrade is no longer listed in the "New Route Launches" list in the upper right corner of this blog. Is this "quiet before the storm" scenario or is it possible that no viable routes are left to be announced for Summer 2015?
ReplyDeleteIt's still pretty early for summer. But lets wait and see on JUs first anniversary in a month, I'm sure there will be some press conference.
DeleteAgreed, first anniversary is a great opportunity for announcements. Unfortunately for Air Serbia, some of old JAT's traditional Mediterranean destinations (Egypt, Libya, Syria, Iraq) are far from stable while potential new opportunities in Russia/Ukraine markets are dampened by the crisis in the region, so it narrows down options for new destinations.
DeleteYou might expect Madrid and Cairo.
DeleteOS will resume flights to Baghdad from January 2015, so wonder how they feel it's safe. They also fly from other Iraqi cities.
JU should consider Kuwait, Amman, or Baku flights.
DeleteI was thinking AMM also, but they have a very strong home carrier and are generally much better connected than BEY... Maybe a tag flight with LCA would work.
DeleteMaybe they should expand to Madrid, Barcelona, Hamburg and Saint Petersburg.
DeleteRegarding JU, expect to see some new updates in the ME/Indian subcontinent soon. Hint: aircraft utilisation and EY :) news on long hault (NA, Asia) should come soon.
DeleteAs to OS, BGW seems ok but turn around times in BGW are very long. Foreign airline companies tend to fly in security personal to oversee the loading of cargo and other ramp operations related to the specific flight, for added security. Flights as recent as this month have been cancelled due to security concerns.
^ give us more info regarding you first sentence. I heard somewhere that YU will operate both of the two daily flights to AUH ( air serbia skyscrapercity forum)
DeleteEY will remove from its fleet both their A319 a/c. Both BEG-AUH flights should operate with JU metal, one as EY71/72 and one as JU800/801. Both flights will operate with JU crew.
DeleteWhile the a/c is on ground in AUH, it will operate flights on behalf of EY, most likely with JU crew. MCT is one of the destinations.
As for the EY A319, it will be interesting to see where they go, would be nice to see them come to JU as more A319's will be needed.
Cant Etihad upgrade BEG route to a airbus 320 or even a 321? Also do you know whether there are any new destinations to be announced from JU?
ReplyDeleteBER je zkroz propao raskinuli su porudzbinu vise od 18 B737NG i 15 B789 .
Da bi ustedeli vise od 5 Mrd USD .
A ona kompanija za Maribor je propala nema nista od toga =D
A što je BER?
DeleteICAO-Code za Air Berlin =D
Ko da se snadje kad se upotrebljava IATA kad ICAO ;)
Delete15 million Euros per year will buy the politicians in BiH lots of new cars and apartments. I am willing to bet that not much will be reinvested into the ATC system.
ReplyDeleteI hate to sound cynical but the tract record is not that good.
Nažalost kupili su prastari sustav koji je već 2007. kad je naručen bio zastario tako da će kontrolirati samo donji dio zračnog prostora do FL325, očekuje se max 5 aviona odjednom u sektoru što je smješno, za više tko zna kada... A ova lakrdija sa dvije kontrole u Sarajevu i Banja Luci ima samo ovdje na Balkanu!
ReplyDeleteTebi bas krivo, a?
Deletegreat news, now others need to jump on and competition should set in, 500 euros is still too much even for a return ticket, should be around $500 for a return ticket, but competition is on if BA, Lufthansa, Austrian and others start to offer similar deals.
ReplyDeleteBTW Zagreb was visited by 175000 North American visitors this year so far, 300 000 visitors are expected this year, September figures should be published in mid October.
It would be nice to see a direct flights out of Zagreb to NYC and Toronto, if Air Canada Rouge starts its flights next year that should go long way in making Zagreb very attractive place.
BTW, Zagreb Metro to be built, or at least local politicians are saying Metro will be built with the help of EU money. 4 lines are planned and some 58 stops.
" if Air Canada Rouge starts its flights next year that should go long way in making Zagreb very attractive place. "
ReplyDeleteYou must be some kind of a bot. It was posted yesterday (see below) that AC Rouge will NOT start ZAG in S2015 season.
Čovek opisuje jednu tipičnu balkansku lakrdiju gde ne postoji logika, tako da ti je pitanje glupo sine...
ReplyDeleteNe, vec je tipicni samorproglaseni balkanski strucnjak za sve i svasta, i koji zbog svog jala ima potrebu da bilo sta napise, kolika god neznalica bio.
DeleteCijeli proces ce biti okoncan 13.11.2015, kada ce ta zastarjela oprema koju je certificirao Eurocontrol preuzeti i gornji dio iznad FL325